Messages and Codes

This documentation lists all error messages and codes issued by the Entire Event Management Server.

NCL5001: Task:1:invoked successfully.

Expl.: This message informs the user that the indicated task has been started successfully. It is always displayed on the master console.
Actn.: No action required.

NCL5002 Task Name:1:invalid.

Expl.: INTERNAL ERROR. This message indicates that an unexpected task name has been passed from another task. Current task terminates abnormally.
Actn.: Contact Software AG Support.

NCL5003 Task:1:abended.

Expl.: The indicated task was terminated abnormally. The protocol dataset assigned to the task contains detailed information about the possible reason.
Actn.: Analyse the related protocol dataset. If you cannot remove the reason for the problem, please contact Software AG Support.

NCL5004 Task:1:normal End.

Expl.: This message is issued for the Main, Collect, Analysis, Logging and Action Tasks when the online user requests a Server shutdown.
Actn.: No action required.

NCL5005 Server:1:not found in Server Table.

Expl.: The Server object identified by its node number was not found in the directory file (System File 2).
Actn.: Add the Server object using the Entire Event Management Administration System.

NCL5006 Task:1:restarted.

Expl.: The Task indicated has been restarted. The reason can be found in correlated messages:
  • in the protocol data sets allocated to the Task and/or

  • in the (Log...) Console defined for the Server (depending on the configuration of the related Server Parameter).

Actn.: Depends on correlated messages.

NCL5007 Task:1:received invalid communication verb:2:from:3:

Expl.: INTERNAL ERROR within inter-task communication.
Actn.: Contact Software AG Support.

NCL5008 Error during Server Termination.

Expl.: This message informs you that a runtime error has occurred during the Server Termination process.
Actn.: No action required.

NCL5009 Internal error in program:1:: Invalid function:2:requested.

Expl.: An internal error was detected in the program indicated.
Actn.: Contact Software AG Support.

NCL5010 Operating system:1:not supported.

Expl.: The operating system indicated is not yet supported by Entire Event Management.
Actn.: Contact your Software AG System Consultant.

NCL5011 Int. Error: Subtask:1:not found in Subtask Table

Expl.: INTERNAL ERROR within inter-task communication.
Actn.: Please contact Software AG Support.

NCL5013 Node:1:not defined.

Expl.: The Node object identified by its Node number was not found in the directory file (System File 2).
Actn.: Add the Node object using the Entire Event Management Online Administration System.

NCL5015 Invalid LFILE assignment for Logical File number:1:.

Expl.: The LFILE assignment for the indicated Logical File Number is wrong.
Actn.: Check / change your NATURAL LFILE Environment Settings.

NCL5016 Error accessing STEPLIB Table. NAT00009-Response::1:.

Expl.: INTERNAL ERROR occurred in program NAT00009 when accessing the STEPLIB Table.
Actn.: Contact Software AG Support.

NCL5018 Invalid Task Status:1:detected in Task:2:.

Actn.: Please contact Software AG Support.

NCL5019 Adabas response:1:from CMADA;:2:.

Expl.: This message informs you that the Adabas response code :1: was returned during the access indicated by :2:.
Actn.: Analyze the situation. If the indicated error cannot be avoided by appropriate environment customization, please contact Software AG support.

NCL5020 Entire System Server error:1:on Node:2:.

Expl.: The Entire System Server Node indicated by :2: returned error code when forwarding an Action request to the Execution Server identified by Node number :2:. Correlated message: 5231.
Actn.: For detailed explanation of this error code please refer to the Entire System Server Messages and Codes Manual. See also correlated messages in the (Aut...) Console related to the forwarding Server.

NCL5021 Bad Response:1:from SATDTA - Calendar Table Handler.

Expl.: INTERNAL ERROR. The Calendar Table handling routine encountered an unexpected error.
Actn.: Please contact Software AG Support.

NCL5022 Response:1:from QHNDLR; Queue:2:, Function:3:.

Expl.: The error code :1: was returned from the QHNDLR module when accessing the main storage area identified by :2: using function :3:. For example: "Response 40 using function PUT" means that no free main storage slot could be allocated in the queue indicated by :2: to hold a new element.
Actn.: In case of Response 40: increase the Server Parameters 'Initial Size of Active Queues' and RENEW the Server. In all other cases: contact Software AG Support.

