Entire System Server at Work - Examples

This document covers the following topics:

General Information

The principle of operation behind the Entire System Server is surprisingly simple.

Just as a Natural program would access conventional data, Entire System Server views can be called from a Natural program using the Natural statements Process or Find, depending on the view involved. Just as a database identifier is required for a standard call to a database, the call to the Entire System Server is identified by a node number.

The Entire System Server recognizes the node number and processes the call, returning the requested operating system service or information to the program. Each operating system in the computer network is identified by the node number, thus enabling access to any system from anywhere within the network.

This section illustrates the use of the Entire System Server with some example program coding. The examples illustrate how simple, easy-to-write Natural programs can be used to display system information on the terminal screen, requiring only a minimum of input from the user. However, this is not the only use of the Entire System Server.

The examples should be seen as a starting point for more powerful applications that can process system information automatically, invisible to the user.


In z/OS systems, the IEBCOPY utility can be invoked using only a few lines of code in a Natural program:

  * The INPUT statement is a standard Natural statement which
  * defines a map that is displayed on the terminal screen when the
  * program is run. The map prompts the user to specify the source
  * member to be  copied and the destination member:
     INPUT      // '  Input Dsname ...:' IEBCOPY.IN-DSNAME
                 / '  Volser .........:' IEBCOPY.IN-VOLSER
                // '  Output Dsname ..:' IEBCOPY.OUT-DSNAME
                 / '  Volser .........:' IEBCOPY.OUT-VOLSER
                // '  Member .........:' IEBCOPY.IN-MEMBER
                 / '  New Name .......:' IEBCOPY.OUT-MEMBER
                // '  Replace ........:' IEBCOPY.REPLACE '(yes/no)'


  * The PROCESS statement calls the IEBCOPY utility via the
  * Entire System Server view IEBCOPY to perform the copy
  * operation.
  * The NODE variable is used if the destination member resides on
  * a different node:
       ,                     OUT-DSNAME = IEBCOPY.OUT-DSNAME
       ,                     IN-MEMBER  = IEBCOPY.IN-MEMBER
       ,                     OUT-MEMBER = IEBCOPY.OUT-MEMBER
       ,                     REPLACE    = IEBCOPY.REPLACE
       ,                     NODE       = ##NODE
  * In case of an error, the user can be reprompted with the input
  * map and an error message:
             IF ERROR-CODE > 0
                REINPUT ERROR-TEXT

Running such a simple Natural program results in the following online prompt:

                                  IEBCOPY utility

     Input Dsname ...: ______________________________________________________

     Volser .........: ______

     Output Dsname ..: ______________________________________________________

     Volser .........: ______

     Member .........: __________

     New Name .......: __________

     Replace ........: ___ (yes/no)

All the user has to do is fill in the required information and press Enter to perform the copy operation for example:

                                  IEBCOPY utility

     Input Dsname ...: MY.OLD.DATASET________________________________________

     Volser .........: ______

     Output Dsname ..: MY.NEW.DATASET_________________________________________

     Volser .........: ______

     Member .........: OLDNAME____

     New Name .......: NEWNAME____

     Replace ........: ___ (yes/no)

By running such a simple Natural program, operating system utilities can be used without any special knowledge of utility-specific syntax on the part of the user.

Disk Maintenance

Example 1:

The following example program allows the user to perform certain disk maintenance functions in any operating system environment:

  * When this program is run, the user is presented with the map
  * defined by the following INPUT statement. Possible functions to * maintain a
  *  catalog entry are: RENAME, SCRATCH, PURGE:
     INPUT // '  Function ..:' VTOC-UPDATE.FUNCTION
           // '  Volume ....:' VTOC-UPDATE.VOLSER
            / '  Dsname ....:' VTOC-UPDATE.DSNAME
           // '  New Name ..:' VTOC-UPDATE.NEWNAME
  * The disc is accessed by addressing the corresponding fields on * the view
  VTOC-UPDATE using the PROCESS statement. Within a
  * multi-CPU environment, the NODE variable allows the program to * access the
  disc on another computer:
                          ,   DSNAME   = VTOC-UPDATE.DSNAME
                          ,   VOLSER   = VTOC-UPDATE.VOLSER
                          ,   FUNCTION = VTOC-UPDATE.FUNCTION
                          ,   NEWNAME  = VTOC-UPDATE.NEWNAME

Again, this example shows that no special knowledge of operating system structures is required to write and use such a program; indeed, the same program can be used in different operating systems.

