General Installation Steps

This section covers the following topics:

Installation Tape

The installation tape contains the datasets listed in the table below. The sequence of the datasets is shown in the Report of Tape Creation, which accompanies the installation tape. The notation n in the dataset name represents the SM level of the product, for example PAC Version 2.6.1.

Tape Contents

Datasets required for PAC and PAA:

Dataset Name Contents
PAC26n.INPL Natural modules in INPL format loaded into libraries SYSPAC, SYSPACA, SYSPACUS, SYSPAA, SYSPAAUS, SYSPAAA on the FNAT and into SYSTEM libraries on the FNAT and FUSER. DCB=(RECFM=VB,LRECL=4624,BLKSIZE=4628)
PAC26n.SYS1 PAC system file (ACF) in Adabas ADAULD format and database description. Contains the data to be loaded into the ACF file. DCB=(RECFM=VB,LRECL=9996,BLKSIZE=10000)
PAC26n.SYS2 PAC system file (PCF) in Adabas ADAULD format and database description. DCB=(RECFM=VB,LRECL=9996,BLKSIZE=10000)
PAC26n.SRCE (z/OS only) Contains the batch procedure PACBATCH. DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=6320)
PAC26n.JOBS (z/OS and BS2000) Sample installation jobs. DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=6320)
PAC26n.DATA JCL texts to be loaded into the ACF. DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=6320)
PAC26n.UTIL Utilities PACN*, MIG*, MG*, COMPARE for migration PAC/PAA objects. DCB=(RECFM=VB,LRECL=4624,BLKSIZE=4628)
PAA26n.SYSF PAA system file in Adabas ADAULD format and database description. Contains the data to be loaded into the PAA system file. DCB=(RECFM=VB,LRECL=9996,BLKSIZE=10000)
PAC26n.TAPE (VM/CMS) Sample installation jobs. DCB=(RECFM=U,LRECL=0,BLKSIZE=5000)
PAC26n.LIBJ (z/VSE) Sample installation jobs. DCB=(RECFM=U,LRECL=0,BLKSIZE=16632)

Copying to a BS2000/OSD Disk

If you are not using SMA, use the procedure described below. In this procedure, the values specified below must be supplied. To copy the datasets from tape to disk, perform the following steps:

  1. Copy the library SRVnnn.LIB from tape to disk.

    This step is not necessary if you have already copied the library SRVnnn.LIB from another Software AG tape. For more information, refer to the element #READ-ME in this library. The library SRVnnn.LIB is stored on the tape as the sequential file SRVnnn.LIBS containing LMS commands. The current version nnn can be obtained from the Report of Tape Creation. To convert this sequential file into an LMS-library, execute the following commands:

      /   VOLUME=<volser>, DEV-TYPE=<tape-device>)
      @READ  '/'
      @WRITE  'SRVnnn.LIBS'
      /MOD-JOB-SW  ON=1
      /MOD-JOB-SW  OFF=1

    Where: tape-device is the device-type of the tape, e.g. TAPE-C4
    volser is the VOLSER of the tape (see Report of Tape Creation).

  2. Copy the procedure COPY.PROC from tape to disk.

    To copy the procedure COPY.PROC to disk, call the procedure P.COPYTAPE in the library SRVnnn.LIB:

      /   (VSNT=volser, DEVT=tape-device)

    If you use a TAPE-C4 device, you may omit the parameter DEVT.

  3. Copy all Product Files from Tape to Disk

    To copy all Software AG product files from tape to disk, enter the procedure COPY.PROC:


    If you use a TAPE-C4 device, you may omit the parameter DEVT. The result of this procedure is written to the file L.REPORT.SRV.

Copying to a VM/CMS Disk

  1. To position the tape for the TAPE LOAD command, calculate the number of tape marks as follows:

    If the sequence number of PAC26n.TAPE - as shown by the Report of Tape Creation - is n, you must position over 3n-2 tape marks (that is, FSF 1 for the first dataset, FSF 4 for the second, etc.).

