Version 5.3.1
 —  Natural Business Services Administration  —

Defining Users and Security Groups

This section describes how to define users and how to define groups, which represent a collection of users and provide security options for domains, business services, and/or methods. These definitions allow you to set up a secure environment for your business services. With one setting, you can grant or deny a group of users access to one or more domains, or set privileges for individual services and methods.

Start of instruction setTo set up a secure environment for your business services:

  1. Define groups to represent collections of users.

  2. Define users in the Business Service Administration subsystem.

  3. Associate users with the appropriate groups.

  4. Define domains to represent collections of services associated with related business functions.

You can define users and groups in either Natural Business Services or Natural Security. For more information , see Setting Business Service Security Options.

This section covers the following topics:


The following table describes the components to create a secure environment for a business service:

Component Description
Group Represents multiple users with the same need and authority to access particular business services and their methods. For example, an organization may have separate groups for Quality Assurance, Sales, and Administration.
User Represents individual users in the Business Service Administration subsystem. User profiles define the groups to which each user belongs.
Domains, services, and methods Domains represent a collection of several business services related to a business function. Each business service has access to one or more methods.

Security at the domain, service, and/or method level is only available with Natural Business Services.

The following diagram shows the relationships between a user and the associated group, domains, services, and methods:


Because the user, Fred, is a member of the Administration group, he potentially has access to all domains, services, and service methods associated with that group. But in this example, Fred has only been granted access to two domains, four services, and one method.

When the CSRLOAD program is run during installation, the following groups and sample users are loaded into the Business Service repository:

Group Sample User Function Security Access
ADMIN PWRUSR Administration activities, such as:
  • Auditing business service activities

  • Deploying services

  • Applying security

  • Developing code

  • Invoking the DEMO domain services

Full access to the ADMIN, INTERNAL, and DEMO domains.


Development activities, such as:
  • Developing new business services in Natural

  • Creating services in Visual Studio and/or Java

This group is restricted to development activities; it cannot access security data and cannot deploy, audit, or maintain domains.

Full access to the INTERNAL and DEMO domains, as well as access to the following methods in the ADMIN domain:
  • GET

  • BrowseDomain

  • BrowseServices

  • FindByDomainName

  • FindBySteplibName




Execute Web services developed using the services supplied in the DEMO domain. Full access to the DEMO domain.





Training activities.


  1. Trainees do not automatically belong to the DEMOUSRS group; you must add each trainee to the group.
  2. To allow a trainee to run or test a newly created business service in a training domain, the trainee must be a member of the DEMOUSRS group.
  3. To allow trainees to develop and run services in the DEMO domain, they also belong to the DEVS and USERS groups.
Full access to the DEMO01-DEMO05 domains.

When you assign a user to the DEMOUSRS group, the user will have access to all DEMOnn domains. To restrict the user to one domain, you can create a group that only has access to that domain and then assign the user to that group.

The PWRUSR user also has access to the CST and VBADDIN domains (Visual Basic 6 only).

If Natural Security (NSC) is being used, you must add the following groups to Natural Security and assign the appropriate user IDs to each group:

Users in these groups must belong to the appropriate groups. For example:

The remainder of this section describes how to define groups and users, using only Natural Security or Natural Business Services security.

For information on the queries and logs available to view information about groups and users, see Auditing Business Services.

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Define Groups

All users of a business service that employs servers must be known to the Business Service Administration subsystem through their associations with groups. To access the business service services, a user must be a member of at least one group that is linked to a domain containing the service. A user can belong to a maximum of 10 groups.

Groups are used to collect users into larger entities so that security settings can be defined and checked at a higher level. This eliminates the need to define security settings for each user.

To define security privileges for a single user, create a group containing that user alone.

Natural Business Services allows users and groups to be defined either within the business service system files or by linking to the Natural Security user and group definitions.

For more information, see Use Natural Security with Natural Business Services.

This section covers the following topics:

Under Natural Business Services Security

Use the Maintain Group Table panel in the Business Service Administration subsystem to define groups. Each user can belong to one or more of these groups.

Start of instruction setTo define a group under Natural Business Services security:

  1. Enter "SA" in Function on the Business Service Administration Subsystem main menu.

    The System Administration main menu is displayed.

  2. Enter "MM" in Function on the System Administration main menu.

    The System Administration Maintenance menu is displayed.

  3. Enter "GR" in Function on the System Administration Maintenance menu.

    The Maintain Group Table panel is displayed. For example:

     BSGR__MP   ***** Business Service Administration Subsystem *****      BSGR__11 
     Feb 14                     - Maintain Group Table -                   9:02 PM  
      Action (A,B,C,D,M,N,P)    _                                                   
      Group ID................: ________________________________                    
      Group Name..............: __________________________________________________  
     Command: ____________________________________________________________          
     confm help  retrn quit        flip  pref                                main   
  4. Type "A" in Action.

