Authorized Services Manager Messages

This section lists the messages that may be issued by the Natural Authorized Services Manager (ASM).

Unlike Natural system messages, the explanatory long texts to these messages and codes are only available in this document, not online.

For information on the Authorized Services Manager, see Authorized Services Manager under z/OS in the Operations documentation.

ASM0001 - Subsystem id invalid

Explanation   A subsystem ID was specified that is longer than 4 characters.
Action   Specify a subsystem ID of 1 to 4 characters.

ASM0002 - No group name: Sysplex purge propagation disabled

Explanation   The second parameter was not specified. The ASM will not communicate with other ASMs in a Parallel Sysplex.
Action   None.

ASM0003 - Unexpected return code from IEANTRT: rc

Explanation The Name/Token Service returned return code rc.

See the current IBM MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return code from the IEANTRT request.

ASM0004 - LX table could not be obtained. Reason: reasoncode

Explanation   A STORAGE OBTAIN request failed with reasoncode.
Action   Increase virtual storage available to the ASM. (REGION option of the JCL EXEC statement.)

ASM0005 - Authorized Services Manager Version vrs is active

Where vrs represents the relevant product version (see also Version in the Glossary).

Explanation   The ASM initialized successfully and is ready for work.
Action   None.

ASM0006 - Other than MODIFY or STOP command received

Explanation   The ASM received a CIBVERB other than MODIFY or STOP.
Action   Contact Software AG.

ASM0007 - Unrecognized parameter in parm file:

Explanation   The parameter file contained an unknown parameter. This message is followed by a message displaying the line from the parameter file.
Action   Correct typing error.

ASM0008 - Invalid value in parm file:

Explanation An invalid value was specified in the parameter file. This message is followed by a message displaying the line from the parameter file.
Action Correct typing error.

ASM0009 - Invalid command: command

Explanation   An invalid operator command was issued to the ASM.
Action   Check for typing error and correct.

ASM0010 - Bad return code from SNAP routine: rc

Explanation A SNAP dump could not be taken. The return codes are as follows:
20 A STORAGE OBTAIN request failed.
24 SYSUDUMP could not be opened.
Action For return code 20: Increase virtual storage available to the ASM. (REGION option of the JCL EXEC statement.)
For return code 24:

Ensure that the ASM job or started task includes a DD statement for SYSUDUMP.

ASM0011 - Subtask terminated: taskname rc

Explanation The subtask indicated by taskname has terminated. If the subtask has terminated abnormally, a return code (rc) is issued with the message.
Action Contact Software AG support.

ASM0012 - Subtask termination in progress

Explanation   In response to the TERM operator command, the ASM has started to terminate its subtasks.
Action   None.

ASM0013 - Coupling Facility will not be used for SIP

Explanation   No CF structure name was specified in the third parameter.
Action   None.

ASM0014 - Invalid SIP CF structure name

Explanation   A structure name of more than 16 characters was specified.
Action   Specify a structure name of 16 characters or less.

ASM0015 - Invalid number of SIP slots specified

Explanation   The fourth parameter is not a number.
Action   Correct typing error.

ASM0017 - Connected to SIP CF Structure with nnnn slots

Explanation   The structure was already allocated and contains nnnn slots.
Action   None.

ASM0018 - SIP CF Structure initialized with nnnn slots

Explanation   The structure was not yet allocated and initialized by the ASM. The number of slots is either the number specified in the fourth parameter or the number of slots the ASM was able to create, whichever is less.
Action   None.

ASM0019 - Number of SIP slots not specified: SIP service is not available

Explanation   The number of slots was not specified as fourth parameter, and a CF structure was not specified as third parameter. The Session Information Pool Service (SIP) is not available.
Action   None.

ASM0020 - Invalid SIP slots size specified

Explanation   The fifth parameter is either not numeric, or an invalid number.
Action   Specify 256, 512, 1024, 2048, or 4096.

ASM0021 - Unexpected return code from IEANTCR: rc

Explanation   The Name/Token Service returned return code rc.
Action   See the current IBM MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return code from the IEANTCR request.

ASM0022 - Wrong ECSAD version: version

Explanation NATASMvr is started while there is still an ECSA-Directory present for another version of NATASMvr for this subsystem-ID.
Action Rename the subsystem-ID, IPL the system, or start NATASMvr with option ECSADUPD.

ASM0023 - Old ECSAD with version version no longer in use

Explanation NATASMvr is started while there is still an ECSA-Directory present for another version of NATASMvr for this subsystem-ID. The current entry is voided, and a new entry is created.
Action None. However, it is good practice to remove the ECSADUPD parameter when all subsystems are migrated.

ASM0029 - Module NATZPX loaded at address: address

Explanation Diagnostic message to report where module NATZPX is copied into memory.
Action None.

ASM0030 - Module NATFSSM loaded at address: address

Explanation Diagnostic message to report where module NATFSSM is copied into memory.
Action None.

ASM0031 - Module NATNDVX loaded at address: address

Explanation Diagnostic message to report where module NATNDVX is copied into memory.
Action None.

ASM0039 - Module NATZPX removed at address: address

Explanation Diagnostic message to report where module NATZPX is unloaded from.
Action None.

ASM0040 - Module NATFSSM removed at address: address

Explanation Diagnostic message to report where module NATFSSM is unloaded from.
Action None.

ASM0041 - Module NATNDVX removed at address: address

Explanation Diagnostic message to report where module NATNDVX is unloaded from.
Action None.

ASM0045 - Applied Zaps:

Explanation   When Zaps are applied to the ASM, it issues this message, followed by a list of applied zaps.
Action   None.

ASM0047 - Operator command: command

Explanation   The ASM echoes operator commands to JESMSGLG.
Action   None.

