Entire System Server 2.2.2 Release Notes

  For further information, you should also read the Entire System Server 2.2.1 Release Notes which are delivered with Version 2.2.2 on the current Natural Documentation CD-ROM and in printed form.
References contained in the Version 2.2.1 Release Notes generally refer to the corresponding Version 2.2.1 manuals which are included in the Version 2.2.2 documentation set as PDF files only. Formal differences to the current release documentation may exist, for example, Software AG product names (Natural, Adabas, etc.) are written in capital letters.

These Release Notes provide an overview of solved problems provided for Entire System Server 2.2.2.

This document covers the following topics:

Support of Previous Versions

With the release of Entire System Server 2.2.2, versions of Entire System Server lower than 2.1.4 can no longer be supported. You are therefore strongly advised to migrate to the current version at your earliest convenience.

Since Natural 2.3.4, the installation of ESX 2.3.x under Natural Version 2.3.4 is described in the Natural 2.3.4 Release Notes. For new features and change enhancements, please refer to the Entire System Server 2.2.1 Release Notes.


Before you can install the Entire System Server, the following Software AG products must already be installed at your site:

  • Adabas Version 6.2 or above;

    If you are using Entire System Server Version 222, Adabas Version 711 and Natural Version 312, please apply zap AO711027 in the Adabas load library.

  • Natural Version 2.3.4 or above;

    There are the following additional prerequisites for SYSPROD running with Entire System Server:

    • For NAT234: the fixes NA23425 and NA23439

    • For NAT312: the fix NA31206

      Apply the fixes as described below:

      Step Procedure
      1 Change the text from NPR to ESY in the member NATCONFG in NAT234.SRCE or NAT312.SRCE.
      2 Arrange ESY in alphabetical order.
      3 In both cases, the Natural module NATCONFG has to be reassembled and linked.
      4 Load NPR222.INPL.
      5 As described in the Natural Installation Manual Step 6, the Natural Nucleus has to be relinked.
  • Entire System Server Interface (provided with Natural 2.3.4);

  • Entire Net-Work Version 5.4.1 (optional, for multi-CPU support).

  • Predict Version 3.2 or above (optional).

The Entire System Server services are available in any Natural environment that runs any or a combination of the following operating systems:

  • OS/390 Version 2.4 or above,

  • VSE/ESA Version 1.4.4 or above,

  • BS2000/OSD Version 2 or above.

Solved SAGSIS Problems on OS/390

Problem Description
181725 ESY5710 Allocation failed.
182929 Abend on operator command.
183397 Delete PS / alloc PS failed.
184051 COPY book missing on tape.
184158 Abend S0C2 in XCOMV007 at +2F4.
184189 View CATALOG and XCOMV008.
184285 ESY5508 Adabas Rsp 52.
184287 NAT7545 / ESY5510.
185000 Error ESY5782 message not correct.
185035 Invalid ESD-ADDRESS - load-module.
185046 OS/390 2.7 and 2.8 XCOMJES2.
185050 Change defaults NATWSPL2 NATWSP23.
185368 Abend S0C2 in XCOMDEV4 at +1BA.
185375 Abend S0C2 in XCOMV009 at +39E.
185577 Messages ESY0001I from NATWSPL2.
185583 ESY5631 Console table not found.
185636 ESY5710 Allocation failed message.
185881 Abend S0C4 Abend in XCOMV032.
186023 READ-SPOOL TYPE AL only 1 line.
187558 Abend S0C4 in XCOMJES2+X'290A'
187905 NPR cannot be stopped.
187952 Expiration-date with YYYY/DDD.
188791 Abend S0C4 in XCOMV008+X'0468'.
189021 Write-to-Spool for Natural 2.3.

Further Solved SAGSIS Problems on OS/390:

Problem Description
190490 Sometimes Monitor does not start.
190502 NCL terminates with S13E.
190511 S0C4 abend in ESYNMAIN.
190628 ESY5785 w/ MVTOC pgm in SYSNPE.
190650 JES2 Job Numbers > 32767.
190992 datx fields are blank.
191168 SYSPROD USR0050P.
191343 LIB-DIRECTORY - undefined results.
191517 Several abends A0A-10 JES3.
191643 ABEND S0C4 during startup.
191759 Missing error text.
192060 READ-FILE SCAN-LIMIT not precise.
192534 Abend S047 after SYSTEM-COMMAND.
192576 Start/end date blank.
192677 Assembly NATPAML error ASM044E.


Solved SAGSIS Problems on VSE/ESA

Problem Description
180030 SAT subtask with NAT228.
186783 ESY5508 Adabas Rsp 52.
186784 NAT7545 / ESY5510.
186785 Batch task abends with dump.
188156 NPR dumps after ADAEND.
188158 NPR dumps subtask during ADAEND.
188162 Error in Date Arithmetic 29.2.2000
189422 Storage not freed by NOM subtasks.
189935 Sporadically ESY5631.
192138 Member VTAMNATP.B is missing.
192321 SYSTEM-INFO returns wrong date.

Solved SAGSIS Problems on BS2000/OSD

Problem Description
178216 NAT23x, dyn. parms for subtask.
182482 Performance problem SPOOL V.4
183474 ESY5889 (DMS0D80) at SATSTART
View processor NATURAL-SUBTASK cannot open temporary file on NK4 pubsets.
Similar problems in view processors SUBMIT and WRITE-SPOOL solved.
183593 MAIN Task Dump after WTO NPR0064 in SERVER.
183678 NATPROC-LOGON gets Adabas response code 52.
183717 ESY0400E ENASI RC 0x10000004 if ESYCONS is executed with PROG- MOD=ANY
183807 SYSTEM-INFO gets response code 5510.
185893 Generated /EOF card in view processor NATURAL-SUBTASK.
185911 ESY0300E (IW48 in XCOMV035) after ADAEND.
185918 Entire System Server does not start with Adabas V.7.
188555 Performance problem SPOOL V4.

Other Problems Solved on BS2000/OSD


  • Upper limit of Natural subtasks increased from 20 to 100.

  • Execute NPRINIT in MAIN task with PROG-MOD=ANY.

  • Deferred ESY ADAEND processing to properly execute shutdown of internal products.

  • Support different configurations of Natural batch driver to read dynamic parameters for Natural subtasking. The new startup parameter NATDYNPAR has been introduced to specify the input unit of dynamic parameters and a revised edition of the Natural subtask job skeletons is provided.

  • Since Entire System Server supports BS2000/OSD V.2 and above, a console message will be issued if an earlier operating system version has been detected. Please note that the next release of ESY will require BS2000/OSD Version 2 and cannot run with older operating system versions.

    The following message appears as warning:

    XCO0091W BS2000/OSD V.2 or above is recommended.

Cancelled Support

Support of LMS Version 1 will be canceled with the next version of Entire System Server.