Natural Web I/O Screens

Whenever you display character-based Natural application screens in Natural for Ajax, they are rendered as web I/O pages:


In web I/O mode, certain basic functions behave differently for technical reasons as explained in the following section.

Copying Screen Content in Web I/O mode

To copy selected lines or the complete screen to the clipboard in the web I/O mode, you have to switch from the standard web I/O screen to a copy mode output screen. This can be done by clicking on the following icon on the top right of the web I/O output screen:


Alternatively, you can use the shortcut CTRL+Y to activate the copy mode.

When the web I/O output is in the copy mode, it is possible to select and copy the output text and use the standard CTRL+C combination or the browser´s Copy menu item to copy the selected text to the clipboard. When the web I/O output is in copy mode, the icon on the top right of the screen switches to the following:


After copying the text to the clipboard, you may again click on the copy icon on the top right or use the shortcut CTRL+Y to return to the regular web I/O mode.

Switching to Another Style Sheet During the Session

If enabled in the configuration file for the session, a user can switch to another style sheet during a running session. In this case, the user can open the Style Sheet control in the output window.


To switch to another style sheet, the user has to select it from the drop-down list box and then choose the Apply button.