Migrations to Development or Maintenance

Saved and/or cataloged objects can be migrated out of PAC to development or maintenance from Control, or a test or production status for the purpose of maintenance, ongoing development, or to access source code for the object outside the confines of PAC. Migrations to development or maintenance may be processed in batch or online.

Only the Copy option is possible for migrations to development or maintenance from production or Control; a copy of the objects must remain in Control and production. Both the Copy and Move options are possible for migrations from a test status.

For migrations out of PAC, views/DDMs can be included on a list that comprises only Natural or both Natural and foreign objects. If views are placed in the object list, these will be migrated to the Predict file identified by the development or maintenance application status link definition.

An object status entry is created to audit the fact that the object is being migrated to a maintenance status; a change control log is created and updated with the check-out information, and optionally verified by User Exit 7. See Maintaining Natural Objects in PAC for more information. No such entry is created for a migration to a development status: PAC does not maintain change control information for objects migrated to a development status.

Currently, check-out to maintenance is not available for foreign objects.

If a maintenance request is defined for the migration event, then the objects are also added to the maintenance request Related Object Versions list.