**************************************************************************** ****** ****** README.FIX ****** ****** List of fixes made for this Entire System Server version ****** **************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 1995-2018 Software AG, Darmstadt, Germany ============================================================================ Entire System Server Version 2.1.11 23 Jul 2018 ============================================================================ The given lists provide all problems and error corrections currently known and even though it was set up with greatest diligence it cannot be complete. The lists, therefore, does not give any guarantee regarding functionality either of the error corrections or the software involved or regarding the completeness of the problems and corrections stated. Version Entire System Server 2.1.11 =================================== Created on : 2018-07-23 for product : NPR iTrac : NPROS-275 (Release notes) This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- NPROS-263 Windows EOR_WORK and EOR_NOM defineable in service section NPROS-264 Solaris Use 'which' instead of 'whereis' NPROS-265 Windows Missing drive or directory handling NPROS-269 Windows MSVC 2017: Compiler option /Qspectre X00195 Unix Show $LANG in NPR log NPROS-271 all Open_File_Timeout check correction, disabling NPROS-272 all FILE/READ,WRITE: buffer type D Patch Level Entire System Server ========================================= Created on : 2017-11-09 for product : NPR iTrac : n/a This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- X00183 all nprmgr: show and log NPR_INI NPROS-260 Unix determine fuser and lsof location under root NPROS-261 Unix check and write recursively log directory rights NPROS-148 AIX OS release information (preparation) NPROS-222 Linux use sigaction instead of signal NPROS-262 all allow dynamic 'Server=' definition Version Entire System Server 2.1.10 =================================== Created on : 2017-08-23 for product : NPR iTrac : n/a This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- NPROS-253 all error handling for session-dep. env. vars NPROS-254 all handling of Broker RC 0020/0094 NPROS-255 all Copyright entries in sources and scripts; sagver NPROS-256 all nprmgr: write NPR version to sysout NPROS-258 all E-mail address check correction Patch Level Entire System Server ========================================= Created on : 2017-05-12 for product : NPR iTrac : n/a This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- NPROS-240 all USER/LOGIN: session id verification NPROS-241 all UTF-8 encoding to HTML; follow-up of NPROS-102 NPROS-242 Unix $HOME for root NPROS-244 all disable nprCommonA.nprVersion NPROS-227 all check listenReturnLength NPROS-245 all eorxcl improvements NPROS-246 all FILE/COPY,MOVE: line limit NPROS-247 Linux GCC 6 adaptations NPROS-248 Unix enable skipping of 'file' command NPROS-249 Windows nprwinservice: /path ... handling Patch Level Entire System Server ========================================= Created on : 2017-01-23 for product : NPR iTrac : n/a This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- NPROS-228 Unix Handle 'glob' errno 13 (permission denied) X00181 Unix FILE/COPY,MOVE: skip *~ NPROS-230 Unix Re-enable dynamic linkage NPROS-232 Windows FILE/WRITE with line end = LF only NPROS-233 Windows Use MS Visual Studio 2017 (optionally) NPROS-234 all FILE/READ: file position checking NPROS-235 all remove Local_Node from npr.ini.tpl Patch Level Entire System Server ========================================= Created on : 2016-10-18 for product : NPR iTrac : n/a This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- NPROS-212 Windows FILE/DELETE,DELDIR: Unix and Windows corrections NPROS-213 Unix JOB/SUBMIT: handle setuid error EAGAIN NPROS-215 Solaris SUNSOL10_64 issues NPROS-217 AIX libnpr.so could not be loaded NPROS-219 Solaris Crash with Solaris CPU Patchcluster 2016/04 NPROS-220 all JOB/GETEXIT: Return exit code in a longer field NPROS-223 all FILE/READ: NPR abend, if binary read WIN072 Windows Windows 10 version information: more details Patch Level Entire System Server ========================================= Created on : 2016-07-12 for product : NPR iTrac : n/a This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- NPROS-207 all FILE/WRITE: empty record: write one blank NPROS-209 all FILE/DELETE,DELDIR: return NPR_OBJ_NOT_FOUND NPROS-210 all FILE/DELETE,DELDIR: CLL >= 5 with file name NPROS-211 