Main Screen Elements and Functions

All Entire Operations screens have a similar layout. Some data appear on every screen, other data are screen-dependent.

The main elements that are typical for an Entire Operations list screen are indicated in the following example illustration of a Network Maintenance screen:



  • Header
    The top line contains fields with the current date and time (see also Date and Time Formats), and a system identifier (Entire Operations). Subsequent lines in this section contain control fields with information such as current owner, network name and job name, as well as a screen name.

  • Filter Criteria
    The values entered in the input fields above the result list indicate the selection criteria used for filtering the result list. See Filtering Items in a Result List and Selecting a Range of Networks to be Listed.

  • Result List
    The rows below the column headings contain the result list for an item selected from an Entire Operations menu or a subordinate selection screen.

    If a result list is longer than the screen, a **** more *** line appears at the end of the list. You can press the appropriate PF keys (see Using PF Keys) to page up or down in the screen.

    A **** Top of Data *** or **** Bottom of Data *** line tells you whether you are on the first or last page, respectively.

    If the columns of a result list extend beyond the screen, you can press the appropriate PF keys (see Using PF Keys) to scroll data to the left or right, respectively.

  • Line Command Input Field
    Input field (if applicable) for the one-character line commands listed below the result list with a short descriptive text.

    The line commands available on a screen depend on the Entire Operations facility or function selected. They are described for each facility or function in the relevant documentation sections.

  • Direct Command Line
    Input field for a direct command. See Using Direct Commands.

  • PF Key Line
    Lists commands that can be executed per PF key. See Using PF Keys.

This document covers the following topics:

Using PF Keys

Some frequently used functions in Entire Operations are assigned to PF keys. A list of PF keys and associated functions is displayed in the last two lines of any system screen. Some PF keys may be assigned to different functions on different screens, but there are some functions which are always assigned to the same PF key:

PF Key Name Function
PF1 Help Enter the Entire Operations online help system.
PF2 Add Add a definition of the selected object type.
PF3 End  Return to previous screen.
PF5 Save Save changes made to data.
PF7 Up Scroll displayed data up (backwards).
PF8 Down Scroll displayed data down (forward).
PF10 Left Scroll displayed data to the left.
PF11   Right   Scroll displayed data to the right.
PF12   Menu   Return to the Main Menu.

On some screens, object-specific functions may be assigned to PF keys. These are described in the appropriate section of this documentation. You can only use a PF key if it appears on the system screen together with the short descriptive text.

See also Priority of Command Processing.

Using Direct Commands

You can use direct commands to directly call a function without having to move through a hierarchy of menus.

You can enter a direct command on any screen or window that contains a Command => input field (also referred to as the command line).

All available direct commands are described in detail in the Direct Commands documentation.

See also Priority of Command Processing.

Selecting Items from a Menu

Start of instruction set To select a menu item

  1. In the Command=> input field of the Main Menu, enter the one or two digit number displayed next to the item you want to select. If you want to select the item of a subordinate menu (if available), add the required item number and separate the two numbers with a period (.).

    For example:

    7 selects the item System Administrator Services, a subordinate menu;
    7.5 selects the Monitor Defaults item (5) of the subordinate System Administrator Services menu.

    On the Main Menu or a subordinate menu, position the cursor on the line that contains the item you want to select.

  2. Press ENTER.

Filtering Items in a Result List

You can reduce the number of items shown in the result list of an Entire Operations screen by specifying filter criteria in the input fields below the column headings on the screen.

Usually, you have the following input options to filter items, where value is any combination of one or more characters:

Input Names Selected
* All names.
value* All names that start with value.

Example: AB*
Selected: AB, AB1, ABC, ABEZ
Not selected: AA1, ACB

value> All names greater than or equal to value.

Example: AB>
Selected: AB, AB1, BBB, ZZZZZZZ
Not selected: AA1, AAB

value< All names less than or equal to value.

Example: AX<
Selected: AB, AWW, AX
Not selected: AXA, AY

value? All names that start with value and end with any single character for each question mark (?) entered.

Example: ABC?
Selected: ABCA, ABCZ
Not selected: AXC, ABCAA

value?value All names that match and value combined with a question mark (?) in any order.

Example: A?C
Selected: ABC, ACC
Not selected: ABCA, AC

Selecting Items from a Selection Window

When you are required to specify an existing item in an input field of an Entire Operations definition screen or window, you can select an item from a list of available items provided in a selection window.

Start of instruction setTo select an item from a selection window

  1. Enter an asterisk (*) as a wildcard in the input field. To display a more specialized list, enter a prefix followed by an asterisk. For example, NET* displays a list of all items beginning with NET.

  2. Press ENTER.

    A window opens with a list of selectable items.

    If the required item is not listed in this window, you can scroll toward the bottom of the list by pressing ENTER or PF8 (Down). Press PF7 (Up) to scroll back toward the top of the list.

  3. Select an item by marking it with any character.

  4. Press ENTER.

    The window closes and the name of the selected item is written to the appropriate input field.

Confirmation Window when Deleting Items

Start of instruction setTo delete an item from a list of items

  1. On an Entire Operations list screen, enter the line command D next to the item you want to delete.

    A confirmation window opens.

  2. Confirm the deletion by entering the name of the item or the letter Y (Yes).

  3. Press ENTER.

    The item is deleted.

Priority of Command Processing

Commands and data are processing according to the following priority:

  1. Command line

  2. PF keys

  3. Data entered in input fields

Error Messages

All error messages are displayed in the first screen or window line. You can correct the error on the system screen and continue, or leave the screen with PF3 (End).

For more details, see the Messages and Codes documentation.