Setting Up Environments for Binary Documents

This document describes various Entire Output Managements setups for the processing of binary documents - with and without the Open Print Option (OPO). It covers the following topics:

General Information on Binary Documents

For general information on the processing of binary documents, see the section Processing of Binary Data in the Concepts and Facilities documentation.

Environments for Binary Data Processing

There are three possible ways of setting up an environment that integrates binary data of UNIX and Windows computers with Entire Output Management:

  • using OPO with a Windows printer driver,

  • using OPO without a Windows printer driver,

  • using the file system without OPO.

1 - Using OPO With a Windows Printer Driver


The above diagram shows that any Windows application can produce any output that is bound to a printer destination using a Windows printer driver. OPO can be put "behind" this printer driver acting as a Windows printer port monitor to redirect these outputs to Entire Output Management. No user script is required; the Entire Output Management monitor does not even need to know the machine. No further Software AG runtime environment (besides the EntireX mini-runtime) is required on the Windows computer.

2 - Using OPO Without a Windows Printer Driver

The second way to use OPO for routing data to Entire Output Management is to forward data from files to OPO directly, that is, without using a printer driver. In this case, instead of printout pages in the hardware-dependent printer language, the file format itself is transferred to Entire Output Management:


This construction will take a file and forward it to the OPO client, which will encode the data and send them to Entire Output Management as a binary file of the original type. The pipe function of Windows is used to pass the data to the OPO client nomrpt.exe.

The script can be part of a Windows user application, a Microsoft Word macro, or a simple command line like:

type filename.filetype | nomrpt.exe

3 - Using the File System Without OPO

The third setup is to omit OPO completely if binary files are to be transferred to Entire Output Management which are filed to a UNIX or Windows directory that is owned by Entire Output Management:


This requires a UNIX node and predefined report definitions in Entire Output Management depicting which directories are to be viewed and handled by the monitor of the respective source system. The directories will be scanned synchronously in each Entire Output Management monitor cycle.

The first two setups are asynchronous. Even if the Entire Output Management monitor is not active, the data will be transferred to an Entire Output Management container file from which the Entire Output Management monitor will then receive the documents. The only prerequisite is that the Entire Output Management RPC server is active. The first setup will not require any intermediate files. Even the second setup will put the data into the Entire Output Management container directly without the requirement to manage the files on Entire Output Management-owned directories of the source system.

The main difference is that the first setup will store formatted printout pages with all device-dependent properties in Entire Output Management, whereas the second and third setups will forward the original file to Entire Output Management which can be automatically archived/distributed as required. Each document can then be reprinted using the corresponding application on the target system (which in fact could also be the source system).

The first setup requires the layout of the printout and the used hardware to be defined before the document is transferred to Entire Output Management. This cannot be changed afterwards, because the printout data contain all formatting commands of the Windows printer driver. The other setups can be used to store files in Entire Output Management with the ability to decide where to print and which layout is to be used at the time when the document is printed out of Entire Output Management.

If the second or third setup is used, it will not be possible to printout a binary file to a printer directly, because Entire Output Management does not know the binary format of the file. However, the output converter function (see the description of printer type DISKUNIX) of Entire Output Management is able to invoke the print function of an application on the target system which can do the job. This is the way to have the printout of binary files controlled by Entire Output Management, or to convert binary data on the target system for subsequent processing.

Examples of Converting Binary Document

The following examples are all based on the following assumptions:

  • An Entire Output Management installation is active on a mainframe or a UNIX system.

  • The source system of the documents is a Windows PC called "win" with Entire System Server UNIX installed and a service npr_win being active.

  • The target system for the output of documents is a UNIX sample system called "unix" where the Entire System Server UNIX service npr_unix is active.

The following cases are covered:

Example 1 - Convert Any Windows Printouts to PDF


Convert any Windows printouts to PDF and store them as PDF files in Entire Output Management.

Possible solution:

Entire Output Management can read binary files from UNIX or Windows directories. This feature can be used to fetch all PDF files from a directory owned by Entire Output Management.

Define a report as follows:

                      **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            
User ID XYZ       - Report Definition >Unix Identification -        
   Name .............. GET-PDF__________________                    
Unix Attributes                                                     
   Node Name ......... npr_win_____ Read-binary... B            
   and Files ......... *.pdf________________________________________

By using this report definition the Entire Output Management monitor will look for PDF files in c:\output of the specified Windows PC regardless of whether Entire Output Management runs in a mainframe or a UNIX environment.

In order to convert the required printouts to PDF format, a PDF converter must be used. Customize a PDF converter which is installed as a virtual printer and which writes the resulting PDF file to the directory c:\output.

Now you can use the print function of any Windows application by printing on the created printer. The output will be converted to PDF, and the Entire Output Management monitor will load the PDF files for further processing.

Example 2 - Convert Word Documents to PDF


Microsoft Word documents are saved to the directory c:\output. They have to be converted to PDF and then transferred to Entire Output Management as PDF files.

