Maintaining Active Job Networks

Listing Active Job Networks

Start of instruction set To list all active job networks of an owner

  • Select the Active Job Networks option from the Main Menu.

    An Active Job Networks screen similar to the example below appears:

      29.10.08               ***** Entire Operations *****                 13:48:42 
     Owner REQUEST                 Active Job Networks                             
     Selection OR________                                                          
     Cmd #Run Owner      Network    Node  Description                              
              *--------- *---------                                                
     _      1 REQUEST    HZE-TEST   N0148                                          
     _      1 REQUEST    N02226-1   N0148 stop cyclic job                          
     _      6 REQUEST    P211238A   N0053                                          
     _      1 REQUEST    P220056    N0409 NPR3329, Windows error text              
     _     10 REQUEST    P230426    N0148 Prevent multiple schedule activations    
     _     10 REQUEST    P230426B   N0148 Prevent multiple schedule activations    
     _      6 REQUEST    P240663B   N0148 Mult. activations                        
     _      1 REQUEST    P249577    N0517 userid 'root' logon                      
     _      5 REQUEST    P249637B3  N0148 time frame modification                  
     _      1 REQUEST    P252323A   N0145 DAEFDB26 Copy subsystem            /Weekl
     _      2 REQUEST    P273387A   N0148 dummy due to ...                         
     *********************************** m o r e **********************************
      A Active Jobs N Deactivate Network P Description R Repeat                    
      S Act.Jobs Schedule T Accounting X History                                   
     Command => ____________________________________________________________       
          Help        End                     Up    Down  ATask All   NxtSt Menu

This section covers the following topics:

Listing a Selected Range of Networks

You can specify the range of networks to be listed by entering A, G, O or R in the Selection field on the Active Job Networks screen and pressing ENTER. For more information, see Selecting a Range of Networks to be Listed in the section Network Maintenance.

Columns: Active Job Networks

The following table explains the column headings for the data listed on the Active Job Networks screen:

Field Description
Cmd  One-character line command input field.

For possible input values, see Line Commands: Active Job Networks.

#Run  Number of currently active runs of the network.
Owner  Owner name for the network.

For possible selection criteria, see Filtering Items in a Result List in Using Entire Operations.

Network  Network name.

For possible selection criteria, see Filtering Items in a Result List in Using Entire Operations.

Node  Execution node specified for the network as the default for its jobs.
Description  Short description of network as defined in the job network definition on the master database.

Line Commands: Active Job Networks

The following line commands are available on the Active Job Networks screen:

Line Command Description
A List active jobs for the selected network.

See Listing All Active Jobs for a Single Network Active.

N Deactivate the selected network.

See Deactivating an Active Job Network.

P Display text description of selected network (browse mode only).

See Viewing Long Descriptions of Active Jobs.

R Repeat active network.

See Repeating Active Job Networks.

S Active jobs schedule.

See Viewing and Modifying the Active Jobs Schedule.

T Display job network accounting data.

See Displaying Network Accounting Data.

X Display network execution history.

See Viewing the Execution History of a Network Active.

The following special PF keys are available on the Active Job Networks screen:

PF Key Name Function
PF7  Up  Scroll list backwards.
PF8  Down  Scroll list forwards.
PF9  ATask  List active tasks specific to the operating system.

See Displaying Operating System Information on Active Tasks.

PF10  All  List all active jobs on the All Active Jobs screen.

See Listing All Active Jobs for All Networks.

PF11  NxtSt  Next scheduled network activations.

See Listing Next Network Activations and Displaying Next Network Starts (System-Wide) in the section Schedule Maintenance.

Deactivating Active Job Networks

There are several ways of preventing or interrupting the execution of an active job network. These are described in the following section.

Deactivation User Rights (Profile Settings)

Deactivation requires active job deletion user rights and either network master deletion rights or network activation rights. See User Definitions and Profile Settings in the Administration documentation.

Deactivating Active Runs for a Network

If you wish to prevent Entire Operations from submitting active jobs for a network, you can deactivate a network before the first job run is performed.

Start of instruction set To deactivate run numbers for active jobs in a selected network

  1. On the Active Job Networks screen, type N (Deactivate Network) in the Cmd column next to the selected network, and press ENTER.