all Avoid decoding of EEV_SFU_PREFIX in NOP export Patch Level Entire System Server ========================================= Created on : 2016-07-04 for product : NPR iTrac : n/a This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- NPROS-199 Windows FILE/LINECNT abend, if file not existing WIN064 Windows nprmgr.exe without parms not starting under cygwin X00176 all force shutdown if "TCP:11001:No such host is known" NPROS-202 all FILE/DIR error handling NPROS-203 all FILE/COPY error handling WIN065 Windows NprFgets: skip double-byte null bytes WIN066 Windows Windows > 10.0.14342: version detection correction WIN068 Windows getHomeDir error handling X00177 all no shutdown if "TCP:11001:The requested name is invalid" WIN069 all JOB/SUBMIT: returnText empty, if NPR_SYSERROR NPROS-206 all FILE/READ,WRITE: use   if record = blank(s) Patch Level Entire System Server ========================================= Created on : 2016-04-15 for product : NPR iTrac : n/a This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- NPROS-189 all FILE/DIR, blank(s) in search path NPROS-190 all EOR_WORK and EOR_NOM definable in service section NPROS-194 Windows new return code NPR_BAD_NETPATH NPROS-192 Unix set NPR_COMMAND_ERROR for lsof error NPROS-196 all FILE/DELDIR: nprFileManagement.execUserMode WIN061 Windows addConnectionWin logon failure: error text NPROS-158 Unix NPR_UFOC_... - Unix file open check method WIN062 Windows post-correction for NPROS-182 WIN063 Windows evaluate %HOMEDRIVE%, %HOMEDIR% Version Entire System Server 2.1.8 ================================== Created on : 2016-01-15 for product : NPR iTrac : n/a This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- NPROS-173 Unix Autostart not performed, if 'Server=' missing X00172 all log the full path of the log file WIN057 all NPR3561 sometimes logged multiply WIN058 Windows load broker.dll: more error logging (-> NPROS-154) NPROS-182 all eortime: show difference to UTC too NPROS-183 all use existing environment variable OPO_HOME NPROS-167 Unix USER/LOGIN: flag for 'Use_Pam' X00174 all message NPR3391: text change 'stop' -> shutdown' X00175 Unix npretb: catch and log signals SIGTSTP, SIGCONT NPROS-185 all FILE/COPY,MOVE: flag 'inherit access time' NPROS-186 Windows resolve NPR_ENC1 (encoding) NPROS-188 all npr.ini.tpl: Server=localhost Patch Level Entire System Server ========================================= Created on : 2015-11-03 for product : NPR iTrac : n/a This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- NPROS-146 Windows Do no more evaluate NPRDIR, NPRVERS NPROS-147 Unix openFile: seteuid, setegid NPROS-152 Linux openSuse 13.2: libsasl2 not found NPROS-153 all SERVER/CL-TL-G: get current cmd log + trace level NPROS-154 Windows Windows: load broker.dll from SAG common directory NPROS-155 all set environment variable NPR_BIN NPROS-156 all JOB/COMMAND: output file not found NPROS-157 all $OPO_HOME evaluation, '-F-' evaluation NPROS-159 all FILE/GETATTR: skip fileAttr.fileIsOpen optionally NPROS-160 Windows MS Visual Studio 2015 preparations NPROS-161 Unix traceProcessFDs: Avoid seteuid(0) if not root NPROS-162 Unix FILE/DTD: file directory, time descending NPROS-163 all JOB/GETEXIT: set NPR_OBJ_NOT_FOUND if file missing WIN055 Windows INI file search; Windows 10 adaptations WIN056 Windows %HOME% <- GetUserProfileDirectory X00167 all nprtbl.c: tableEntry.lastAccess NPROS-166 all disable nprCommonA.user8 NPROS-168 all avoid loop in NprSystem invocation X00171 all stat: use st_mtime instead of st_atime NPROS-169 Windows nprwinservice: /add id none ... NPROS-170 Unix npr_rc.tpl correction NPROS-171 all 'localhost' as default for 'Server=', etc. Version Entire System Server 2.1.7 ================================== Created on : 2015-07-14 for product : NPR iTrac : n/a This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- NPROS-145 all FILE/LINECNT: line count limit; access denied NPROS-150 Unix EXX Broker 9.9 adaptations Patch Level Entire System Server ========================================= Created on : 2015-04-28 for product : NPR iTrac : n/a This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- NPROS-140 Unix log, adjust access rights of $EOR_WORK, $EOR_NOM X00156 Linux sendmail tracing WIN048 Windows using MSVC 2013 runtime NPROS-141 Windows nprmgr: command 'help' not working NPROS-115 all (additional) data buffer size 100 Kb NPROS-142 Unix sendmail parameter check WIN050 Windows blat (email) tracing NPROS-134 all npretb -v2 : NPR version for nprenv etc. Patch Level Entire System Server ========================================= Created on : 2015-02-13 for product : NPR iTrac : n/a This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- NPROS-132 all NPR_HOME evaluation and setting NPROS-133 Unix JOB/SUBMIT: 'permission denied' for script file NPROS-136 Unix sendmail loop, postdrop security error X00152 Unix eorxcl: cleanup /tmp/NPR.