The NJX:XCIOPENPOPUP control is used to configure certain parameters of a pop-up dialog before it is opened with a PROCESS PAGE MODAL statement. The control does not have design-time properties, nor does it raise events.

Two types of pop-up dialogs are supported, browser pop-ups and page pop-ups. Browser pop-ups are controlled by the web browser. To use them, pop-ups must be enabled in the browser settings. Page pop-ups are rendered by Natural for Ajax. To use them, pop-ups need not be enabled in the browser settings.

This control is intended to be used in the page that opens the pop-up dialog. An example for the usage of the control is provided in the Natural for Ajax demos as program CTRPOP-P.

The following topics are covered below:


The XML code for the example looks as follows:

<natpage xmlns:njx="http://www.softwareag.com/njx/njxMapConverter">
    </njx:xciopenpopup >

Adapter Interface

  2 HEIGHT (I4)
  2 LEFT (I4)
  2 TOP (I4)
  2 WIDTH (I4)

Each element of the structure controls a parameter of the next pop-up dialog to be opened.

Element Meaning
FEATURES Allows defining specific features of the pop-up dialog. See the property popupfeatures of the NATPAGE control.
HEIGHT The height of the pop-up dialog. If you specify a value greater than 0, you also need to specify a value greater than 0 for WIDTH.
LEFT The left position of the pop-up dialog. If you specify a value greater than 0, you also need to specify values greater than 0 for HEIGHT and WIDTH.
POPUPTYPE Specifies whether the pop-up dialog is to be opened as a browser pop-up (value "POPUP") or as a page pop-up (value "PAGEPOPUP").
TITLE The title to be displayed in the caption of the pop-up dialog.
TOP The top position of the pop-up dialog. If you specify a value greater than 0, you also need to specify values greater than 0 for HEIGHT and WIDTH.
WIDTH The width of the pop-up dialog. If you specify a value greater than 0, you also need to specify a value greater than 0 for HEIGHT.

Valid values for HEIGHT, WIDTH, LEFT and TOP are -1, 0 or a value greater than 0. The value -150, for example, is not a valid value.

Special settings:

  • To open a centered pop-up, set LEFT and TOP to -1.

  • To open a pop-up in the upper left corner of the browser output area, set LEFT and TOP to 0.

  • To open a pop-up with the default settings, set HEIGHT, WIDTH, LEFT and TOP to -1.