    A selection window opens with a list of job run numbers for the selected network together with the activation date:

    05.02.16                **** +-----------------------------------------------+
     Owner EXAMPLE                |                                               |
     Selection OR________         |  Owner EXAMPLE       Network B60-FLOW         |
    ----------------------------- |                                               |
     Cmd #Run Owner      Network  |  Please mark the run numbers, for which       |
              *--------- *------- |  active jobs are to be deactivated.           |
     _        EXAMPLE    ADMIN    |  Then continue with 'Enter'.                  |
     _        EXAMPLE    ADMIN2   |                                               |
     n P    5 EXAMPLE    B60-FLOW |  Cmd   Run  Start Time                        |
     _ P      EXAMPLE    B60-FLOW |   _   2132  01.02.16 06:30                    |
     _ P      EXAMPLE    B60-FLOW |   _   2133  02.02.16 06:30                    |
     _ P      EXAMPLE    B60-FX   |   _   2134  03.02.16 06:30                    |
     _ P      EXAMPLE    B60FLOW1 |   _   2135  04.02.16 06:30                    |
     _ P      EXAMPLE    B60FLOW2 |   _   2136  05.02.16 06:30                    |
     _        EXAMPLE    DEMO-NET |                                               |
     _        EXAMPLE    EXA-NET1 |                                               |
     _ P      EXAMPLE    E01-CO-F |                                               |
     **************************** |                                               |
      A Active C Copy D Delete F  |                                               |
      P Descr R Activate S Schedu |                                               |
     Command => _________________ |                                               |
                                  |  PF3 End  PF7 Up  PF8 Down  PF9 Deact all     |
                                  |  PF9: Deactivate all visible runs.            |
          Help  Add   End         Save        Up    Down              NxtSt Menu
  2. In the Cmd column, type any character next to the job run number(s) you want to deactivate, and press ENTER.

    Press PF9 (Deact all) to deactivate all job run numbers listed in the window.

    If the active runs do not fit on one screen, it might be necessary to repeat this function several times.

    Be careful with PF9, because no confirmation is requested.

  3. Press PF3 (End) to close the window.

Command Processing
  • The message in Progress in the selection window indicates that the command has been accepted.

    The message planned in the selection window indicates that the active job network is not completely activated. No active jobs exist in this state.

  • Deactivation is performed by the Entire Operations Monitor in the background. A slight delay can occur during this operation.

    If the Monitor is not active, you can deactivate a job using the Deactivation in Foreground option of Special Functions of the System Services Menu.

Deactivating all Networks

the system administrator can stop the Entire Operations Monitor to halt the execution of all job networks. Jobs currently being executed continue until normal termination, unless they are explicitly cancelled from the operating system.

Deactivation of planned Networks (Activation Canceling)

If you try to deactivate planned network activation, you will be prompted for confirmation:


!                                              !
!  Please confirm                              !
!  the Deactivation of NET01-517 (4737)        !
!  by entering NET01-517                       !
!          ==> ______________________________  !
!  PF3 End                                     !

You must confirm the deactivation by entering the network name here.

Confirmation of deactivation of planned activations can be switched off globally by the setting the Confirm activation canceling option on the Default Setting (3) screen of the Entire Operations defaults described in the Administration documentation.

Stopping a Running Network

To interrupt a running network, add an input condition, e.g. WAIT-HERE, for the job before which the network is to stop running, and ensure that it will not be set. For more information, see Adding an Active Condition.

To restart the network at the point of interruption, you can manually set the input condition, or remove it from the active job definition (see Displaying and Modifying an Active Job Definition).

Repeating Active Job Networks

Authorized users can repeat single or multiple active job network runs.

Only active jobs which were already executed will be repeated.

Active output conditions of these jobs will be reset prior to repetition.

Start of instruction setTo repeat or activate an active job network

  1. On the Active Job Networks screen, type the line command R next to the network run you want to repeat or manually activate.

    A run number window similar to the example below opens:

     09.02.16                **** +-----------------------------------------------+
     Owner EXAMPLE                |                                               |
     Selection OR________         |  Owner EXAMPLE       Network E01-CONTI        |
    ----------------------------- |                                               |
     Cmd #Run Owner      Network  |  Please mark the network runs                 |
              *--------- *------- |  to be repeated                               |
     _ P   22 EXAMPLE    B60-FLOW |                                               |
     _ P    1 EXAMPLE    E01-CO-1 |                                               |
     R      8 EXAMPLE    E01-CONT |  Cmd   Run  Start Time                        |
     _ P    8 EXAMPLE    E52-LOGR |   _      1  05.02.16 17:56                    |
     _ P    6 EXAMPLE    E60-FLOW |   _    598  05.02.16 05:00                    |
     _ P    5 EXAMPLE    Z60-FLOW |   _    599  05.02.16 14:45                    |
                                  |   _    600  05.02.16 16:52                    |
                                  |   _    601  08.02.16 05:00                    |
                                  |   _    602  09.02.16 05:00                    |
                                  |                                               |
                                  |                                               |
     **************************** |                                               |
      A Active Jobs N Deactivate  |                                               |
      S Act.Jobs Schedule T Accou |                                               |
     Command => _________________ |                                               |
                                  |  PF3 End  PF7 Up  PF8 Down                    |
                                  |                                               |
          Help        End                     Up    Down  ATask All   NxtSt Menu
  2. Select one or more network runs to be repeated with any character, and press ENTER.