* files NPROS-137 Unix default group determination Version Entire System Server 2.1.6 ================================== Created on : 2015-01-14 for product : NPR iTrac : n/a This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- NPROS-128 Unix JOB/PAUSE hang (Unix) Patch Level Entire System Server ========================================= Created on : 2014-12-16 for product : NPR iTrac : n/a This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- NPROS-118 Windows nprwinservice additions NPROS-126 all avoid too much logging if CLL=4 and TL<20, etc. Patch Level Entire System Server ========================================= Created on : 2014-12-09 for product : NPR iTrac : n/a This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- NPROS-120 all Closure of accidentally open files Patch Level Entire System Server ========================================= Created on : 2014-11-27 for product : NPR iTrac : n/a This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- NPROS-109 all INI file parameter handling issues NPROS-110 Unix local mode without root rights NPROS-113 Unix JOB/STATUS: NPR_JOB_STAT_ZOMBIE for process status 'zombie' NPROS-117 Unix JOB/SUBMIT; close inherited open files Patch Level Entire System Server ========================================= Created on : 2014-10-15 for product : NPR iTrac : n/a This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- NPROS-99 all trigraphs for formfeed and tab NPROS-102 all FILE/READ, APPEND: HTML decoding for Umlauts etc. NPROS-104 all JOB/GETEXIT: message NPR3355 parsing NPROS-105 all FILE/READ: close after NPR_NOT_DECODABLE X00144 all jobGetExitCode: check for empty file, etc. WIN045 Windows Windows 10 adaptations X00145 all log commandLogLevel and traceLevel at startup Version Entire System Server 2.1.5 ================================== Created on : 2014-07-03 for product : NPR iTrac : n/a This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- NPROS-93 Windows JOB/COMMAND: Windows adaptations NPROS-94 all SAG Installer preparations NPROS-97 Windows nprwinservice adaptations for SAG Installer NPROS-98 Unix FILE/COPY, Unix: use 'rename', if possible Patch Level Entire System Server ========================================= Created on : 2014-03-07 for product : NPR iTrac : n/a This update contains solutions for the 4-07-09following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- X00137 Unix PAM preload correction NPROS-89 Unix pclose error, if trace is active NPROS-90 all error handling for missing JOB/COMMAND output file NPROS-91 Unix file deletion: performance improvements NPROS-92 all FILE/READ: formfeed at begin of text file Patch Level Entire System Server ========================================= Created on : 2013-12-09 for product : NPR iTrac : n/a This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- NPROS-85 Unix Password encription $2x$, $2y$, SHA-512 NPROS-86 all Error handling for unexpected Broker stub NPROS-87 all JOB/COMMAND: return PID of child process Patch Level Entire System Server ========================================= Created on : 2013-11-05 for product : NPR iTrac : n/a This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- NPROS-81 Unix Get OS info from /etc/os-release NPROS-82 Unix Error handling for sendmail NPROS-83 Solaris 'lsof' return code checking on Solaris NPROS-84 Unix FILE/COPY and MOVE keep remains of old target file Patch Level Entire System Server ========================================= Created on : 2013-08-26 for product : NPR iTrac : n/a This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- NPROS-73 all nprmgr: retry if intial Broker communication error NPROS-76 Linux FILE/GETATTR: lsof command return code checking NPROS-77 all IPv6 support; EntireX Broker 9.x support X00131 all writeRecord, env. var. missing: error handling WIN036 Windows nprCommonA.groupFlag setting WIN037 Windows FILE/GETATTR: fileAttr.fileGroup20 shortened X00132 all FILE/COPY: preserve modification time WIN038 Windows Windows version check; Windows 8.1 X00133 Unix FILE/DIR: set NPR_SYSERROR for pclose error Patch Level Entire System