Using Super Natural

This section describes how to start using Super Natural.

This section covers the following topics:

Screen and Window Structure

A system of screens and windows guides you through Super Natural. From these screens and windows you can select object types and functions.

This documentation describes and shows Super Natural screens and windows as they are distributed by Software AG.

Some of the screens and windows shown in this documentation may look different from those you see on your terminal screen. If this is the case, your Super Natural administrator has changed your user profile. For further information on user profiles, see User Profile or ask your administrator.

The following are a few examples of differences due to user profile modifications:

  • The Menu is not the first screen to appear when you log on to Super Natural

  • Screen layout is different

  • Functions or options shown in the documentation are missing.


The word screen is used in this documentation for a page which a program displays on your terminal screen. Screens display information and also allow you to make entries which are then processed by Super Natural. Screens provide the basis for complex functions.

All Super Natural screens are similarly structured and can be divided into the three sections: Header, Work Area and Command Area.



The first section of each Super Natural screen is the header. By default, the first line shows the time on the left, the product name in the center and part of the date on the right. The second line shows the title of the screen and, the program name and the rest of the date. The program name is displayed for administrative purposes only. You can change the position and contents of the items in the first two header lines. For further information, see User Profile. The third line is an information line which displays paging information when relevant.


Work Area

The second section is individual to each screen. The work area is where you interact with Super Natural by making entries and receiving results. You use the work area to determine how data is processed. The following figure shows a sample work area:

 Cmd  Name     Description                                                      
  __  DATACH2  (92-11-11 11:42)____________________________________________     
  __  DATACH3  Destination EDITOR__________________________________________     
  __  DATACH4  DATA MAINT__________________________________________________     
  __  DATA2    data maintenance transaction type UPDATE SINGLE_____________     
  __  DATA3    data maintenance transaction type UPDATE MULTIPLE___________     
  __  DATA4    data maintenance logging destination EDITOR_________________     
  __  DATA5    data maintenance deletion___________________________________     
  __  DATA6    data maintenance transaction type DELETE____________________     
  __  DATA7    (91-09-10 14:55)____________________________________________     
  __  DATA8    (91-09-10 15:33)____________________________________________     
  __  DAT9     (91-09-11 18:07)____________________________________________     
  __  DDM1     SAG ch prices_______________________________________________     
 Add  _______                                                                   
                                                       Library: SBE____ / U     
 Cmd(s): Modify, Execute, Copy, Delete, Info                                    

Command Area

The third section of each Super Natural screen is the command area. The command area contains the message line, the command line and the PF key lines. You can change the position of the message and PF key lines; for further information, see User Profile.


Message Line

The Super Natural message line displays Super Natural system messages. There are several types of system messages:

  • Acknowledgements tell you when a function has been successfully or unsuccessfully performed

  • Prompts tell you what to do next.

  • Error messages tell you if you have made a mistake. Error messages are identified by a four-figure number before the text.

Command Line

You can enter commands and command abbreviations in the Super Natural command line.

For further information on commands, see Commands.

PF Key Lines

The PF key lines show which PF keys (program function keys) are allocated to which functions. The PF key lines only show the functions available from the screen currently displayed. PF keys are described later in this section.

You can display the PF key lines in ISA format, SAA format or as a cursor-sensitive bar by changing your user profile. For further information, see PF Key Settings in User Profile.

The ENTER key is also listed in the PF key lines and is described later in this section.


If you think of a screen as a piece of paper, a window is like a smaller piece of paper placed on top of it. Windows can also appear placed on top of each other. Windows are always relevant to the screen underneath them.

