Entire System Server for Unix Messages

This document contains the following messages:

Entire System Server for Unix Messages NPR3251-NPR3300

NPR3300: NPR3300 NPR Service name exceeds :1: bytes - :2:

Text NPR3300 NPR Service name exceeds :1: bytes - :2:
Explanation The Broker service name used for the start of NPR/Unix is too long.
Action Use a valid service name.

Entire System Server Messages for Unix NPR3301-NPR3350

NPR3301: NPR3301 NPR Service :1: starting on :2, PID :3

Text NPR3301 NPR Service :1: starting on :2, PID :3
Explanation Start message of NPR/Unix. The message contains the service name, the host name and the process ID

NPR3302: NPR3302 Variable :1: not found

Text NPR3302 Variable :1: not found
Explanation An environment variable or built-in variable could not be found.

NPR3303: NPR3303 NPR Service :1: reuses existing Broker service

Text NPR3303 NPR Service :1: reuses existing Broker service
Explanation The service was already registered at the Broker.
Action No action required.

NPR3304: NPR3304 NPR Service :1: stopped, PID :2:, exit code :3:

Text NPR3304 NPR Service :1: stopped, PID :2:, exit code :3:
Explanation The shutdown of NPR/Unix is completed. The message contains the exit code of the NPR/Unix service.

NPR3305: NPR3305 NPR Service :1: - begin serving [SC :2:, SN :3:, SV :4:]

Text NPR3305 NPR Service :1: - begin serving [SC :2:, SN :3:, SV :4:]
Explanation If this message is logged, the NPR/Unix service has a functioning connection to the Broker, and is able to handle requests. Abbreviations: SC Service class (usually NPR) SN Server name SV Service name

NPR3306: NPR3306 NPR Service :1: - Broker Response :2: :3:

Text NPR3306 NPR Service :1: - Broker Response :2: :3:
Explanation The message contains the Broker message number and Broker message text. A Broker error might have occurred.
Action Please refer to "EntireX Communicator Messages and Codes" for a detailed message description.

NPR3307: NPR3307 NPR Service :1: - connection to Broker :2: active (again)

Text NPR3307 NPR Service :1: - connection to Broker :2: active (again)
Explanation The connection to the Broker is active (again). The NPR/Unix service is able to handle requests.

NPR3308: NPR3308 "Integration_Mechanism" is invalid

Text NPR3308 "Integration_Mechanism" is invalid
Explanation The parameter "Integration_Mechanism" in the file npr.ini has an invalid value.

NPR3309: NPR3309 Not executing as Windows Service

Text NPR3309 Not executing as Windows Service
Explanation NPR/Windows: npretb.exe was not started as a Windows service. NPR/Windows is installed as a Windows service and must be executed as Windows service.

NPR3310: NPR3310 Windows Service started

Text NPR3310 Windows Service started
Explanation NPR/Windows: The Windows service for NPR/Windows was started.

NPR3311: NPR3311 NPR Service :1: registered at Broker :2:

Text NPR3311 NPR Service :1: registered at Broker :2:

NPR3312: NPR3312 NPR Service :1: deregistered at Broker :2:

Text NPR3312 NPR Service :1: deregistered at Broker :2:

NPR3313: NPR3313 NPR Service :1: is already running

Text NPR3313 NPR Service :1: is already running
Explanation Either a duplicate NPR/Unix start was attempted, or a previous NPR/Unix was not deregistered correctly at the Broker.
Action Use "ETB_Dup_Check=no" in npr.ini, or invoke startnpr with the "-f" (force) option (or both), to force a NPR/Unix start.

NPR3314: NPR3314 NPR Service duplicate check not performed

Text NPR3314 NPR Service duplicate check not performed
Explanation The parameter "ETB_Dup_Check" has the value "no".

NPR3315: NPR3315 NPR Service :1: check, RC :2:

Text NPR3315 NPR Service :1: check, RC :2:
Explanation The check of the NPR Service ended erroneously. The return code is contained in the message.

