Using nprwinservice to Maintain Windows Services of Entire System Server

nprwinservice is a tool that can be used to maintain the Windows services of Entire System Server. It must be executed from a Windows command prompt with administrator privileges.

Start of instruction setTo access nprwinservice

  1. In the command prompt enter "<INSTALLDIR>\EntireSystemServer\bin\nprwinservice"

    The utility nprwinservice is started. When invoked without parameters, a list of possible parameters is now displayed.

Usage in BAT files

nprwinservice can be used in BAT files too, as it does not interact with the caller. It is highly recommended to check the exit code of nprwinservice in BAT files.


nprwinservice /add <npr_service> using <npr_service_template>

Adds a Windows service for <npr_service> using the template <npr_service_template>

nprwinservice /add <npr_service> [id <id>] exe 
        <full qualified name of npretb.exe>

Adds a Windows service for <npr_service> [with SAG Installer ID <id>] for the executable <full qualified name of npretb.exe>

nprwinservice /delete <npr_service> [path <path prefix>]

Delete Windows service for <npr_service> (service: wildcard possible) (optional: path prefix selection)

nprwinservice /list <npr_service> [path <path prefix>] 

List NPR Windows service(s) (service: wildcard possible) (optional: path prefix selection)

nprwinservice /start <npr_service> [path <path prefix>] 

Start NPR Windows service(s) (service: wildcard possible) (optional: path prefix selection)

nprwinservice /stop <npr_service> [path <path prefix>] 

Stop NPR Windows service(s) (service: wildcard possible) (optional: path prefix selection)


Parameter Description
autostart (optional) Handle only NPR service(s) with start type 'automatic'.
<id> (optional)

SAG Installer ID. It will be appended in brackets to the Windows service name for uniqueness.

If the file <InstallDir>/EntireSystemServer/nprinstall.ini exists, and if <id> is not specified, the SAG Installer ID will be taken from there.

Exit Code

nprwinservice returns exit code 0 (zero), if the function was performed successfully. In all other cases (e.g. if a service could not be found), the exit code is not equal 0 (zero).

The exit code is always being written to the output of nprwinservice also. See Examples.

Software AG Installer ID

NPR Windows service names may contain a Software AG installer ID as suffix. For example: NPR_npr_pcxyz01 (123).

Such names must be enclosed in double quotes in the nprwinservice command. See Examples.


The examples are shown with output.

List all NPR Windows services defined on the current Windows system:

nprwinservice /list

Windows service NPR_npr_pcxyz01
... state: running - autostart: yes
Windows service NPR_npr_pcxyz01 (10001)
... state: stopped - autostart: no
Windows service NPR_npr_t01
... state: stopped - autostart: no
Windows service NPR_npr_t01 (20000)
... state: stopped - autostart: no
4 service(s) listed
Exit code 0

List the NPR Windows services, which are started automatically during Windows startup:

nprwinservice /list * autostart

Windows service NPR_npr_pcxyz01
... state: running - autostart: yes
1 service(s) listed
Exit code 0

Adding a new NPR Windows service, by cloning an existing service, using the SAG Installer ID:

nprwinservice /add npr_pcxyz01_02 using npr_pcxyz01

Reading C:\SoftwareAG\EntireSystemServer\nprinstall.ini
Windows service NPR_npr_pcxyz01_02 (1) added
Exit code 0

Adding a new NPR Windows service, by cloning an existing service, without usage of the SAG Installer ID:

nprwinservice /add npr_pcxyz01_03 id none using npr_pcxyz01

Windows service NPR_npr_pcxyz01_03 added
Exit code 0

Deleting an NPR Windows service:

nprwinservice /delete "npr_pcxyz01_02 (1)"

Windows service NPR_npr_pcxyz01_02 (1) deleted
Exit code 0

Starting an NPR Windows service:

nprwinservice /start npr_pcxyz01

Windows service NPR_npr_pcxyz01 started
1 service(s) started
Exit code 0

nprwinservice /start npr_pcxyz01

Windows service NPR_npr_pcxyz01 is running already
0 service(s) started
Exit code 1

Stopping an NPR Windows service:

nprwinservice /stop npr_pcxyz01

Windows service NPR_npr_pcxyz01 stop pending - waiting 10 seconds
Windows service NPR_npr_pcxyz01 stop pending - waiting 10 seconds
Windows service NPR_npr_pcxyz01 stop pending - waiting 10 seconds
Windows service NPR_npr_pcxyz01 stopped
1 service(s) stopped
Exit code 0


  1. It may take some time, until the Windows service stopping is performed.
  2. If you define a new NPR Windows service, for example by copying, you must make sure that the related NPR Broker service definition exists in the npr.ini file.

Naming Conventions

The NPR Windows service names are derived from the NPR EntireX Broker service names by adding the prefix NPR_ to the existing EntireX Broker service names.

For example, if the existing EntireX Broker service name is npr_sample01, the derived Windows service name would be NPR_npr_sample01.

If a Windows service name is not prefixed by NPR_ in any nprwinservice command, the prefix NPR_ is being set automatically.


The command

nprwinservice /list npr_pcxyz01

is equivalent to

nprwinservice /list NPR_npr_pcxyz01