The following diagram shows the Application List screen with the Add Application window:

 11:34                      ***** Super Natural *****                11.Jan.1993
 SN1130                        - Application List -                       Monday
 Cmd  Name     Descriptio +------------------Add Application-------------------+
      *______             !                                                    !
  __  APPL1    __________ ! Application ID .... _______                        !
  __  APPL2    __________ ! Description ....... ______________________________ !
  __           __________ !                     ______________________________ !
  __           __________ ! Application name .. ________                       !
  __           __________ ! Start-up program .. MENU____                       !
  __           __________ !                                                    !
  __           __________ ! More parameters ... N (Y/N)                        !
  __           __________ ! More commands ..... N (Y/N)                        !
  __           __________ !                                                    !
  __           __________ +----------------------------------------------------+

The following diagram shows the Application List screen with a series of 3 open windows:

 16:41                      ***** Super Natural *****                06.Jan.1993
 SN1130                        - Application List -                    Wednesday
 Cmd  Name     Descriptio +--------------- +- +------Application Command-------+
      APPL3__             !                !  !                                !
  __           __________ ! Application ID !  ! Additional command .. ________ !
  __           __________ ! Description .. !  !                                !
  __           __________ !                !  ! More parameters ..... N        !
  __           __________ ! Application na !  ! More commands ....... N        !
  __           __________ ! Start-up progr !  !                                !
  __           __________ !                !  +--------------------------------+
  __           __________ ! More parameter !                                   !
  __           __________ ! More commands  +-----------------------------------+
  __           __________ !                                                    !
  __           __________ +----------------------------------------------------+

Windows offer you information or a list of options or functions to choose from. Windows do not contain the Super Natural header or command area but use the command area of the underlying screen.

There are five types of windows:

  • Dialog windows

  • Selection list windows

  • Message windows

  • Confirmation windows

  • Help windows

Dialog Windows

Dialog windows offer functions additional to the underlying screen. The Define Field Output window is a typical dialog window:

 11:54                      ***** Super Natural *****                11.Jan.1993
 SN3011                           - Worksheet -                           Monday
 Ref DB    Field Na +-------------------Define Field Output--------------------+
 AA  1K    YACHT-ID ! Field: YACHT-ID                                          !
 AB  1K    YACHT-NA !                                                          !
 AC  1     YACHT-BR ! Format/Length ....... N8                                 !
 AD  1K    ID-CH-BA ! Numeric sign ........ _ (Y/N)                            !
 AE  1K    ID-S-OWN ! Output length ....... 8__                                !
 AF  1K    DID-DESC !        dec. places .. _                                  !
 AG  1K    YACHT-TY ! Heading ............. ______________________________     !
 AH  1     LENGTH . !                       ______________________________     !
 AI  1     WIDTH .. !                       ______________________________     !
 AJ  1     DRAFT .. ! Edit mask                                                !
 AK  1     SAIL-SUR !   ______________________________________________________ !
 AL  1     MOTOR .. ! Suppress identical values .. _ (Y/N)                     !
 AM  1     HEAD-ROO ! Print zero values .......... _ (Y/N)                     !
 AN  1     BUNKS .. ! Occurrences (1)  ___ : ___  (2)  ___ : ___               !
                    !                                                          !

Selection List Windows

Selection list windows show lists of objects or options which you can select or on which you can perform commands. The Field Selection List window is a typical selection list window:

 11:57                      ***** Super Natural *****                11.Jan.1993
 SN3011                           - Worksheet -                           Monday
 Ref DB    Field Name     +----------------Field Selection List----------------+
 AA  1K    YACHT-ID ..... !     Field Name                        Format  Info !
 AB  1K    YACHT-NAME ... !  _  YACHT-BRANCH                      A1      __   !
 AD  1K    ID-CH-BASE ... !  _  ID-S-OWNER                        N8      __   !
 BB  2K    ID-YACHT ..... !  _  DID-DESCRIPTION                   A8      __   !
 BV        ______________ !  _  YACHT-TYPE                        A30     __   !
 BW        ______________ !  _  LENGTH                            P3.2    __   !
 BX        *_____________ !  _  WIDTH                             P3.2    __   !
 BY        ______________ !  _  DRAFT                             P3.2    __   !
 BZ        ______________ !  _  SAIL-SURFACE                      P3      __   !
 CA        ______________ !  _  MOTOR                             P3      __   !
 CB        ______________ !  _  HEAD-ROOM                         P3.2    __   !
 CC        ______________ !  _  BUNKS                             P3      __   !
 CD        ______________ !  _  YACHT-NAME-PH                     A30     __   !
 CE        ______________ !  _  YACHT-BRANCH-SP                   A9      __   !
                          !                                                    !
                          +More:   +-------------------------------------------+

Message Windows

Message windows display Super Natural system messages. There are several types of system messages:

  • Acknowledgements tell you when a function has been successfully or unsuccessfully performed

  • Prompts tell you what to do next

  • Error messages tell you if an error has occurred

  • Warnings

Confirmation Windows

Confirmation windows give you a chance to cancel functions which have important consequences such as deleting an object. Confirmation windows can also offer you alternatives to the current function.