Example 2:

The following example shows how a Natural program can retrieve storage unit information and display it to the user. This example is taken from an z/OS environment:

  * The FIND statement addresses the view UNIT-ATTRIBUTES to read
  * the desired device. The NODE parameter is used when reading the
  * information from a different machine within the computer
  * network:
                             AND NODE =  ##NODE
  * Using the DISPLAY statement, the output is presented to the
  * user when the program is run:
         DISPLAY (ZP=OFF)
            'Unit/Adr'         UNIT-ATTRIBUTES.UNIT
            'Unit/Type'        SERIES
            'avail./Unit'      DEVICE-STATUS
            'OPEN/DCB''S'      DCB-COUNT
            'mounted/Volume'   VOLSER
            'mount/Attributes' MOUNT-STATUS
            'avail./of Volume' VOLUME-STATUS
            'FREE/CYL'         FREE-CYLINDERS
            'FREE/TRACKS'      FREE-TRACKS
          ADD 1 TO #NUMBER

Running the program with the above code produces output similar to the following:

  Unit  Unit  avail.  OPEN    mounted   mount      avail.   FREE   FREE   FREE
  Adr   Type   Unit   DCB'S   Volume  Attributes of Volume   CYL  TRACKS EXTENTS
  ---- ------ ------- -----   ------- ---------- --------- ----- ------ -------
  300  3380   ONLINE   102    SYSF06  RESIDENT   PRIVATE     367     50      20
  310  3380   ONLINE     9    NAT002  RESIDENT   PRIVATE      70    138      48
  320  3380   ONLINE     5    NDM001  RESIDENT   PRIVATE      96     13      16
  330  3380   ONLINE    65    XKGSD1  RESIDENT   PRIVATE     293    280      58
  350  3380   ONLINE    21    USR8A6  RESIDENT   STORAGE     140   1080     236
  360  3380   ONLINE     7    DCN002  RESIDENT   PRIVATE            131      19
  370  3380   ONLINE    55    DBDC06  RESIDENT   PRIVATE    1018     63      19
  380  3380   ONLINE     6    EUP003  RESIDENT   PRIVATE      29    141      23


File Maintenance

The file maintenance group of views allow users to allocate files, display file information, and rename, delete or copy files using small Natural programs.

Example 1:

The following example works in an z/OS and BS2000 environment. The program prompts the user for the name of a dataset to be compressed (in BS2000 terms, unused space to be released).

  * The prompt is defined using the INPUT statement, allowing the
  * user to specify the dataset to be compressed:
   INPUT            // '  Dataset ...:' FILE-MAINTENANCE.DSNAME
                     / '  Volume ....:' FILE-MAINTENANCE.VOLSER
  * Compression is performed by addressing the FILE-MAINTENANCE
  * view using the PROCESS statement.
  * The NODE parameter must be used
  * when compressing a dataset that resides on a different node within
  * the computer network:
   ,                           DSNAME = FILE-MAINTENANCE.DSNAME
   ,                           VOLSER = FILE-MAINTENANCE.VOLSER
   ,                           NODE   = ##NODE

Libraries can thus be maintained easily using only a few lines of Natural code.

Example 2:

The following example shows how a simple Natural program can perform a file transfer operation from one z/VSE system to another in a network. Note that in this example, up to three Entire System Server nodes are involved: the program runs on one machine, but can copy a file residing on a second machine to a third machine within the computer network.

