Transferring Objects

To transfer Entire Output Management objects from one environment to another (for example, from a mainframe to a UNIX system), you can export them from the originating environment to an XML file, and then import this XML file into the target environment.

Or you can transfer objects directly within you network environment from one Entire Output Management system file to another, using the Transfer Object Facility.

This section covers the following topics:

Active data (active reports, active bundles, printout-queue elements, default definitions) cannot be transferred.

Exporting Objects

To export objects, you define an export task in the originating environment. This task creates an XML file and writes the data to be exported to this file. In the export task, you specify which objects are to be written to which export file and when.

From an export file, the data can then be loaded into the target environment, as described below under Importing Objects.

This section covers the following topics:

Creating an Export Task

Start of instruction setTo create an export task:

  1. Enter the direct command EXPORT in the command line.

    The Object Export screen will be displayed.

  2. On this screen, you specify which objects are to be exported. The fields are described below.

  3. When you have made the specifications, press PF5.

Field Explanation
Object type Specify the type of object to be exported:
  • BU = bundles,

  • CA = calendars,

  • DL = distribution lists,

  • NO = mainframe nodes,

  • PH = physical printers,

  • PR = logical printers,

  • RP = reports,

  • US = user profiles,

  • UX = UNIX nodes.

Object name Specify a character string, optionally with the wildcards "*" (for any number of characters) and "?" (for a single character), to export all objects of the specified type whose names contain this character string.
Export node Specify the destination of the export file. For a mainframe node, enter a node number; for a UNIX node (as defined in the UNIX defaults) enter a node name.
Export file Specify a name for the file.
Execution time Specify a date and time for the export to be performed by the monitor. The monitor will then end its cycle and start the export function as soon as all monitor tasks are idle.
Write detailed log Set this field to "Y" if you wish the execution of each object to be logged in the monitor log.

Alternatively, you can create an export task in batch mode in the Entire Output Management server environment.

Start of instruction setTo export objects in batch mode:

  • Execute a batch job which invokes the program REXPORT with the following parameters (using the current input delimiter):

    object-type,name,log-Y/N,schedule-date (YYYY-MM-DD),schedule-time (HH:MM),export-node,export-file

    Enter a line for each object type, and after that a line with a period (.).

    Example for z/OS:

    //CMSYNIN  DD  *

Importing Objects

The importing has to be done in the Entire Output Management server environment.

Start of instruction setTo import objects:

  • In the target environment, execute a batch job which invokes the program RMIMPORT in the library SYSNOM.

    On UNIX systems, you can use the script nomimport.bsh as a template for invoking RMIMPORT.

    RMIMPORT must be invoked with the parameters described below, and the export file must be assigned to Work File 1.

    RMIMPORT reads all object data from Work File 1 and imports them into the target environment.

RMIMPORT Parameters

Parameter Possible Values Function
1st parameter: Overwrite objects Y or N Determines whether or not existing objects in the target environment are to be overwritten by objects of the same names loaded from the export file.
2nd parameter: Trace Y or N Determines whether a trace is to be written or not.
3rd parameter: Container file database ID dbid or 0 Specify the database ID of the container file to be used.

Specify 0 if the database ID is to be the same as the one from which the objects were exported.

4th parameter: Container file number fnr or 0 Specify the file number of the container file to be used.

Specify 0 if the file number is to be the same as the one from which the objects were exported.

Transferring Objects Directly

This section covers the following topics:

Invoking the Transfer Object Facility

Start of instruction set To invoke the Transfer Object facility:

  1. Enter 10 in the command line of the System Administration menu.

    The Transfer Object Menu is displayed.

  2. On this menu, you select the object type to be copied:

     1 Bundle Definitions
     2 Calendar Definitions
     3 Distribution List Definitions
     4 Logical Printer Definitions
     5 Physical Printer Definitions
     6 Report Definitions
     7 User Definitions
     8 Folder Definitions

Related Objects

Some objects have so-called "related" (that is, dependent) objects. Before you copy an object, you have to first copy its related objects into the target environment.

To see which are the related objects of an object, you mark it with the line command XR on the Copy ... to a Target Environment screen.

The related objects are different for each object type, as indicated in the function-specific descriptions below.

Fields Common to All Screens

The following fields are common to all Copy ... to a Target Environment screens of the Transfer Object facility:

Field Explanation
Source NOM-DB/FILE These fields display the database ID and file number of the file from which the objects will be copied.
Target NOM-DB/FILE In these fields, you specify the database ID and file number of the file to which the objects are to be copied.
Authorization (Y/N) This field only applies to the following objects: bundles, distribution lists, logical printers, reports, folders.

You can copy an object with or without its authorization list. To also copy the authorization list, you enter a Y in this field.