Help Windows

For information on help windows, see Online Help in Using Super Natural.

Selecting from Screens and Windows

There are two ways to select items from a screen or window:

Start of instruction setTo select an item from a screen or window

  • Type any non-blank character in the selection column next to the item and press Enter.

    Position the cursor in the selection column next to the item and press Enter.

    Once you have marked an item or items with a non-blank character in the selection column, the cursor position is ignored.


When you are looking at object list screens, reports, list windows or at a series of windows, you need to know where you are in the list or series and to look at the pages before or after.

Paging Information

The third line of the Super Natural header gives you paging information for screens containing lists or information which is wider or longer than the screen (for example, reports and layouts). No paging information is shown if only the current screen of information is available. In windows, the paging information is displayed in the bottom left-hand corner of the window frame. Paging information is indicated as follows:

Paging Information Description
More: + Page(s) after
More: -+ Page(s) before and after
More: - Last page
More: > Page(s) available to the right
More: < Page(s) available to the left

Be careful not to confuse the plus sign (+) which forms the corner of each window frame on some terminals with the paging information.

Paging Commands

The following commands are available for paging in screens and windows:

Command Description
+ One page forwards
+-+ Go to last page
- One page backwards
-- Go to first page
> Page to the right
< Page to the left

In the Object List Screens, you can also position to a name, letter or character in the list using the Start Value field. For further information, see Object List Screens in Starting Up.


Commands are instructions which tell Super Natural what to do with an object, invoke a screen or start a function.

If you enter an incorrect command or a command which is not available at the current location, the Command List window appears.

For a complete list of the commands available in Super Natural, see Command List.

Command Sequence

Super Natural commands are structured as follows:

command-keyword object-type object-name

Abbreviating Commands

You can abbreviate commands as long as the commands remain unique. For example the command DELETE TRANSACTION TEST can be abbreviated as follows in the Transaction List screen:


On a screen where the commands LOCK and LOGICS are both available, you cannot use the abbreviation L. The shortest abbreviations possible are as follows:


Issuing Commands

There are three ways to issue commands:

Start of instruction setTo issue a command

  • Enter the command in the command line.

    Enter the command abbreviation in the command column next to the object it is to act on.

    When a list of objects is displayed, the commands you can use with the object type are listed in the line above the message line (legend).

    Press the PF key allocated to the command.

    You can often choose which way you want to issue a command.

When a window is displayed, you can only issue the commands relevant to the window. When an object name is the same as a command keyword, in direct commands the object name must be preceded by the data-delimiter character. The default data-delimiter character is #.
Example: DELETE #JCL

Listing Commands

Start of instruction setTo list the commands available from the current screen

  • Enter an asterisk (*) in the command line.

    Only the commands which you can currently use are displayed. For example, when you enter an asterisk (*) in the command line of Natural Report Manager, the command list you get is different from the list you get when you enter an asterisk (*) in the command line of the Menu.


The ENTER key is listed in the PF key line. Whenever you type information in a command line or input field, you must submit it for processing by pressing the ENTER key.

If you have specified or selected functions, pressing Enter executes the functions you have selected and displays the next screen or window.

PF Keys

Commands can be allocated to PF keys (program function keys) so that pressing a PF key executes a particular function. The PF key allocations which are available for a particular screen are listed in the PF key lines.

For further information on the PF key lines, see Screens in UsingSuper Natural.

Start of instruction setTo issue a command using a PF key

  • Press the PF key.

    You do not need to press Enter.

    You can change the format and position of the PF key line by modifying your user profile. For further information on modifying your user profile, see User Profile.

Default PF Key Allocation

Super Natural provides the following default PF key allocations in accordance with the Software AG ISA (Integrated open Software Architecture) standards. The PF keys execute the same functions on every screen where they are available.

