Entire Output Management provides you with several different methods for navigating within the system and performing functions. You can move from one screen to another by pressing PF keys or by issuing line commands or direct commands. You are free to choose the method which suits you best.
This section provides information on how to navigate within Entire Output Management and perform functions. It covers the following topics:
Entire Output Management provides several types of screens:
On a menu screen, you select an item by entering its number in the command line.
14:13:28 **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT **** 2018-07-14 User ID XYZ - Main Menu - Maintenance Functions DC Solutions 1 Reports 20 ENTIRE Operations (V321) 2 Bundles 21 NATURAL ISPF (V245) 3 Printers 4 Distribution Lists Control Functions 5 Active Reports 6 Active Bundles 7 Printout Queue 8 System Administration 9 Archive Administration 10 Help Please select option. Command => 1__________________________________________________________________ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Exit Flip |
In the example above, the function "Reports" has been selected.
An Object Maintenance screen displays a list of objects (reports, bundles, printers, etc.).
For example, if you select Option "1" from the Main Menu as shown above, the Report Maintenance screen is displayed:
14:15:12 **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT **** 2018-07-14 User ID XYZ - Report Maintenance - Cmd Report Authoriz T Description ___ _________________________ ________ _ _____________________________________ __ A1234 ADMIN M __ A12345 ADMIN M __ BRY-EMPL-STD1 ADMIN M Employee List sorted by Departments __ CARSS1-FINA ADMIN C ( STD1 ) Standard Exit 1 example __ CARSS1-MARK ADMIN C ( STD1 ) Standard Exit 1 example __ CARSS1-MASK ADMIN C ( STD1 ) Standard Exit 1 example __ CARSS1-MGMT ADMIN C ( STD1 ) Standard Exit 1 example __ CATALL-ERROR-LIST ADMIN S Catall Error List __ CHECK_DEVELOPMENT ADMIN M Output of Check Routines for Developm __ DEPT-ADMA ADMIN C ( UEXAOP ) Exit ADDFP/OPEN separate s __ DEPT-COMP ADMIN C ( UEXAOP ) Exit ADDFP/OPEN separate s __ DEPT-FINA ADMIN C ( UEXAOP ) Exit ADDFP/OPEN separate s __ DEPT-MARK ADMIN C ( UEXAOP ) Exit ADDFP/OPEN separate s __ DEPT-MASK ADMIN C ( UEXAOP ) Exit ADDFP/OPEN separate s __ DEPT-MGMT ADMIN C ( UEXAOP ) Exit ADDFP/OPEN separate s More ... Command => ___________________________________________________________________ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Add Exit Flip - + Selct < > Menu |
To select an object from an "Object Maintenance" screen, you mark it with a line command in the Cmd command field preceding the object name. The use of line commands is explained under Line Commands below.
These fields appear on list screens above the first line of data. In these fields, you can enter search criteria for the objects to be displayed on the screen.
You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard for entering selection criteria.
Examples (referring to the above screen):
To list only reports whose names begin with "U", you enter
in the field above the report names.
To list only reports whose names begin with "UEX", you enter
in the field above the report names.
To list all reports regardless of their names, you enter an
asterisk *
in the field above the report names.
This option of entering an asterisk, or a value of one or more characters followed by an asterisk, as selection criterion in a field is referred to as asterisk notation in the Entire Output Management documentation.
Cmd Report Authoriz T Description ___ UEX*_____________________ ________ M _____________________________________ __ UEX-ADDFP-OPEN ADMIN M Exit ADDFP/OPEN separate sysout into __ UEX-CARS-STD1 ADMIN M Standard Exit 1 example __ UEX-CREATE ADMIN M Exit CREATE report __ UEX-EMPL-STD1-ASA ADMIN M Standard Exit 1 Example __ UEX-EMPL-STD2-ASA ADMIN M Standard Exit 2 example __ UEX-EMPL-STD31ASA ADMIN M Standard Exit 3 example __ UEX-EMPL-STD32ASA ADMIN M Standard Exit 3 example __ UEX-EMPL-STD33ASA ADMIN M Standard exit 3 example __ UEX-INSL-ADDP ADMIN M Exit INSL/ADDP change first line of e |
If you enter selection criteria in more than one field, they are connected by logical AND.
Once a list of objects is displayed, you can scroll it by entering the following commands in the command line or pressing the following keys:
To scroll ... | Command | Key |
one page down | DOWN |
PF8 |
one page up | UP |
PF7 |
to the end of the list | BOT |
- |
to the beginning of the list | TOP |
- |
An object definition screen allows you to define or modify parameters for the various objects.