NCL5023 Internal error: Keyword/Value buffer overflow.

Expl.: The buffer size reserved for holding variables in keyword/value not is too small.
Actn.: Contact Software AG Support.

NCL5024 Internal error: Keyword/Value Table overflow.

Expl.: The dimension of the array reserved for holding variables as keyword/value table is too small.
Actn.: Contact Software AG Support.

NCL5025 Name of Symbol:1:longer than 32 bytes.

Expl.: The name of the indicated Symbol is longer than allowed. This is probably a user error.
Actn.: Use only Symbol names with allowed length.

NCL5026 Internal error: value of Symbol:1:does not fit into string.

Expl.: The reference to the indicated Symbol contained in string cannot be replaced by the Symbol value.
Actn.: Please contact Software AG support.

NCL5030 Invalid Message Type:1:detected.

Actn.: Please contact Software AG Support.

NCL5040 Renew of Server definitions started.

Expl.: This message informs the user that the RENEW process for the object definitions linked to the Server has been started. Correlated messages: 5041 and 5042.
Actn.: No action required.

NCL5041 Renew of Server definitions successful.

Expl.: This message informs the user that the RENEW process for the object definitions linked to the Server has been completed successfully. Correlated messages: 5040 and 5042.
Actn.: No action required.

NCL5042 New definitions in effect for next messages.

Expl.: After a successful RENEW request, this message informs the user that the analysis of the following messages is based on the new definitions. Correlated messages: 5040 and 5041.
Actn.: No action required.

NCL5046 Buffer Pool refreshed for Action Program Library:1:.

Expl.: When the Server starts or renews the definitions, the Natural Buffer Pool is automatically refreshed for the user-written Natural programs located in the indicated Action Program Library.
Actn.: No action required.

NCL5050 Task:1:abended - Server will be forced.

Expl.: This message indicates that the Reporting Task has detected that the related task :1: has abended. In consequence, a new subtask will be attached, which performs a forced termination of all Server tasks and asks the operator if the Server should be restarted.
Actn.: See correlated messages NCL9998 and NCL9999, which appear on the System Console.

NCL5060 Database:1:is not currently active.

Expl.: This message is issued in response to Adabas response code 148. Parameter :1: provides the logical name of the database. The correlated messages, which the error exit writes to the task-specific protocol dataset, contain detailed information about the physical database and file number. The Server temporarily suspends communication to this database and tests availability from time to time. If the database is available again, the Server resumes normal communication. If Response Code 148 is returned by the FNAT where the Server application is located, or by the Definition Database during startup, the Server will terminate abnormally.
Actn.: Analyze which database is affected and perform actions necessary to restart the database.

NCL5090 Server:1:started, Version:2:,:3:.

Expl.: This message means that the Server identified by its Node number :1 has started. Parameter :2: contains the product version. Parameter :3: contains an intermediate update level which is irrelevant for released versions.
Actn.: No action required.

NCL5099 Backup File:1:blocked by other user - Server can not proceed.

Expl.: This message indicates that after 10 access retries of the Server, Backup File is still in use by another user. Most probably an online user is browsing the file.
Actn.: Find out who is accessing the file via an online session and unlock file.

NCL5101 Backup File:1:in use - retry after 5 seconds.

Expl.: The Backup File used by the Server to download/load its definitions is temporarily blocked by another user.
Actn.: No action required.

NCL5102 Invalid Backup File header detected.

Expl.: INTERNAL ERROR. The first records in the Backup File are expected to have record type 'HD' (header).
Actn.: Please contact Software AG Support.

NCL5103 Invalid load phase detected:1:.

Actn.: Please contact Software AG Support.

NCL5104 Sequence error detected in Backup File.

Expl.: INTERNAL ERROR. Each logical record of a specific type consists of multiple segments identified by a sequence number. The segment currently being processed contains an incorrect sequence number.
Actn.: Please contact Software AG Support.

NCL5105 Invalid record type:1:detected in Backup File.

Expl.: INTERNAL ERROR. The record currently being processed contains an undefined record type.
Actn.: Please contact Software AG Support.

NCL5106 Invalid Event level detected during punch phase.