Help Function

You can invoke a help window for every screen in Super Natural by pressing PF1. For further information on the Super Natural help system, see Online Help in Using Super Natural.

Exit Function

The Exit function ends the function you are performing and saves your modifications.

If you leave a transaction using the EXIT command which hasn't yet been saved, the Exit Handling window gives you a choice of the following:

  • Save and exit

  • Keep and exit

  • Exit without keeping or saving

  • Resume the current function

Flip Function

There are twenty-four PF keys, but you can only see twelve PF keys in the PF key line.

If you use the Flip function, the other twelve PF keys are displayed.

For example, if the keys PF1 to PF12 are displayed, the Flip function displays the keys PF12 to PF24.

Whichever twelve keys are displayed, you can still use any of the other twelve keys which have a function allocated to them.

The Flip function is not relevant for SAA PF key display format.

Page Backwards Function

If you use the Page Backwards (-) function, the previous screen or window of information is displayed.

Page Forwards Function

If you use the Page Forwards (+) function, the next screen or window of information is displayed.

Shift Left Function

If you have more columns in a report than you can see at one time, the Shift Left (<) function allows you to look at data to the left of your present screen contents.

Shift Right Function

If you have more columns in a report than you can see at one time, the Shift Right (>) function allows you to look at data to the right of your present screen contents.

Cancel Function

The CANCEL function interrupts the current function without saving. If a window is displayed, the CANCEL command closes it and if a screen is displayed, the CANCEL command invokes the previous screen.

The Confirmation window does not appear and entries made since you last saved or pressed Enter are cancelled!

Menu Function

The Menu function interrupts the current function without saving and takes you back to the Menu from any point inSuper Natural.

The Confirmation window does not appear and entries made since you last saved or pressed Enter are cancelled!

Top Function

The Top function (--) takes you to the top or beginning of the information or list you are looking at.

Bottom Function

The Bottom function (++) takes you to the bottom or end of the information or list you are looking at.

Asterisk List Function

The Asterisk (*) List function helps you if you don't know which libraries, files, fields, commands or objects for a particular command are available.

Start of instruction setTo obtain a list of the libraries available

  • Enter an asterisk (*) in the Library field on a List Object Screen.

Start of instruction setTo obtain a list of the files available

  • Enter an asterisk (*) in the Enter File Name field in the Add Transaction window.

Start of instruction setTo obtain a list of the fields available

  • Enter an asterisk (*) in the Fieldname column in the Worksheet.

Start of instruction setTo obtain a list of the commands available

  • Enter an asterisk (*) in the command line.

Start of instruction setTo obtain a list of objects available for a particular command

  • Enter the command followed by a blank and an asterisk (*) in the command line.

    In each case a window appears displaying a selection list of the items available.

    The list of commands displayed depends on your position within Super Natural. For example, when you enter an asterisk (*) in the command line of Natural Report Manager, the command list you get is different from the list you get when you enter an asterisk (*) in the command line of the Menu.

Checklist Function

The Checklist function provides a framework which guides you through adding and modifying transactions. The Checklist window tells you which steps are available, which are mandatory and which are optional. You choose the steps you want to take and the Checklist function takes you from step to step automatically. Using the Checklist function, you only need the NEXT commands to navigate within Super Natural.

The Checklist function is intended for users less familiar with Super Natural. Users who are more familiar with Super Natural can invoke the Checklist window as a type of online help.

Switching the Checklist Function On

Start of instruction setTo switch the Checklist function on

  1. Issue the PROFILE command from the Menu or an Object List screen.

  2. Choose Language Code and Checklist

  3. Mark the Automatic Checklist field.

  4. Type in "1", "2" or "3" in the On Level field.

  5. Press Enter.

The levels for the Checklist function determine how much guidance you are given when using the Worksheet.

Level Description

1 (Global) The Worksheet as a whole is offered as one option. When you invoke the Worksheet, all the columns available for the transaction modes you are working with are open.
2 (Mixed) The Worksheet as a whole is is offered as one option and each input column of the Worksheet is shown additionally as a separate option (see description for Level 3).
3 (Detailed) Each column of the Worksheet is offered as a separate option. When you invoke the Worksheet, you can only work on the columns which you have chosen in the Checklist window. These columns are presented one at a time as separate steps. In addition, the Fieldname column and the Information column are always open.

