SYSEDT Utility - Editor Buffer Pool Administration

The SYSEDT utility provides administration functions for the editor buffer pool, which is a data container for the Software AG Editor. The SYSEDT utility can be used for the following:

  • Displaying parameters and runtime information of the editor buffer pool.

  • Modifying parameters that control and initialize the editor buffer pool and its work file.

  • Deleting logical work files and recovery files.

The SYSEDT Utility - Editor Buffer Pool Administration documentation is associated with the following documentation:

This documentation is organized under the following headings:

Defining a Natural Security Library Profile

If you have Natural Security installed, you must create a library security profile for the SYSEDT utility.

For details, see Library Maintenance described in the Natural Security documentation.

Invoking SYSEDT and Executing a Function

This section provides instructions for invoking the SYSEDT utility and executing a SYSEDT utility function.

Beginn der Anweisungsliste To invoke the SYSEDT utility

  • Issue the following Natural system command:


    A SYSEDT Main Menu similar to the example below appears:

     15:47:50             ***** NATURAL SYSEDT UTILITY *****             2009-01-29
     User MMO                       - Main Menu -                    TID 1     33  
                        Code   Function                                            
                          G    General Information                                 
                          P    Generation Parameters                               
                          U    Users                                               
                          F    Logical Files                                       
                          R    Recovery Files                                      
                          A    Administration Facilities                           
                          .    Exit                                                
                 Code ..                                                           
    Command ===>                                                                   
    Cont  Help  Menu  Exit        Admin Files Users Recov       GInfo Parms Canc

    The functions available in the menu are explained in the following sections.

Beginn der Anweisungsliste To execute a SYSEDT function

  • In the Code field of the SYSEDT Main Menu, enter the one-character code that corresponds to the function you want to execute and press ENTER. For example:


    Executes the General Information function.

    In the SYSEDT Main Menu, press the PF key that corresponds to the function you want to execute. For example:

    PF10 (GInfo)

    Executes the General Information function.

    Issue the SYSEDT system command followed by any function code available in the SYSEDT Main Menu. For example:


    Executes the General Information function.

    For a list of all SYSERR direct commands available, use the help function described in Help on Direct Commands and Menu Functions.

General Information

This function invokes the General Information screen which provides an overview of the current status of the editor buffer pool. The fields contained on the screen are described in the following table. For detailed information on these fields, see Editor Work File and Editor Buffer Pool in the Operations documentation.

Field Explanation
Usage Statistics   The currently available total number, the currently used number, and the currently used percentage of the available number of the items that follow.
Buffer Pool Blocks   The number of blocks in the editor buffer pool. See also Obtaining Free Blocks.*
Work File Records The number of records in the editor work file. See also Editor Work File.*
Control   The number of control records, which is always one. See also Control Record.*
Work The number of work records. See also Work Record .*
Recovery The number of recovery records. See also Recovery Records.*
Logical Files   The number of logical files.
Requests   The total number of read and write requests, the number of read and write requests for buffer pool blocks (Pool column), and the number of read and write requests for work or recovery files (File column). The Copy column shows read requests, which (in contrast to locked read requests) result in the deletion of the corresponding buffer pool block.
Read Work The number of read requests for logical file records. A logical file record can be found in the buffer pool (Pool column) or on the work file (File column). It can be read by a locked or by a copy request: locked means that the record is kept in the buffer pool for some time; copy means that it is deleted from the buffer pool after having been read.
Write Work The number of write requests for logical file records. A record can be either written to the buffer pool (Pool) or moved to the work file (File) if there are no free blocks available.
Read Recovery The number of read requests for recovery records in the editor work file.
Write Recovery The number of write requests for recovery records in the editor work file.
Timeout Values in Seconds   Items with timeout values specified in seconds. These timeout values can be modified after pressing PF5 (Updat) and dynamically set after pressing PF5 (Save) again. The modified values are not kept during a restart of the buffer pool. The values from the work file control record are used instead. See also Obtaining Free Blocks.*
Logical Files   The time after which a logical file is deleted if it has not been accessed during this time.
Files Delete Check The time after which all logical files are checked periodically whether they can be deleted.
Changed Blocks The time after which blocks that have been modified can be freed by writing them to the work file.
Unchanged Blocks The time after which blocks that have not been modified can be freed by writing them to the work file.
Locked Blocks The time after which blocks that have been read with locked can be freed by writing them to the work file.

* described in the Operations documentation

Generation Parameters

This function invokes the Generation Parameters screen where you can view and change the current parameter settings of the editor buffer pool:

Parameter Explanation
DDNAME   The name of the editor work file for the JCL definition.
DSNAME   The name of the work file data set (file).

This parameter is not displayed in a Com-plete environment.

RECNUM   The total number of work file records.
LRECL   The work file record length.
PWORK   The percentage of work file records used as work records.
RWORK   The percentage of work records for regular logical files.
MAXLF   The maximum number of logical files in the editor buffer pool.
FTOUT   The timeout value (in seconds) for a logical file, which has not been accessed, to be deleted.
DTOUT   The period of time (in seconds) for logical files to be checked for deletion.
CTOUT   The timeout value (in seconds) for changed buffer pool blocks.
UTOUT   The timeout value (in seconds) for unchanged buffer pool blocks.
LTOUT   The timeout value (seconds) for locked buffer pool blocks.
ITOUT   The timeout value (in seconds) for the buffer pool initialization.