Server ========================================= Created on : 2013-02-11 for product : NPR iTrac : n/a This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- NPROS-71 Unix ignore ECHILD returned by pclose X00129 all nprmgr: use NPR_LOGDIR X00130 Linux Oracle Linux: check /etc/oracle-release Patch Level Entire System Server ========================================= Created on : 2012-12-11 for product : NPR iTrac : n/a This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- NPROS-67 all copyright year corrected NPROS-68 all USER/LOGIN: group sometimes not recognized NPROS-69 all nested environment variable expansion NPROS-70 Unix npretb: option -f kills old service, if existing Patch Level Entire System Server ========================================= Created on : 2012-10-10 for product : NPR iTrac : n/a This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- NPROS-66 Unix JOB/CANCEL correction Patch Level Entire System Server ========================================= Created on : 2012-10-08 for product : NPR iTrac : n/a This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- NPROS-59 Unix $HOME was not resolved for root NPROS-62 all option -v to show the version NPROS-63 Unix SIGCHLD signal handler NPROS-65 all USER/LOGIN on local node: error code setting Patch Level Entire System Server ========================================= Created on : 2012-05-11 for product : NPR iTrac : n/a This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- WIN033 Windows some more tracing Patch Level Entire System Server ========================================= Created on : 2012-04-05 for product : NPR iTrac : n/a This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- NPROS-50 all error handling for unclosed files NPROS-53 AIX JOB/STATUS: AIX correction Patch Level Entire System Server ========================================= Created on : 2012-01-30 for product : NPR iTrac : n/a This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- NPROS-41 all nprmgr: handling of missing parameters, etc. NPROS-42 all FILE/COPY,MOVE: allow file names in double quotes NPROS-44 all environment variable NPR_LOGDIR NPROS-46 all nprmgr logging NPROS-48 all record length >= 250 Patch Level Entire System Server ======================================== Created on : 2011-07-25 for product : NPR iTrac : n/a This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- NPROS-38 Unix Function FILE/DTA: file directory, time ascending Patch Level Entire System Server ======================================== Created on : 2011-07-04 for product : NPR iTrac : n/a This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- NPROS-32.1 Linux Linux linkage corrected NPROS-35 Unix Handling of status 'zombie' Patch Level Entire System Server ======================================== Created on : 2011-05-10 for product : NPR iTrac : n/a This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- NPROS-32 Linux core dump during LDAP user authentication Patch Level Entire System Server ======================================== Created on : 2011-03-25 for product : NPR iTrac : n/a This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- NPROS-29 Unix local EntireX directory access NPROS-15.1 Unix LDAP, active directory server, cont. NPROS-31 Solaris job status check X00104 Unix JOB/PAUSE handling X00105 all collect total elapsed time X00106 Unix fileAttr.fileIsOpen: lsof existence check Patch Level Entire System Server ======================================== Created on : 2011-01-28 for product : NPR iTrac : n/a This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- WIN026 Windows nprwinservice: allow commands prefixed by '/' NPROS-28 Windows nprwinservice: delete installed with '/force' NPROS-23 HP-UX /opt/softwareag no more obligatory Patch Level Entire System Server ======================================== Created on : 2010-12-14 for product : NPR iTrac : n/a This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- X00100 Unix eorxcl: delete '.directory' NPROS-20 Windows Eventlog for 'NPRDIR missing' NPROS-21 all FILE/GETATTR: check if file is open X00101 Linux more messages for hibernation X00102 all SERVER/GETENV: add rc NPR_VAR_NOT_FOUND Patch Level Entire System Server ======================================== Created on : 2010-09-27 for product : NPR iTrac : n/a This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- WIN022 Windows LoadUserProfile error handling X00097 Linux charset / encoding detection (MIME) NPROS-15 all USER/LOGIN: LDAP, active