Possible solution:

Use the input converter feature of Entire Output Management. Assuming the PDF converter printer profile "NOM-Printing" is available and the Entire Output Management report "GET-PDF" (as defined in Example 1) is active, the following report will instruct the Entire Output Management monitor to convert Word documents to PDF and load them into Entire Output Management:

                       **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            
 User ID XYZ       - Report Definition >Unix Identification -        
    Name .............. DOC2PDF__________________                    
 Unix Attributes                                                     
    Node Name ......... npr_win_____ Read-binary... B            
    and Files ......... *.doc________________________________________

Enter the following jobcards:

                      **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****
User ID XYZ       - Report Definition >Printing Attributes -
   Name .............. DOC2PDF__________________
Hold Logic ........... _ 
Printers ............. ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 
Copies ............... ___      ___      ___      ___      ___      
Separator Pages                                                   
   Start ............. ________                                    
   End ............... ________                                    
   Copies ............ ___                                         
   Length ............ ___                                         
Style.. ______________________________________________________________
   input-cmd=""C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\WINWORD.EXE"
   &f /q /n /mNOMPrinting"____________________________________________

Add the following macro "NOM-Printing" to Microsoft Word, using the Visual Basic editor:

Sub NOMPrinting()
Dim printerName As String
Dim CurrentDoc  As Word.Document

Set CurrentDoc = ActiveDocument
Set printerName = Trim$(Left$(ActivePrinter, _
		InStr(ActivePrinter, " on ")))
ActivePrinter = "NOMPrinting"
ActivePrinter = printerName
End Sub

The following will happen:

  • Entire Output Management will recognize the ".doc" file in the directory c:\output.

  • The monitor will activate the report DOC2PDF and execute the input command in the jobcards fields. Afterwards the ".doc" file will be deleted and not processed further by Entire Output Management.

  • The command (without the outer quotation marks) will be executed on the Windows source system "win" (where the c:\output directory resides).

  • There Microsoft Word will be invoked without splash screen (/q), without opening a new document (/n) but opening the recognized ".doc" file (&f) and executing the macro "NOM-Printing" (/m). If it is called using a batch user of this Windows system, the user will not see any part of the execution of this function.

  • The Microsoft Word macro will set the current default printer to "NOM-Printing" and print the document using the PDF converter. Then the former default printer will be restored.

  • Entire Output Management will get the created PDF file with the report "GET-PDF" from Example 1.

Entire Output Management will replace "&f" with the current file name.

No user intervention is required, and the procedure will be carried out for all Word documents that have been filed in c:\output. Everything is triggered by the Entire Output Management monitor on a mainframe or on UNIX.

Example 3 - Print a PDF File


Print a PDF file that has been stored in Entire Output Management on a real printer.

Possible solution if Entire Output Management runs on a UNIX system:

Ensure that the product Ghostscript is installed.

Create a logical printer "PRTPDF" of type NATUNIX with the following special attributes:

                       **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****       
 User ID XYZ       - Logical Printer >Special Attributes -

 Logical Printer
    Name ............. PRTPDF__
    Description ...... Print a PDF file


   Formfeed ..........
   Linesize ..........
   Max-Pages .........
   Output-Target ..... 1
   Pagesize ..........
   Printer-Name ...... gs -sDEVICE=printserver01:printer09
   Print Method ...... tty
   Profile ...........
   Trace ............. 0

Possible solution if Entire Output Management runs on a mainframe system:

Ensure that the product Ghostscript is installed on the target system "unix".

Create a logical printer "PRTPDF" of type DISKUNIX with the following special attributes:

                        **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            
  User ID XYZ       - Logical Printer >Special Attributes -           
  Logical Printer                                                     
     Name ............. PRTPDF__                                      
     Description ...... Print a PDF file______________                
    command ........... gs          
    filename ..........                                      
    filetype ..........  
    logpath ...........                                          
    Opt1 .............. -sDEVICE=printserver01:printer09
    Opt2 ..............                                               
    Parm1 .............                                               
    Parm2 .............                                               
    Parm3 .............                                               
    Path .............. /tmp
    Server ............ npr_unix
    Trace ............. 0                                             

If a binary active report containing a PDF file is printed on the printer PRTPDF, a file filename.pdf will be written to the directory /tmp of the UNIX computer on which the Entire System Server UNIX node npr_unix is active, where filename is the origin file name of the file. Ghostscript will send the printout to the printer printer09 on the printer server printserver01.

Example 4 - Store Word Documents for Later Printing


Print Microsoft Word documents on a virtual printer which stores the printed pages (not the file) in Entire Output Management for later printing on a real printer. Pass the document properties to Entire Output Management for viewing with the meta data key (PF2).

Possible solution:

Use OPO to collect the data. As the collection is not triggered by the Entire Output Management monitor, the printout will be asynchronously transferred and saved in the defined Entire Output Management container file, regardless of whether the Entire Output Management monitor is active or not.

The advantage of storing printouts rather than files is that the decision as to how the printout is to be formatted, which printer tray is to be used, whether the printout should be printed in colour etc. can be made at initiation time of the printouts (on the client side).

