Completing the Installation

This document covers the following topics:

Setting up Entire System Server Components

Entire System Server on UNIX is set up with the following steps

Step 1: Customize EntireX Broker

The following definitions must be included in the EntireX Broker attribute file:



<nodename> is the identification of the node where the server is active.
<npr identifier> is the identification of the service name provided for the NPR server.

Repeat these definitions for every NPR server specified in the npr.ini file. For instance, if an NPR server is available in the HP001 node with the service name nprdemo, the following definitions must be created:


For installing EntireX Broker, see the latest documentation.

Step 3: Set Environment Variable ETB_TIMEOUT

To enable an Entire System Server (NPR) service to stop while the TCP/IP connection to the Broker is down, the environment variable ETB_TIMEOUT is automatically set to 60 seconds by NPRETB and NPRMGR.This avoids a hang of the broker stub during a disconnected TCP/IP connection, and allows the stopping of npretb in such a situation. Note that ETB_TIMEOUT remains unchanged if it was set before the execution of npretb resp. nprmgr.

Step 4: Customize the NPR Server

The npr.ini file is used to define the behavior of the server processes. It is structured in one [DEFAULTS] section and one or more [<npr identifier>] sections.

You can define settings either in the [DEFAULTS] section or in an [<npr identifier>] section:

Define Settings in a Section

The [DEFAULTS] section contains default values that apply to all servers. For a particular server such a default can be overwritten by providing an [<npr identifier>] section with an alternative setting.

Settings in a [<npr identifier>] Section

The [<npr identifier>] sections are optional, and can be created or modified later. They are used to define items specific to a certain server when these are different from default.

Any item defined in the [DEFAULTS] section can also be defined for each [<npr identifier>] section.

Any item defined in the [DEFAULTS] section can also be defined for each [<npr identifier>] section. If an item is not defined in this section, it is taken from the [DEFAULTS] section.

Step 5: Start Work with Entire System Server

See chapter Product Operation: W indows Service Usage.