Global User Exits

Each global user exit may exist only once within the whole Entire Operations installation.

All global user exits are optional.

The user exits must reside as Natural objects in any defined Natural steplib library. In an environment without Natural Security, the exits must reside in the SYSEORU library.

The existence of the defined global user exits is checked during the Entire Operations Monitor startup. If at least one of these exits cannot be found, the Entire Operations Monitor performs an immediate shutdown.

This document covers the following topics:

Related Topic:

Global Exit for Version Names


If specified, this exit will check each newly created network version name or symbol table version name.

The exit must be coded as a Natural subprogram.

Parameter List

The parameter list is named NOPXPL-A (described in the User's Guide) and is available in the Entire Operations library.

Include it in the exit with:

Parameter Meaning
P-CALL-PLACE NVN For network version checking.
SVN For symbol table version checking

Return Codes

P-RC Meaning
0 The version name is OK.

The version name is rejected by the exit. If the version name is rejected, the content of P-RT will be shown as error message.

If P-RT is empty, a generic error message will be shown.

Global JCL Activation Exit


If specified, this exit will be used for each job activation by Entire Operations.

The exit must be coded as a Natural subprogram. It is possible to modify almost all fields which describe the JCL location.

You must set P-RC := 1 to make the modifications valid.

The modifications are effective only for the current run, but not for the job's master definition.

Parameter List

The parameter list is named AJCLX1-A and is available in the Entire Operations library.

Include it in the exit with:


Return Codes

P-RC Meaning
0 OK, no modification of the JCL location.
1 OK, JCL location was modified by exit.
other Access to JCL file denied, or other problem. In this case, the JCL load for the given job will be interrupted.

Global Symbol Modification Exit


User-defined symbols may be modified and validation checks carried out during a job network activation. If defined, this exit will be invoked during the activation of all job networks for which no specific symbol prompting or modification exit was defined.

In the case of user-defined map(s) and validation checks during the symbol prompting for a job network activation, the symbols must be read and updated by the EOR API routine NOPUSY6N (see API Routines in the User's Guide). This API routine also allows sequential reading in the active symbol table.

See also Specifying User Exits for Symbol Modification in the section Symbol Table and Symbol Maintenance in the User's Guide.

Parameter List

The user exit is to be written as a Natural subprogram and must use the supplied parameter list NOPSYP3A (see the section User Exits in the User's Guide). This parameter list contains all environment parameters needed.

A list of symbol tables used for this network activation will be passed.

Return Codes

P-RC Meaning
0 OK, modifications were done.
1 OK, no symbols prompted or modified.
2 Activation cancelled.
3 (on input) Rewrite modified symbols to master symbol table.

Global Symbol Not Found Exit


This exit is invoked during the activation of all job networks for which no specific symbol prompting or modification exit was defined and symbol search failed within the existing hierarchy.

All actions of this exit will be logged.

Parameter List

For this exit, the common exit parameter list NOPXPL-A (described in the User's Guide) is used. The field P-CALL-PLACE contains SNF.

Return Codes

P-RC Meaning
0 Exit returned another symbol value.
1 Accept that the symbol is missing; skip replacement.
2 Use another symbol instead. The returned symbol value will be preceded by the current escape character and followed by a dot, which will be used as a wildcard. This causes a new symbol replacement with the returned symbol.
3 Exit returns:
symbol not found
The symbol replacement is not successful.

Global Message Sending Exit

If specified, this exit can be used by Entire Operations for message sending. The exit must be coded as a Natural subprogram.

Extensive use of this exit can cause considerable overhead.

This section covers the following topics:


Parameter Meaning
N Never use this exit.
S Use for explicit sending via exit only (=EXIT).
D Additionally for all defined message send actions.
A For all events.

Parameter List

The parameter list is named NOPMSG-A and is available in the Entire Operations library.

Include it in the exit with:


Return Codes

P-RC Meaning
0 Exit execution was OK.
1 Temporary error. The Entire Operations Monitor should try to send the message through the exit later.
2 Permanent error. The Entire Operations Monitor should not try to send the message through the exit later.