Start of instruction setTo switch the Checklist function off

  • Remove the mark in the Automatic Checklist field in your user profile.

    For further information, see above.

Using the Checklist Function

When you add or modify a transaction with the Checklist function switched on, the Checklist window is the first thing to appear.

The Checklist window displays a selection list of all the steps you can take in your present situation and shows which you have already taken.

The Checklist window only offers the steps which are available according to the transaction modes you are using.

The following shows an example of the Checklist window for a reporting transaction with the transaction modes Data Selection FULL-SCREEN and Report Type LIST.

 18:10                      ***** Super Natural *****                18.Dec.1998
 SNZUL-S                       - Selection Editor -                       Friday
       1  < AA                              !      Step                 Status !
       2  <                                 !  __  Worksheet            O.K.   !
       3  <                                 !  __  Selection            O.K.   !
       4  <                                 !  __  Calculation                 !
       5  <                                 !  __  Logic                       !
       6  <                                 !  __  Userexit                    !
       7  <                                 !  __                              !
       8  <                                 !  __                              !
       9  <                                 !  __                              !
      10  <                                 !  __                              !
      11  <                                 !  __                              !
      12  <                                 !  __                              !
      13  <                                 !  __                              !
      14  <                                 !                                  !
      15  <                                 +----------------------------------+

The Status column can contain the following entries:

Status Description

O.K. Step successfully completed
Incomplete Step incomplete/ incorrect
No code Step not carried out

You then use the Checklist window to select the step or steps you want to carry out.

Start of instruction setTo select a step

  • Mark it with a number or any other non-blank character.

    If you number steps, the step with the lowest number is carried out first and the step with the highest number is carried out last. The steps you mark with any other non-blank character are carried out in the order they appear in the list. If you mark the steps with a mixture of numbers and non-blank characters, the numbered steps are carried out first.

Start of instruction setTo take a step

  • Issue the NEXT command.

    When you have successfully completed a step, issue the NEXT command to take you directly to the next step on your list. You can also issue direct commands to continue working with the transaction independently of the Checklist function.

    If you have completed all the steps you selected in the Checklist window, issuing the NEXT command invokes the Checklist window again.

    You can invoke the Checklist window at any point when you are adding or modifying a transaction by issuing the CHECKLIST command.

Using the Checklist Window Without the Automatic Checklist Function

If you are not working with the Checklist function, you can still invoke the Checklist window to help you when you are adding or modifying transactions.

Start of instruction setTo invoke the Checklist window

  • Issue the CHECKLIST command.

    The Checklist window functions as described above.

Using the Next Function Without the Checklist Function

When you are adding or modifying a transaction, you can use the Next function without invoking the Checklist function. The Next function takes you through a default sequence of the steps necessary to complete the transaction and then invokes the Checklist window for further optional processing.


As mentioned earlier in this section, Super Natural presents functions and information in screens and windows. There are several ways of moving or navigating between screens and windows in Super Natural.

Navigating Forwards

There are several methods for moving forwards through Super Natural (from the beginning of a function or a series of functions to the end):

Start of instruction setTo navigate forwards in Super Natural

  • Select a menu option.

    For example, selecting the Profile option from the Menu invokes the Modify Profile screen.

    Enter a command in the command line which invokes another screen or window.

    Press a PF key which invokes another screen or window.

    For example, issuing the command PROTOTYPE from the Transaction List screen invokes thePrototype List screen.

    You can invoke a list of the commands available at any point in Super Natural by entering an asterisk (*) in the command line.

    Enter a command abbreviation in the work area of a screen or window.

    For example, issuing the command abbreviation MO next to a transaction name on the Transaction List screen invokes the Worksheet.

    Use the Checklist and Next functions.

    The Checklist and Next functions take care of navigation for you, as described earlier in this section.

    Issue a paging command.

    You use paging commands to navigate within Object List screens, reports, List windows or a series of windows as described earlier in this section.

Navigating Backwards

You can use commands to interrupt or end a function and return to a previous stage in processing (navigate backwards).