NPR3316: NPR3316 NPR Service :1: already running (PID :2:, shared memory :3:)

Text NPR3316 NPR Service :1: already running (PID :2:, shared memory :3:)
Explanation A duplicate NPR service start was attempted. The original process remains running and the duplicate process will be terminated.

NPR3317: NPR3317 Current Directory: :1:

Text NPR3317 Current Directory: :1:
Explanation The current directory during startup of NPR/Unix or NPR/Windows.

NPR3318: NPR3318 Operating System: :1:

Text NPR3318 Operating System: :1:
Explanation The operating system, under which NPR/Unix resp. NPR/Windows executes. The message also shows the addressing mode (32 bit or 64 bit).

NPR3319: NPR3319 Invalid Object :1:

Text NPR3319 Invalid Object :1:
Explanation The calling program passed an invalid object.

NPR3322: NPR3322 :1: not defined; you must modify :2:

Text NPR3322 :1: not defined; you must modify :2:
Explanation A parameter is missing in the npr.ini file.
Action Add the requested parameter in the npr.ini file.

NPR3323: NPR3323 Entry :1: in :2: - wrong value :3:

Text NPR3323 Entry :1: in :2: - wrong value :3:
Explanation A parameter value in npr.ini has an invalid content.
Action Correct the npr.ini file and try to restart the NPR service.

NPR3324: NPR3324 NPR Service :1: - Broker :2: not accessible - retrying ...

Text NPR3324 NPR Service :1: - Broker :2: not accessible - retrying ...
Explanation The connection to the Broker is lost. NPR/Unix remains alive and tries to re-establish the Broker connection periodically.

NPR3325: NPR3325 Function :1: not defined for :2:

Text NPR3325 Function :1: not defined for :2:
Explanation The calling program passed an invalid function for the object.

NPR3326: NPR3326 PID :1: not assigned to :2:

Text NPR3326 PID :1: not assigned to :2:
Explanation JOB/CANCEL, Unix: The auxiliary output file contained an unexpected process ID.

NPR3327: NPR3327 PID :1: not found

Text NPR3327 PID :1: not found
Explanation The displayed PID could not be found in the system.

NPR3328: NPR3328 Fatal Error: Cannot execute :1:

Text NPR3328 Fatal Error: Cannot execute :1:

NPR3329: NPR3329 :1:

Text NPR3329 :1:
Explanation A system error occurred. The message contains the message number and/or message text. The origin of the message text may be the operating system.

NPR3330: NPR3330 Invalid file handle :1:

Text NPR3330 Invalid file handle :1:
Explanation The file handle passed by the calling program is invalid.

NPR3331: NPR3331 Too many files for :1:

Text NPR3331 Too many files for :1:

NPR3332: NPR3332 Invalid access restrictions :1: for file :2:

Text NPR3332 Invalid access restrictions :1: for file :2:

NPR3333: NPR3333 Cannot get :1: for user :2:

Text NPR3333 Cannot get :1: for user :2:
Explanation The internal uid or gid for the given user can not be obtained from the system.

NPR3334: NPR3334 Can not get user name for :1:

Text NPR3334 Can not get user name for :1:

NPR3335: NPR3335 Successful operation

Text NPR3335 Successful operation
Explanation The function has been performed successfully.

NPR3336: NPR3336 Memory allocation failed for :1:

Text NPR3336 Memory allocation failed for :1:

NPR3338: NPR3338 No match for :1:

Text NPR3338 No match for :1:

NPR3339: NPR3339 Object not found

Text NPR3339 Object not found

NPR3340: NPR3340 Shared memory access error :1:

Text NPR3340 Shared memory access error :1:

NPR3341: NPR3341 Function :1: not yet implemented

Text NPR3341 Function :1: not yet implemented

NPR3342: NPR3342 No "Administrator" defined

Text NPR3342 No "Administrator" defined
Explanation The parameter "Administrator" must be defined in npr.ini.

NPR3345: NPR3345 More objects available

Text NPR3345 More objects available

NPR3346: NPR3346 No more data

Text NPR3346 No more data

NPR3347: NPR3347 Bad buffer format :1:

Text NPR3347 Bad buffer format :1:
Explanation The calling program passed an invalid buffer format.
Action Contact Software AG support.