For example, if you mark a report on the Report
Maintenance screen with the line command
(Modify), the Report Definition >
General Attributes screen for that report will be displayed:
14:16:33 **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT **** 2018-07-14 User ID XYZ - Report Definition >General Attributes - Report Name .............. UEX-DEFAULT______________ Description ....... Report definition for undefined SYSOUT____________ Type .............. D Keywords ............. _______________ _______________ _______________ Master Owner ......... XYZ_____ Store in NOM DB ...... N Archive directly ..... N Archive type ......... _ Retention Report Archive Revive Number ............ 1__ ____ ___ Unit .............. A _ _ Calendar .......... ________ ________ Action ............ P Command => ___________________________________________________________________ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Add Exit Flip Do Undo Ident Print Dist Separ Menu |
You can enter or overwrite data in the input fields provided.
For Entire Output Management to perform a particular action, you enter the apropriate function code, command, etc and then press the ENTER key.
So, if this documentation tells you, for example, to "enter a line command", this means: "type in the line command and press ENTER".
If a function requires that you press another key, this will be explicitly mentioned in this documentation.
You can use PF keys to invoke certain functions.
Some PF keys are available throughout Entire Output Management. Other PF keys can only be used on certain screens.
The last two lines on a screen display the PF keys which are available to you on that screen:
Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Add Exit Flip - + Selct < > Menu |
These lines display either the PF keys 1 to 12 or the PF keys 13 to 24. They may also display the available line commands (only if no other lines on the screen are available to display them).
By pressing PF4 (Flip) or entering the direct command
, you can switch between the three displays.
The functions assigned to PF keys 13 to 24 are equivalent to the functions assigned to PF keys 1 to 12. Exception: PF9/PF21 (see below).
On most screens, the following functions are assigned to the following PF keys - where applicable, depending on the function:
Key | Name | Function |
PF1 | Help | Display online help. |
PF2 | Add |
On an object maintenance screen: Add an
object. |
PF3 | Exit | Exit current screen and return to previous one. |
PF4 | Flip | Switch between display of PF1 to PF12, PF13 to PF24, and line commands. |
PF5 | Do | Commit all modifications. |
PF6 | Undo | Back out all modifications. |
PF7 | Up / - | Scroll one screen backward. |
PF8 | Down / + | Scroll one screen forward. |
PF9 | Ext | Switch between the display of long and short
report/bundle names.
On screens where a different function is assigned to PF9, the "Ext" function can be invoked with PF21 |
PF10 | Left / < | Shift screen to the left. |
PF11 | Right / > | Shift screen to the right. |
PF12 | Menu | Display the Main Menu. |
Line commands are available whenever a list of objects is displayed on a screen. You can use them to perform a specific action on an object.
The available line commands are displayed at the bottom of the screen. If the PF keys are currently displayed there, press PF4 (Flip) to display the line commands.
To issue a line command for an object, you enter the command in the Cmd column to the left of the object name.
If you enter a question mark (?) in the Cmd column, a window is displayed listing the available commands, and you can select the desired command. This window is also displayed if you have entered an invalid line command. An example of such a selection window is shown in the section Online Help.
These are the most commonly used line commands:
They are explained below.
This line command is used to grant authorization to other users to display, modify and delete an object of which you are the owner. For further information see Authorizing User Access to Objects.
This line command is used to copy an object and its authorization list of users.
Example: To copy a report definition:
On the Report Maintenance screen,
enter CO
in the Cmd field
preceding the report to be copied.
The Copy Report Definition window is displayed:
14:20:05 **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT **** 2018-06-06 User ID XYZ - Report Maintenance - Cmd Report Authoriz T Description ___ _________________________ ________ _ _____________________________________ __ STD22-VENT90 ADMIN C ( STD2 ) Standard Exit 2 example __ STD22-VENT94 ADMIN C ( STD2 ) Standard Exit 2 example __ STD22-VENT96 ADMIN C ( STD2 ) Standard Exit 2 example __ TLINES-COPY-NO ADMIN M Test Report, Don't Care (M) __ UEX-ADDFP-OPEN ADMIN M Exit ADDFP/OPEN separate sysout into __ UEX-CARS-STD1 ADMIN M Standard Exit 1 example __ UEX-CREATE ADMIN M Exit CREATE report co UEX-DEFAULT ADMIN D Report definition for undefined SYSOU __ UEX-EMPL-STD1-ASA ADMIN M Standard Exit 1 Example __ UEX-EMPL-STD1-MCC ADMIN S Standard Exit 1 Example __ UEX-EMPL-STD2-ASA ADMIN M Standard Exit 2 example __ UEX-EMPL-STD2-MCC ADMIN S Standard Exit 2 example __ UEX-EMPL-STD31ASA ADMIN M Standard Exit 3 example __ UEX-EMPL-STD31MCC ADMIN S Standard Exit 3 example __ UEX-EMPL-STD32ASA ADMIN M Standard Exit 3 example More ... Command => ___________________________________________________________________ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Add Exit Flip - + Selct < > Menu |
Enter the name of the target report in the To Report field, enter "Y" or "N" to copy authorization
A message confirms that the report has been copied.
