Sample 5: Layout Editor

Task: Copy and change the report SAMPLE4 as follows:
1: Change the transaction modes for reporting.
2: Add a preface.
3: Underline the field headers.
4: Add text explaining the data shown at the control break.
5: Add grand total with explanatory text.

This transaction takes the report SAMPLE4 and uses the Layout Editor to make it more understandable.

Line and field commands in the Layout Editor are shown using the period (.) as escape character. Use the escape character defined at your site. The escape character defined at your site is displayed in the delimiter information section of the Layout Editor.

Transaction Specification

Display Fields 1: CRUISE-ID
Selection Criteria CHARTER-YACHT-TYPE = 'ATLANTIC 29'
Control Field START-DATE
Special Break Conditions First 'n' characters: 6
System Functions Count CRUISE-ID Grand Total Count CRUISE-ID

This section covers the following topics:

Create the Transaction SAMPLE5

Start of instruction setTo Access the Transaction List Screen

  • Issue the TRANSACTION command.

    Select Transactions from the Main Menu.

    If you are within a transaction, issue the EXIT or CANCEL commands until the Transaction List screen appears.

Start of instruction setTo Copy Transaction SAMPLE4

  1. Issue the COPY TRANSACTION SAMPLE4 command.

    The Copy window appears.

  2. Enter "SAMPLE5" in the Target Object window.

    The transaction is copied to the name SAMPLE5 and appears in the Transaction List screen.

  3. Enter "Layout Editor in the Description field" next to SAMPLE5 (optional).

Start of instruction setTo Change Transaction Report Level and Destination

  1. Enter MO in the command column next to SAMPLE5.

    The Worksheet appears.

  2. Issue the MODES command.

    The Transaction Modes Reporting window appears.

  3. Enter "D" in the Report Level field.

  4. Enter "S" in the Destination field.

  5. Press Enter.

    The Transaction Modes Reporting window closes.

Start of instruction setTo Add Grand Total

  1. Enter "SF" in the Function (Func) column next to the field CRUISE-ID.

    The Specify System Functions window appears.

  2. Enter any non-blank character in the Cnt column next to Grand Control field.

Start of instruction setTo Invoke NATURAL REPORT MANAGER

  • Issue the LAYOUT command. You can abbreviate this to LAY.

    A default layout is generated from the transaction specification.

    The Layout Overview screen appears:

     15:20                   *** NATURAL REPORT MANAGER ***               1998-02-26
     Layout LSAMPLE5               - Layout Overview -                       NRMPAGE
                         I               Title                I                     
                         I               Header               I                     
                         I                List                I                     
                         I                                    I                     
                         I               Group                I                     
                         I                                    I                     
                         I                1 10                I                     
                         I                                    I                     
                         I                                    I                     
     Command ===>                                                                   
           Help  Set   Exit  Field Edit  Flip              Tech              Canc   

    You are now using the product Natural Report Manager.

    The Title element contains the standard title for your site. The List element contains the fields you have selected to be displayed.

Start of instruction setTo Add Preface

  1. Issue the EDIT PREFACE command.

    The Layout Editor appears. The editor area is empty.

  2. Type text for a preface in the editor area as shown below:

    Do not type in the first column of the editor area as this is reserved for delimiters.

     17:16                   *** NATURAL REPORT MANAGER ***               1998-02-26
     Layout LSAMPLE5                - Layout Editor -                        NRMEDIT
                                                                       More:     + >
       Transaction Fields                      Delimiter Class    Attrib.  Color    
     1 CRUISE-ID                      N8.0     Blank     Text     Default           
     2 CRUISE-TYPE                    A1       _         Text     Intens.           
     3 CRUISE-STATUS                  A1       (         Output   Default           
     . START                          *G1      )         Output   Intens.           
     4 START-DATE                     N8.0                                          
     5 START-TIME                     N6.0     Escape Char. = ,   Header Char. = &  
     Top   ---010---+----+----+---030- ( Preface ) ---050---+----+----+---070--- Typ
      PREFACE                                                                    Pre
      This transaction uses data from the file SAG-TOURS-E-CRUISE. The           Pre
      report shows cruise IDs, start harbor, destination harbor and              Pre
      starting date for cruises which use yachts of type Atlantic 29.            Pre
      The data is sorted according to cruise starting date.                      Pre
      At the end of each month, the number of cruises in that month is           Pre
      shown. The total number of cruises is shown at the end of the              Pre
     Command ===>                                                                   
           Help  Set   Exit  Field Edit  Flip  -     +     Tech  <     >     Canc   

    Each text constant must be preceded by a delimiter of the class TEXT.

    The last word of the preface does not fit into the editor area shown.

  3. Issue the ..I line command in the last line of text.

    A line is inserted after the last line of text (you cannot see it).

  4. Press PF8 to page forwards.

  5. Enter report as the last word of the preface.

  6. Press PF7 to page backwards.

    The report requires that the word PREFACE be highlighted.

  7. If you have a delimiter for intensified text, type it before the word Preface.

    The delimiter for intensified text in the example is '_'.