NPR3348: NPR3348 Record length not multiple of :1:

Text NPR3348 Record length not multiple of :1:

NPR3349: NPR3349 Bad network path

Text NPR3349 Bad network path

Entire System Server Messages for Unix NPR3351-NPR3400

NPR3354: NPR3354 Exit code message not found

Text NPR3354 Exit code message not found
Explanation No ‘exit code’ message could be found in the SYSOUT file of a job.

NPR3355: NPR3355 Exit code :1:

Text NPR3355 Exit code :1:
Explanation The message contains the exit code of the executed script or executable.

NPR3356: NPR3356 Environment variable :1: set to :2:

Text NPR3356 Environment variable :1: set to :2:
Explanation An environment variable was set.

NPR3357: NPR3357 Environment variable :1: has value :2:

Text NPR3357 Environment variable :1: has value :2:
Explanation This message is displayed for information purposes.

NPR3358: NPR3358 Environment variable :1: can not be defined

Text NPR3358 Environment variable :1: cannot be defined

NPR3359: NPR3359 Environment variable :1: is not defined

Text NPR3359 Environment variable :1: is not defined

NPR3360: NPR3360 Cannot open :1:

Text NPR3360 Cannot open :1:
Explanation A file or directory cannot be opened for reading.

NPR3361: NPR3361 Cannot write :1:

Text NPR3361 Cannot write :1:
Explanation A file cannot be opened for writing.

NPR3362: NPR3362 Cannot create :1:

Text NPR3362 Cannot create :1:
Explanation A file or directory cannot be created.

NPR3366: NPR3366 Permission denied for :1:

Text NPR3366 Permission denied for :1:

NPR3367: NPR3367 Not found: :1:

Text NPR3367 Not found: :1:

NPR3368: NPR3368 Cannot get group name for :1:

Text NPR3368 Cannot get group name for :1:

NPR3369: NPR3369 Group :1: not for user :2:

Text NPR3369 Group :1: not for user :2:
Explanation The user :2: is not member of the group :1:.

NPR3370: NPR3370 User :1: undefined

Text NPR3370 User :1: undefined

NPR3371: NPR3371 Access denied for user

Text NPR3371 Access denied for user

NPR3372: NPR3372 Wrong NPR version :1:; function :2: not supported by this

Text NPR3372 Wrong NPR version :1:; function :2: not supported by this version.

NPR3373: NPR3373 Not logged in

Text NPR3373 Not logged in
Explanation For this function a login is required.

NPR3374: NPR3374 Password invalid for the user

Text NPR3374 Password invalid for the user
Action Please login with a valid password.

NPR3375: NPR3375 Operation is not allowed for the user

Text NPR3375 Operation is not allowed for the user

NPR3376: NPR3376 NPR has no ‘root’ rights

Text Text NPR3376 NPR has no ‘root’ rights
Explanation Functions requiring ‘root’ rights can’t be performed during this NPR session.

NPR3377: NPR3377 Version error

Text NPR3377 Version error
Explanation There is a mismatch between the versions of npretb and libnpr.so(sl) (resp. npretb.exe and libnpr.dll on Windows). This is an installation error. The message shows the versions of the affected modules.
Action Correct your installation.

NPR3380: NPR3380 Line :1:: :2:

Text NPR3380 Line :1:: :2:

NPR3390: NPR3390 Signal :1: received

Text NPR3390 Signal :1: received
Explanation The signal handler of NPR/Unix or NPR/Windows received the displayed signal from the operating system.

NPR3391: NPR3391 Shutdown was requested by signal :1:

Text NPR3391 Shutdown was requested by signal :1:

NPR3392: NPR3392 Exiting due to signal :1:

Text NPR3392 Exiting due to signal :1:
Explanation The NPR/Unix or NPR/Windows service is terminating.

NPR3393: NPR3393 System shutdown in progress

Text NPR3393 System shutdown in progress
Explanation Windows: An operating system shutdown is in progress.

