Entire System Server 3.1.2 Release Notes

For further information, you should also read the Entire System Server 3.1.1 Release Notes which are delivered with Version 3.1.2 on the current Natural Documentation CD-ROM and in printed form.

References contained in the Version 3.1.1 Release Notes generally refer to the corresponding Version 3.1.1 manuals which are included in the Version 3.1.2 documentation.

These Release Notes provide an overview of solved problems provided for Entire System Server 3.1.2.

This document covers the following topics:

Support of Previous Versions

Note that with the release of Entire System Server 3.1.2, versions of Entire System Server lower than 2.2.2 can no longer be supported. You are therefore strongly advised to migrate to the current version at your earliest convenience.

The restrictions for OS/390 JES3 installations described in the Entire System Server Version 3.1.1 release notes also apply to this maintenance level. If your applications need the missing functionality for the JES3 interface or you are using Entire Output Management (NOM), you must not install Entire System Server Version 3.1.2. Instead, you have to use Entire System Server Version 2.2.2, until the missing functionality of the JES3 interface is implemented in the next release of Entire System Server.


Before you can install the Entire System Server, the following Software AG products must already be installed at your site:

  • Natural Version 3.1.4 or above;

  • Adabas Version 7.1.2 or above;

  • Entire System Server Interface (provided with Natural);

  • Entire Net-Work Version 5.6.1 (optional, for multi-CPU Support);

  • Predict Version 4.1.2 or above (optional).

The Entire System Server Services are available in any Natural environment that runs any or a combination of the following operating systems:

  • OS/390 Version 2.6 or above; or z/OS Version 1.1 or above

  • VSE/ESA Version 2.4 or above;

  • BS2000/OSD Version 2 or above.

For OS/390, JES2 the PTF's for APAR's OW35104, OW36019, OW44349 and OW52411 must be applied.

For OS/390, JES3 the PTF's for APAR's OW34753, OW36019, OW36022 and OW44298 must be applied. See also Information APAR II11784 for recommended JES3 SAPI maintenance.

Since Entire System Server on BS2000/OSD is using operating system interfaces introduced with BS2000/OSD Version 2, it cannot run on former operating system versions.

Software AG provides Entire System Server support for the operating system versions supported by their respective manufacturers. Generally, when an operating system provider stops supporting a version of an operating system, Software AG will stop supporting that operating system version.

Although it may be technically possible to run a new version of Entire System Server on an old operating system, Software AG cannot continue to support operating system versions that are no longer supported by the system's provider.

If Natural ISPF is used, Version 2.4.3 or above is required to support the new Entire System Server version.

If Natural ISPF Version 2.4.2 is used, the solutions for the following problems have to be installed:

z/OS and OS/390:

Problem Solution Description
195165 IS24204 Error NAT1305 in ISPJLS1P / 5580 Numeric value truncated


Problem Solution Description
202180 IS24205 Browse / Find in LMS elements slow.

Solved SAGSIS Problems on z/OS and OS/390

Problem Short Description
168615 NAT0954 on IF ERROR-CODE
190497 RLSE not releasing unused space
190840 Lib-update doesn't scratch
200106 Rename dataset ACF2 message
201694 Fields not filled, DIS-WTOR
204122 No user-id from NATPROC-USERS
204214 Lib-update: alias not correct
204241 Submit: error ES8? close handling
204415 ESY5580 with PDSE dataset
204453 View unit-attrib./diff. results
204562 Abend S0C4 with LOAD-MODULE IDR
204564 Abend S0C7 in XCOMV044+X'2A04'
204691 LOAD-MODULE DATX field incorrect
204789 IDR-TYPE LINK not found for PDS
205162 UNIT-HEX conflicts with UNIT
205168 List active job with NSPF
205443 S0C1/TRACE error msgs at init
205507 ESY0580I SSI req. 80 STATREAS 2
205588 Subtask already active
205745 Read / copy load-module
205747 ACTIVE-JOBS with JOB-NAME=blank
205749 Spool-queue groupid 8 chars
206029 Operator cmd not working
206097 Opcmd TRACE=Y & TRACE=PREP error
206126 Copy-file to PDSE replace ignor
206334 Find by group-id
206372 Submit does not set JOB-ID
206385 ICH409I 0C4-010 ABEND at logoff
206452 Spool-queue: card-count not set
206624 Scan case sensitive
206627 S213-8C with HFS
206693 Scan-length with scan-type=A
206808 CC for cond.code doesn't work
206812 S001, IEC020I 001-03
206813 S0C4 in XCOMV012 at X'0AC4'
206927 ESY5580 instead of ESY5998
206928 IDR-TYPE=ZAP on PDSE data set
206981 Overview of applied zaps
206982 Invalid JES2 Cmd $TSTC(nnn),C=c
207197 Recall not migrated data set
207224 Displaced data if unknown MU fld
207307 Lib-directory on load lib TTR
207404 LIB-ZAP to PDSE returns AMA129I
207618 S0C4 in READCONS at X'0A1C'
207760 TYPE SM sysout data set not found
207776 Duplicate spool data sets found
207864 Wrong dataset allocated for ALIAS
208939 READ-FILE receives ESY5996
209011 S0C4 when data set PASSWORD spec.
209065 SPOOL-FILES with HOLD=YES, update
209528 Hang in xcomvtop
209604 Support for JES2 z/OS 1.2
209623 COPY-FILE for ALIAS incorrect
209821 SYNCDB does not support DBID >999
209921 Abend S0C4 in XCOMALCF +X'176'
210219 NAT RC cmds w/CIDs missing view
210395 ESY5785 CVAFTST failed with RC
210620 FIND CONSOLE-LOG log-job-name
210630 Allocation not released for PDS
210657 Sporadical esy5631
210854 Console-log: scan not used proper
210872 S0C4 esynmain+x3F1A
211028 Correct GMT/local time adjustment
211085 SPOOL-FILES release new-class
211093 SPOOL-FILES invalid NEW-CLASS
211114 FILE-ATTRIBUTES of uncatlg PDSE
211537 Wrong PDSE IDR data
211588 Free space not shown correctly
211614 Copy PDS member to uncat. Dataset
211682 Wrong MODULE-LENGTH returned
211867 Duplicate SPOOL-QUEUE entries
212046 ESY0563I $CBIO failed, RC 12
212050 SPOOL-QUEUE finds wrong CLASSes
212117 Abend S0C1 in TRACE at X'05E6'
212186 ABEND S130
212405 VTOC-update doesn't check catalog
212444 VTOC shows incorrect EXTENT-TYP
212464 VTOC extent not listed
212488 NAT5719 Unable to..SYSOUT dataset
212550 TRACE defaults incorrect
212880 Copy-file module to pdse
212906 ESY5602 in CATALOG-UPDATE
213173 Correct TRACE console msg IDs
213287 ABEND S378-1C in XCOMV012
213376 No error code for view SPOOL-FILE
213800 ZAPs near module end not reported
214011 Scan doesn't find all members
214488 Default for IUBL
214666 Allocations: strange values
214792 ESY5892 at shutdown ESM product
214966 Display offset of CSECT wrong
215068 LOG-REQUEST-TYPE missing
215140 TRACE opr cmd seems not to work
215214 Active-jobs: not all found
215370 S80A reason 10
215468 S0C1 in XCOMV003 at X'095E'
215525 device-names: not all found
216393 SPOOL-QUEUE: JOB-NAME empty
217611 S0C4 in XCOMV004 at X'11EE'