The copying of an authorization list requires that all users who are on the authorization list exist in the target environment. To see which users are on the authorization list, mark the object with the line command AU on the Copy ... to a Target Environment screen.

exist (yes/no) This field indicates whether the object already exists in the target environment. To display the information in this field, you have to specify the Target file (see above) first.
Msg Possible values: "copied", "replaced", "error".

Transferring Bundles

Related Objects

The related objects of a bundle, as shown with the line command XR, are:

Field Explanation
First Window:
Coordinator Name of the bundle coordinator.
Trigger Reports Reports specified to trigger automatic bundle printing.
Printer Printer(s) specified for automatic printing.
Second Window:
Seq Sequence in which the report is printed within the specified group or bundle.
Report Report name.

Start of instruction set To copy a bundle to another environment:

  1. Enter 1 in the command line of the Transfer Object Menu.

    The Copy Bundle to a Target Environment screen is displayed, listing all bundles which exist in the source environment:

       15:04:42             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2022-11-11
      User ID XYZ         - Copy Bundle to a Target Environment -                   
      Source NOM-DB/FILE ...      9 (DB)   247 (FILE)                               
      Target NOM-DB/FILE ...  ____9      __250                Authorization N (Y/N) 
      Cmd Bundle                    Description                  NumRep exist Msg   
      ___ XSETG*___________________ _____________________________ _____ ____ _______
       __ XSETGGR-B                                                     yes         
       __ XSETGGR-BUNDLE            Bundle definition added by NO     2 yes         
       __ XSETGGR-BUNDLE1           Bundle definition added by NO       yes         
       __ XSETGGR-BUNDLE2                                               yes         
       __ XSETGGR-BUNDLE5                                               no         
       __ XSETGGR-BUNDL2                                                yes         
       __ XSETGGR-BUNLE2                                                yes         
       __ XSETGGR-B5                                                    yes         
       __ XSETGGR-SEP-EX-BUNDLE     Created by XYZ                      yes         
       __ XSETGGR-TEST-BU                                               yes         
       __ XSETGGR-TEST-BU2                                              yes         
       __ XSETGGRBU2                                                  1 yes         
     Top Of Data                                                                    
      Command => ___________________________________________________________________
           Help        Exit  Flip               -     +    Ext               Menu

    For every bundle, its name, its description and the number of reports contained in the bundle are displayed. With PF9 (Ext) you can switch to short names display.

    By using asterisk notation in the field above the names, you can restrict the list to contain only certain bundles.

  2. Enter the line command CO next to the bundle to be copied.

    The bundle - and, if specified, its authorization list - will be copied to the specified target file.

Transferring Calendars

Start of instruction set To copy a calendar to another environment:

  1. Enter 2 in the command line of the Transfer Object Menu.

    The Copy Calendar to a Target Environment screen is displayed, listing all calendars which exist in the source environment:

       13:19:14             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT *****           2022-11-11
      User ID XYZ        - Copy Calendar to a Target Environment -
      Source NOM-DB/FILE ...   88 (DB)    51 (File)
      Target NOM-DB/FILE ...  _88        _14
      Cmd Calendar  Year  exist  Msg
      ___ ________  ____  _____  _______
       __ ABC       2011  yes
       __ DEMO-CAL  2012  yes
       __ X-CAL     2013  no
      Command => ___________________________________________________________________
           Help        Exit  Flip               -     +                      Menu

    For every calendar, its name and year are displayed.

    By using asterisk notation in the input field above the names, you can restrict the list to contain only certain calendars.

  2. Enter the line command CO next to the calendar to be copied.

    The calendar will be copied to the specified target file.

Transferring Distribution Lists

Related Objects

The related objects of a distribution list are its members, that is, the users and distribution lists it contains.

Start of instruction set To copy a distribution list to another environment:

  1. Enter 3 in the command line of the Transfer Object Menu.

    The Copy Distribution List to a Target Environment screen is displayed, listing all distribution lists which exist in the source environment:

       15:07:41             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2022-11-11
      User ID XYZ      - Copy Distribution List to a Target Environment -           
      Source NOM-DB/FILE ...      9 (DB)   247 (FILE)                               
      Target NOM-DB/FILE ...  ____9      __250                Authorization N (Y/N) 
      Cmd List     Description                          Member Part of exist  Msg   
      ___ ________ ____________________________________ ______ _______ _____ _______
       __ ALLUSERS Reports for all users+                  5           yes          
       __ APILIST1 Test API distribution list 1            2           yes          
       __ ATESHH                                           1           yes          
       __ BBB1     bbbBBb                                  8           yes          
       __ BBB3                                                     *   yes          
       __ BRY-LIST General                                 2           yes          
       __ EVI-DL1                                          2           no           
       __ FHITST   Distribution list for testing printe    2           yes          
       __ FINANCE  Reports for Finance Department          6       *   yes          
       __ LIST-1   list 11                                 6           yes          
       __ NOM141   Test list for NOM141                    6       *   yes          
       __ NOM211   Test list for NOM211                    6       *   yes          
     Top Of Data                                                                    
      Command => ___________________________________________________________________
           Help        Exit  Flip               -     +                      Menu

    For every distribution list, the following is displayed: its name, a short description, the number of its members. An asterisk (*) in the field "Part of" indicates that the distribution list is part of another distribution list.

