System Variables

This section describes the system variables available in Super Natural.

This section covers the following topics:


Format/length: A8.

This system variable contains the ID of the library which the user is using.


Format/length: A32.

If Natural Security is installed, this variable contains the name of the library which the user is using.

If Natural Security is not installed, this variable contains the name SYSTEM.

*DAT Variables

All *DAT variables contain the current date. The format of the date is different for each date variable, as indicated below.

Date Variable Format/Length Date Format
*DATG A15 DDmonthnameYYYY (Gregorian date)
*DATJ A5 YYDDD (Julian date)
*DAT4J A7 YYYYDDD (Julian date)
*DATX D Internal date format

* D = day, M = month, Y = year.


Format/length: A8.

This system variable contains the device type/mode from which Natural has been invoked. It may contain one of the following values:

Value Description
BATCH batch mode
COLOR 3279 compatibility3278 (device with extended attribute support)
VIDEO 3270 screen devices
TTY teletype or other start/stop devices
PC PC device
BTX BTX device


Format/length: A8.

This system variable is applicable under Natural Security only. It contains the ID with which the user has logged on to a protected library.

If the user is directly linked to the library, *GROUP contains the user's ID. If the user is linked to the library via a group, *GROUP contains the group ID.

If the user is logged on to an unprotected library (where no link is used), *GROUP is blank.

If Natural SECURITY is not active, *GROUP is blank.


Format/length: A8.

This system variable contains the name of the hardcopy device which is used when the hardcopy function is used.


Format/length: A8.

This system variable contains the ID of the terminal from which Natural was invoked. The terminal ID is defined according to the conventions of the host TP system.

In batch mode, *INIT-ID contains the step name of the Natural job.


Format/length: A8.

This system variable contains the ID of the user logged on at the terminal being used. In batch mode, it contains the job name of the Natural job. Under BS2000/OSD, it contains the BS2000/OSD logon identification.


Format/length: I1.

This system variable contains the language indicator (language code) of the language you are using. A one-character code is assigned to each language.

The following languages are assigned to the individual language codes if they are available at your site.

Code Language
1 English
2 German
3 French
4 Spanish
5 Italian
6 Dutch
7 Turkish
8 Danish
9 Norwegian
10 Albanian
11 Portuguese
12 Chinese Latin (Republic of China)
13 Czech
14 Slovak
15 Finnish
16 Hungarian
17 Icelandic
18 Korean
19 Polish
20 Romanian
21 Swedish
22 Croatian
23 Catalan
24 Basque
25 Afrikaans
26 Bulgarian
27 Greek
28 Japanese (Katakana)
29 Russian
30 Serbian
31 Arabic
32 Farsi (Iran)
33 Hebrew
34 Urdu (Pakistan)
51 Hindi
52 Malayan
53 Thai
57 Chinese (People's Republic of China)
58 Chinese (Republic of China)
59 Japanese (Kanji)
60 Korean


Format/length: A8.

This system variable contains the current Natural library ID (as specified by the user in the LOGON command).

This variable is the equivalent of the variable *APPLIC-ID.


Format/length: A8.

This system variable contains the name of the operating system that is being used.


Format/length: P5.

This system variable contains the current page number of an output report.


Format/length: A8.

This system variable contains the name of the Natural program that is currently being executed.

*TIM Variables

*TIM variables contain the current time. The format of the time is different for each variable, as indicated below:

Time Variable Format/Length Time Format
*TIMX T Internal time format


Format/length: A8.

This system variable contains the name of the TP monitor that is being used. In batch mode, *TPSYS is blank.


Format/length: A8.

This system variable contains the user ID used in the Natural Security logon.

If Automatic Logon (profile parameter AUTO=ON) is active, the value of *USER is identical to the value of the system variable *INIT-USER.

If Natural Security is not active, the value of *USER is identical to the value of the system variable *INIT-USER.


Format/length: A32.

If Natural Security is installed, this variable contains the name of the user currently logged on to Natural.

If Natural Security is not active, the default is SYSTEM.