The disadvantage is that after this decision has been made, the printout and its attributes can no longer be changed. For instance, the printer type has to be the same as requested by the client.

OPO can transfer meta data (in this case the properties of a Word document) using XML files. The following Word macro reads the properties, creates an XML file that complies with OPO and saves it as word.xml in the Windows temp directory. Then it prints the document on the printer "PrintToNOM" which is defined as any printer with a printer port of type OPO:

Sub PrintToNOM()
Dim prop        As DocumentProperty
Dim propName    As String
Dim propString  As String
Dim CurrentDoc  As Word.Document
Dim DocName     As String
Dim DocType     As String
Dim DocPath     As String
Dim printerName As String
Set CurrentDoc = ActiveDocument
If InStr(CurrentDoc.Name, ".") > 1 Then
  DocName = Left(CurrentDoc.Name, InStr(CurrentDoc.Name, ".") - 1)
  DocType = Mid(CurrentDoc.Name, InStr(CurrentDoc.Name, ".") + 1)
  DocName = CurrentDoc.Name
  DocType = ""
End If
  DocPath = Replace(CurrentDoc.Path, "\", "/")
With Selection
  .InsertAfter "<?xml version='1.0'  ?>"
  .InsertAfter "<metadata>"
  .InsertAfter "  <filename>" & DocName & "</filename>"
  If DocType <> "" Then
    .InsertAfter "  <filetype>" & DocType & "</filetype>"
  End If
  If DocPath <> "" Then
    .InsertAfter "  <path>" & DocPath & "</path>"
  End If
End With
On Error Resume Next
For Each prop In CurrentDoc.BuiltInDocumentProperties
  propString = ""
  On Error Resume Next
  propString = prop.Value
  On Error GoTo skip1
  propName = Replace(prop.Name, "Number of ", vbNullString)
  If InStr(propName, "(") > 1 Then
    propName = Left(propName, InStr(propName, "(") - 1)
  End If
  propName = Replace(propName, " ", "_")
  propString = Replace(propString, "<", "-")
  propString = Replace(propString, ">", "-")
  propString = Replace(propString, """", vbNullString)
  propString = Replace(propString, "'", vbNullString)
  propString = Replace(propString, "\", "/")
  Trim (propString)
  If Len(propString) > 0 Then
    With Selection
        .InsertAfter "  <" & propName & ">"
        .InsertAfter propString
        .InsertAfter "  </" & propName & ">"
    End With
  End If
Next prop
On Error Resume Next
For Each prop In CurrentDoc.CustomDocumentProperties
  propString = ""
  On Error Resume Next
  propString = prop.Value
  On Error GoTo skip2
  propName = Replace(prop.Name, "Number of ", vbNullString)
  If InStr(propName, "(") > 1 Then
    propName = Left(propName, InStr(propName, "(") - 1)
  End If
  propName = Replace(propName, " ", "_")
  propString = Replace(propString, "<", "-")
  propString = Replace(propString, ">", "-")
  propString = Replace(propString, """", vbNullString)
  propString = Replace(propString, "'", vbNullString)
  propString = Replace(propString, "\", "/")
  Trim (propString)
  If Len(propString) > 0 Then
    With Selection
        .InsertAfter "  <" & propName & ">"
        .InsertAfter propString
        .InsertAfter "  </" & propName & ">"
    End With
  End If
Next prop
With Selection
  .InsertAfter "</metadata>"
End With
ActiveDocument.SaveAs _
FileName:="C:\Program Files\Software AG\Open Print Option 3.2.0\word.xml", _
Set printerName = Trim$(Left$(ActivePrinter, _
		InStr(ActivePrinter, " on ")))
ActivePrinter = "PrintToNOM"
ActivePrinter = printerName
End Sub

Save this macro "PrintToNOM" using Microsoft Word's Visual Basic editor.

This macro prints on the printer "PrintToNOM".

In Windows, create a printer "PrintToNOM" which is linked to OPO, and configure the OPO port to use word.xml as the XML file for meta data.

Executing the macro will collect all meta data Microsoft Word supplies, write them into word.xml, and print them on the printer "PrintToNOM", which will pass the printed pages and the meta data to Entire Output Management.

Example 5 - Store AFP Data for Later Printing


Use the print function of any Windows application to create AFP data. Store these data in Entire Output Management for later printing on AFP printers.

Possible solution:

  1. Install a Windows AFP printer, such as the IBM AFP driver for Windows.

  2. Link it to an OPO printer port (according to the OPO documentation).

This will store AFP data in Entire Output Management which can be sent to an AFP printer.

Example 6 - XML Documents


Store XML documents in Entire Output Management; at printing time, these documents are to be formatted and rendered to several different documents.

Possible solution:

  1. Create the desired XML documents with any application.

  2. Transfer them to Entire Output Management, using the UNIX identification feature as text files.

  3. Create several printers of type DISKUNIX that forward the documents to an XML renderer which takes care of the final formatting. You may consider using the Apache Formatting Objects Processor (Apache FOP) for the final formatting.