    By using asterisk notation in the input field above the names, you can restrict the list to contain only certain distribution lists.

  2. Enter the line command CO next to the distribution list to be copied.

    The distribution list - and, if specified, its authorization list - will be copied to the specified target file.

Transferring Logical Printers

Related Objects

The related object of a logical printer is the physical printer associated with it.

Start of instruction setTo copy a logical printer to another environment:

  1. Enter 4 in the command line of the Transfer Object Menu.

    The Copy Printer to a Target Environment screen is displayed, listing all logical printers which exist in the source environment:

       15:10:10             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2022-11-11
      User ID XYZ         - Copy Printer to a target Environment -                  
      Source NOM-DB/FILE ...      9 (DB)   247 (FILE)                               
      Target NOM-DB/FILE ...  ____9      __250                Authorization N (Y/N) 
      Cmd Printer  Description          Location                       exist Msg    
      ___ SGGR*___ ____________________ ______________________________ _____ _______
       __ SGGRBS2  MODIFIED BY API      XSETGGR MODIFY                 yes          
       __ SGGREM1                       Created after p240452 fixes    yes          
       __ SGGRJES  xsetggr virtual prin                                yes          
       __ SGGRJES1 ADDED BY API         ADDED BY API                   yes          
       __ SGGRLPR  Print to MOCHA on PC                                yes          
       __ SGGRLPU1                      test printer                   yes          
       __ SGGRMAIL xsetggr test mail pr xsetggr test printer to e-mail yes          
       __ SGGRPWR  xsetggr test power p                                yes          
      Command => ___________________________________________________________________
           Help        Exit  Flip               -     +                      Menu

    For every logical printer, its ID, its description, and the location of the associated physical printer (as taken from the definition of the physical printer) are displayed.

    By using asterisk notation in the input field above the printer IDs, you can restrict the list to contain only certain printers.

  2. Enter the line command CO next to the logical printer to be copied.

    The printer - and, if specified, its authorization list - will be copied to the specified target file.

Transferring Physical Printers

Start of instruction set To copy a physical printer to another environment:

  1. Enter 5 in the command line of the Transfer Object Menu.

    The Copy Physical Printer to a Target Environment screen is displayed, listing all physical printers which exist in the source environment:.

       13:26:58             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT *****           2022-11-11
      User ID XYZ      - Copy Physical-Printer to a target Environment -
      Source NOM-DB/FILE ...   88 (DB)    51 (File)
      Target NOM-DB/FILE ...  _88        _14
      Cmd Vtam ID   Location                                          exist  Msg
      ___ ________ __________________________________________________ _____ _______
       __ DAEPRT01                                                    yes
       __ DAEPRT02                                                    no
       __ DAEPRT03                                                    no
       __ DAEPRT04                                                    no
       __ DAEPRT12                                                    no
       __ DAEPRT14 VTAM Printer DAEPRT14                              no
       __ HPSPOOL                                                     no
       __ MRSPRPWR Print to Power                                     no
       __ SYSPRJES                                                    yes
       __ SYSPRPWR                                                    yes
       __ TAPEVSE                                                     yes
      Command => ___________________________________________________________________
           Help        Exit  Flip               -     +                      Menu

    For every physical printer, its VTAM ID (or SYSPRINT for system printers, or DISK for printing to disk) and its location are displayed.

    By using asterisk notation in the input field above the VTAM IDs, you can restrict the list to contain only certain printers.

  2. Enter the line command CO next to the printer to be copied.

    The printer will be copied to the specified target file.

Transferring Reports

Related Objects

The related objects of a report, as shown with the line command XR, are:

Field Explanation
User/List User or distribution list in the Distribute to ... field of the report definition.
Printer Logical printer defined for automatic printing of the report.

