This section describes how to invoke and terminate the SYSMAIN utility either in menu mode or by using a subprogram.
The following instructions describe the methods of invoking the SYSMAIN utility by using menu functions or a subprogram.
To invoke SYSMAIN from the Natural main
Select SYSMAIN or enter S
Select and, in the
Direct Command window, enter the following system
A SYSMAIN menu similar to the example below appears:
2007-04-04 NATURAL Library: SYSTEM 19:56:22 V 6.3.2 Software AG 2007 Mode : STRUCTURED User: SAG Work Area : empty +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ¦Library Direct Services OS Fin ¦ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-----------+ ¦L List ¦ ¦F Find ¦ ¦C Copy ¦ ¦M Move ¦ ¦D Delete ¦ ¦R Rename ¦ ¦I Import ¦ ¦T Terminate¦ +-----------+ List all files in Library |
The current setting of the system variable
is passed to SYSMAIN and used as the
default source library for processing objects (in the example above:
Select a function or enter the one-letter code that
corresponds to the function required (for example, L
Except for Import and Terminate, a selection window similar to the example below appears:
+------- LIST --------+ ¦X Programming Objects¦ ¦ Views (DDM) ¦ +---------------------+ |
If you want to process any object types except DDMs, mark UP ARROW if required (marked by default).
by choosingOr:
If you want to process DDMs only, mark by choosing DOWN ARROW.
To invoke SYSMAIN with a subprogram in online or in batch
Use a Natural program with a CALLNAT
that invokes and executes the MAINUSER subprogram, which issues commands to
SYSMAIN. See also Using
SYSMAIN with Subprogram.
To terminate SYSMAIN
From the SYSMAIN menu, choose
Choose ESC repeatedly.
When using the MAINUSER subprogram, in the command string,
specify a period (.). See also Using SYSMAIN with