Other Problems Solved on z/OS


Entire System Server 3.1.2 provides an updated version of the Common JES Interface that includes support for the new z/OS 1.2 JES2 checkpoint format, allowing for job numbers greater that 65535. However, as the spool related view processors only support 5-digit job numbers, there is still a limit of 99,999.

To comply with this restriction, an appropriate JOBDEF RANGE limit can be specified in the JES2 Initialization Statements.

Entire System Server 31 will recognize dynamic changes of JES parameters, therefore the operator Command REFRESH JES is not longer supported.

Solved SAGSIS Problems on VSE/ESA

Problem Short Description
200686 Write vsam sequential file
204430 NAT5777 4883i writing seq file
205444 S0C1/TRACE error msgs at init
205690 Sporadical ESY5631
206729 No user-id from NATPROC-USERS
207224 Displaced data if unknown MU fld
207391 Opcmd TRACE=Y & TRACE=PREP error
208712 ESY0878W opening TRACSAV
208761 COPY-FILE REPLACE improvements
209788 Power 6.6 support
209835 Correct REPLACE processing
209836 COPY-FILE for ALIAS incorrect
210218 Console log returns NAT/ESY5688
210313 DYNACC not always available
210658 S0C4 in READCONS at X'0A42'
211091 Missing MSHP link statements
212357 Abend S0C1 in TRACE at X'06B6'
212359 ESYTRACE version chk fails-file
212551 TRACE defaults incorrect
212588 SYNCDB does not support DBID >999
212671 Overview of applied zaps
213174 Morrect TRACE console msg IDs
213548 4883i Invalid Logical Unit
213767 Defaults for new parms wrong
213778 Dynamic Server = YES
213824 Dynamic Server - increase tasks
214148 TRACE opr cmd seems not to work
214149 CATALOG LIBRARIAN fld returns NO
214416 Missing TRACSAV causes abend
215134 AMODE conflicts with NAT, LE
217636 ESY5777 with natproc-users

Solved SAGSIS Problems on BS2000/OSD

Problem Short Description
204851 How to pass on account numbers
206328 Wrong time stamps in TRACE data
206563 Zero RECORD with READ-FILE is blank
206733 Keep TSN in inactive SERVER TYPIO
206747 Support zero AREA in MAIN-STORAGE
209833 NPR corrupts/truncates jobs
210304 FILE-ATTRIBUTES internal error
210486 NATPROC-USERS incomplete data
210689 HELP-INFO corrupted data
210734 Zero DATA in COMMON-DATA is blank
210767 Zero MESSAGE in EVENTING is blank
211203 Displaced data if unknown MU field
212941 Number of USER CB's exceeded
216734 Binary data returned left justified

Changes with the Next Version

With the next version of Entire System Server, the following changes will be implemented:

  1. The JOB-ID and JOB-NUMBER fields in the spool related view processors will be expanded to provide support for seven-digit job numbers.

  2. The LOAD-MODULE view processor will use the Binder API to obtain information on load modules in both PDS and PDSE libraries, resulting in a consistent format of data fields such as IDR-DATA.

  3. Fields and functions related to CVOLs will be removed from the DDM for CATALOG-UPDATE. CVOLs are no longer supported as of January 1st, 2000.

  4. The OPTIONS field for view WRITE-FILE will be renamed to PRODUCT-OPTIONS to avoid a potential conflict with the Natural reserved word used with the Optimizer Compiler.

  5. XEND and ADAEND Commands
    It has come to our attention that the undocumented XEND command is being used by some customers to shut down an Entire System Server region. ADAEND is the only documented and supported command to be used to normally shut down a region. XEND will disappear in a future release of Entire System Server.


    Support of user views SEQUENTIAL-FILE-READ (file number 100) and SEQUENTIAL-FILE-WRITE (file number 202) will be dropped with the next release of Entire System Server.