NPR3394: NPR3394 Shutdown during Broker timeout

Text NPR3394 Shutdown during Broker timeout

NPR3395: NPR3395 Command line: :1:

Text NPR3395 Command line: :1:
Explanation The message shows the command line, with which npretb (Windows: npretb.exe) was invoked.

NPR3398: NPR3398 Shared Memory :1: started

Text NPR3398 Shared Memory :1: started

NPR3399: NPR3399 Shared Memory :1: stopped

Text NPR3399 Shared Memory :1: stopped

Entire System Server Messages for Unix NPR3401-NPR3449

NPR3401: NPR3401 Mode set to :1: for :2:

Text NPR3401 Mode set to :1: for :2:

NPR3402: NPR3402 Current directory could not be determined. Exiting.

Text NPR3402 Current directory could not be determined. Exiting.

NPR3403: NPR3403 Environment variable or directory access error. Exiting.

Text NPR3403 Environment variable or directory access error. Exiting.

NPR3404: NPR3404 Empty message

Text NPR3404 Empty message

NPR3405: NPR3405 Message not found: :1: (size :2:)

Text NPR3405 Message not found: :1: (size :2:)
Explanation A message text could not be found.
Action Please contact Software AG Support.

NPR3406: NPR3406 Exit code message not found

Text NPR3406 Exit code message not found.
Explanation NPR could not find a message in the SYSOUT of a process that contains it’s exit code.

NPR3407: NPR3407 Exit code not found

Text NPR3407 Exit code not found

NPR3411: NPR3411 Job could not be started

Text NPR3411 Job could not be started

NPR3412: NPR3412 User :1:, pam_start error :2:

Text NPR3412 User :1:, pam_start error :2:
Explanation Unix: A PAM error occurred.

NPR3413: NPR3413 User :1:, pam_authenticate error :2:

Text NPR3413 User :1:, pam_authenticate error :2:
Explanation Unix: A PAM error occurred.

NPR3414: NPR3414 User :1:, no permission for getuserpw (owner root ?)

Text NPR3414 User :1:, no permission for getuserpw (owner root ?)
Action Please check if npretb has root rights and if the bits are set.

NPR3415: NPR3415 User :1: undefined (getuserpw) - :2:

Text NPR3415 User :1: undefined (getuserpw) - :2:

NPR3416: NPR3416 User :1: undefined or invalid password

Text NPR3416 User :1: undefined or invalid password
Action Please use a valid user ID and/or password.

NPR3417: NPR3417 SE_TCB_NAME privilege not held

Text NPR3417 SE_TCB_NAME privilege not held
Explanation This message is Windows specific.

NPR3418: NPR3418 User :1:: batch logon not granted

Text NPR3418 User :1:: batch logon not granted
Explanation Windows: The user must have the right to execute batch jobs.

NPR3419: NPR3419 Logon user :1:, Windows error :2:

Text NPR3419 Logon user :1:, Windows error :2:
Explanation Windows: A Windows error occurred during the logon processing.

NPR3421: NPR3421 Synchron file not found: :1:

Text NPR3421 Synchron file not found: :1:

NPR3422: NPR3422 Library file not found: :1:

Text NPR3422 Library file not found: :1:

NPR3423: NPR3423 Library :1: loaded

Text NPR3423 Library :1: loaded

NPR3424: NPR3424 Library :1:: at least one entry not found

Text NPR3424 Library :1:: at least one entry not found
Explanation The loading of the library failed.
Action Please contact Software AG support.

NPR3425: NPR3425 Library :1: not loaded. Usage disabled.

Text NPR3425 Library :1: not loaded. Usage disabled.

NPR3429: NPR3429 PAM module ":1:" is unknown

Text NPR3429 PAM module ":1:" is unknown

NPR3431: NPR3431 NetWare API's can be used

Text NPR3431 NetWare API's can be used

NPR3440: NPR3440 Drive :1: released. Assignment was :2:

Text NPR3440 Drive :1: released. Assignment was :2:

NPR3441: NPR3441 Drive :1: assigned to :2: (type :3:)

Text NPR3441 Drive :1: assigned to :2: (type :3:)

NPR3442: NPR3442 Drive :1: assignment to :2: kept

Text NPR3442 Drive :1: assignment to :2: kept

Entire System Server Messages for Unix NPR3450-NPR3500

NPR3450: NPR3450 Target file cannot be created

Text NPR3450 Target file cannot be created

NPR3451: NPR3451 Path not fully qualified

Text NPR3451 Path not fully qualified
Action Please use a fully qualified path name.