Actn.: Please contact Software AG Support.

NCL5107 Invalid Action type:1:detected during punch phase.

Expl.: INTERNAL ERROR. The Backup File record currently being processed contains an invalid Action type.
Actn.: Please contact Software AG Support.

NCL5111 Download of definitions started.

Expl.: This message means that a process has been started which downloads the subset of definitions linked to the Server from the database System File 2 to the Backup File.
Actn.: No action required.

NCL5112 Definitions successfully downloaded.

Expl.: This message informs the user that the Server has successfully copied his working subset of object definitions from the database System File 2 to the sequential Backup File.
Actn.: No action required.

NCL5113 No definitions downloaded by Server:1:.

Expl.: This message indicates that the Server did not copy a working subset of object definitions from the database (System File 2) to the sequential Backup File. As a result, if the Server is starting, it will terminate abnormally. If the Server was RENEWED, it will stay active and resume work as soon as a non-empty working subset is downloaded in response to a second RENEW request.
Actn.: Make sure that a non-empty subset of active Logical Consoles is linked to the Server definition before you start or renew the Server.

NCL5114 Loading of definitions started.

Expl.: This message means that a process has started which loads the working subset of object definitions from the sequential Backup File into main storage queues for faster analysis.
Actn.: No action required.

NCL5115 Definitions successfully loaded.

Expl.: This message means that the Server has successfully loaded the working subset of object definitions from the sequential Backup File into main storage for faster analysis.
Actn.: No action required.

NCL5119 No definitions loaded by Server:1:.

Expl.: This message indicates that the Server did not load a working subset of object definitions from the sequential Backup File into main storage. As a result, if the Server is starting, it will terminate abnormally. If the Server was RENEWED, it will stay active and resume work as soon as a non-empty working subset of object definitions is loaded in response to a second RENEW request.
Actn.: Make sure that the sequential Backup File used contains a non-empty set of object definitions before you start or renew the Server.

NCL5120 Current year of Calendar:1:in Console:2:not available.

Expl.: This message indicates that the Calendar identified by :1: and assigned to Logical Console :2: does not cover the current year. Therefore, the Logical Console indicated is considered active on all days of the current year. See also the correlated messages 5121 and 5124.
Actn.: Expand the corresponding Calendar definition to cover the current year and renew the Server.

NCL5121 Next year of Calendar:1:in Console:2:not available.

Expl.: This message indicates that the Calendar :1: which is assigned to Logical Console :2: does not cover the next year. Therefore, the Logical Console indicated is considered active on all days of the next year. See also the correlated messages 5120 and 5124.
Actn.: Expand the corresponding Calendar definition to cover the next year and renew the Server.

NCL5122 Current year of Calendar:1:in Rule:2:not available.

Expl.: This message indicates that the Calendar :1: which is assigned to Automation Rule :2: does not cover the current year. Therefore, the Automation Rule indicated is considered active on all days of the current year. See also the correlated messages 5123 and 5124.
Actn.: Expand the corresponding Calendar definition to cover the current year and renew the Server.

NCL5123 Next year of Calendar:1:in Rule:2: not available.

Expl.: This message indicates that the Calendar :1: which is assigned to Automation Rule :2: does not cover the next year. Therefore, the Automation Rule indicated is considered active on all days of the next year. See also the correlated messages 5122 and 5124.
Actn.: Expand the corresponding Calendar definition to cover the next year and renew the Server.

NCL5124 All days of related year are assumed to be active.

Expl.: See correlated messages 5120 and 5121 or 5122 and 5123 respectively The message means that all days of the related year are active regarding the activity of the Logical Console indicated in message(s) 5120 and/or 5121 or the activity of the Automation Rule indicated in message(s) 5122 and/or 5123.
Actn.: See the correlated messages.

NCL5164 :1:Logical Consoles loaded.

Expl.: Informs the user that the Server has loaded :1: Logical Consoles in main storage.
Actn.: No action required.

NCL5165 :1:Message Ranges loaded.

Expl.: Informs the user that the Server has loaded :1: Message Ranges into main storage.
Actn.: No action required.

NCL5166 :1:Root Events loaded.

Expl.: Informs the user that the Server has loaded :1: Root Events into main storage.
Actn.: No action required.