  5. Type the group identifier in Group ID.

  6. Type the name of the group in Group Name.

  7. Press Enter to confirm the information.

After adding all required groups, you can use the group identifiers when defining users.

Under Natural Security

When Natural Security is enabled in the Business Service Administration subsystem, use the Maintain Group Profile window instead of the Maintain Group Table panel supplied with Natural Business Services to define groups.

Start of instruction setTo define a group under Natural Security:

  1. Enter "SA" in Function on the Business Service Administration Subsystem main menu.

    The System Administration main menu is displayed.

  2. Enter "MM" in Function on the System Administration main menu.

    The System Administration Maintenance menu is displayed.

  3. Enter "GR" in Function on the System Administration Maintenance menu.

    The Maintain Group Profile window is displayed. For example:

             Maintain Group Profile (Natural Security)         
      Function ........................... __                  
      User ID ............................ ________            
      User Type .......................... G                   
      Library ID or copied from user ..... ________            
                  Press any PF-key to stop                     
  4. Type "AD" in Function.

    AD is the code for the Add action. Other codes for this field are:

    Code Description
    CO Performs the Copy action.
    DI Performs the Display action.
    MO Performs the Modify action.
  5. Type the name of the new group in User ID.

    Each group ID must be unique among all user IDs and library IDs defined to Natural Security.

  6. Type "G" in User Type.

  7. Press Enter.

    The Add User panel is displayed. For example:

     15:35:15                    *** NATURAL SECURITY ***                 2006-03-06
                                       - Add User -                                 
                                                  Modified ..            by         
     User ID ...... NEWUSER                                                         
     User Name .... ________________________________                                
     User Type .... G (Group)                                                       
     Members            Libraries           Batch User ID ..... ________            
     --------      -------------------                                              
     ________      Default .. ________      Time   Differential . + __ h  30 min    
     ________                               Zone   ________________________________ 
     ________                               Language .......... _0                  
     ________                               Logon recorded .... N                   
     No. members                                                                    
     Additional Options ... N                                                       
           Help  PrevM Exit  AddOp       Flip                                Canc   
  8. Use this panel to add the group.

    A group is distinguished from an individual user by its User Type value: G.


  1. You must define all required group and domain combinations using the Maintain Service Security by Group panel. For information, see Add a Domain/Group Combination.
  2. For more information on using the Add User panel, refer to the Natural Security documentation for mainframes.

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Define Users

Business service administrators define users so that their passwords can be checked when they attempt to perform actions in the business services supported by the Business Service Administration subsystem.

Under Natural Business Services Security

Start of instruction setTo define a user using Natural Business Services security:

  1. Enter "SA" in Function on the Business Service Administration Subsystem main menu.

    The System Administration main menu is displayed.

  2. Enter "MM" in Function.

    The System Administration Maintenance menu is displayed.

  3. Enter "US" in Function.

    The Maintain User Table panel is displayed. For example:

     BSUS__MP    ***** Business Service Administration Subsystem *****     BSUS__11 
     Feb 14,06                  - Maintain User Table -                     9:08 PM 
      Action (A,B,C,D,M,N,P)    _                                                   
      Userid/Passw must be in upper case and <= 8 chars for Mainframe and/or NSC___ 
      User ID.................: ________________________________                    
      Name....................: __________________________________________________  
      Debug Library...........: ________                                            
      Debug Filename..........: _ ('T'imestamp; 'U'ser ID)                          
      Preferred Language......: __                                                  
      Groups...: ________________________________  ________________________________ 
                 ________________________________  ________________________________ 
                 ________________________________  ________________________________ 
                 ________________________________  ________________________________ 
                 ________________________________  ________________________________ 
     Direct Command: ____________________________________________________________   
     Add        Browse     Clear      Display    Modify     Next       Purge        
     confm help  retrn quit        flip  pref                                main   

    Use this panel to specify a user’s debug library and file. The Debug Library value defaults to your user ID.

    Using Trace-Option(1), you can store data transmitted between the client and server in the debug file.

  4. Type the code for how the debug file is named in Debug Filename.

    Valid codes are:

    Code Option Description
    T Timestamp Current time value is the file name. This allows multiple copies of debug data to exist; later copies do not overwrite earlier ones. Each file is assigned a name of “T” followed by a time value of HHMMSST. For example, files generated at 12:23:54.7 and 18:12:51.9 have the names “T1223547” and “T1812519”, respectively.
    U User User ID is the file name. This option is the default. Each request from the client overwrites the contents of the debug file.

    When a user invokes a subprogram proxy from the Application Administration main menu, the default values for the debug library and file are taken from the settings defined on the Maintain User Table panel.

  5. Type the name of at least one group in Groups.

    Each user must be associated with at least one group. If a user does not belong to a group, Natural Business Services rejects all access requests made by the user. When defining security settings, associate groups and domains to specify which users have access to which services. Each user must belong a group that has been associated with the domain containing the services the user needs to use. You can specify group(s) when adding a new user or modifying the profile of an existing user.