ASM0048 - IARV64 GETSTOR failed. Return code: rc

Explanation   There is not enough memory available above the bar.
Action   Increase the MEMLIMIT parameter on the JCL EXEC statement.

ASM0049 - Too many/few parameters for command

Explanation   An operator command was issued that contained an incorrect number of parameters.
Action   Correct the operator command.

ASM0052 - Not enough storage for IARV64 GETSTOR - Increase MEMLIMIT

Explanation There is not enough storage available for IARV64, i.e. above the 2GB bar.
Action Increase the value of MEMLIMIT.

ASM0058 - ASM already active in subsid: Job jobname ASID asid

Explanation   The ASM determined that in the Natural subsystem specified in the first parameter, subsid, another ASM is already active. The other ASM is running in job or started task named jobname, with address space identifier asid.
Action   Start only one ASM per Natural subsystem per MVS image.

ASM0066 - REBUILD Start: CF structure temporarily unavailable

Explanation   Operator command SETXCF START,REBUILD…was issued for the Coupling Facility Structure that holds the Session Information Pool (SIP) data. SIP operation is quiesced until the Rebuild operation is complete.
Action   None.

ASM0067 - REBUILD End: CF structure available again

Explanation   Operator command SETXCF START,REBUILD…was issued for the Coupling Facility Structure that holds the Session Information Pool (SIP) data. Rebuild is now complete and the SIP service resumes normal operation.
Action   None.

ASM0068 - Invalid parameter parameter

Explanation   An invalid parameter was supplied in the JCL EXEC statement of the ASM job or Started Task.
Action   Correct JCL.

ASM0069 - Invalid non-activity time

Explanation   The NONACTIVITY parameter (or TIMEOUT NAT command) is not numeric or greater than 10000000.
Action   Correct parameter file.

ASM0070 - Invalid timeout check time

Explanation   The TIMEOUTCHECK parameter (or TIMEOUT TOC command) is not numeric or not a valid time of day.
Action   Specify a valid time in the format h, hh, hhm or hhmm.

ASM0071 - NATFSSM not linked: FSSM parameter ignored

Explanation   The parameter file contains FSSM parameters, but the NATFSSM module is not linked to the Authorized Services Manager.
Action   Either link the NATFSSM module to the Authorized Services Manager or delete the parameters from the parameter file.

ASM0072 - Installation error: NATBPPRP not linked

Explanation   Module NATBPPRP must be included when the Authorized Services Manager is linked into an APF library.
Action   Relink NATASMvr as described in the Installing Natural on z/OS documentation.

The notation vr represents the relevant product version (see also Version in the Glossary).

ASM0073 - module version date time

Explanation   In response to the VLIST command, a list of linked modules is displayed with version and assembly date and time.
Action   None.

ASM0074 - Thread end requested by userid ASID asid

Explanation   The database administrator, Natural Development Server or Natural Web/IO Interface requested that a session thread be cancelled.
Action   None.

ASM0075 - TIMEOUT ON/NOW rejected: No valid timeout parameters

Explanation   No valid non-activity time and/or no valid timeout-check-time was specified before this command was issued.
Action   Either specify non-activity time and timeout-check-time as startup parameters, or precede the command with the TIMEOUT NAT and TIMEOUT TOC commands.

ASM0076 - Timeout check deactivated

Explanation   Timeout processing was disabled by a TIMEOUT OFF command.
Action   None.

ASM0077 - Specify NAT, NOW, ON, OFF,

Explanation   The TIMEOUT command was issued with an invalid parameter. This message consists of two lines.
Action   Refer to the description of the TIMEOUT command in the section ASM Operator Commands in the Operations documentation.

ASM0078 - Timeout processing starting

Explanation   The routine to detect and delete non-active sessions is running.
Action   None.

ASM0079 - Scheduled/Operator timeout processing deleted n sessions

Explanation   Timeout check has detected and deleted n sessions that had been inactive longer than the non-activity time specified as the startup parameter or with the TIMEOUT NAT command.
Action   None.

ASM0080 - Timeout processing ended with return code rc

Explanation   The routine to detect and delete non-active sessions has ended with return code rc.
Action   If rc is not zero, contact Software AG support.

ASM0081 - FSSM already running (in subsid)

Explanation   The File Server Shared Memory (FSSM) service of Natural for Db2 is already running in this z/OS system, in the Natural subsystem subsid. One FSSM serves all Natural subsystems in one z/OS image. A second service is not started..
Action   None.

ASM0082 - Send command TIMEOUT ON to activate timeout check

Explanation   This message is issued in response to a TIMEOUT TOC or TIMEOUT NAT command. It indicates that the required parameters for the timeout check are valid.
Action   You may now activate the timeout check with the TIMEOUT ON command.

ASM0083 - Authorized Server not in active state. TIMEOUT aborted

Explanation   The Authorized Services Manager is ending due to the TERM command or a subtask abnormal end. The TIMEOUT command cannot execute in this situation.
Action   None.

ASM0084 - Too many FSSM parameter lines.

Explanation More than 51 parameter lines have been passed to the File Server Shared Memory (FSSM) service.
Action Use a maximum of 51 parameter lines.

ASM0119 - Authorized Services Manager Server settings in effect:

Explanation   This message is issued at start-up of the Authorized Services Manager. It is followed by several ASM0119 messages of varying contents, summarizing parameters in effect for this run.

Selected RSM0119 messages may also be issued in response to the TIMEOUT command.

Action   None.

ASM0401 - Various FSSM messages

Explanation   Various messages are issued by the File Server Shared Memory (FSSM) service of Natural for Db2.
Action   Refer to the Natural for Db2 documentation for explanations of FSSM messages.