Using Natural Business Services

This section covers the following topics:

Administer Business Services

Administrators can use NaturalONE's Service Development plug-in to perform various administrative and security-related tasks. These include:

  • Edit service definitions locally and upload them to the server.

  • Define or edit domain and steplib definitions and upload them to the server.

  • View security settings per domain, make changes and synchronize changes to the server.

Configure the Plug-in

Before you can create a business service, you must confirm that the environments are set up correctly. To do this:

  • Define Natural Development Server (NDV) connections to a Natural environment where Natural Business Services (NBS) is installed.

  • Browse the environment and verify that NBS nodes are available in the Natural Server view.

  • Define RPC environments using EntireX preferences in NaturalONE. The RPC environment must match a Natural RPC server that is installed in your NBS server environment

  • Configure a Web server which should have the WS-Stack installed (see WS-Stack documentation). Alternately, use the internal WS-Stack Web server installed with NaturalONE.

Create a New Business Service

A business service consists of a collection of methods related to a common business entity. The best way to create a business service is to use the Business Service wizard in Natural ONE. You should follow these steps:

  • Ensure that you have a domain and steplib created and properly configured.

  • The main library you are using should already be available in the local NaturalONE project and workspace. Your NBS steplib definition should contain this library.

  • Make sure you have some subprograms created that you want to service-enable. As a minimum, these subprograms should have defined data area definitions.

  • Start the Business Service wizard to define a service. Give the service a name and select a domain.

  • Once created, use the Business Service editor to define different methods. You should indicate which subprograms are used for each method by either using the default subprogram for the entire service or defining each method with different subprograms.

  • Upload the service definition (and related subprograms if you have not done so already) to the server.

  • The service is now ready to be used.