Messages and Codes

This documentation contains the messages and codes returned by the Entire System Server, together with an explanation of the error text. Information concerning remedial action is also provided where appropriate.

Message codes are returned in the field ERROR-CODE, with an appropriate text describing the message in the field ERROR-TEXT. If neither of these fields appear in the user-supplied format buffer, and if an error occurs, the appropriate Natural error message (Range 5500 to 5999) is issued.

This documentation is organized under the following headings:

System Messages Lists the ESY system messages, together with their explanation and the action required.
XCO Console Messages Lists the XCO console messages, together with their explanation and the action required.
ESY Console Messages Lists the ESY console messages, together with their explanation and the action required.
Adabas Response Codes Lists the Adabas response codes, including explanations and required actions.


  1. The Entire System Server field ERROR-CODE (N3) contains only the last three 3 digits of the Natural error number.

  2. Some error texts in this documentation contain variables indicated by n:, where n denotes a value supplied by the Entire System Server as appropriate.

  3. For some messages, this documentation gives no explanation or remedial information. These messages will be used in future versions of the product.