  * The INPUT statement defines an input mask to be displayed
  * when the program is run, in which the user can specify the
  * source and target datasets.
  * The NODE parameter specifies the node, if
  * different from the node on which the program runs.
      INPUT         // '    Dataset...:' COPY-FILE.FROM-DSNAME
                     / '    Sublib....:' COPY-FILE.FROM-SUB-LIBRARY
                     / '    Member typ:' COPY-FILE.FROM-MEMBER-TYPE
                     / '    Member....:' COPY-FILE.FROM-MEMBER
                     / '    Volser....:' COPY-FILE.FROM-VOLSER
                     / '    Node......:' COPY-FILE.FROM-NODE
                    // '  to' (I)
                    // '    Dataset...:' COPY-FILE.TO-DSNAME
                     / '    Sublib....:' COPY-FILE.TO-SUB-LIBRARY
                     / '    Member typ:' COPY-FILE.TO-MEMBER-TYPE
                     / '    Member....:' COPY-FILE.TO-MEMBER
                     / '    Volser....:' COPY-FILE.TO-VOLSER
                     / '    Node......:' COPY-FILE.TO-NODE
                     / '    Replace...:' #REPLACE
  * The copy operation is performed by the PROCESS call to the
  * COPY-FILE view, specifying the source and target dataset
  * characteristics:
                     ,      FROM-MEMBER  = COPY-FILE.FROM-MEMBER
                     ,      FROM-VOLSER  = COPY-FILE.FROM-VOLSER
                     ,        FROM-NODE  = COPY-FILE.FROM-NODE
                     ,        TO-DSNAME  = COPY-FILE.TO-DSNAME
                     ,   TO-SUB-LIBRARY  = COPY-FILE.TO-SUB-LIBRARY
                     ,   TO-MEMBER-TYPE  = COPY-FILE.TO-MEMBER-TYPE
                     ,        TO-MEMBER  = COPY-FILE.TO-MEMBER
                     ,        TO-VOLSER  = COPY-FILE.TO-VOLSER
                     ,          TO-NODE  = COPY-FILE.TO-NODE
                     ,             NODE  = ##NODE
                     ,          REPLACE  = #REPLACE '(Yes/No)'

Example 3:

The following example shows how a simple Natural program can be used to perform a file transfer operation from an z/OS to a z/VSE node in a network:

  * The INPUT statement defines an input mask to be displayed
  * when the program is run, in which the user can specify the
  * source and target datasets.
      INPUT         // ##TITLE (AD=OI IP = OFF)
                    // '    Dataset...:' COPY-FILE.IN-DSNAME
                     / '    Member....:' COPY-FILE.IN-MEMBER
                     / '    Volser....:' COPY-FILE.IN-VOLSER
                     / '    Node......:' COPY-FILE.IN-NODE
                    // '  to' (I)
                    // '    Dataset...:' COPY-FILE.OUT-DSNAME
                     / '    Sublib....:' COPY-FILE.OUT-SUB-LIBRARY
                     / '    Member typ:' COPY-FILE.OUT-MEMBER-TYPE
                     / '    Member....:' COPY-FILE.OUT-MEMBER
                     / '    Volser....:' COPY-FILE.OUT-VOLSER
                     / '    Node......:' COPY-FILE.OUT-NODE
                    // '    Replace...:' #REPLACE
  * The copy operation is performed by the PROCESS call to the
  * COPY-FILE view, specifying the source and target dataset
  * characteristics. The different operating systems involved in
  * the copy operation are identified by the node number:
                    ,        IN-MEMBER  = COPY-FILE.IN-MEMBER
                    ,        IN-VOLSER  = COPY-FILE.IN-VOLSER
                    ,        IN-NODE    = COPY-FILE.IN-NODE
                    ,        OUT-DSNAME = COPY-FILE.OUT-DSNAME
                    ,        OUT-MEMBER = COPY-FILE.OUT-MEMBER
                    ,        OUT-VOLSER = COPY-FILE
                    ,        OUT-NODE   = COPY-FILE.OUT-NODE
                    ,        REPLACE    = #REPLACE
                    ,        NODE       = ##NODE

Comparing this example with the previous one, note how similar the syntax to perform the file transfer is, even though the second example involves a different operating system. No special system-specific knowledge is required on the part of the programmer. All required information is provided by the Entire System Server's logical view of the operating systems involved, and standard sample programs are easily and quickly modified to access specific system information and services in heterogeneous networks.

