Version 5.3.1
 —  Natural Business Services Administration  —

Domains Supplied with Natural Business Services

Natural Business Services uses several business services supplied in the INTERNAL and ADMIN domains. You can also take advantage of these services, as well as those in the DEMO domain.

This section covers the following topics:

ADMIN Domain

Natural Business Services supplies a group of business services that are only required by an administrator. These business services allow the consumer to grant security to the appropriate groups of users and perform other tasks, including:

This section describes the business services contained in the ADMIN domain:

BusinessServicesAuditTrail (Version 010101)

This service retrieves a record of changes to business services in descending order. It has the following methods:

Method Name Description
FindByDateTimeDomainDesc Retrieves a record of changes to business services in descending order by date, time, and domain.
FindByDomainServiceVrsDateDesc Retrieves a record of changes to business services in descending order by domain, service, version, date, and time.

BusinessServicesMethodAuditTrail (Version 010101)

This service retrieves a record of changes to service methods in descending order. It has the following methods:

Method Name Description
FindByDateTimeDomainDesc Retrieves a record of changes to service methods in descending order by date, time, and domain.
FindByDomainServiceVrsDateDesc Retrieves a record of changes to service methods in descending order by domain, service, version, date, and time.

Domain (Version 010101)

This service retrieves and maintains a set of domains. It has the following methods:

Method Name Description
Delete Deletes row(s) as part of the MultiMaint method.
FindByDomainName Retrieves row(s) by domain.
FindBySteplibName Retrieves row(s) by step library chain.
MultiMaint Performs methods on multiple domains based on the state of the rows.
Store Adds row(s) as part of the MultiMaint method.
Update Updates row(s) as part of the MultiMaint method.

DomainAuditTrail (Version 010101)

This service retrieves a record of changes to domains in descending order. It has the following methods:

Method Name Description
FindByDateTimeDomainDesc Retrieves a record of changes to domains in descending order by date, time, and domain.
FindByDomainDateTimeDesc Retrieves a record of changes to domains in descending order by domain, date, and time.

Deployment (Version 010101)

This service deploys domains, associated services, and step library chains between environments. It contains the Services method.

You must specify the DBID (database identification) and FNR (file number) for the source and target environments, as well as a range value for domain records to deploy. You may use wildcards to indicate the range (for example, “*”, “>”, and “<”).

Group (Version 010101)

This service retrieves and maintains a set of groups. It has the following methods:

Method Name Description
Delete Deletes row(s) as part of the MultiMaint method.
FindByGroup Retrieves row(s) by group.
MultiMaint Performs methods on multiple groups based on the state of the rows.
Store Adds row(s) as part of the MultiMaint method.
Update Updates row(s) as part of the MultiMaint method.

GroupLevelSecurity (Version 010101)

This service searches the domain/group combinations and allows you to set security permissions (see the Security method for valid states). The GroupLevelSecurity service has the following methods:

Method Name Description
AddDomainGroupCombination Adds a domain/group combination. Specify the domain/group names in the ASOSGK input parameter group.
FindDomainGroup Retrieves security information for groups by domain and group name.
FindGroupDomain Retrieves security information for groups by group and domain name.
Security Adjusts security permissions on the rows that provide valid row states. Valid row states are:
  • CL (clear)

  • DA (disable)

  • EN (enable)

  • GR (grant)

  • RE (revoke)

DeleteDomainGroupCombination Deletes a domain/group combination. Specify the domain/group name in the ASOSGK input parameter group.
FindGroupsWithinDomain Retrieves group-level security information for a domain. Specify the domain name in the ASOSGK input parameter group.
FindSpecificDomainGroup Retrieves group-level security information for a domain/group combination. Specify the domain/group name in the ASOSGK input parameter group.

