MP - Maximum Number of Pages of a Report

This Natural profile and session parameter specifies the maximum number of pages to be produced for a report.

In a Natural for Windows or Natural for Linux and Cloud environment, the MP profile parameter is set by using the Max. Pages option of the Configuration Utility described in Device/Report Assignments in the Configuration Utility documentation.

Possible settings 1 - 99999 The value specified is the number of physical pages and has no effect on the starting page number used. The program will be terminated with an error message if the MP value is exceeded.
0 No page limit is defined.
Default setting 32767  
Dynamic specification no  
Specification within session no  
Applicable statements


Applicable command none  

Within a Natural session, the setting of profile parameter MP can be reduced, but not increased by the FORMAT statement. The value specified with the session parameter MP applies only to the specified report.