NPR3452: NPR3452 File name missing

Text NPR3452 File name missing

NPR3453: NPR3453 Directory not found

Text NPR3453 Directory not found

NPR3454: NPR3454 Directory access denied

Text NPR3454 Directory access denied

NPR3455: NPR3455 Directory creation error

Text NPR3455: NPR3455 Directory creation error

NPR3458: NPR3458 Environment variable :1: not determinable– - no session

Text NPR3458 Environment variable :1: not determinable– - no session
Explanation The environment variable can be determined only if a session exists.

NPR3459: NPR3459 Environment variable :1: is empty

Text NPR3459 Environment variable :1: is empty

NPR3461: NPR3461 IPC_Prefix must be hexadecimal (000 - ffff)

Text NPR3461 IPC_Prefix must be hexadecimal (000 - ffff)

NPR3462: NPR3462 Same (old) service with PID :1: found - forcing start

Text NPR3462 Same (old) service with PID :1: found - forcing start

NPR3463: NPR3463 Killing old service :1: with PID :2: (shared memory :3:)

Text NPR3463 Killing old service :1: with PID :2: (shared memory :3:)

NPR3469: NPR3469 NPR Service :1: - using INI file section [:2:]

Text NPR3469 NPR Service :1: - using INI file section [:2:]

NPR3470: NPR3470 NPR Service :1: - section missing in INI file

Text NPR3470: NPR3470 NPR Service :1: - section missing in INI file

NPR3471: NPR3471 NPR Service :1: PID :2: - start aborted

Text NPR3471 NPR Service :1: PID :2: - start aborted

NPR3472: NPR3472 NPR Service :1: is active

Text NPR3472 NPR Service :1: is active

NPR3473: NPR3473 NPR Service :1: is not registered at :2:

Text NPR3473 NPR Service :1: is not registered at :2:

NPR3475: NPR3475 NPR Service :1: deregistered during shutdown, Broker :2:

Text NPR3475 NPR Service :1: deregistered during shutdown, Broker :2:

NPR3479: NPR3479 NPR Service :1: was inactive since :2:

Text NPR3479 NPR Service :1: was inactive since :2:

NPR3481: NPR3481 NPR Service :1: - Password for :2: could not be deciphered

Text NPR3481 NPR Service :1: - Password for :2: could not be deciphered .
Action Please use the utility nprpwc (resp. nprpwc.exe) for password ciphering.

NPR3490: NPR3490 Broker Service: :1:

Text NPR3490 Broker Service: :1:

NPR3491: NPR3491 Broker: :1:

Text NPR3491 Broker: :1:
Explanation This message is being used for several status informations about the Broker and the Broker stub.

NPR3492: NPR3492 Last Broker response time: :1:

Text NPR3492 Last Broker response time: :1:

NPR3499: NPR3499 Broker Stub: :1:

Text NPR3499 Broker Stub: :1:

Entire System Server Messages for Unix NPR3501-NPR3550

NPR3501: NPR3501 Current umask (octal): :1:

Text NPR3501 Current umask (octal): :1:
Explanation The message shows the umask, which is in effect during the startup of NPR/Unix.

NPR3502: NPR3502 Current uid: :1: (:2:)

Text NPR3502 Current uid: :1: (:2:)
Explanation The message shows the uid, which is in effect during the startup of NPR/Unix.

NPR3504: NPR3504 Current User: :1: - Group: :2:

Text NPR3504 Current User: :1: - Group: :2:

NPR3505: NPR3505 Current User: :1:

Text NPR3504 Current User: :1:

NPR3506: NPR3506 Executing under :1:

Text NPR3506 Executing under :1:

NPR3507: NPR3507 Built with :1:

Text NPR3507 Built with :1:
Explanation The message shows the compiler version, with which NPR was built.

