Validating a Migration List

The migration list must be validated before the migration event may be authorized. Validation occurs after the migration event has been defined and the list of objects has been selected.

Once the migration list has been created, it is validated immediately unless you specified N in the Validate List field on the Add Event screen. In that case, access the Modify Event screen for the event when you are ready to validate the migration list and overtype the N in the Validate List field with Y.

In either case, the validation is performed for the current status of the objects in the list; that is, the precise definition of the object specified in the migration list must exist at the time the validation check is performed.

Validation of migration lists of events with source status External takes place during event processing. Automatic validation during authorization will be suppressed (for performance reasons). By default, the Validate List option is set to N for such events and can not be set to Y.

This document covers the following topic:

Correcting Errors in the Migration List

If an entry in the migration list fails the validation check, a window is displayed so that you can modify the entry.

Review the entry and determine the exact cause of the error. Use the following table as a guide to problem resolution:

Error Questions

Object name Is the name spelled correctly?
Object type Is the type valid? Is the type consistent with the object name?
Range notation Is the range notation for the object name valid for the migration path? For archiving or retiring, is the range notation valid for the migration type?
Version number Is the number within the acceptable PAC range? For a rule or view, was the version registered to the application in a previous migration?
Status name Is the name valid? Does the object currently exist in the specified status?
Replace option object list Object list replace option Replace option If set to N (no) in a migration to development, does the object already exist in development?
Rules and views For verification rules or userviews, was the Predict migration done? For rules or views, was the object registered to the application in a previous migration?
Number of entries Is there more than the one allowed entry in the migration list for incorporation or migration from development that includes input from a work file?

If you are unable to resolve the error, either press PF3 to exit the validation check, or comment out the entry by placing "*" or "**" in the first two positions of that entry.

PAC then treats this entry as a comment.