    For each run to be repeated, a confirmation window similar to the example below opens:

    |                                                              | 
    |  Owner EXAMPLE    Network B60-FLOW   Run 2138                | 
    |                                                              | 
    |  Adapt job time frames for the repetition ==> N (Y/N)        | 
    |                                                              | 
    |  PF3  End                                                    | 
  3. Adapt job time frames for the repetition. If Y (yes) is entered here, the active job's time frames will be adapted as follows:

    Formula Example
    time delay = current time - old earliest start 13:00 - 9:00 = 4 hours
    new earliest start = current time 13:00
    new latest start = old latest start + time delay 17:00 + 4 hours = 21:00
    new deadline = old deadline + time delay 18:00 + 4 hours = 22:00

Displaying Operating System Information on Active Tasks

This section covers the following topics:

Listing All Active Tasks

Start of instruction set To display operating system information on active tasks

  1. Press PF9 (ATask) on the Active Job Networks screen.

    An All Active Tasks screen similar to the example below appears:

     16-10-14                ***** Entire Operations *****                16:47:35
                                    All Active Tasks
     Node ==> 55522  MVS/ESA                                      Type ==> JOB_____
      DP ID Type   JobId Name     Step     Proc     Status   Disp Region   CPU     
     236 30 JOB    24962 XGSLDDIE NATRPC                     YES  3040     0.18    
     236 52 JOB    23836 PQATIMER PQAMIT   N                 YES  3520     4.00    
     238 10 JOB    62099 SYSPOOL  NAT                        YES  2188     0.01    
     255 11 JOB    23765 SNRPC531 EOR##531          SWAP-OUT NO   1372     2.27    
     230 11 JOB    23766 SNRPC543 EOR##543                   YES  1308     0.08    
     230 12 JOB    36186 ESI      EOR##543                   YES  1516     0.32    
     255 12 JOB    59842 ETSWCPEF LYCANSRV          SWAP-OUT NO   1496     3.22    
     ******************************* Bottom of Data *******************************
     Command => ____________________________________________________________       
          Help        End                           Down

    This screen displays information on all active tasks running on the operating system, including jobs not defined to Entire Operations (z/OS only).

Columns: All Active Tasks

The following table explains the column headings for the data listed on the All Active Tasks screen:

Column Description
DP  Dispatching priority assigned by operating system.
ID  JES2 batch initiator identifier (for JOB type tasks only).
Type  Type of job. Corresponds to the value entered in the Type field (see Listing Active Tasks according to Type).
JobId Identifier of job as assigned by the operating system or by the job entry subsystem.
Name  Name of job (job card name) as assigned in the job statement of the JCL.
Step  Name of job step currently being executed.
Proc  Name of procedure currently being executed.
Status            Status of address space. Possible values:
V=R  Running in real memory.
TERM  Address space is terminating.
NON-SWAP  Address space cannot be swapped.
SWAP-OUT  Address space is swapped out.
(blank) Address space is swapped in.
Disp      Dispatch ability of address space:
YES  Address space is dispatchable.
NO  Address space is not dispatchable.
Region  Amount of real storage used by address space (in KB).
CPU  Amount of CPU consumed by address space (to one-hundredth of a second).

Operating system information is offered as a view only and cannot be modified.

Listing Active Tasks according to Node

Start of instruction set To select an Entire System Server node for which the tasks are to be listed

  1. Enter a node number in the Node input field of the All Active Tasks screen.

    Enter an asterisk (*) and press ENTER to open a selection window for nodes and mark a listed node with any character.

  2. Press ENTER.

  3. The All Active Tasks screen lists tasks for the selected node only.

Listing Active Tasks according to Type

Start of instruction set To list active tasks according to type

  1. In the Type input field of the All Active Tasks screen, enter one of the following values (shortest possible input underlined):

    Type Description
    (blank)  Show all types.
    Show all types.
    INI  JES2 initiator.
    JOB Batch jobs (default).
    STC  Started tasks.
    TSU  TSO users.

    The operating system information which appears immediately after the node number cannot be modified.

  2. Press ENTER.

    The All Active Tasks screen now lists tasks of the selected type only.

Listing Next Network Activations

Start of instruction set To list all next scheduled and manual network activations

Viewing the Execution History of a Network Active

Start of instruction set To display execution history for a selected network