NPR3508: NPR3508 NPR Version :1: (:2:)

Text NPR3508 NPR Version :1: (:2:)

NPR3509: NPR3509 Executing in :1: bit mode

Text NPR3509 Executing in :1: bit mode
Explanation The message shows, whether NPR executes in 32 bit mode or in 64 bit mode.

NPR3510: NPR3510 Size of time variables (time_t): :1:

Text NPR3510 Size of time variables (time_t): :1:

NPR3511: NPR3511 Locale_String from system: :1:

Text NPR3511 Locale_String from system: :1:

NPR3512: NPR3512 Explicit Locale_Stri n : :1:

Text NPR3512 Explicit Locale_String: :1:

NPR3513: NPR3513 Locale_String=no

Text NPR3513 Locale_String=no

NPR3519: NPR3519 Server: :1:

Text NPR3519 Server: :1:

NPR3520: NPR3520 Windows Service: :1:

Text NPR3520 Windows Service: :1:

NPR3521: NPR3521 Executable: :1:

Text NPR3521 Executable: :1:
Explanation The fully qualified path of the NPR executable.

NPR3522: NPR3522 S_ISUID and S_ISGID are set

Text NPR3522 S_ISUID and S_ISGID are set

NPR3523: NPR3523 S_ISUID and / or S_ISGID is not set

Text NPR3523 S_ISUID and / or S_ISGID is not set

NPR3524: NPR3524 s-Bits were not checked

Text NPR3524 s-Bits were not checked

NPR3529: NPR3529 Windows Service :1: is already running

Text NPR3529 Windows Service :1: is already running

NPR3530: NPR3530 No PAM authentication

Text NPR3530 No PAM authentication

NPR3531: NPR3531 Using PAM authentication

Text NPR3531 Using PAM authentication

NPR3535: NPR3535 Open file timeout: :1: seconds

Text NPR3535 Open file timeout: :1: seconds

NPR3541: NPR3541 No matching session

Text NPR3541 No matching session

NPR3545: NPR3545 Log directory: :1:

Text NPR3545 Log directory: :1:

NPR3546: NPR3546 Log file: :1:

Text NPR3546 Log file: :1:

NPR3551: NPR3551 :1: set to :2:

Text NPR3551 :1: set to :2:

NPR3552: NPR3552 Using trace file (prefix) :1:

Text NPR3552 Using trace file (prefix) :1:

NPR3561: NPR3561 Using INI file :1:

Text NPR3561 Using INI file :1:

NPR3562: NPR3562 INI file not found: :1:

Text NPR3562 INI file not found: :1:

NPR3563: NPR3563 :1: has value :2:

Text NPR3563 :1: has value :2:

NPR3564: NPR3564 INI value not found: :1:

Text NPR3564 INI value not found: :1:

NPR3571: NPR3571 Using minimum value :1: for :2:

Text NPR3571 Using minimum value :1: for :2:

NPR3581: NPR3581 Waiting :1: second(s) for retry

Text NPR3581 Waiting :1: second(s) for retry

NPR3585: NPR3585 Waiting for reconnection

Text NPR3585 Waiting for reconnection

Entire System Server Messages for Unix NPR3601-NPR3999

NPR3601: NPR3601 Signal :1: ignored

Text NPR3601 Signal :1: ignored

NPR3611: NPR3611 Invalid PID :1:

Text NPR3611 Invalid PID :1:

NPR3631: NPR3631 Total commands: :1:, total elapsed time: :2: seconds

Text NPR3631 Total commands: :1:, total elapsed time: :2: seconds

NPR3651: NPR3651 Password has expired

Text NPR3651 Password has expired

NPR3660: NPR3660 Group :1: undefined

Text NPR3660 Group :1: undefined

NPR3661: NPR3661 User :1:, authentication service unavailable

Text NPR3661 User :1:, authentication service unavailable

NPR3681: NPR3681 File Info Table full (> :1:)

Text NPR3681 File Info Table full (> :1:)
Action Please contact Software AG Support.

