Defining Transaction Modes for Data Maintenance

This section describes the transaction modes available for data maintenance transactions and how to modify them for new and existing transactions. For convenience, transaction modes for data maintenance are referred to as maintenance modes in this section. For information on transaction modes for reporting, see Defining Transaction Modes for Reporting.

This section covers the following topics:

What are Maintenance Modes?

Maintenance modes control the basic conditions for data maintenance transactions: transaction type, logging and logging destination.

The Super Natural administrator defines maintenance mode settings for each user which are valid for all of his maintenance transactions. These settings are called maintenance mode defaults. Not all the maintenance modes offered by Super Natural may be available at your site and you may not be authorized to use all those which are available.

You can change your maintenance mode default settings for a particular transaction. Your changes do not affect any other transaction.

Maintenance modes are organized into three groups as shown in the following diagram:


The following table gives a detailed list of the maintenance mode settings available and the option code for each mode:

Group Transaction Modes Option Code
Transaction Type Update single U
  Add A
  Delete D
  Update Multiple E
Logging On Y
  Off N
Logging Destination Printer P
  Editor E

Modifying Your Maintenance Mode Defaults

Start of instruction setTo modify your maintenance mode defaults

  1. Mark the Modify Modes field in the Add Transaction screen.

  2. Enter "Y" in the Data Maintenance field in the Add Transaction screen.

  3. Press Enter.

    Issue the MODES command from within a data maintenance transaction you are creating or modifying.

    When you modify your maintenance mode defaults from within a transaction, the settings you specify are only valid for the transaction you are creating or modifying.

    The Transaction Modes Maintenance window appears:

     15:52                      ***** Super Natural *****                06.Jan.1993
     SN1110                       - Transaction List -                     Wednesday
     Cmd  Name     Descript +--------------- +-Transaction Modes Data Maintenance--+
          DATMAN_           !                !                                     !
      __           ________ ! Transaction ID ! Transaction type ..... A  Add data  !
      __           ________ ! Description .. !                                     !
      __           ________ !                ! Logging .............. Y  On        !
      __           ________ !                !                                     !
      __           ________ ! File name .... ! Logging destination .. P  Printer   !
      __           ________ !                !                                     !
      __           ________ ! Modify modes . +-------------------------------------+
      __           ________ ! Data maintenance .. y (Y/N)                          !
      __           ________ !                                                      !
      __           ________ +------------------------------------------------------+

    The Transaction Modes Maintenance window shows your default settings. The option code for each setting is highlighted. If an option code is not highlighted, you cannot change it.

Start of instruction setTo change a maintenance mode

  1. Overtype the option code with another option code.

  2. Press Enter.

Start of instruction setTo obtain a selection list of the options available for a particular maintenance mode

  • Enter a question mark ("?") next to it.

    The following sections describe the transaction modes available for data maintenance:

Transaction Type


Use this mode to add records to Super Natural files.

Update Single

Use this mode to update data. Records are displayed one at a time for update. Each record may include one or more pages.


Use this mode to delete records from Super Natural files, one record at a time.

Update Multiple

Use this mode to update data. Multiple records are displayed horizontally for update.

This transaction type is only available for Adabas files.

The transaction types for data maintenance are described in detail in the section Data Maintenance Transactions.


You can write a report for data maintenance transactions containing the data that has been processed. This report is called a log. It is designed for control purposes only and may not be used to restore data.


Use this mode if you don't want logging to take place for data maintenance transactions.


Use this mode if you want logging to take place for data maintenance transactions.

Logging Destination

The setting for logging destination determines where the log is to be sent.


Use this mode to send the log output to a hardcopy device or a PC terminal. For printer assignment refer to the section Transaction Options (Environment Options) in the section User Profile.


Use this mode to send the log output to the Natural editor where it can be accessed and manipulated.


Use this mode to send the log output to Con-nect.

For further information on this transaction mode, see Using Super Natural with Con-nect.