  2. Access the disk that is to contain the PAC/PAA installation files as minidisk.

  3. Ask the system operator to attach a tape drive to your virtual machine at address X'181' and mount the PAC/PAA installation tape.

  4. When the tape has been attached, enter the VM/CMS command: TAPE REW

  5. Position the tape by entering the VM/CMS command: TAPE FSF nWhere n is calculated as above (3*n-2).

  6. Load the PAC/PAA VM/CMS installation material with the VM/CMS command: TAPE LOAD * * minidisk

You may wish to keep the tape drive attached to your virtual machine, because the tape is still required in the installation procedure.

Copying to a z/OS Disk

If you are using System Maintenance Aid (SMA), refer to the SMA documentation (included on the current edition of the Natural documentation CD). If you are not using SMA, follow the instructions below. This section explains how to:

  • Copy data set COPY.JOB from tape to disk.

  • Modify this data set to conform with your local naming conventions.

The JCL in this data set is then used to copy all data sets from tape to disk. If the datasets for more than one product are delivered on the tape, the dataset COPY.JOB contains the JCL to unload the datasets for all delivered products from the tape to your disk.

After that, you will have to perform the individual install procedure for each component.

  1. Copy data set COPY.JOB from tape to disk

    The data set COPY.JOB (label 2) contains the JCL to unload all other existing data sets from tape to disk. To unload COPY.JOB, use the following sample JCL:

    //* ---------------------------------
    // DISP=(OLD,PASS),
    // UNIT=(CASS,,DEFER),
    // VOL=(,RETAIN,SER=<Tnnnnn>),
    // LABEL=(2,SL)
    //SYSUT2 DD DSN=<hilev>.COPY.JOB,
    // UNIT=3390,VOL=SER=<vvvvvv>,
    // SPACE=(TRK,(1,1),RLSE),
    // DCB=*.SYSUT1

    <hilev> is a valid high level qualifier.
    <Tnnnnn> is the tape number.
    <vvvvvv> is the desired volser.

  2. Modify COPY.JOB to conform with your local naming conventions.

    There are three parameters you have to set before you can submit this job:

    • Set HILEV to a valid high level qualifier.

    • Set LOCATION to a storage location.

    • Set EXPDT to a valid expiration date.

  3. Submit COPY.JOB

    Submit COPY.JOB to unload all other data sets from the tape to your disk.

Copying to a z/VSE Disk

If you are using System Maintenance Aid (SMA), refer to the SMA documentation (included on the current edition of the Natural documentation CD). If you are not using SMA, follow the instructions below.

This section explains how to:

  • Copy data set COPYTAPE.JOB from tape to library.

  • Modify this member to conform with your local naming conventions.

The JCL in this member is then used to copy all data sets from tape to disk.

If the datasets for more than one product are delivered on the tape, the member COPYTAPE.JOB contains the JCL to unload the datasets for all delivered products from the tape to your disk, except the datasets that you can directly install from tape, for example, Natural INPL objects.

After that, you will have to perform the individual install procedure for each component.

  1. Copy data set COPYTAPE.JOB from tape to disk.

    The data set COPYTAPE.JOB (file 5) contains the JCL to unload all other existing data sets from tape to disk. To unload COPYTAPE.JOB, use the following sample JCL:

    * $$ JOB JNM=LIBRCAT,CLASS=0,                                          + 
    * $$ DISP=D,LDEST=(*,UID),SYSID=1                                       
    * $$ LST CLASS=A,DISP=D                                                  
    // JOB LIBRCAT                                                           
    * *****************************************                              
    *     CATALOG COPYTAPE.JOB TO LIBRARY                                    
    * *****************************************                              
    // ASSGN SYS004,NNN                                <------  tape address 
    // MTC REW,SYS004                                                        
    // MTC FSF,SYS004,4                                                      
    ASSGN SYSIPT,SYS004                                                      
    // TLBL IJSYSIN,'COPYTAPE.JOB'                                           
    // EXEC LIBR,PARM='MSHP; ACC S=lib.sublib'         <------- for catalog
    // MTC REW,SYS004                                                          
    ASSGN SYSIPT,FEC                                                         
    * $$ EOJ      

    <hilev> is a valid high level qualifier.