Start of instruction set To copy a report to another environment:

  1. Enter 6 in the command line of the Transfer Object Menu.

    The Copy Report to a Target Environment screen is displayed, listing all reports which exist in the source environment:

       15:11:29             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2022-11-11
      User ID XYZ         - Copy Report to a Target Environment -                   
      Source NOM-DB/FILE ...      9 (DB)   247 (FILE)                               
      Target NOM-DB/FILE ...  ____9      __250                Authorization N (Y/N) 
      Cmd Report                    Description                        exist Msg    
      ___ UEX*_____________________ __________________________________ _____ _______
       __ UEX-CARS-STD1             Standard Exit 1 example            no           
       __ UEX-CREATE                Exit CREATE report                 no           
       __ UEX-DEFAULT               Report definition for undefined SY no           
       __ UEX-EMPL-STD1-ASA         Standard Exit 1 Example            no           
       __ UEX-EMPL-STD1-MCC         Standard Exit 1 Example            no           
       __ UEX-EMPL-STD2-ASA         Standard Exit 2 example            no           
       __ UEX-EMPL-STD2-MCC         Standard Exit 2 example            no           
       __ UEX-EMPL-STD31ASA         Standard Exit 3 example            no           
       __ UEX-EMPL-STD31MCC         Standard Exit 3 example            no           
       __ UEX-EMPL-STD32ASA         Standard Exit 3 example            no           
       __ UEX-EMPL-STD32MCC         Standard Exit 3 example            no           
       __ UEX-EMPL-STD33ASA         Standard exit 3 example            no           
     Top Of Data                                                                    
      Command => ___________________________________________________________________
           Help        Exit  Flip               -     +    Ext               Menu

    For every report, its name and description are displayed. With PF9 (Ext), you can toggle to short names display.

    By using asterisk notation in the input field above the report names, you can restrict the list to contain only certain reports.

  2. Enter the line command CO next to the report to be copied.

    The report - and, if specified, its authorization list - will be copied to the specified target file.

Transferring Users

Start of instruction set To copy a user to another environment:

  1. Enter 7 in the command line of the Transfer Object Menu.

    The Copy User to a Target Environment screen is displayed, listing all users which exist in the source environment:

       13:31:30             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT *****           2022-11-11
      User ID XYZ          - Copy User to a Target Environment -
      Source NOM-DB/FILE ...   88 (DB)    51 (File)
      Target NOM-DB/FILE ...  _88        _14
      Cmd User ID  Name                                               exist Msg
      ___ ________ __________________________________________________ _____ _______
       __ BROW     Brown, Hollis                                      yes
       __ DUPR     Dupree, Mitzi                                      no
       __ ECCL     Eccles, Jennifer                                   no
       __ GOOD     Goode, Johnny B.                                   no
       __ LAYN     Layne, Arnold                                      no
       __ LONG     Long, Mary                                         no
       __ MCGE     McGee, Bobby                                       no
       __ RACC     Raccoon, Rocky                                     no
       __ RATL     Ratlos, Rudi                                       no
       __ RIGB     Rigby, Eleanor                                     no
       __ STAR     Stardust, Ziggy                                    yes
       __ WILD     Wilde, Irene                                       no
     Top Of Data
      Command => ___________________________________________________________________
           Help        Exit  Flip               -     +                      Menu

    For every user, the user ID and name are displayed.

    By using asterisk notation in the input field above the user IDs, you can restrict the list to contain only certain users.

  2. Enter the line command CO next to the user to be copied.

    The user will be copied to the specified target file.

Transferring Folders

Related Objects

The related objects of a folder are the folders which are linked to it.

Start of instruction set To copy a folder to another environment:

  1. Enter 8 in the command line of the Transfer Object Menu.

    The Copy Folder to a Target Environment screen is displayed.

  2. In the For User ID field, enter the ID of the user whose folders are to be copied. By default, the field contains your own user ID.

    All folders of the specified user which exist in the source environment will be listed:

       13:40:50             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2022-11-11
      User ID XYZ          - Copy Folder to a Target Environment -                  
      Source NOM-DB/FILE ...      9 (DB) 247 (FILE) For User ID ........  XYZ_____
      Target NOM-DB/FILE ...  ____9      __250      Authorization ....... N (Y/N) 
      Cmd Folder name      Description                        exist Msg     
      ___ ________________ __________________________________ _____ ______
       __ #another_XSETGGR                                     no            
       __ #Another-folder                                      no            
       __ #Another-folder                                      yes           
       __ #FHI-inbasket                                        no            
       __ #Inbasket                                            yes           
       __ #Mybasket                                            no            
       __ #XSETAT-basket                                       yes           
       __ #XSETAT-inbasket                                     yes           
       __ #XSETHZ-inbasket                                     no            
       __ #XSETHZ-inbasket                                     yes           
      Command => _________________________________________________________________
           Help        Exit  Flip               -     +                      Menu

    For every folder, its name and description are displayed.

    By using asterisk notation in the input field above the folder names, you can restrict the list to contain only certain folders.

  3. Enter the line command CO next to the folder to be copied.

    The folder - and, if specified, its authorization list - will be copied to the specified target file.