Press PF3 to return to the Report Maintenance screen.
This line command is used to delete an object.
Example - To delete a report definition:
On the Report Maintenance screen,
enter DE
in the Cmd field
preceding the report definition.
is set (see
SET Command),
the report definition is deleted immediately.
is set (this is
the default) a window is displayed, prompting you to confirm the deletion:
14:24:38 **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT **** 2018-06-06 User ID XYZ - Report Maintenance - Cmd Report Authoriz T Description ___ _________________________ ________ _ _____________________________________ __ STD22-VENT90 ADMIN C ( STD2 ) Standard Exit 2 example __ STD22-VENT94 ADMIN C ( STD2 ) Standard Exit 2 example __ STD22-VENT96 ADMIN C ( STD2 ) Standard Exit 2 example __ TLINES-COPY-NO ADMIN M Test Report, Don't Care (M) __ UEX-ADDFP-OPEN ADMIN M Exit ADDFP/OPEN separate sysout into _ _+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ d! Please confirm the deletion of ... UEX-DEFAULT !YSOU _! by entering its name again ....... _________________________ ! _! ! _! PF3 Exit ! _! ! _+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ __ UEX-EMPL-STD31MCC ADMIN S Standard Exit 3 example __ UEX-EMPL-STD32ASA ADMIN M Standard Exit 3 example More ... Command => ___________________________________________________________________ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Add Exit Flip - + Selct < > Menu |
To do so, you enter the name of the report in the input field provided.
A message then confirms that the report definition has been deleted.
This line command is used to display an object definition.
To display an object definition:
On an object maintenance screen, enter
in the Cmd field preceding
the name of the object to be displayed.
The object definition screen is displayed for the object you selected. In display mode, you can only view the object definition, but not modify them.
Press PF3 to return to the object maintenance screen.
This line command is used to display log information for an object. This includes information on which function was performed on the object, when and by whom.
Example - To display log information for a report
On the Report Maintenance screen,
enter LO
in the Cmd field
preceding the report for which you wish to display log information:
The Log Display screen is displayed for the selected report:
15:39:27 **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT **** 2018-06-06 User ID XYZ - Log Display Report ADAREP-DB088 - Cmd Date Time Done By Message ___ ________ ________ ________ _______________________________________________ __ 11/10/09 10:36:45 XYZ REPORT DEFINITION UPDATED__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ All Command => ___________________________________________________________________ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Exit Flip - + < > Menu |
You can scroll up and down with PF7 (-) and PF8 (+).
You can shift the display to the left and to the right with PF10 (<) and PF11 (>).
To display more information about a log entry, enter
in the Cmd field preceding
the log entry.
Press PF3 to return to the previous screen.
This line command is used to modify the components of an object definition.
Example - To modify a report definition:
On the Report Maintenance screen,
enter MO
in the Cmd field
preceding the report to be modified.
The Report Definition > General Attributes screen for that report is displayed:
15:45:19 **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT **** 2018-06-06 User ID XYZ - Report Definition >General Attributes - Report Name .............. UEX-DEFAULT______________ Description ....... Report definition for undefined SYSOUT____________ Type .............. D Keywords ............. _______________ _______________ _______________ Master Owner ......... XYZ_____ Store in NOM DB ...... N Archive directly ..... N Archive type ......... _ Retention Report Archive Revive Number ............ 1__ ____ ___ Unit .............. A _ _ Calendar .......... ________ ________ Action ............ P Command => ___________________________________________________________________ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Add Exit Flip Do Undo Ident Print Dist Separ Menu |
Enter your data in the appropriate fields.
To perform modifications with COMMIT ON:
If COMMIT is set to ON, all modifications are automatically committed when you press ENTER or PF5 (Do).
A message confirms the modification.