NCL5167 :1:Dependent Events loaded.

Expl.: Informs the user that the Server has loaded :1: Dependent Events in main storage.
Actn.: No action required.

NCL5168 :1:Actions loaded.

Expl.: Informs the user that the Server has loaded :1: Actions into main storage.
Actn.: No action required.

NCL5184 Backup Files O.K.

Expl.: Informs the user that the Backup Files exist and are correctly formatted.
Actn.: No action required.

NCL5185 Start without download of definitions.

Expl.: Confirms that the user started the Server with parameter NCLREFR = which means that the working subset of object definitions was not refreshed.
Actn.: No action required.

NCL5186 Events successfully defined.

Expl.: Means that the Events used for inter-task communication have been successfully defined.
Actn.: Action: No action required.


NCL5187 Subtasks successfully attached.

Expl.: Means that the Server has attached the other subtasks successfully.
Actn.: No action required.

NCL5190 Loaded Console ...:1:

Expl.: Means that the Logical Console :1: has been loaded into main storage and is available for analysis.
Actn.: No action required.

NCL5191 Loaded Range .....:1:

Expl.: Means that the Range :1: has been loaded into main storage and is available for analysis.
Actn.: No action required.

NCL5192 Loaded Event (:2:):1:

Expl.: Means that the Event with Level :2: identified by :1: has been loaded into main storage and is available for analysis.
Actn.: No action required.

NCL5193 Loaded Action ....:1:

Expl.: Means that the Action :1: has been loaded into main storage and is available for analysis.
Actn.: No action required.

NCL5201 Current message matched more than:1:Ranges - information lost.

Expl.: During the analysis of the current message, the Server detected that too many Ranges were matched. The Ranges which exceeded the maximum are lost. As a result, the message will be available only in those Logical Consoles which have a link to the Ranges received so far.
Actn.: Check the Messages Ranges which could be matched by the current message and refine your Message Range definitions where necessary.

NCL5202 Response:1:from scan wildcard routine during scan of:2:.

Expl.: INTERNAL ERROR. Correlated message 5203.
Actn.: Contact Software AG Support.

NCL5203 Mask checked::1:. Text scanned::2:.

Expl.: INTERNAL ERROR. Correlated message 5202.
Actn.: Contact Software AG Support.

NCL5204 Error during check of Range:1:.

Expl.: INTERNAL ERROR. Correlated messages 5202, 5203 and 5206.
Actn.: Contact Software AG Support.

NCL5205 Following message lost during analysis.

Expl.: This message precedes the most recently analyzed Console message, which could not be reprocessed by the Analysis Task after restart.
Actn.: Analyze protocol dataset related to the Analysis Task and find out reason for the restart.

NCL5206 Analysis is continuing with next Range.

Expl.: INTERNAL ERROR. Correlated message 5202,5203 and 5204.
Actn.: Contact Software AG Support.

NCL5207 Int. Error: Valid options for check/set parameters: CHK or SET

Actn.: Contact Software AG Support.

NCL5208 User Error: Symbol:1:not found in message.

Expl.: The current message triggered an Event definition for which the use assigned a Symbol Table containing the keyword variable :1:. However, this keyword could not be found within the current message text. Correlated message 5220.
Actn.: Find the correlated Event in the (Aut...) Console related to the Se and check the Event definition.

NCL5210 At most:1:User Symbols can be defined for one Rule.

Expl.: This message indicates an overflow of the internal table of user-defined variables which is assigned to the current Automation Rule. Correlated message 5220.
Actn.: Find the correlated Event in the (Aut...) Console related to the Server and check the Symbol Tables assigned to the Event(s) of the Automation Rule.

NCL5211 No free entry for this time-based deferred Action.

Expl.: All deferred Actions are kept in an internal table until the delay has elapsed. This message indicates that all table entries are used. Correlated message 5213.
Actn.: Contact Software AG Support.

NCL5213 Action identified by key:1:not performed.

Expl.: See the correlated message 5211.
Actn.: See the correlated message 5211.

NCL5215 Error during check of Event:1:.

Expl.: INTERNAL ERROR. Correlated messages 5202,5203 and 5216.
Actn.: Contact Software AG Support.