directory server NPROS-6 all support of EXX dynamic transport address switch X00098 all SERVER/CL-TL: set command log + trace level X00099 all JOB/STATUS: set error if PID = zero WIN023 Windows SetDllDirectory before LoadLibrary NPROS-18 Windows FILE/DELETE backslash conversion Patch Level Entire System Server ======================================== Created on : 2010-07-19 for product : NPR iTrac : n/a This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Platform Description ------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- X00093 all msg NPR3327: text correction X00096 Solaris USER/LOGIN with group incorrect NPROS-8 all trigraph encoding/decoding corrections Patch Level Entire System Server ======================================== Created on : 2010-03-09 for product : NPR Sagsis Problem : 324455 This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Description ------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- X00080 Unix: FILE/READ: permission check correction X00082 Linux: enable PAM preload for local nodes X00083 USER/SE-CHK: session check X00084 FILE/SCAN: string not found WIN019 Windows: checkMappedDrive lastError handling X00085 +F+ before environment variable not recognized X00088 FILE/DIR: error handling for missing env. var. X00089 FILE/GETATTR: buffer type handling X00090 local call corrections 324315 avoid loop if ENOSPC 324431 treat Broker response 0021/0038 as temporary error The following list displays the links between solved problems and related Score SI entries: Prob.No SI Platform Description ------- ------ ------------ ---------------------------------------------- X00080 ...... Unix FILE/READ: permission check correction X00082 ...... Linux enable PAM preload for local nodes X00083 ...... all USER/SE-CHK: session check X00084 ...... all FILE/SCAN: string not found WIN019 ...... Windows checkMappedDrive lastError handling X00085 ...... all +F+ before environment variable not recognized X00088 ...... all FILE/DIR: error handling for missing env. var. X00089 ...... all FILE/GETATTR: buffer type handling X00090 ...... all local call corrections 324315 ...... all avoid loop if ENOSPC 324431 ...... all treat Broker response 0021/0038 as temporary error Initial version is Entire System Server 2.1.4 ============================================= Created on : 2009-09-29 for product : NPR Sagsis Problem : none assigned This update contains solutions for the following problems: Prob.No Description ------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- X00066 Solaris adaptations 315002 file close: more tracing X00067 FILE/DIR: support large record buffer 316213 Linux: more detailed OS information 315822 Unix: Autostart=yes; nprmgr enhancements 315711 Windows: several NPR services on same Windows 317011 file group determination 317294 use caller language for message text X00068 SERVER/INFO: nprVersion8 X00069 Unix: MD5 encription correction X00070 Linux: Use_Pam=yes default for local calls X00071 base64 decode: check if rec size is multiple of 4 X00072 SAP adaptations X00073 Linux: build cgz for installation again WIN016 Windows: file deletion error text X00074 nprCommonA.useUidGid X00075 command elapsed time tracing X00076 avoid constant path /opt/softwareag/npr X00077 keep 1 blank in empty lines X00078 checkCreateDir return text The following list displays the links between solved problems and related Score SI entries: Prob.No SI Platform Description ------- ------ ------------ ---------------------------------------------- X00066 ...... Solaris Solaris adaptations 315002 565651 all file close: more tracing X00067 ...... all FILE/DIR: support large record buffer 316213 ...... Linux more detailed OS information 315822 ...... Unix Autostart=yes; nprmgr enhancements 315711 ...... Windows several NPR services on same Windows 317011 566766 Unix file group determination 317294 ...... all use caller language for message text X00068 ...... all SERVER/INFO: nprVersion8 X00069 ...... Unix MD5 encription correction X00070 ...... Linux Use_Pam=yes default for local calls X00071 ...... all base64 decode: check if rec size is multiple of 4 X00072 ...... all SAP adaptations X00073 ...... Linux build cgz for installation again WIN016 ...... Windows file deletion error text X00074 ...... all nprCommonA.useUidGid X00075 ...... all command elapsed time tracing X00076 ...... Unix avoid constant path /opt/softwareag/npr X00077 ...... all keep 1 blank in empty lines X00078 ...... all checkCreateDir return text