Installing the Natural Web I/O Interface Server under z/OS

This document describes how to install a server for the Natural Web I/O Interface (product code NWO) under the operating system z/OS.

The installation of the Web I/O Interface server is performed by installation jobs. The sample jobs are contained in the data set NWOvrs.JOBS (where vrs represents the relevant product version) and are prefixed with NWO, or generated by System Maintenance Aid (SMA).

The following topics are covered:

Notation vrs or vr

When used in this documentation, the notation vrs or vr represents the relevant product version (see also Version in the Glossary).


For details, refer to the section Prerequisites.

Content of the Web I/O Interface Server Distribution Medium

The installation medium contains the data sets listed in the table below. The sequence of the data sets and the number of library blocks needed are shown in the Software AG Product Delivery Report, which accompanies the installation medium.

Data Set Name Contents
NWOvrs.OBJS Contains the object modules of the server.
NWOvrs.JOBS Example installation jobs.

Installation Procedure

Step 1: Allocate the Web I/O Interface Server LOAD library

(Job I008, Step 9410)

Step 2: Create a Web I/O Interface Server configuration file and sample Clist

(Job I009 / Step 9410, 9420, 9430)

Step 9410 creates a sample NWOCONFG for the batch server.

Step 9420 creates a sample Clist to ping and terminate a Web I/O Interface server.

Step 9430 creates a sample batch job to ping and terminate a Web I/O Interface server.

The following parameters of the configuration file have to be defined. See Configuring the Natural Web I/O Interface Server. For the other parameters, the default values may be used:

FRONTEND_NAME Specify the name of the Web I/O Interface server front-end module you will generate in one of the following steps.
PORT_NUMBER Specify the TCP/IP port number under which the server can be connected.

Step 3: Link the object modules into the NWO load library

(Job I054, Step 9410)

The NWO object modules must be linked with the necessary runtime extensions of your batch installations into executable load modules.

The module NATCNRFE applies to two different products, the Natural Web I/O Interface Server (NWO) and the Natural Development Server (NDV). So if you have already installed NDV, the module NATCNRFE might already be there. However, it does not matter if you reinstall NATCNRFE with NWO because the resulting module from either installation is the same.

See sample job NWOI054 on data set NWOvrs.JOBS.

Step 4: Create the Natural parameter module and NWO server front-end module

(Job I060, Steps 9410, 9420, 9430)

  • Job I060, Step 9410 starts the batch program IEBUPDATE to store the parameter module NWOPARM.

  • Job I060, Step 9420 assembles and links the parameter module NWOPARM.

  • Job I060, Step 9430 links the NWO server front-end module.

    The reentrant ADALINK module ADALNKR must be used.

    If you have Natural subproducts for IBM database access installed, for example, Natural for Db2, Natural for DL/I, Natural for VSAM, you need to adjust the link job to include ATRRCSS from SYS1.CSSLIB in order to enable the use of SYNCPOINT/ROLLBACK functionalities.

Step 5: Create server startup JCL

(Job I200, Step 9415)

Described in the section Configuring the Natural Web I/O Interface Server. See sample member NWOSTART on data set NWOvrs.JOBS.

Step 9415 creates a startup procedure for the batch server.


//         PROC SRV=SAGNWO
//              DSN=NWO.CONFIG(&SRV) 

The Web I/O Interface server account must be defined in the z/OS Linux System Services (OE segment). If the server account is not defined, the server ends with U4093 and system message CEE5101C in the trace file.

Step 6: Web I/O Interface clients must be defined to Natural Security

If Natural Security (NSC) is installed:

  • The Web I/O Interface initial user ID (default ID is STARGATE) must be defined in Natural Security with a valid default library. Refer also to Web I/O Interface server configuration parameter INITIAL_USERID. Alternatively, you can define the Natural profile parameter AUTO=OFF (automatic logon) for the Web I/O Interface.

  • Each client user ID must be defined in Natural Security.

If the Web I/O Interface initial user ID is not defined, the Web I/O Interface server initialization aborts with a NAT0856.

If a Web I/O Interface client is not defined, the server connection returns an NSC error.

If you connect to the server from a Web I/O Interface client, make sure that the user who is defined in Natural Security has a default library or a private library defined. Otherwise, error message NAT0815 will occur.

Step 7: Web I/O Interface clients must be defined to the server host

If you configure the Web I/O Interface server to use an external security system (see Web I/O Interface server configuration parameter SECURITY_MODE), the Web I/O Interface clients must be defined to the external security system.