NCL5216 Analysis is continuing with next Event.

Expl.: Correlated messages 5202,5203 and 5215.
Actn.: Contact Software AG Support.

NCL5217 Following frozen message lost during analysis.

Expl.: This message precedes the most recent frozen message, which could n be reprocessed by the Analysis Task after restart.
Actn.: Analyze protocol dataset related to the Analysis Task and find out reason for the restart.

NCL5220 Event not inserted into Active Queue.

Expl.: Because of an error condition, the current Event was not inserted i Active Queue. Correlated messages 5208 or 5210.
Actn.: See the correlated messages 5208 or 5210.

NCL5221 Loop detected in Automation Rule:1:.

Expl.: The Server has detected a loop condition in the Automation Rule indicated. This loop occurred when the Rule was repeatedly triggered by an identical message text with identical job number. A loop is assumed if identical message text with identical job number triggers the Rule during the 'Rule Timeout' period more often than indicated by the 'Event Loop Frequency' parameter. Correlated messages 5222 and 5223.
Actn.: Find the correlated Event in the (Aut...) Console related to the Server and check the Rule definition.

NCL5222 ... caused by Message:

Expl.: Correlated message 5221 (loop in Automation Rule).
Actn.: See the correlated message 5221.

NCL5223 ... caused by job:1:, job number:2:.

Expl.: Correlated message 5221 (loop in Automation Rule).
Actn.: See the correlated message 5221.

NCL5230 Action:1:of type:2:routed to Server:3:.

Expl.: This message confirms that this Action was forwarded to the Server as requested within the corresponding Action definition (Attribute 'Execution Server'). Correlated message 5403.
Actn.: No action required.

NCL5231 Action:1:of type:2:not routed to Server:3:.

Expl.: The message means that, because of an ESY error (indicated in correlated message 5020), the Action was not routed to Server :3: as required in the correlated Action specification.
Actn.: Find the related Event in the (Aut...) Console related to the Serve and check the corresponding Action definition.

NCL5301 :1:Messages lost in task:2:.

Expl.: This message indicates the number of messages which were lost during a restart of a task.
Actn.: Analyze the protocol dataset to find the reason for the restart.

NCL5401 Action:1:of type:2:not performed.

Expl.: Action was not performed because of an ESY error which precedes this message.
Actn.: Analyze the protocol dataset related to the Action Task to find out the reason for the ESY error. You can find the related Action definition by looking for the related Event in the (Aut ..) Console.

NCL5402 Internal error: Standard Action Type:1:not implemented.

Expl.: This error message indicates that the program which implements the mentioned standard action, was not found in the internal correlation table.
Actn.: Please contact Software AG Support.

NCL5403 Action:1:of type:2:forwarded by Server:3:.

Expl.: This message confirms that the Server has received the Action forwarded by the Server :3:. Correlated message 5230.
Actn.: No Action required.

NCL5404 Following Symbols not found::1:.

Expl.: This message means that the referred Symbol name was not found in the variable buffer provided and therefore the Symbol reference could not be replaced by the corresponding variable value. This is probably a user error.
Actn.: Make sure that the Symbols referred to in Action specifications are available either in user-defined Symbol Tables or as Symbols provided by the system.

NCL5502 Task:1:lost:2:messages due to Console Message Table wraparound.

Expl.: The Collect Task receives the Console messages from a wraparound table This message indicates the number of messages which were overwritten because of a high message volume.
Actn.: Under z/OS or z/VSE, increase the Entire System Server parameter 'CONS'. Under BS2000/OSD, increase the 'BUFFER' parameter in the ESYCONS JCL. Restart the NCL Server after having bounced the Entire System Server.

NCL5503 Task:1:skipped last message due to restart.

Expl.: This means that the Collect Task lost the last message after restart.
Actn.: See protocol dataset of the Collect Task to find out the reason for the restart.

NCL5998 NCL Server:1:Renew requested by user:2:.

Expl.: Means that the user indicated has requested to renew the Server. This message appears on the System Console.
Actn.: No action required.

NCL5999 NCL Server:1:Shutdown requested by user:2:.

Expl.: Means that the user indicated has requested to shut down the Server. This message appears on the System Console.
Actn.: No action required.