User Exit Defaults

User exits are sets of CALLNATs in PAC. Each such set is a set of CALLNATs of a subprogram of a particular name documented in PAC Reference documentation. The user can write the subprogram himself using the parameters described in PAC Reference documentation. If then the subprogram is catalogued in SYSPAC or its step library and the user exit is "switched on" by the PAC administrator with the facility described in this section, the subprogram will be called in certain situations. If the subprogram is available, but the user exit is not switched on, the CALLNATs of the exit are bypassed. If the user exit is switched on, but the subprogram is not available, NAT0082 occurs. Apart from the subprogram names PAC user exits have numbers. There are 37 of them, numbered as follows: 1-28, 30-32, 34-38, 40.

For each (numbered) PAC user exit, there is a switch at any time set to NO (N) for "off" or YES (Y) for "on". To see or modify these settings enter Code U on the General Defaults menu.

The User Exit Defaults menu appears:

18:42:28          ***** PREDICT APPLICATION CONTROL *****           2000-04-20
  User SAGU                - User Exit Defaults -                               
                    Code  Sub-Function                                          
                    ----  ----------------------------------                    
                      D   Display User Exits                                    
                      M   Modify User Exits                                     
                      ?   Help                                                  
                      .   Exit                                                  
                    ----  ----------------------------------                    
             Code ... _                                                         
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit                                                  Canc

Enter Code D to display the settings of the user exit switches or Code M to modify them. In the first case, a Display User Exits screen appears; in the second case, the following Modify User Exits screen appears. The two screens differ in that, on the first screen, the fields of the first column containing the settings of the switches are protected while, on the second screen, they are not.

18:43:38          ***** PREDICT APPLICATION CONTROL *****             2000-04-20
  User SAGU                 - Modify User Exits -                               
  Page  1                                         Modified: 1998-04-06 by EDSW  
  Used    Number    Exit Description                                            
  ----    ------    ------------------------------------------------------------
   N         1      PAC initialization user exit                                
   N         2      PAC termination user exit                                   
   N         3      Adabas file security exit (MIGEX003)         
   N         4      PAC entity purge validation                                 
   N         5      Concurrent migration verification                           
   N         6      Compilation error verification                              
   N         7      Change Control List verification                            
   N         8      Application location validation (Appl-Status link)          
   N         9      Verification of duplicate objects for migration             
   N        10      Migration object list verification                          
   N        11      General validation for batch job                            
   N        12      Batch job submission verification                            
         Enter options (above), or '?' (help) or '.' (exit): __                 
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit  Date        --    -     +                       Canc

To change the user exit switch settings, remember to press ENTER before using PF3 to return to the User Exits Defaults menu.

Press PF4 to see when and by whom the default applymod values were last modified.