Start of instruction setTo Center the Text

  1. Issue the ..C line command in the same line as the word PREFACE.

    The word PREFACE is centered.

  2. Issue the ..C* line command in the next line of text.

    The line is centered and all the lines below are moved the same distance to the right but are not centered.

    Because the Scan Right (>) function is available, you can see that the report is wider than the screen.

     Top   ---010---+----+----+---030- ( Preface ) ---050---+----+----+---070--- Typ
                                        _PREFACE                                 Pre
             This transaction uses data from the file SAG-TOURS-E-CRUISE. The    Pre
             report shows cruise ID's, start harbor, destination harbor and      Pre
             starting date for cruises which use yachts of type Atlantic 29.     Pre
             The data is sorted according to cruise starting date.               Pre
             At the end of each month, the number of cruises in that month is    Pre
             shown. The total number of cruises is shown at the end of the       Pre
     Command ===>                                                                   
           Help  Set   Exit  Field Edit  Flip  -     +     Tech  <     >     Canc   

    You now need to enter two lines of blanks at the end of the Preface. Because you are at the end of the editor area, you must first create the lines.

  3. Issue the ..R(2) line command at the beginning of the last line of text.

    The last line of text is copied twice.

  4. Overtype the two new text lines with blanks.

Start of instruction setTo Underline Header

  1. Issue the EDIT HEADER command.

    The Header element appears in the editor area. The Header element contains the headers currently defined for the output fields.

  2. Type plus signs ("+") under the header fields.

Start of instruction setTo Add Text Explaining the Data at Control Breaks

  1. Issue the EDIT GROUP1 command.

    The Group1 element appears in the editor area as follows:

     All   ---010---+----+----+---030-- ( Group1 ) ---050---+----+----+---070--- Typ
      ** Control Break (1) **                                                    G1_
           START-DATE : )S00000000                                               G1_
      Cnt )S0000000                                                              G1_
     You are on the first page.                                                     
     Command ===>                                                                   
           Help  Set   Exit  Field Edit  Flip  -     +     Tech  <     >     Canc   

    The Group1 element contains the information displayed at the (first) control break.

  2. Overtype the line which contains the text "** " Control Break (1) **with blanks.

  3. Type the .M field command in the field )S00000000 next to the text START-DATE.

  4. Position the cursor in the same line in column 050 (under 050 in the scale).

  5. Press Enter.

    The field is moved so it starts under the 050 in the scale.

  6. Type the .M field command in the field )S00000000 next to the text Cnt.

  7. Position the cursor in the same line in column 050 (under 050 in the scale).

  8. Press Enter.

    The field is moved so it starts under the 050 in the scale.

  9. Type the .D field command in the field START-DATE.

    The field is deleted.

  10. Overtype the colon (:) with a blank.

  11. Type the text Last Starting Date: next to the first field )S00000000 starting the text at column 019.

  12. Type the .D field command in the field Cnt.

    The field is deleted.

  13. Type the text Number of Cruises this Month: next to the second field )S00000000 starting the text at column 019.

    The editor area now has the following contents:

     All   ---010---+----+----+---030-- ( Group1 ) ---050---+----+----+---070--- Typ
                        Last starting date:           )S00000000                 G1_
                        Number of Cruises this Month: )S0000000                  G1                                                                               ___
     Command ===>                                                                   
           Help  Set   Exit  Field Edit  Flip  -     +     Tech  <     >     Canc   

Start of instruction setTo Add Text Explaining the Data at the Grand Total

  1. Issue the EDIT GROUP10 command.

    The Group10 element appears in the editor area as follows:

     All   ---010---+----+----+---030- ( Group10 ) ---050---+----+----+---070--- Typ
      ** Grand Totals **                                                         G10
      Cnt )S0000000                                                              G10
     You are on the first page.                                                     
     Command ===>                                                                   
           Help  Set   Exit  Field Edit  Flip  -     +     Tech  <     >     Canc   

    The Group10 element contains the information displayed at the Grand Total.

  2. Issue the ..D line command in the line which contains ** Grand Totals ** .

    The line is deleted.

  3. Type the .M field command in the field )S00000000 next to the text Cnt.

  4. Position the cursor in the same line at column 050.

  5. Press Enter.

    The field is moved.

  6. Enter the .D field command in the field Cnt.

    The field is deleted.

  7. Enter the text Total Number of Cruises: next to the field )S00000000 starting the text at column 019 (overtype the equals (=) sign).

     All   ---010---+----+----+---030- ( Group10 ) ---050---+----+----+---070--- Typ
                        Total Number of Cruises:      )S0000000                  G10
     Command ===>                                                                   
           Help  Set   Exit  Field Edit  Flip  -     +     Tech  <     >     Canc   

Start of instruction setTo Test the Layout

  1. Issue the TEST command.

    The whole layout appears as it would if the transaction were run except for that the output fields and the standard title are filled with dummy data.