Example 4:

The following example program displays a library directory according to specified characteristics:

  * The INPUT statement defines an input mask in which the user can
  * specify member characteristics according to which the directory
  * is to be   composed:
    INPUT // '  Dataset...........:' LIB-DIRECTORY.DSNAME
           / '  Element...........:' LIB-DIRECTORY.ELEMENT
           / '  -type.............:' LIB-DIRECTORY.ELEMENT-TYPE
           / '  -version..........:' LIB-DIRECTORY.ELEMENT-VERSION
  * The requested information is provided by the
  * view LIB-DIRECTORY, called with the FIND statement.
  * The node number specifies the operating system in the computer
  * network from  which the information is to be read:
             AND DSNAME          = LIB-DIRECTORY.DSNAME
  * The DISPLAY statement is used to present the desired
  * information to the user at his terminal:

Example 5:

The following example illustrates the use of a Natural program to copy all files with a certain prefix and suffix as list elements (type P) to an LMS library in a BS2000 system:

  * An INPUT statement defines the input mask in which the user
  * specifies the target LMS library, as well as the search
  * criteria prefix and suffix. The replace option is used to
  * specify whether datasets of the same name in the target
  * library are to be overwritten.
                        'PREFIX...................:' #PREFIX
                        'SUFFIX...................:' #SUFFIX
                        'REPLACE..................:' #REPLACE
  * The names of the datasets to be searched consist of three
  * parts: the prefix, element, and suffix. For the search
  * operation, they can be compressed into one string, where the
  * wildcard symbol asterisk (*) selects any element:....
  * All the datasets matching the search criteria are selected using
  * the CATALOG view:
                     AND DSNAME  = #DSNAME
  * The parts of the dataset name, compressed into DSNAME, are now
  * separated:
  * The datasets can now be copied using the COPY-FILE view:
             , FROM-DSNAME       =  #DSNAME
             , TO-DSNAME         = #LMS-LIB
             , TO-PRODUCT        = 'M'
             , TO-ELEMENT        = #ELEMENT
             , TO-ELEMENT-TYPE   = 'P'
            ,  REPLACE           = #REPLACE



Example 6:

The following example is taken from a simple Natural program to print a file.

  * When the program is run, the user is prompted for details of
  * the dataset to be printed by the input mask defined by the INPUT
  * statement:
          /'SPACE-PARAMETER............: ' #CONTROL  '(E OR BLANK)'
          /  'JOB-NAME.................: ' #JOB-NAME
          /  'DEVICE...................: ' #DEVICE
          /  'STARTNO..................: ' #STARTNO
          /  'ENDNO....................: ' #ENDNO
  * Printing is performed by the call to the WRITE-SPOOL view:
                               , DSNAME         = #FILENAME
                               , JOB-NAME       = #JOB-NAME
                               , CONTROL        = #CONTROL
                               , DEVICE         = #DEVICE
                               , STARTNO        = #STARTNO
                               , ENDNO          = #ENDNO

Job Handling

The Entire System Server provides a number of views that allow users to retrieve system information from a Natural program. Views are available for display of address space, main storage, as well as active tasks.

Example 1:

The following lines of Natural code call the ACTIVE-JOBS view and specify the information items required for display. The example can be used in an z/OS, z/VSE and BS2000 system. The NODE parameter is used to access a different machine in the computer network.

                        AND  JOB-NAME = #JOB-NAME
                        AND  TYPE     = #TYPE
                        AND  CPU-USED = #CPU-USED
                        AND  STATUS   = #STATUS

The resulting output from this program is presented in the following format in an z/OS system:

     Job-Name Type   Status   Cpu used   Region JobNr. ProcName StepName
       *_______ *_____ *_______ __________ ______ ______ ________ ________
       *MASTER* STC    NON-SWAP    2226.21    268  3513
       PCAUTH   STC    NON-SWAP       0.01    164                 PCAUTH
       TRACE    STC    NON-SWAP       0.01    104                 TRACE
       GRS      STC    NON-SWAP       0.03   1016                 GRS
       DUMPSRV  STC    NON-SWAP       2.66     92        DUMPSRV  DUMPSRV
       CONSOLE  STC    NON-SWAP     305.78    204                 CONSOLE
       ALLOCAS  STC    NON-SWAP       0.01    148                 ALLOCAS
       SMF      STC    NON-SWAP       6.57    152        IEFPROC  SMF
       LLA      STC    NON-SWAP       1.69    332        LLA      LLA
       ACF2     STC    NON-SWAP       1.61    172        IEFPROC  ACF2
       JES2     STC    NON-SWAP    1607.18    936        JES2     JES2
       RMF      STC    NON-SWAP      10.72     76  3525  IEFPROC  FRMF
       TMON8DLS STC    NON-SWAP     281.03    568  3202  TMON8DLS TMON8DLS
       TMDBDLS  STC    NON-SWAP      33.66    248  3122  TMDBDLS  TMDBDLS
       TMONMVS  STC    NON-SWAP      79.22    152  4013  TMONMVS  TMONMVS

The same program produces the output in the following format in a BS2000 system (all jobs beginning with N are displayed):

     Job-Name Type   JobNr.  Cpu used   Accnt-Nr Cpu-max    Sta-Typ
       N*______ *_____ _______ __________ ________ __________ _______
       NATV21   BATCH                0.68        E   32767.00     2
       NATV21   BATCH                0.67        E   32767.00     2
       NATISPF  BATCH                0.85        1   32767.00     2
       NAT220   BATCH                0.78        1   32767.00     2
       NETWORK  TP                 451.26        1   32767.00     2
       NCL      BATCH              203.40        1        NTL     2

Example 2:

The following example illustrates the use of a Natural program to handle job variables in a BS2000 environment.

  * The INPUT statement defines an input mask which is displayed on
  * the terminal screen at run time, together with the options for
  * the FUNCTION  field:
      /'Name  of Job-Variable:   '  #JV-NAME
      /'Node                 :   '  #NODE
     / 'Function (READ / WRITE / ALLOC / ERASE / END): '  #FUNCTION
    // '            only for function WRITE:'
     / 'Date:                    '  #DATA (AL=20)
     / 'Substring-start:         '  #SUBSTR-START   (NL=3 SG=OFF)
     / '(Substring-)length:      '  #SUBSTR-LENGTH  (NL=3 SG=OFF)
     / 'Value-length:            '  #VALUE-LENGTH   (NL=3 SG=OFF)
     / 'Password, if required:   '  #PASSWORD
  * The view JOB-VARIABLES can then be addressed by the program,
  * the fields used depending on the specified function.
  * Below are examples for READ and WRITE:
         VALUE 'READ'
       * -----------
                 AND  NODE                        = #NODE
                 AND  FUNCTION                    = #FUNCTION
                 AND  READ-PASSWORD               = #PASSWORD
           VALUE 'WRITE'
       *   ------------
                 AND  NODE                        = #NODE
                 AND  FUNCTION                    = #FUNCTION
                 AND  DATA                        = #DATA
                 AND  WRITE-PASSWORD              = #PASSWORD
                 AND  LENGTH                      = #VALUE-LENGTH
                 AND  SUBSTRING-START             = #SUBSTR-START
                 AND  SUBSTRING-LENGTH            = #SUBSTR-LENGTH


Spool File Handling

The following example illustrates how job output can be read from the spool in a z/VSE system and written to a file.