  6. Press Enter to define the user.

Under Natural Security

When Natural Security is enabled in the Business Service Administration subsystem, use the Maintain User Profile window instead of the Maintain User Table panel supplied with Natural Business Services to define users. To associate users with groups, use the Maintain User’s Groups window. You can also link users to protected libraries using the Library Maintenance / Link Users window.

Start of instruction setTo define a user using Natural Security:

  1. Enter "SA" in Function on the Business Service Administration Subsystem main menu.

    The System Administration main menu is displayed.

  2. Enter "MM" in Function.

    The System Administration Maintenance menu is displayed.

  3. Enter "US" in Function.

    The Maintain User Profile window is displayed. For example:

            Maintain User Profile (Natural Security)          
     Function ........................... __                  
     User ID ............................ ________            
     User Type .......................... _                   
     Library ID or copied from user ..... ________            
     Copy with links (CO function only).. N ('Y' or 'N')      
                 Press any PF-key to stop                     
  4. Type "AD" in Function.

    AD is the code for the Add action. Other codes for this field are:

    Code Description
    CO Performs the Copy action.
    DI Performs the Display action.
    MO Performs the Modify action.
  5. Type the name of the new user in User ID.

    Each user ID must be unique among all user IDs and library IDs defined to Natural Security.

  6. Type the code for the type of user in User Type.

    Valid codes for this field are:

    Code Description
    A User is an administrator.
    M User is a member of a group.
    P User is a person who is not an administrator or a member of a group.
  7. Press Enter.

    The Add User panel is displayed. For example:

    14:29:10                    *** Natural Security ***                2006-03-13
                          - Add User -
                                                   Modified .. 98-02-21 by DEVRE
    User ID ...... NEWUSER
    User Name .... ________________________________
    User Type .... P (A=Administrator, P=Person, M=Member)
    Privil. Groups           Libraries                 Password
    --------------      -------------------      ----------------------
    ________            Default .. ________      New Password
    ________            Last ..... ________      Change after ___ days
    ________                   ETID              Batch User ID ..... ________
    ________            -------------------      Language .......... _0
                        Default .. _9993  G      Private Library ... Y
    No. groups 3        Last ..... ________      Logon recorded .... N 
    Additional Options ... N
          Help        Exit  AddOp       Flip                                Canc
  8. Use this panel to specify information about the user.

    For a description of this panel, refer to the Natural Security documentation for mainframes.

Associate Users with Groups

Each user must be associated with at least one group. If a user does not belong to a group, Natural Business Services rejects all access requests made by the user. When defining security settings, associate groups and domains to specify which users have access to which services. Each user must belong to a group that has been associated with the domain containing the services the user needs to use.

Start of instruction setTo associate a user with a group:

  1. Enter "SA" in Function on the Business Service Administration Subsystem main menu.

    The System Administration main menu is displayed.

  2. Enter "MM" in Function.

    The System Administration Maintenance menu is displayed.

  3. Enter "UG" in Function.

    The Maintain User’s Groups window is displayed. For example:

             Maintain User's Groups (Natural Security)         
      Group ID ........................... ________            
      ADd / DElete / LIst members ........                     
      Start value for list function ...... ________            
       1 ________  2 ________  3 ________  4 ________          
       5 ________  6 ________  7 ________  8 ________          
       9 ________ 10 ________ 11 ________ 12 ________          
      13 ________ 14 ________ 15 ________ 16 ________          
      17 ________ 18 ________ 19 ________ 20 ________          
      21 ________ 22 ________ 23 ________ 24 ________          
      25 ________ 26 ________ 27 ________ 28 ________          
      29 ________ 30 ________                                  
                  Press any PF-key to stop                     
  4. Type the group name in Group ID.

  5. Type "LI" in ADd / DElete / LIst members.

  6. Press Enter.

    The group’s members are listed in the Members columns.

  7. Type "AD" in ADd / DElete / LIst members.

  8. Type the user ID you want to add in an empty field in Members.

  9. Press Enter.

    The user is added to the group.

Link Users to Libraries

Use the library Link function to associate users with protected libraries. The Business Service Administration subsystem uses the link definitions found in Natural Security to determine whether or not a user can access a Natural library. Each library must be linked to the user in Natural Security. The libraries include:

Start of instruction setTo link a user to a protected library:

  1. Enter "SA" in Function on the Business Service Administration Subsystem main menu.

    The System Administration main menu is displayed.

  2. Enter "MM" in Function.

    The System Administration Maintenance menu is displayed.

  3. Enter "LI" in Function.

    The Library Maintenance/Link Users window is displayed. For example:

        Library Maintenance / Link Users (Natural Security)    
      Function ........................... LK                  
      Library ID ......................... ________            
      Library/private library ............ L                   
      User ID (for link functions)........ ________            
                  Press any PF-key to stop                     
  4. Type the library name in Library ID.

  5. Type the user ID in User ID.

  6. Press Enter.

    The link is created.

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