            This transaction uses data from the file SAG-TOURS-E-CRUISE. The        
            report shows cruise ID's, start harbor, destination harbor and          
            starting date for cruises which use yachts of type Atlantic 29.         
            The data is sorted according to cruise starting date.                   
            At the end of each month, the number of cruises in that month is        
            shown. The total number of cruises is shown at the end of the           
          +++++++++     ++++++++++++      ++++++++++++++++++  ++++++++++            
                  9 AbcDefGhijAbcDefGhij AbcDefGhijAbcDefGhij          9            
                  9 AbcDefGhijAbcDefGhij AbcDefGhijAbcDefGhij          9            
                 Print Exit              Flip                                Canc   
  2. Page through the layout to make sure that it is what you want.

Start of instruction setTo Look at Layout Overview Screen and Worksheet (Optional)

  1. Press PF2.

    The Layout Overview screen appears:

     11:35                   *** NATURAL REPORT MANAGER ***               1998-03-01
     Layout LSAMPLE5               - Layout Overview -                       NRMPAGE
              I                           Title                           I         
              +-----------------------+  +--------------------------------+         
              I        Preface        I  I             Header             I         
              I                       I  +--------------------------------+         
              I                       I  +--------------------------------+         
              I                       I  I              List              I         
              I                       I  I                                I         
              I                       I  +--------------------------------+         
              I                       I  +--------------------------------+         
              I                       I  I             Group              I         
              I                       I  I                                I         
              I                       I  I              1 10              I         
              I                       I  I                                I         
              I                       I  I                                I         
              +-----------------------+  +--------------------------------+         
     Command ===>                                                                   
           Help  Set   Exit  Field Edit  Flip              Tech              Canc   

    The preface element you have created is now shown.

  2. Press PF8.

    The Worksheet appears:

     11:36                      ***** Super Natural *****                 1998-03-01
     SAMPLE5                          - Worksheet -                           SN3011
     Ref DB    Field Name                         Seq   S/C  Func Def  Info Del     
     AA  1K    CRUISE-ID ......................   L__   ___   >_   __   __   __     
     AE  1K 2  START-DATE .....................   L__   C1_   >_   __   __   __     
     AJ  1K    START-HARBOR ...................   L__   ___   __   __   __   __     
     AK  1K    DESTINATION-HARBOR .............   L__   ___   __   __   __   __     
     AP  1  2  CHARTER-YACHT-TYPE .............   ___   ___   __   __   __   __     
     BI   V    *TIMX ..........................   L__   ___   __   __   __   __     
     BJ   V    *DATX ..........................   L__   ___   __   __   __   __     
     BK   V    *PROGRAM .......................   L__   ___   __   __   __   __     
     BL   V    *PAGE-NUMBER ...................   L__   ___   __   __   __   __     
     BM        ________________________________   ___   ___   __   __   __   __     
     BN        ________________________________   ___   ___   __   __   __   __     
     BO        ________________________________   ___   ___   __   __   __   __     
     BP        ________________________________   ___   ___   __   __   __   __     
     BQ        ________________________________   ___   ___   __   __   __   __     
     Layout has been successfully modified                                          
     Command ===>                                                                   
           Help  Next  Exit  Field Incl  Flip  -     +           Sel   Run   Canc   

    There is an "L " in the Sequence (Seq) column next to fields used in layout elements. You cannot use the Sequence (Seq) column for these fields until you have deleted them from the layout element.
    The system variables which are part of the standard title (*TIMX, *DATX, *PROGRAM and *PAGE-NUMBER) appear in the Field Name column and are marked with V in the Database Reference (DB) column.

Start of instruction setTo Run the Transaction

  • Issue the RUN command. In Natural Report Manager, the RUN command is not assigned to PF11.

    The report is generated. Some screens from the report are shown below:

     17:50:22  CHARTER-YACHT-TYPE = 'ATLANTIC 29'                         1998-02-26
     ISAMPLE5                                                               1       
            This transaction uses data from the file SAG-TOURS-E-CRUISE. The        
            report shows cruise ID's, start harbor, destination harbor and          
            starting date for cruises which use yachts of type Atlantic 29.         
            The data is sorted according to cruise starting date.                   
            At the end of each month, the number of cruises in that month is        
            shown. The total number of cruises is shown at the end of the           
                 Print Exit              Flip        +                       Canc   
     14:28:26  CHARTER-YACHT-TYPE = 'ATLANTIC 29'                         1998-03-01
     ISAMPLE5                                                               2       
          +++++++++     ++++++++++++      ++++++++++++++++++  ++++++++++            
                 79 KIEL                 KIEL                   19910330            
                 92 KIEL                 KIEL                   19910330            
                106 KIEL                 KIEL                   19910330            
                       Last starting date:                    19910330              
                       Number of Cruises this Month:          3                     
                 80 KIEL                 KIEL                   19910406            
                107 KIEL                 KIEL                   19910413            
                 Print Exit              Flip        +                       Canc   
     17:51:14  CHARTER-YACHT-TYPE = 'ATLANTIC 29'                         1998-02-26
     ISAMPLE5                                                               9       
          +++++++++     ++++++++++++      ++++++++++++++++++  ++++++++++          
                       Last starting date:                   19911026       
                       Number of Cruises this Month:         4                      
                       Total Number of Cruises:             41                     
                 Print Exit              Flip        +                       Canc