MethodLevelSecurity (Version 010101)

This service searches the business services within a domain and allows you to set security permissions (see the Security method for valid states). Security is set based on the group ID. The MethodLevelSecurity service has the following methods:

Method Name Description
FindByDomainMethodServiceVersion Retrieves security information for methods by domain, method, service, and version.
FindByDomainServiceMethod Retrieves security information for methods by domain, service, and method.
FindByDomainServiceVersionMethod Retrieves security information for methods by domain, service, version, and method.
FindByMethodServiceVersion Retrieves security information for methods by method, service, and version.
FindMethodsWithinDomainService Retrieves service-level security information for a domain/service combination. Specify the domain/service name in the DOM2BKEY input parameter group.
Security Adjusts security permissions on the rows that provide valid row states. Valid row states are:
  • CL (clear)

  • DA (disable)

  • EN (enable)

  • GR (grant)

  • RE (revoke)

SecurityExceptionsReport (Version 010101)

This service retrieves runtime security errors in descending order by date and time. It contains the FindByDateTimeDesc method.

SecurityPermissionsReport (Version 010101)

This service retrieves the business services security report. It has the following methods:

Method Name Description
FindByDomain Retrieves the business services security report by domain.
FindByDomainGroupServiceMethod Retrieves the business services security report by domain, group, service, and method.
FindByGroup Retrieves the business services security report by group.
FindByGroupDomainServiceMethod Retrieves the business services security report by group, domain, service, and method.

StepLibraryAuditTrail (Version 010101)

This service retrieves a record of changes to the step library chains in descending order. It has the following methods:

Method Name Description
FindByDateTimeStepLibNameDesc Retrieves a record of changes to the step library chains in descending order by date, time, and step library chain.
FindByStepLibNameDateTimeDesc Retrieves a record of changes to the step library chains in descending order by step library chain, date, and time.

ServiceLevelSecurity (Version 010101)

This service searches the methods within a business service and allows you to set security permissions (see the Security method for valid states). Security is set based on the group ID. The ServiceLevelSecurity service has the following methods:

Method Name Description
FindByDefaultProxy Retrieves security information for business services by default subprogram proxy.
FindByDomain Retrieves security information for business services by domain.
FindByDomainService Retrieves security information for business services by domain and service.
FindBySteplibName Retrieves security information for business services by step library chain.
Security Adjusts security permissions on the rows that provide valid row states. Valid row states are:
  • CL (clear)

  • DA (disable)

  • EN (enable)

  • GR (grant)

  • RE (revoke)

ServiceCountByDomain Counts business service rows by domain.
FindServicesWithinDomain Retrieves service-level security information for a domain. Specify the domain name in the DOM2BKEY input parameter group.

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DEMO Domain

The DEMO domain contains the business services used in the demo application, SYSBIZDE. This section describes the business services supplied in the DEMO domain:

Calculator (Version 010101)

This service performs simple calculator functions. In addition, a success flag is set if the solution is greater than the success criteria. The Calculator service has the following methods:

Method Name Description
Add Adds two numbers together.
Divide Divides two numbers.
Multiply Multiplies two numbers.
Subtract Subtracts one number from another.

CalculatorAdvance (Version 010101)

This service provides a calculator that performs advanced calculations. It was generated using the Object-Generic-Subp model and has the following methods:

Method Name Description
Add Adds two numbers together.
Divide Divides two numbers.
Multiply Multiplies two numbers.
Subtract Subtracts one number from another.
GreatestCommonDenominator Executes the GCDN subprogram to calculate the greatest common divisor for two numbers.
SolutionWithLowerNumbers Executes the CALC and GCDN subprograms to calculate the solution with the lowest numbers.

Customer (Version 010101)

This service retrieves customers and maintains a customer. It has the following methods:

Method Name Description
BROWSE Lists customers in the Customer file.
DELETE Deletes a customer record.
EXISTS Determines whether a customer exists.
FORMER Retrieves the previous customer record in the file.
GET Retrieves a customer record.
INITIALIZE Initializes a customer record.
NEXT Retrieves the next customer record in the file.
STORE Adds a customer record to the file.
UPDATE Updates a customer record.

CustomerCreditAnalysis (Version 010101)

This service retrieves customers and maintains a customer. It also flags customers with credit limits greater than $10,000.

CustomerWithContactData (Version 010101)

This service retrieves customers and maintains a customer and contact information, such as phone numbers and email addresses.