Start of instruction setTo navigate backwards in Super Natural

  • Issue one of the following commands, as available:

    • EXIT

    • CANCEL

    • MENU

    These functions are described in the section PF Keys earlier in this section.

Leaving Screens

Start of instruction setTo leave a screen

  • Use the methods for navigating forwards and backwards described in the previous sections.

    Making another entry on a screen and pressing Enter results in processing and display of the results on the same screen.

Leaving Windows

Start of instruction setTo leave a window

  1. Type in any data required.

  2. Press Enter.

    Either the next window in the series appears or the screen from which the window was invoked reappears.

Online Help

The Super Natural help text system provides you with online help from any point in Super Natural. You can either invoke help for the particular situation you are in (field help) or invoke help on general topics independent of the situation you in (general help glossary). You can also invoke help on a particular command (command help glossary).

When you are looking at online help, no further help is available.

Field Help

You can obtain information on the function of and possible input for a particular field.

Start of instruction setTo invoke help for a certain field

  • Enter a question mark (?) in it.

    Many help windows and screens provide interactive help. You can select from a list of options given in the help screen and your selection is carried over onto the original screen.

General Help Glossary

You can obtain information on general topics from any point in Super Natural. The general help glossary also tells you where each topic is described in the User's Guide.

Start of instruction setTo invoke the general help glossary

  1. Position the cursor in the command line and press PF1.

    Issue the HELP command.

    A selection window containing a list of help topics appears.

  2. Select the topic you want information on.

    A help window containing the help glossary entry appears. The window also tells you where the topic is described in the User's Guide.

Command Help Glossary

You can obtain information on a particular Super Natural command by invoking the command help glossary.

The command help glossary gives the following information on the commands known to Super Natural:

  • A description of each command.

  • Where to issue each command.

You can find the command help glossary (command list) in this documentation. The shortest possible abbreviation of each command is underlined.

Start of instruction setTo invoke the command information in this appendix online

  1. Enter an asterisk (*) in the command line.

    The Command List window appears.

  2. Position the cursor next to or on the command about which you want information.

  3. Press PF1.

    A help window containing the help glossary entry appears.


Super Natural stores objects in libraries. There are three types of libraries in Super Natural:

  • Private libraries (single-user access)

  • Common libraries (multiple-user access).

  • Public libraries (multiple-user access read only)

All libraries can contain transactions, prototype programs and application programs.


Private Libraries

Each Super Natural user has a private library (except in special cases). When you start a Super Natural session, you enter your private library when you invoke an Object List screen or the Modify Profile screen.

If you don't have a private library, the Select Library window appears when you log on. The window contains a selection list of the libraries you are authorized to use.

No other user can access your private library. Your private library ID is the same as your user ID.

Common Libraries

Common libraries are created by the Super Natural administrator for use by multiple users.

The difference between private and common libraries is that all users can access common libraries.

You cannot copy a transaction which creates a user file into a common library.

Users can perform the following commands on objects in common libraries:




  • COPY

  • INFO

  • ADD

Con-nect Considerations

If you copy a transaction of Report Type CON-NECT into a common library, the Con-nect document it is linked to must be stored in a shared Connect cabinet with the same name as the common library.

Restricting Access to Transactions

When you copy a transaction into a common library, you can choose to restrict other users to executing it only.

Start of instruction setTo restrict transaction access to EXECUTE only

  • Enter the character which corresponds to H4F on your keyboard in the first position in the Description column. For example, this character might be an exclamation mark (!).

    For further information, contact your administrator.

Public Libraries

Public libraries are created by the Super Natural administrator for use by multiple users. The administrator creates the objects contained in public libraries and decides which users may access each public library.

Users have read-only access to the objects in public libraries.

Users can perform the following commands on objects in public libraries:


  • COPY

  • INFO

If you want to modify an item stored in a public library, you must first copy it into your private library.

Only the administrator can copy objects into a public library.

Copying Objects Between Libraries

The following diagram shows how you can use the Copy function to copy objects between libraries of different types:


Changing Libraries

The Super Natural List Object screens contain a field named Library which displays the name of the library you are working in. By default, you work in your own private library and the field contains your user ID. Only the List User Files screen does not contain the Library field.

The field next to the Library field displays which type of library you are working in. The code "U" indicates a private library, "C" a common library and "P" a public library.