  2. Modify COPYTAPE.JOB to conform with your local naming conventions and complete the disk space parameters before you can submit this job.

  3. Submit COPYTAPE.JOB to unload all other data sets from the tape to your disk.

Which Installation Method?

The installation method you choose depends on whether PAC/PAA is already installed at your site. There are two methods of installing PAC/PAA: first-time installation and conversion installation. In addition, it is possible to install PAA in a separate environment or install PAC Utilities at a remote site.

First-Time Installation

If you have not previously installed PAC / PAA, or if you currently have an earlier version of PAC / PAA, and want to install PAC / PAA version 2.6.1 as a separate system and will not be migrating or converting the current existing PAC and PAA data, go straight to First-Time Installation.

Conversion Installation from Previous Installed Versions

  • PAC from 2.5.n

PAC conversion processes described in sectionUpgrading PAC may cause.

  • The overwriting and deletion of Natural objects in libraries SYSPAC, SYSPACA, SYSPACUS, SYSPAA, SYSPAAA, and SYSPAAUS in the FNAT.

  • The overwriting of modules SYSPAC, SYSPACA, SYSPAA, and SYSPAAA in the SYSTEM libraries in the FNAT and the FUSER.

  • The deletion of modules with names beginning in 'MIG', 'MG', 'PAC', and 'PAA' from the SYSTEM libraries in the FNAT and the FUSER.

  • The overwriting and deletion of error messages for libraries SYSPAC and SYSPAA in the FNAT.

  • The overwriting of JCL texts in the ACF.

To keep the old PAC/PAA Natural objects (user exit subprograms included) and error messages you should back them up or use another (FNAT, FUSER) pair.

To keep the JCL texts currently in the ACF you can rename them using the PAC maintenance function.

The contents of the ACF and the PCF have to be modified to accommodate PAC 2.6.1. Back up the current contents of the ACF and the PCF before starting the conversion.

Having upgraded PAC you may need to modify user profiles, JCL texts, or application - production status links; use PAC administration and maintenance functions described in the PAC Administration documentation and the PAC User's Guide to do it.

Pre-Installation Steps

Before you begin to install PAC/PAA 2.6.1, ensure that all pending PAC migration events (Started or Authorized state) are completed or backed out. Ensure that all PAC entities are resolved and unlocked. Otherwise, inconsistencies may arise during conversion.

Before you begin installation of PAC/PAA version 2.6.1, do the following:

  1. Back up PAC/PAA System Files
    Back up your existing PAC ACF and PCF system files, and the PAA system file that contains your PAA data. You must also backup the FNAT file(s) where PAC/PAA version 2.5 was installed and the FUSER and FDIC files where Natural objects were placed under PAC/PAA control.

  2. Back up your user exits
    Back up your user exits, otherwise, these routines will be overwritten when PAC/PAA is installed. User-modifiable routines have the following prefixes: PACEX* PAAEX*.

    Customized routines may need to be modified before using them in PAC/PAA version 2.6.1 For information on modifying these routines, refer to Customizing PAC/PAA.

  3. Rename JCL Texts
    To preserve the JCL texts currently in the ACF, rename them using the PAC maintenance function.

  4. Backup and Delete System Libraries and Modules
    SMA Reference: Job I051, Step 1700 / 1701 / 1702 / 1703 / 1704 / 1705

    Backup and delete the following:


    • Modules SYSPAC, SYSPACA, SYSPAA, SYSPAAA from library SYSTEM on the FNAT and FUSER.

    • Module COMPARE and those modules whose names begin in MIG, MG, PAC and PAA from library SYSTEM on the FNAT and FUSER.

    This step is required because numerous PAC/PAA modules from previous versions have been discontinued.