  * An input mask is defined with the INPUT statement:
       / '  Job name.........:' #JOB
       / '  Job number.......:' #JOBN
      // '  Mark spool type..:' #SEL(1) 'CC' (I) 'completion codes'
       / 21X #SEL(2) 'RD' (I) ' reader queue'
       / 21X #SEL(3) 'LS' (I) ' list queue'
       / 21X #SEL(4) 'PU' (I) ' punch queue'
       / 21X #SEL(5) 'XM' (I) ' transmit queue'
       / '  Dataset number...:' #DS
      // 'to' (I)
       / '  Library........:' WRITE-FILE.LIBRARY
       / '  Sub library....:' WRITE-FILE.SUBLIB
       / '  Member.........:' WRITE-FILE.MEMBER
       / '  Member type....:' WRITE-FILE.MEMBER-TYPE
       / '  VSAM catalog...:' WRITE-FILE.VSAM-CAT
  * To read the job output, the READ-SPOOL view is called,
  * identifying the job and output file required:
                       AND JOB-NUMBER = #JOBN
                       AND TYPE       = #TYPE
                       AND DATA-SET   = #DS
                       AND NODE       = ##NODE
  * To write the output file to a file, the WRITE-FILE view is
  * called, specifying the destination member:
                      ,   SUBLIB       = WRITE-FILE.SUBLIB
                      ,   VSAM-CAT     = WRITE-FILE.VSAM-CAT
                      ,   MEMBER       = WRITE-FILE.MEMBER
                      ,   MEMBER-TYPE  = WRITE-FILE.MEMBER-TYPE
                      ,   RECORD       = READ-SPOOL.RECORD
                      ,   NODE         = ##NODE

With the Entire System Server, different types of system data can thus be accessed and stored as conventional files using easy Natural programs. If such programs are implemented in applications, even users with no special computer training can use this advanced technology.

Receiving Emails

Using view RECEIVE-EMAIL and the functions STATUS, LIST, READ and DELETE under statement FIND you can manage your incoming e-mails under z/OS. For communication the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) is used. IMAP is defined in RFC-3501. The name of the mail server IMAP-HOST and the port number IMAP-PORT for access are specified by startup parameters. Other startup parameters specify the default number of mails to be listed by the LIST function and the maximum amount of mails to be read in. This helps to prevent sending unnecessary huge amounts of data for large mailboxes. See also LIST-NUM-MAILS and LIST-NUM-MAILS-MAX.

z/OS allows you to use Application Transparent Transport Layer Security (AT-TLS). This enables a secure access using port 993. Login credentials such as user ID and password are handed over in the Natural program.

We give some simple examples to explain the functions STATUS, LIST, READ and DELETE. Upon this we discuss more complex use cases:


The following example illustrates a use case for the function STATUS in which we request

  • the total number of mails (NUMBER-MAILS);

  • the number of unread mails (NUMBER-NEW-MAILS).

        AND   FUNCTION    = 'STATUS'             
        AND   USERID      = 'horst.mustermann@softwareag.com'           
        AND   PASSWORD    = #PASSW     
        PRINT '=' NUMBER-MAILS                       

It is useful to invoke this function from time to time to check if new mails have arrived. If so, you might then want to invoke other functions to list, read or delete mails.


Using function LIST you can display directory data of mails such as STATUS, SENDER-MAIL, SENDER-NAME, SUBJECT, RECIPIENTS, MESSAGE-ID, UID or DATE. This is illustrated in the following statement:

        AND   FUNCTION    = 'LIST'             
        AND   USERID      = 'horst.mustermann@softwareag.com'           
        AND   PASSWORD    = #PASSW  
        AND   LIST-NUM-MAILS  = 15    
        PRINT '=' STATUS                           
        PRINT '=' SENDER-MAIL                   
        PRINT '=' SENDER-NAME                   
        PRINT '=' SUBJECT                       
        PRINT '=' RECIPIENTS                    
        PRINT '=' MESSAGE-ID                    
        PRINT '=' UID                           
        PRINT '=' DATE 


  1. Using field LIST-NUM-MAILS you can limit the number of mails to be listed. If this field is omitted, a default defined in the startup parameters is assumed.
  2. In field STATUS two different values can be displayed: NEW for a mail that yet has not been read and SEEN for a mail that has already been read.
  3. Field MESSAGE-ID is a unique world-wide reference. A MESSAGE-ID is therefore long and complex. However, a MESSAGE-ID cannot be used to read or delete a mail using IMAP. Instead, IMAP uses the UID as identifier.
  4. By adding STATUS = 'NEW' to the FIND statement only new mails will be listed.
  5. By adding code such as SENDER-MAIL = 'richard.wagner@softwareag.com' to the FIND statement you can limit the list to mails from a specific sender. You can also use a search term embraced by stars (*) to limit your search to a sender that contains a specific substring, for example to list mails from senders that contain the string "richard" independent of its position specify SENDER-MAIL='*Richard*' or SENDER-MAIL='*Wagner*'.


