Using a Database Structure

This section gives a basic overview of database structure and accessing data using Super Natural.

This section covers the following topics:

What is a Database?

A database is a collection of data. The data within a database is stored in files.

Files are groups of related data stored together and treated as one unit, for example, all the information about pricing is held in the demonstration file SAG-TOURS-E-PRICES. The data within a file is stored in records.

Records are smaller sets of related data treated as a unit for example, all the information about a particular company in the demonstration file SAG-TOURS-E-COMPANY. The data within a record is organized into fields.

Fields contain the values which you are interested in.

The diagram below gives an overview of database structure:


Accessing Data UsingSuper Natural

Natural is a language which a programmer can use to access the data stored in the database. Super Natural is a Natural application or collection of programs written in Natural.Super Naturalpresents the end-user with an interface which allows him to choose what he wants to do with the data stored in the database. According to the entries the user makes, Super Natural generates the Natural programs which can access the database and extract the data required.