During end-user interaction, it may be implicitly clear that certain
dialog elements must not be used. For example, if a dialog requiring personnel
data contains a group of radio button controls for marital status and an
input field
control for date of marriage, the input field control must be
disabled whenever the marital status is other than married
There are two ways to do this:
Use Natural code to enable/disable a dialog element dynamically.
Use the dialog editor (to disable a dialog element initially).
The first method is used more often.
The Natural code might look like this:
/*First alternative ... IF #RB-1.ENABLED = TRUE /* Logical condition #IF-1.ENABLED := TRUE /* Set ENABLED to TRUE END-IF ... /*Second alternative #PB-1.ENABLED := #RB-1.ENABLED
When you use the
editor, you set the attribute
by marking the Enabled entry in the
dialog element's attributes window.
To disable editing in input-field controls, selection box controls and
edit area controls, it is not always necessary to disable these dialog elements
entirely. It may be sufficient to make them