NaturalONE Architecture

NaturalONE is an Eclipse-based environment for developing and maintaining Natural applications with web-based user interfaces and Natural services. NaturalONE is integrated in an Eclipse workbench and combines standard Eclipse functionality with Natural-specific functions and tools into a single development framework.


In NaturalONE, Natural applications are organized in projects. All Natural objects and libraries referenced by an application are contained in project files. The projects are contained in an Eclipse workspace that acts as an interface between the different tools provided for developing applications.

Natural sources from the FUSER system file in a native Natural mainframe, Linux or Windows environment are stored and managed in a repository. Source code is updated with local NaturalONE editors and automatically deployed to the FUSER file in the target environment. The FUSER file contains cataloged objects (generated programs) only, all source objects are retained in the repository.

The repository is used by multiple developers. Changes to source code are kept in a history and applications are versioned allowing parallel operations, code compare and merge, and reverting to previous versions of an application.

NaturalONE provides several development tools that assist in coding, debugging, profiling, testing and controlling applications.