CustomerWithContactData (Version 020101)

This service retrieves and maintains a set of customers and their contact information, such as phone numbers and email addresses. It has the following methods:

Method Name Description
Delete Deletes row(s) as part of the MultiMaint method.
FindByBusinessName Retrieves row(s) by business name.
MultiMaint Performs individual methods on multiple rows based on the state of the rows.
Store Adds row(s) as part of the MultiMaint method.
Update Updates row(s) as part of the MultiMaint method.
FindByCustomerNumber Retrieves row(s) by customer number.
FindByCustomerWarehouseId Retrieves row(s) by customer and warehouse ID.

ErrorMessageTesting (Version 010101)

This service tests Natural error messages. To trigger an error message, type NATnnnn (for example, NAT3009) in the input field.

FlipString (Version 010101)

This service retrieves a text string and reverses the order of characters in the string (for example, ABC becomes CBA).

GreatestCommonDenominator (Version 010101)

This service calculates the greatest common divisor for two numbers.

Order (Version 010101)

This service retrieves orders and maintains an order. It has the following methods:

Method Name Description
BROWSE Lists orders in the Order file.
DELETE Deletes an order record.
EXISTS Determines whether an order exists.
FORMER Retrieves the previous order record in the file.
GET Retrieves an order record.
INITIALIZE Initializes an order record.
NEXT Retrieves the next order record in the file.
STORE Adds an order record to the file.
UPDATE Updates an order record.

Order (Version 020101)

This service retrieves and maintains a set of orders. It has the following methods:

Method Name Description
FindByCustomerDate Retrieves row(s) by customer number and date.
FindByOrderCustomerNumber Retrieves row(s) by order and customer number.
FindByOrderNumber Retrieves row(s) by order number.
FindByOrderWarehouseId Retrieves row(s) by order number and warehouse ID.
OrderWarehouseIdCount Counts order row(s) based on order number and warehouse ID.

Product (Version 010101)

This service retrieves products and maintains a product. It has the following methods:

Method Name Description
BROWSE Lists products in the Product file.
DELETE Deletes a product record.
EXISTS Determines whether a product exists.
FORMER Retrieves the previous product record in the file.
GET Retrieves a product record.
INITIALIZE Initializes a product record.
NEXT Retrieves the next product record in the file.
STORE Adds a product record to the file.
UPDATE Updates a product record.

StringManipulation (Version 010101)

This service manipulates the characters in a text string. It has the following methods:

Method Name Description
ConvertToLowerCase Executes the CSUCASE subprogram to convert a text string to lower case.
ConvertToMixedCase Executes the CSUCASE subprogram to convert a text string to mixed case.
ConvertToUpperCase Executes the CSUCASE subprogram to convert a text string to upper case.
ReverseString Executes the FLIPSTR subprogram to reverse the order of characters in a text string (for example, ABC becomes CBA).

Warehouse (Version 010101)

This service retrieves warehouses and maintains a warehouse. It has the following methods:

Method Name Description
BROWSE Lists warehouses in the Warehouse file.
DELETE Deletes a warehouse record.
EXISTS Determines whether a warehouse exists.
FORMER Retrieves the previous warehouse record in the file.
GET Retrieves a warehouse record.
INITIALIZE Initializes a warehouse record.
NEXT Retrieves the next warehouse record in the file.
STORE Adds a warehouse record to the file.
UPDATE Updates a warehouse record.

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For a developer to use functionality within Natural Business Services, he or she must belong to a group that has access to the INTERNAL domain. The business services in the INTERNAL domain perform many functions, including:

This section describes the business services contained in the INTERNAL domain:

BusinessService (Version 010101)

This service retrieves a set of business services. It has the following methods:

Method Name Description
ServiceCountByDomain Counts row(s) by domain.
FindByDefaultProxy Retrieves row(s) by default subprogram proxy.
FindByDomain Retrieves row(s) by domain.
FindByDomainService Retrieves row(s) by domain and service.
FindBySteplibName Retrieves row(s) by step library chain.

BusinessServiceDetail (Version 010101)

This service retrieves details about a business service, such as the methods and step library chain used. It contains the Retrieve method.