The next example illustrates the usage of function Read:

FIND     RECEIVE-EMAIL WITH   NODE = #NODE                
         AND   FUNCTION = 'READ'                           
         AND   USERID   = 'horst.mustermann@softwareag.com'           
         AND   PASSWORD = #PASSW  
         AND   UID      =  #UID   
         PRINT '=' RECORD  


  1. The mail to be read is identified using a UID (unique identifier). UIDs are displayed using function LIST.
  2. The contents of the mail to be read is displayed using field RECORD.


You can delete a mail using a FIND statement similar to the following example:

FIND      RECEIVE-EMAIL WITH   NODE = #NODE               
          AND   FUNCTION = 'DELETE'    
          AND   USERID   = 'horst.mustermann@softwareag.com'           
          AND   PASSWORD = #PASSW  
          AND   UID      =  #UID
          PRINT '=' ERROR-CODE          
          PRINT '=' ERROR-TEXT          
          PRINT '=' MAILSERVER-RESPONSE        

If the call was successful, the following message is displayed:

MAILSERVER-RESPONSE: Delete successful 

Read all Mails from a Specific Sender with a Specific Search Term in the Subject Line

Assume we want to read all and only those mails with a matching term in the subject line from a specific sender:

        AND   FUNCTION    = 'LIST'             
        AND   USERID      = 'horst.mustermann@softwareag.com'           
        AND   PASSWORD    = #PASSW  
        AND   SUBJECT     = ‘*SALE*’
        AND   SENDER-MAIL = 'my.boss@company.com'  

In this example we list mails from one sender that contain the word "SALE".

As already shown above, a term embraced by stars (*) matches any string in which the term occurs independent of its position. In this example case we get all messages in which the term SALE occurs somewhere in the subject line. For the sender, on the other hand, we require an exact match, that is we restrict our statement to mails with a sender that exactly matches the e-mail address of the boss.

List the Latest 1000 Mails from a Mail Box Containing 10.000 Mails

Assume a mailbox contains approximately 10.000 mails. We want to list the latest 1000. We could achieve this by one LIST call. However, this would imply an inadequately long response time. To reduce response time, we successively call the LIST command for a fraction (here 100) until the required amount of mails is listed. This is done by the following loop:

#LIST-NUM  := 100
FOR #I = 1 TO 10 
        AND   FUNCTION    = 'LIST'             
        AND   USERID      = 'horst.mustermann@softwareag.com'           
        AND   PASSWORD    = #PASSW  
        AND   LIST-NUM-MAILS       = #LIST-NUM 

Before the loop is entered, variable START-MAIL-NR is set to NUMBER-OF-MAILS. This ensures that the list starts with the latest mail.

Note that for each iteration step the position from which to list mails, controlled by variable START-MAIL-NR, has to be decremented by the number of mails listed in one step (= LIST-NUM = 100).

After the first iteration step, the starting point is decremented by LIST-NUM-MAILS (=100) to prepare the second iteration step, and so on until the nth step.

Access to z/OS UNIX Files

This section covers access to the z/OS UNIX file system within NATURAL applications. NATURAL itself already provides this in TSO or batchjobs but not in online monitors like CICS or Com-plete. Now, Entire System Server itself provides an access to the z/OS UNIX file-system. There are 3 new views called WRITE-UNIX-FILE, READ-UNIX-FILE and UNIX-DIRECTORY. A fully qualified path-name must be provided to locate the file you want to read or write to. Here is an example of how to write to a UNIX:

#RECORD-LENGTH := 80                    
#PATH   := '/u/nat/wkk/beispiele/lrec80 '  
   ,                     PATH   = #PATH                    
   ,                     RECORD  = #RECORD                 
   ,                     RECORD-LENGTH   = #RECORD-LENGTH

Note the fully qualified pathname for the file to be written to. It must start with a slash. Also note that we have set RECORD-LENGTH to 80 characters. Otherwise, a default record-length of 132 would be used. The maximum value for RECORD-LENGTH is 253. At the end the file must be closed as in other “update views” such as WRITE-FILE or SUBMIT:

