Run Numbers

This document covers the following topics:

For more information, see the section Run Number in the User's Guide.

Run Numbers

Active Objects in Entire Operations are identified additionally by a run number, which is assigned to them automatically during the creation of an active object. Active networks or jobs are created during a network activation or job activation.

  • Run numbers are unique on the job network level.

  • Run numbers can be assigned to planned activations too. In the planning phase, no active jobs exist for a given run number.

  • There is no guarantee that the numbering of network activation is ascending with the activation times.

Run Number Range

For a new network, the creation of run numbers starts with 1. If the highest allowed run number is reached, the numbering of active networks starts with 1 again. Imported Job Networks continue with their numbering from the previous environment.

The highest allowed run number can be defined with the System Administrator Services function (see the Administration documentation).

Reserved Run Numbers

Some run numbers are used by Entire Operations for special purposes. These numbers may not be used for any user networks and jobs.

Table of Reserved Run Numbers

Run Number Equivalent Usage
-1  abs  Internal representation of the condition reference absolute.
-2  void  Internal representation of the condition reference void.
-3  K-RUN-MACROTEST  Used during testing of Macro programs.
-4  K-RUN-PREGENERATED  Used for the storage of pregenerated JCL.