BusinessServiceDetail (Version 020101)

This service retrieves and maintains details about a business service, such as the methods and step library chain used. It has the following methods:

Method Name Description
Add Executes the BSIF___N subprogram with the Add method.
Delete Executes the BSIF___N subprogram with the Delete method.
Get Executes the BSIF___N subprogram with the Get method.
Next Executes the BSIF___N subprogram with the Next method.
Update Executes the BSIF___N subprogram with the Update method.
Retrieve Executes the SNUSINFO subprogram with the Retrieve method.
RetrieveProxyAndSubprogram Accepts a domain name, service name, and version number and returns all subprogram proxies and their associated subprograms.

GenerateServiceDataDefinition (Version 010101)

This service accepts the name of a subprogram proxy and generates the service parameter definitions. It contains the Generate method.

ModelDefaults (Version 010101)

This service retrieves the default values for a model. It has the following methods:

Method Name Description
ObjectBrowseSelectMethods Accepts the name of an object browse subprogram and returns user-modifiable method names for the service.
ObjectGenericLevel1s Accepts the names of up to 10 subprograms and returns a maximum of 100 level 1 fields for each.

NaturalLibrary (Version 010101)

This service lists all Natural libraries based on the database ID (DBID) and file number (FNR). It contains the List method.

NaturalModule (Version 010101)

This service retrieves a list of Natural modules or determines if a module exists. It has the following methods:

Method Name Description
Browse Lists Natural modules. You can restrict the list to proxies that are not subprograms (OPT-TYPE=Y) or to subprograms that are not proxies (OPT-TYPE=X).
Exist Determines whether a Natural module exists.

NaturalSource (Version 010101)

This service downloads or uploads Natural source code. It has the following methods:

Method Name Description
Download Downloads Natural source code.
Upload Uploads Natural source code.

NBSlfiles (Version 010101)

This service retrieves the DBID (database identification) and FNR (file number) for LFILE 135 and 136. It contains the Retrieve method.

PredictMetaData (Version 010101)

This service retrieves field and relationship information for files in Predict. It has the following methods:

Method Name Description
Download Downloads field and relationship information for a file defined in Predict.
RetrievePredictFields Retrieves Predict metadata for all fields in a file.
RetrievePredictFiles Retrieves a list of Predict files.

RepositoryQueries (Version 010101)

This service retrieves information from the Business Service repository, such as which business services use the Browse method. It has the following methods:

Method Name Description
FindAllUpperCaseBrowses Retrieves business services that use the BROWSE method.
FindBrowses Retrieves business services that use the Browse method.
FindByDomainMethodServiceVersion Accepts the name of a domain and retrieves services by domain, method, service, and version.
FindByDomainServiceMethod Retrieves services by domain, service, and method.

This method not required by current client queries.

FindByDomainServiceVersionMethod Retrieves services by domain, service, version, and method.

This method not required by current client queries.

FindByMethodServiceVersion Retrieves services by method, service, and version.

If you specify the name of a domain, this method will retrieve services in domain order.

FindByServiceVersion Retrieves services by service and version.

If you specify the name of a domain, this method will retrieve services in domain order.

FindFindBys Retrieves services that have method names beginning with “FindBy”.
FindMultiMaints Retrieves services that have a method called “MultiMaint”.

ServiceProxyMetaData (Version 010101)

This service uses the conversation factory to download the metadata for a subprogram proxy. It contains the Download method.

StepLibraryChain (Version 010101)

This service retrieves and maintains a set of step library chains. It has the following methods:

Method Name Description
Delete Deletes row(s) as part of the MultiMaint method.
FindByStepLibraryChain Retrieves row(s) by step library chain.
MultiMaint Performs individual methods on multiple rows based on the state of the rows.
Store Adds row(s) as part of the MultiMaint method.
Update Updates row(s) as part of the MultiMaint method.

SubprogramPDAs (Version 010101)

This service accepts a list of parameter data areas (PDAs) and the date on which they were last compiled and downloads all parameters that have been modified since that date. It contains the Download method.

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