With COMMIT set to ON, modifications are committed and original data are lost:
When you press ENTER and then PF3 (Exit), or when you press PF5 (Do) and then PF3 (Exit).
If COMMIT is set to OFF, when you have made modifications and press ENTER or PF5 (Do), a message confirms that the modifications have been made.
However, you have three alternatives:
Before leaving the record with PF3 (Exit), you can press PF6 (Undo) to cancel any updates made. This restores the previous contents to the modified or created record. A message indicated that the modifications were not made.
Before leaving the record with PF3 (Exit), you can press PF5 (Do) to commit your updates. A message confirms the modifications.
You can press PF3 (Exit). A window is displayed, requesting you to explicitly confirm or undo the updates you have made:
+-------------------------------------------------------+ ! Enter Y to COMMIT N to BACKOUT modifications ==> _ ! +-------------------------------------------------------+ |
Enter Y
to commit your updates,
or N
to undo them.
A message confirms your action.
This line command is used to change the name of an object.
Example - To rename a report:
On the Report Maintenance screen,
enter RN
in the Cmd field
preceding the report to be renamed.
The Rename Report window is displayed:
15:57:50 **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT **** 2018-06-06 User ID XYZ - Report Maintenance - Cmd Report Authoriz T Description ___ U*_______________________ ________ _ _____________________________________ __ UEX-ADDFP-OPEN ADMIN M Exit ADDFP/OPEN separate sysout into __ UEX-CARS-STD1 +----------------------------------------------------+ __ UEX-CREATE ! ! RN UEX-DEFAULT ! - Rename Report - ! SYSOU __ UEX-EMPL-STD1 ! ! __ UEX-EMPL-STD1 ! Old name ...... UEX-DEFAULT ! __ UEX-EMPL-STD2 ! ! __ UEX-EMPL-STD2 ! New name ...... _________________________ ! __ UEX-EMPL-STD3 ! ! __ UEX-EMPL-STD3 ! PF3 Exit ! __ UEX-EMPL-STD3 ! ! __ UEX-EMPL-STD3 +----------------------------------------------------+ __ UEX-EMPL-STD33ASA ADMIN M Standard exit 3 example __ UEX-EMPL-STD33MCC ADMIN S Standard exit 3 example __ UEX-FORW-BACKW ADMIN S Exit FORW/BACKW/TOPP example Top Of Data Command => ___________________________________________________________________ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Add Exit Flip - + Selct < > Menu |
In the window, enter the new name in the New name field.
The report is displayed on the Report Maintenance screen with its new name.
With direct commands you can invoke functions directly without going through the functional screen hierarchy.
This section describes the use of direct commands and covers the following topics:
You can enter direct commands in the command line, which is displayed in the bottom section of Entire Output Management screens (above the PF-key lines):
Command => ___________________________________________________________________ |
Direct commands have the following syntax:
command object-type [parameter-1] [parameter-2]
A command may or may not have parameters.
All parameters are positional, that means that they must be entered in a specific order.
Optional parameters are noted as [parameter] in the Help.
Mandatory parameters are noted as parameter in the Help.
A command or object-type can be abbreviated to a unique
abbreviation. For example: LIST USERS
is equivalent to LI
For a description of all direct commands, see Direct Commands in the Commands documentation.
Incorrect command:
If a command is incorrect, a window listing
valid commands is displayed. You can then select a command by marking it with
any character. To make no selection and return to the screen from which the
direct command was invoked, you press PF3 (Exit).
If a non-unique abbreviation was specified for a command, the window lists only those commands starting with the specified abbreviation.
Incorrect object type:
If the specified object type is incorrect,
a window is displayed which lists all object types valid for the specified
command. You can then select an object type by marking it with any character.
To make no selection and return to the screen from which the direct command was
issued, you press PF3 (Exit).
Some commands have a mandatory parameter: if this is not supplied with the command, a window is displayed in which you can enter the parameter.
Incorrect parameter:
If the parameter is incorrect, this is
detected only after the command has been executed, so the appropriate list
screen for the command is always displayed.
For example, if you enter the command MODIFY
and a report with the name "MINORITY" cannot be
found, the Report Maintenance screen is displayed
This section describes the most important direct commands:
With most of these commands, you have to specify an object type and an object name. If you specify only the object type, but no object name, you will be prompted to specify a name. If the name you specify does not exist, all objects of the specified type will be listed, and you can select the object you want from the list.
The direct command ADD
is used to add
a new Entire Output Management object definition.
Use the following syntax:
ADD [object-type]
For example, to add a new report definition, you enter the command:
This invokes the Report Definition screen.
