
This function is used to display objects currently located in your Natural system environment. From the view function you can invoke the find function (see the relevant section) to specify further selection criteria for the search.

You can view all objects available on the relevant platform:

In a local Windows environment, or in a remote environment on a Windows or a Linux platform:

Natural library objects
Natural system error messages
Natural command processor sources
Natural-related objects
External files

In a remote environment on a mainframe platform:

Natural library objects
Natural system error messages
Natural command processor sources
Natural DDMs
Natural-related objects

For information on the table columns and cells that appear in the windows generated by the view function, refer to the section Object Specification.

This section covers the following topics:

Invoking View

Start of instruction set To invoke the view function

  • Activate advanced-user mode and, from the Actions menu, choose View.

    The View window appears with a list of the types of object available for selection.

Terminating View

Start of instruction set To leave the view function

  • From the Object menu, choose Close.

    Choose the standard Windows close button.


Start of instruction set To navigate between the windows of the view function and to select objects

  1. In the initial View window and in any subsequent object-specification window, double-click on a list item to go to the next object-specification window.

    Select a list item and, from the Object menu, choose Open to go to the next specification window.

  2. From the Object menu, choose Back to return to a previous object-specification window.

Start of instruction set To view Natural library objects from different system files in a remote environment

  1. In the initial View window, double-click on the type of object required.

    From the Object menu, choose Open.

    A window appears with a list of specified system files.

  2. In the System File table, double-click on User-defined System File.

    Select user-defined system file and, from the Object menu, choose Open.

  3. If required, in the appropriate text boxes, enter a valid Adabas database ID (DBID), file number (FNR), password (Password) and cipher key (Cipher key), and choose the OK command button.

Saving Object Selections

Start of instruction set To save a list of selected objects as Workplan of the type LIST

  1. In any of the object selection tables generated by the view function, select the objects required.

  2. From the Object menu, choose Save Into.

    The Save into List window appears.

  3. In the Workplan name text box, enter the name of a new Workplan of the type LIST, and fill the Workplan description text box.

    From the drop-down list box, choose a Workplan from a list of all Workplans available.

  4. Choose the OK command button to add the specified objects to the Workplan.

Sorting Objects

Start of instruction set To sort a list of selected objects by columns

  • In the View window, select the entire column by which you want to sort the table and double-click on this column.

    Select the column by which you want to sort the table and, from the context or Edit menu, choose Sort Objects.

Listing Objects Separately

Start of instruction set To list source objects separately from cataloged objects (GPs)

  • In the View windows, from the Options menu, choose Single Objects.

    Source objects (Src) and cataloged objects (Gp) are listed in separate table rows.

Deleting Objects

Start of instruction set To delete objects

  1. In any of the object selection tables generated by the view function, select the objects you want to delete.

  2. From the Object menu, choose Delete.

    A confirmation box appears.

  3. Choose the Yes command button to execute the deletion.