The parameters above are keyword subparameters of the EDBP profile parameter (or corresponding NTEDBP macro), which is used to define the initial editor buffer pool settings. For detailed information on EDBP and all keyword subparameters available, see EDBP - Software AG Editor Buffer Pool Definitions in the Parameter Reference documentation.

The Start column on the Generation Parameters screen refers to the buffer pool restart (see also Initializing the Editor Buffer Pool in the Operations documentation). The following start values can be displayed for the parameters:

Value Explanation
L   The value for the corresponding parameter is taken from either the editor parameter module or the work file definition.
C   A modification of the corresponding parameter value forces a buffer pool cold start. Recovery records are lost.
W   A modification of the corresponding parameter value results in a buffer pool warm start. Recovery records are kept.

Beginn der Anweisungsliste To modify parameter values

  1. On the Generation Parameters screen, press PF5 (Updat).

    The write-protected fields next to the parameters change to input fields.

  2. Replace the parameter value(s) required and press PF5 (Save) to save the new values in the control record of the editor work file. They will be activated when the editor buffer pool is started again.

    If you change the value of PWORK, a window prompts you to confirm the cold start of the editor work file. Enter YES to confirm the new parameter value and to execute a buffer pool cold start for the work file initialization. (Any other entry or no entry resets the parameter to its previous value.)


This function invokes the Users screen which provides the following information:

Column Explanation
User ID   The Natural user ID.
Logical Files   The number of logical files defined per user.
Pool Blocks   The number of buffer pool blocks per user.
Work Records   The number of work records per user.
Recovery Files   The number of recovery files per user.
Recovery Records   The number of recovery records per user.

For each user listed, you can execute one of the following line commands. You enter a line command in the C column, next to the user required.

Line Command Explanation


Opens a window with a list of all valid line commands and corresponding PF keys, if available.
. Exits the current screen and returns to the previous screen.


Positions the line to the top of the screen.
F   Selects the logical files of this user.
R   Selects the recovery files of this user.
D   Deletes all logical files and/or recovery files for this user.

Logical Files

This function invokes the Logical Files screen which provides the following information:

Column Explanation
File No.   The logical file number.
User ID   The Natural user ID.
Type   The logical file type.
Pool Blks   The number of buffer pool blocks currently used per logical file.
File Recs   The number of work file records currently allocated per logical file.
Last Access   The date and time of the last read or write request per logical file.

For each logical file listed, you can execute one of the following line commands. You enter a line command in the C column, next to the user required.

Line Command Explanation


Opens a window with a list of all valid line commands and corresponding PF keys, if available.
. Exits the current screen and returns to the previous screen.


Positions the line to the top of the screen.
S   Selects the logical files of this user.
D   Deletes the logical file.

Recovery Files

This function invokes the Recovery Files screen which provides the following information:

Column Explanation
User ID   The Natural user ID.
Member   The library member name.
Library   The library name.
Type   The library type.
Recs   The number of recovery records per recovery file.
Creation Date The creation date of the recovery file.
Creation Time The creation time of the recovery file.

For each recovery file listed, you can execute one of the following line commands. You enter a line command in the C column, next to the user required.

Line Command Explanation


Opens a window with a list of all valid line commands and corresponding PF keys, if available.
. Exits the current screen and returns to the previous screen.


Positions the line to the top of the screen.
S   Selects the recovery files of this user.
D   Deletes the recovery file.

Administration Facilities

This function invokes the Administration Facilities screen which can be used to terminate the editor buffer pool or the SYSEDT utility, or display the editor buffer pool in dump (hexadecimal) format for problem diagnosis.

Beginn der AnweisungslisteTo use the Administration Facilities screen

  • Terminate the editor buffer pool, by entering function code T.

    A window prompts you for confirmation:

    • If you enter YES, an additional window opens, asking you whether or not you want the editor buffer pool to be immediately restarted.

      If you enter YES again, the buffer pool is immediately restarted, which gives you the possibility to immediately activate modified generation parameters.

      If you enter NO, you leave SYSEDT and can perform actions outside your TP environment, for example, change the size of your editor work file.

    Display the storage dump of the editor buffer pool, by entering function code D.

    The offsets and addresses of the editor buffer pool are displayed on the screen.

    If required, press PF10 (RelO) to position offset 00000000 to the top of the screen. PF1 (Help) invokes a list of all PF keys available.

    Return to the SYSEDT Main Menu by entering a period (.).

Help on Direct Commands and Menu Functions

You can obtain online help information on all SYSEDT direct commands available or on the function currently used.

Beginn der AnweisungslisteTo view all SYSEDT direct commands

  • In the command line of any SYSEDT utility screen, enter one of the following characters:




    All direct commands available within the SYSEDT utility are listed in alphabetical order.

Beginn der AnweisungslisteTo view help on a specific SYSEDT function

  • In the command line of a SYSEDT utility screen invoked by a SYSEDT utility function, enter the following:


    Press PF1 (Help).

    Help information on the fields and columns contained on the current SYSEDT utility screen is displayed.