Start of instruction setTo change libraries

  1. Access any Super Natural List Object screen.

  2. Type the ID of the library you want to access in the Library field.

  3. Type the library type code of the library you want to access in the Library Type field.

  4. Press Enter.

    If you enter a library name or type which does not exist, a selection list of the libraries or library types available appears.

Listing Libraries

Start of instruction setTo obtain a selection list of all the library types available

  • Enter an asterisk (*) in the Library Type field.

Start of instruction setTo obtain a selection list of all the libraries available for the library type displayed

  • Enter an asterisk (*) in the Library field.

Notepad Function

If you want to make notes whilst using Super Natural, you can use the notepad provided just as you would a piece of paper - the advantage is that it won't get lost!

Writing Notes

Start of instruction setTo write a note

  1. Issue the NOTEPAD command from any point in Super Natural.

    The following window appears:

     18:20                      ***** Super Natural *****                18.Dec.1998
     SNZUL-S                       - Selection Editor -                       Friday
           1  <                          !                                         !
           2  <                          ! Notepad subject: ( * to select)         !
           3  <                          !   ________________________________      !
           4  <                          ! Description:                            !
           5  <                          !   _____________________________________ !
           6  <                          !   _____________________________________ !
           7  <                          !   _____________________________________ !
           8  <                          !   _____________________________________ !
           9  <                          !   _____________________________________ !
          10  <                          !   _____________________________________ !
          11  <                          !   _____________________________________ !
          12  <                          !   _____________________________________ !
          13  <                          !   _____________________________________ !
          14  <                          !   _____________________________________ !
          15  <                          !                                         !
     Command ===>                                                                   
                       Exit              Flip                                Canc   

    If you have already written notes, the note whose title is first in the alphabet is displayed.

  2. Type in a name to identify your note in the Notepad Subject field.

    Overtype the title of the note which is displayed.

  3. Type the text of the note in the Description lines.

    Overtype the text of the note which is displayed with the text of the note you are writing.

  4. Press Enter.

Listing Notes

Start of instruction setTo get a list of all existing notes

  • Enter an asterisk (*) in the title line.

    A window appears displaying a selection list of the notes available.

Start of instruction setTo display the note you want to see

  1. Mark it.

  2. Press Enter.

Deleting Notes

Start of instruction setTo delete the note displayed

  • Enter X in the input field below (X to erase).

Modifying Notes

Start of instruction setTo modify the text of a note

  1. Type over the existing text.

  2. Press Enter.

Closing the Notepad

Start of instruction setTo close the notepad

  • Press PF8.

    The last note is automatically saved.

Technical Information Function

The Technical Information function provides you with technical information concerning your environment as in the following example:

 18:01                      ***** Super Natural *****                18.Dec.1998
 SN1110                       - Transaction List -                        Friday
                                                                   More:     +  
 Cmd  Na +------------------------Technical Information------------------------+
      *_ ! NSN Version ......... 3.0.0            Operating System .. MVS/XA   !
  __  AD ! PersonalDB-File ..... (0,90)           TP Monitor ........ COMPLETE !
  __  AS !                                        Device Type ....... PC       !
  __  AU ! NATURAL Version ..... 2.2.4                                         !
  __  CH ! PREDICT Version ..... 3.2.0            AOS Version ....... 2.2.2    !
  __  CO ! CON-NECT Version .... 0.0.0            NSC Version ....... 0.0.0    !
  __  CO !                                                                     !
  __  CO ! Buffer Sizes:   Esize ..  35 k  DATsize ... 45 k  Usize .. 31 k     !
  __  CO !                 Fsize ..  20 k  SORTsize .. 10 k  Csize ..  1 k     !
  __  CO !                                                                     !
  __  CO ! Last Error Number ... 1101                                          !
  __  DA ! Last Error Program ..                  Last Error Line ...   34     !
  __  DA !                                                                     !
 Add  __ ! Program: ________ was cataloged at                                  !
         !                                                                     !
 Cmd(s): +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help        Exit              Flip                                Canc   

The Technical Information function is always available.

Start of instruction setTo invoke the Technical Information screen

  • Issue the TECH command.