NPR3701: NPR3701 Permanent SSL error

Text NPR3701 Permanent SSL error

NPR3801: NPR3801 Function not available for :1:

Text NPR3801 Function not available for :1:

NPR3811: NPR3811 Command is empty

Text NPR3811 Command is empty

NPR3812: NPR3812 Command error

Text NPR3812 Command error

NPR3813: NPR3813 Malformed e-mail address: :1:

Text NPR3813 Malformed e-mail address: :1:
Explanation One or more e-mail addresses in the command are invalid.

NPR3821: NPR3821 System error :1:

Text NPR3821 System error :1:
Explanation The message shows an error issued by the operating system.
Action In case of unexpected or unusual error codes, please contact Software AG Support.

NPR3822: NPR3822 :1: - Access denied

Text NPR3822 :1: - Access denied

NPR3825: NPR3825 Output file not found

Text NPR3825 Output file not found

NPR3830: NPR3830 closeFile - unexpected file name

Text NPR3830 closeFile - unexpected file name
Explanation The file name passed by the caller is invalid for the file handle. The file handle was assigned to another file.

NPR3831: NPR3831 File not decodable – HTML mode :1: - Codepage Id :2:

Text NPR3831 File not decodable – HTML mode :1: - Codepage Id :2:

NPR3835: NPR3835 File contains more than :1: records

Text NPR3835 File contains more than :1: records

NPR3839: NPR3839 Record is longer than :1: bytes

Text NPR3839 Record is longer than :1: bytes

NPR3841: NPR3841 Bad data buffer type :1:

Text NPR3841 Bad data buffer type :1:
Action Please contact Software AG Support.

NPR3845: NPR3845 Bad buffer content, buffer format :1:

Text NPR3845 Bad buffer content, buffer format :1:
Action Please contact Software AG Support.

NPR3846: NPR3846 Invalid buffer position :1:, buffer size :2:

Text NPR3846 Invalid buffer position :1:, buffer size :2:
Action Please contact Software AG Support.

NPR3849: NPR3849 Bad record separator :1:

Text NPR3849 Bad record separator :1:

NPR3851: NPR3851 Directory :1:

Text NPR3851 Directory :1:

NPR3852: NPR3852 File :1:

Text NPR3852 File :1:

NPR3853: NPR3853 ... user :1:, group :2:, access restrictions :3:

Text NPR3853 ... user :1:, group :2:, access restrictions :3:

NPR3854: NPR3854 Access rights of :1: adjusted

Text NPR3854 Access rights of :1: adjusted
Explanation The access rights of a directory or file were adjusted automatically by NPR.

NPR3860: NPR3860 Tool :1: found: :2:

Text NPR3860 Tool :1: found: :2:
Explanation The message contains the location of the tool.

NPR3861: NPR3861 Tool :1: not found

Text NPR3861 Tool :1: not found

Entire System Server Messages for Unix NPR4000-NPR4099

NPR4000: NPR4000 Command line is too long

Text NPR4000 Command line is too long

NPR4002: NPR4002 Syntax error: Unexpected end of command

Text NPR4002 Syntax error: Unexpected end of command

NPR4003: NPR4003 Syntax error: :1: unexpected

Text NPR4003 Syntax error: :1: unexpected

NPR4004: NPR4004 NPR Service :1: is already active

Text NPR4004 NPR Service :1: is already active

NPR4005: NPR4005 NPR Service :1: will be started

Text NPR4005 NPR Service :1: will be started

NPR4006: NPR4006 Unable to start NPR Service :1:

Text NPR4006 Unable to start NPR Service :1:

NPR4007: NPR4007 NPR Service :1: - 'Server=:2:' definition not found

Text NPR4007 NPR Service :1: - 'Server=:2:' definition not found

NPR4008: NPR4008 NPR Service :1: on :2: is active

Text NPR4008 NPR Service :1: on :2: is active

NPR4009: NPR4009 NPR Service :1: on :2: is active (local, PID :3:)

