Tracing Report Processing

The Trace Report Processing function enables you to monitor each step in the processing of user routines which create or separate a report.

This section covers the following topics:

Tracing Report Processing

Start of instruction setTo invoke this function:

  • On the Report Definition > Separation Attributes screen of the report to be traced, press PF11 (Trace); or enter the direct command TRACE in the command line of any screen.

    The Trace Report Processing screen is displayed:

       15:15:06             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT *****           2018-11-15
      User ID XYZ            - Trace Report Processing POWER -
      Report _________________  ________
                                Exit-Pgm          NatLib            Lang
      Class  _       Node  33_  Job name          Job no            Queue
      Trace  1_
      Cmd Step RC  RecNumb Action   Message
      ___ ____ ___ _______ ________ ________________________________________________
      Command => ___________________________________________________________________
           Help        Exit  Flip                          Procs Brows Selct Menu

    The information displayed differs depending on the spool system of the operating system. The fields are descibed below for each spool system.

Special PF Keys

Key Name Function
PF9  Procs Begin or continue trace report processing for the specified number of trace steps.
PF10  Brows Browse a report.
PF11  Selct Select spool data for trace.

Line Commands

Command Function
BR Browse a report.
DI Display a record.

Start of instruction set To trace processing for a report:

  1. Enter the report name in the Report field, the class in the Class field (except for BS2000), and the number of steps to be traced in the Trace field.

    A message indicates whether spool data (print files) exist in this class.

  2. If spool data (print files) exist, press PF9 (Procs).

    Report processing is traced for the number of steps entered in the Trace field.

Fields - POWER

Field Explanation
Report Enter the report definition to be used.
Class Enter the spool class where the output to be used is located.
Trace Enter the number of calls to the user routine that are to be processed without user interaction.
Node Enter the number of the Entire System Server node on which the spool resides.
The following parameters are output fields and not modifiable. They are derived from parameters of the report definition:
- Exit-Pgm The name of the user routine program.
- Job name The job name of the output being used.
- NatLib The library where the user routine is located.
- Job no The job number of the output being used.
- Lang The language in which the user routine is written (Natural or other).
- Queue The LS - POWER list queue.
Step Identifying step number (number of times the exit has been called).
RC Return code given by the user routine.
RecNumb Record number being processed with this call to the user routine.
Action Action code given by the user routine.
Message Additional information.

Fields - JES

Field Explanation
Report Enter the report definition to be used.
Class Enter the spool class where the output to be used is located.
Trace Enter the number of calls to the user routine, which are to be processed without user interaction.
Node Enter the number of the Entire System Server node on which the spool resides.
The following parameters cannot be modified. They are derived from parameters of the report definition:
Exit-Pgm The name of the user routine program.
Job no The job number of the output being used.
Job name The job name of the output being used.
NatLib The library where the user routine is located.
Data set The spool file to be processed.
ProcName The identifying PROCNAME.
Lang The language in which the user routine is written (Natural or other).
Type The file type: JL, SI, SO etc.
Step The identifying STEPNAME.
DDName The identifying DDNAME.
Step Identifying step number (number of times the exit has been called).
RC Return code given by the user routine.
RecNumb Record number being processed with this call to the user routine.
Action Action code given by the user routine.
Message Additional information.

Fields - BS2000

Field Explanation
Report Enter the report definition to be used.
Node Enter the Entire System Server node number on which the print file resides.
Trace Enter the number of calls to the user routine that are to be processed without user interaction.
Select File Enter the completely or partially qualified name of the print file here.
Print File The print file you have selected.
Step Trace step number.
RC Return code given by the user routine.
RecNumb Record number being processed with this call to the user routine.
Action Action code given by the user routine.
Message Additional information.

Selecting Spool Data for Trace

If more than one spool file or print file has been identified, you can select one to be traced.

Start of instruction setTo select spool data for Trace:

  1. A selection window is displayed automatically the first time you enter the spool type in the Class field (or for BS2000 the selection criteria in the Select File field) or if you press PF11 (Select).

  2. In the window, select the file to be traced by marking it with any character.

    The Trace Report Processing screen for the respective spool system will be displayed again.

  3. Enter the class in the Class field and the number of steps to be traced in the Trace field and press PF9 (Procs).

    Report processing is traced for the number of steps entered.

Browsing a Report

Start of instruction set To browse the contents of a report:

  1. On the Trace Report Processing screen, press PF10 (Brows).

    A selection window is displayed.

  2. In the selection window, mark with "X" the report you wish to browse.

    The report is displayed. ISPF-like local commands enable you to browse the report.

Special PF Keys

PF Key Function Explanation
PF4 Layou Modify report screen layout.
PF5  Rfind Find a string again.

Displaying a Spool Record

Start of instruction setTo display a spool record:

  • On the Trace Report Processing screen, enter the line command DI next to the record you want to display.

    A window is displayed, showing the selected spool record on the left-hand side of the screen and in hexadecimal form on the right-hand side.