  ,                      FUNCTION     = 'CLOSE'

The DDM looks like this:

1  FN  FUNCTION                         A    8    
       Function to be performed:                                         
       blank   Write a record                                            
       CLOSE   All records have been written, close file.                                         
1  A1  PATH                             A  128    
       Fully qualified Path of file to be written, starting with /                                       
1  A4  RECORD                           A  253    
       Record to be written.                                             
1  ID  IDENTIFIER                       A    8    
       Needed if multiple update views are executing in                                            
       parallel, all requests for the same file must have same Identifier.                                   
1  A7  RECORD-LENGTH                    N  3.0    
       Length of record, default is 132.

How to z/OS UNIX file is demonstrated by the following example:

#PATH := '/u/nat/user/examples/lrec80 '                   
#RECORD-LENGTH := 80                                     
FIND      READ-UNIX-FILE  WITH  NODE   = #NODE           
          AND                   PATH   = #PATH                
          AND                   RECORD-LENGTH = #RECORD-LENGTH

Note that you only need to specify RECORD-LENGTH for files that contains a record greater than 132 characters. Here, we want to read a file containing a record with 250 characters:

#PATH := '/u/nat/user/examples/lrec250'                   
#RECORD-LENGTH := 250                                    
        AND                   PATH   = #PATH               
        AND                   RECORD-LENGTH = #RECORD-LENGTH

The DDM looks like this:

A1  PATH                             A  128    
    Path of file to be read.                                          
A4  RECORD                           A  253    
    Record to be read.                                                
A7  RECORD-LENGTH                    N  3.0    D

By specifying the path of a directory you can get a list of all files and (sub)directories of that directory including a list of entries such as user ID, access-rights and file size. Here is an example:

#PATH   := '/u/nat/user/examples/ld'            
           AND          PATH  = #PATH

The DDM looks like this:

DB  Name                             F Leng  
 A1  PATH                            A   54  
     Path of directory to be read.            
 A2  FILE                            A   54  
     file name of directory                   
 A3  TYPE                            A    1  
     D=Directory,3=standard file , see layout of BPXYFTYP           
 A4  ACCESS-USER                     A    3  
     Access rights of User, R=read,   W=write,   X=Execute.                           
A5  ACCESS-GROUP                     A    3  
     Access rights of group, R=read, W=write,   X=Execute.   
A6  ACCESS-OTHER                     A    3  
     Access rights for others, R=read, W=write,  X=Execute. 
A7  OWNER                            A    8  
     Owner of this file.                      
 A8  OWNER-GROUP                     A    8  
     Group of owner.                          
 A9  FILE-SIZE                       N  8.0 
     Size of file in bytes.

Field TYPE can be interpreted as defined in BPXYFTYP

** BPXYFTYP: File type definitions                          
FT_DIR               EQU   1      Directory File            
FT_CHARSPEC          EQU   2      Character Special File    
FT_REGFILE           EQU   3      Regular File              
FT_FIFO              EQU   4      Named Pipe (FIFO) File    
FT_SYMLINK           EQU   5      Symbolic link             
*                    EQU   6      Reserved for Block Special
FT_SOCKET            EQU   7      Socket File

Imagination Is the Limit

The above examples illustrate the kind of tasks the Entire System Server can be used for, but they are not exhaustive. Small programs can be written for specific tasks, but more elaborate site-specific applications can be built to automize whole areas of data center tasks. As already mentioned, Software AG provides ready applications based on the Entire System Server in the area of operations scheduling, event management, and output handling (see the section What is Entire System Server?).

Additionally, the Entire System Server installation medium provides a comprehensive online tutorial consisting of sample programs for every Entire System Server view. These programs not only serve as a useful online training guide, but can also be customized to meet the requirements of the installation, and can be used as a starting point for the development of more complex applications.

Experienced application developers and system programmers will readily recognize the potential of using the Entire System Server as a powerful aid to build tools for their work. If we can say that the Entire System Server provides the brush and the colors, then the application developers and system programmers paint the picture. As with all creative artists, their ingenuity is the limit.