Text NPR4009 NPR Service :1: on :2: is active (local, PID :3:)

NPR4010: NPR4010 NPR Service :1: on :2: is not active or not accessible

Text NPR4010 NPR Service :1: on :2: is not active or not accessible

NPR4011: NPR4011 NPR Service :1: - Stop in progress

Text NPR4011 NPR Service :1: - Stop in progress

NPR4012: NPR4012 No service specified; all services will be displayed

Text NPR4012 No service specified; all services will be displayed

NPR4013: NPR4013 Operation is allowed for user :1: only

Text NPR4013 Operation is allowed for user :1: only

NPR4014: NPR4014 Stop request comes from own machine (:1:)

Text NPR4014 Stop request comes from own machine (:1:)

NPR4015: NPR4015 NPR Service :1: - (external) SERVER/STOP received

Text NPR4015 NPR Service :1: - (external) SERVER/STOP received

NPR4016: NPR4016 Cannot start NPR Service :1: on remote Server :2:

Text NPR4016 Cannot start NPR Service :1: on remote Server :2:

NPR4017: NPR4017 User ID or password missing for login

Text NPR4017 User ID or password missing for login

NPR4018: NPR4018 NPR Service :1: is not defined in :2:

Text NPR4018 NPR Service :1: is not defined in :2:
Explanation The NPR Service is not defined in the npr.ini file.

NPR4019: NPR4019 NPR Service :1: on :2: is not accessible locally

Text NPR4019 NPR Service :1: on :2: is not accessible locally

NPR4020: NPR4020 Value range is :1: to :2:

Text NPR4020 Value range is :1: to :2:

NPR4021: NPR4021 Handling services with :1:

Text NPR4021 Handling services with :1:

NPR4022: NPR4022 Stopping services with :1:

Text NPR4022 Stopping services with :1:

NPR4023: NPR4023 Stopping all services

Text NPR4023 Stopping all services

NPR4028: NPR4028 NPR Service :1: is still active (PID :2:) - waiting

Text NPR4028 NPR Service :1: is still active (PID :2:) - waiting
Action Please wait, until the NPR Service has recognized and executed the request.

NPR4029: NPR4029 NPR Service :1: on :2: stopped

Text NPR4029 NPR Service :1: on :2: stopped

NPR4030: NPR4030 Function initialized

Text NPR4030 Function initialized

NPR4049: NPR4049 Broker Library could not be loaded

Text NPR4049 Broker Library could not be loaded

NPR4050: NPR4050 Broker Library loaded: :1:

Text NPR4050 Broker Library loaded: :1:

NPR4051: NPR4051 Broker Id is too long for API version :1: - maximum is :2:

Text NPR4051 Broker Id is too long for API version :1: - maximum is :2:

NPR4061: NPR4061 Broker return length :1: less than expected :2:

Text NPR4061 Broker return length :1: less than expected :2:

NPR4091: NPR4091 Service section [:1:] not found in :2:

Text NPR4091 Service section [:1:] not found in :2:
Explanation The service section could not be found in the npr.ini file.

Entire System Server Messages for Unix NPR4100-NPR4199

NPR4101: NPR4101 NPRMGR Start

Text NPR4101 NPRMGR Start

NPR4102: NPR4102 NPRMGR End - exit code :1:

Text NPR4102 NPRMGR End - exit code :1:

NPR4103: NPR4103 NPRMGR Command: :1:

Text NPR4103 NPRMGR Command: :1:
Explanation The message shows the NPRMGR command to be executed.

NPR4109: NPR4109 NPRMGR terminating due to error

Text NPR4109 NPRMGR terminating due to error

NPR4112: NPR4112 Stop Command set for NPR Service :1:, PID :2:, using IPC Key :3:

Text NPR4112 Stop Command set for NPR Service :1:, PID :2:, using IPC Key :3:

NPR4121: NPR4121 Performing Command: :1:

Text NPR4121 Performing Command: :1:

Entire System Server Messages for Unix NPR9951-NPR9999

NPR9999: NPR9999 :1:

Text NPR9999 :1:
Explanation This message code is being used for various message texts.