Applying Network Defaults to Jobs (Mass Update)

You can perform a mass-update of job attributes within a network.

Start of instruction set To apply defaults modified in the network definition to all jobs in the network

  1. Press PF9 (DfJb) on the Network Modification window.

    A screen similar to the example below appears:

    Owner EXAMPLE    Network B60-FLOW   Version                                   
    Application of Network Defaults to Jobs                                       
    C Field              old        new         C Field     old   new             
    _ Symbol Table                              _ Exec Node 31    42              
    _ SymTab Version                            _ JCL  Node 31    42              
    _ JCL    User ID                            _ JCL  Loc        NAT             
    _ JCL    Group                              _ Esc  Act        @               
    _ Submit User ID                NOP         _ Esc  Sub        $               
    _ Submit Group                              _ Job  Prio                       
    _ BS2000 Def.User ID            NOP         _ Run  Prio                       
    _ BS2000 Job Class                          _ EJA  E-M        N               
    _ BS2000 Acct.Number                                                          
    _ SYSOUT User ID                NOP                                           
    _ SYSOUT Cat  ID                                                              
    _ Modifying User     (all)      NATQA5                                        
    _ File                                                                        
      new SYSEORU                                                                 
     S only if same old  A all                                                    
    PF1 Help      PF3 End       PF6 SAP

    All network master definitions/fields on this screen are described in the section Fields and Commands: Network Definition.

  2. Whether or not the new value replaces the old value is determined by a line command entered in the line command input field in the window (column headed C). This allows you to distinguish between those jobs which have the defaults set for the network and those jobs for which specific values have been defined.

    The following line commands are available:

    Line Command Description
    S  Replace value only if the old value matches the old default. Specific definitions made at the job level remain unchanged.
    A  Replace all values regardless of whether they are default settings or specific definitions.

    Enter the required line command next to the value you want to replace or leave the line command field blank for a value you do not want to replace.

  3. Press ENTER when you are finished.

    The specified values are now copied and updated as default values for all jobs of the network.

    A message is returned indicating the number of jobs that have been modified.

    For each job for which values were replaced, the name of the definition that changed and the new default value are listed in the Entire Operations log with a message like Network default Activation Escape @ applied. See also Displaying Logged Information in the section Log Information.