For a list of possible object types, see ADD in the Commands documentation.
The direct command COPY
is used to
copy an Entire Output Management object.
Use the following syntax:
COPY [object-type] [object-name]
For example, to copy the report definition of a report named
, you enter the command:
For a list of possible object types, see COPY in the Commands documentation.
The direct command DELETE
is used to
delete an Entire Output Management object.
Use the following syntax:
DELETE [object-type] [object-name]
For example, to delete the report definition of a report named
, you enter the command:
For a list of possible object types, see DELETE in the Commands documentation.
The direct command DISPLAY
is used to
display an Entire Output Management object.
Use the following syntax:
DISPLAY object-type [object-name]
For example, to display the report definition of a report named
, you enter the command:
This invokes the Report Definition screen for that report.
For a list of possible object types, see DISPLAY in the Commands documentation.
The direct command LIST
is used to
list Entire Output Management objects of a specific type.
Use the following syntax:
LIST [object-type][object-name]
For example, to list all reports whose names begin with
, you enter the command:
For a list of possible object types, see LIST in the Commands documentation.
The direct command MODIFY
is used to
modify an Entire Output Management object.
Use the following syntax:
MODIFY [object-type] [object-name]
For example, the modify the report definition of a report named
, you enter the command:
This invokes the Report Definition screen for that report.
For a list of possible object types, see MODIFY in the Commands documentation.
The direct command SET
is used to set
various Entire Output Management session options:
the handling of modify operations,
the handling of delete operations,
the language of the user interface.
For details, see SET in the Commands documentation.
Entire Output Management provides two types of online Help:
Screen-Sensitive Help:
For this kind of Help you press PF1 or enter the
direct command HELP
in the command line. This
displays a Help screen with explanations related to the current screen or
Field-Sensitive Help:
If you do not know what to enter in an input field, you enter a
question mark (?) in an input field. This will display a window related to the
input field. Field-sensitive Help can take two forms:
Passive Help explains the field and its relationship to other fields on the screen. This Help can also be followed by an active Help.
Active Help (selection window) is usually a selection list, displaying a list of items, from which you can select one. The selected item is then automatically written into the field from which the Help was invoked.
To invoke line-command help for the Report Maintenance screen, you enter a question mark (?) in the Cmd column next to a report name.
A window is diplayed, listing the line commands available:
+---------------------------------------+ NAGEMENT **** 2018-06-06 ! ! nance - ! Line Commands ! ! ! scription ! DE Delete Report ! ___________________________________ ! MO Modify Report ! it ADDFP/OPEN separate sysout into ! DI Display Report ! andard Exit 1 example ! CO Copy Report ! it CREATE report ! AU Authorization definition ! port definition for undefined SYSOU ! LO Display log information ! andard Exit 1 Example ! RN Rename Report ! andard Exit 1 Example ! LI List active Reports ! andard Exit 2 example ! LK List active Reports by Keyword ! andard Exit 2 example ! ! andard Exit 3 example ! ! andard Exit 3 example ! ! andard Exit 3 example ! ! andard Exit 3 example ! Select ==> __ ! andard exit 3 example ! ! andard exit 3 example +---------------------------------------+ it FORW/BACKW/TOPP example Top Of Data Command => ___________________________________________________________________ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Add Exit Flip - + Selct < > Menu |
To select a line command, you enter its two-character code in the
window after the Select ==>
The line command selected is written into the Cmd field of the Report Maintenance screen next to the report name where you had entered the question mark.
With option codes, you can invoke most screens directly, without having to go through the functional screen hierarchy.
An option code consists of a number preceded by a "greater than" sign (>).
You enter an option code in the Command=>
line at
the bottom of the screen.
The following option codes are available:
Option Code | Screen Invoked |
>0 | Main Menu |
>1 | Report Maintenance |
>2 | Bundle Maintenance |
>3 | Logical Printer Maintenance |
>4 | Distribution List Maintenance |
>5 | Active Reports - Folder Maintenance |
>6 | Active Bundles |
>7 | Printout List |
>8.0 | System Administration Menu |
>8.1 | Default Definition Menu |
>8.2 | User Maintenance |
>8.3 | Copy Natural Security Users (this function is only available if Natural Security is installed) |
>8.4 | Calendar Maintenance |
>8.5 | Physical Printer Maintenance |
>8.6 | Monitor Management |
>8.7 | Initiate Start of Archiver |
>8.8 | Initiate Start of Reviver |
>9 | Archive Data Sets |