List Objects

This function invokes the List Objects screen where you can obtain statistical data on the directories of Natural objects currently loaded in the buffer pool or the BP cache (if used). If applied to the message pool, a list of all Natural system or user messages currently loaded in the message pool is displayed.

This Dokument provides information on the statistical data displayed on the List Objects screen and the commands and functions available for selecting an object or a range of objects, manipulating their current status or navigating in the List Objects screen.

Because the List Objects screen for Natural objects differs from the screen for messages, each screen is described in a separate chapter:

List Natural Objects

This Abschnitt covers the following topics:

Invoking List Objects for Natural Objects

Beginn der Anweisungsliste To invoke the List Objects screen for Natural objects

  • In the SYSBPM Main Menu, enter function code L in the Code .. input field, and B,C or * in the Object Pool selection field and specify the objects, see valid field input values described in the section Invoking and Operating SYSBPM.

    Go directly to the list of objects in the buffer pool by entering the following SYSBPM direct command:

    DISPLAY LIST library-name object-name dbid fnr

    Go directly to the list of objects in the BP cache by entering the following SYSBPM direct command:

    DISPLAY CLIST library-name object-name dbid fnr

A List Objects screen similar to the example below appears:

 17:13:17             ***** NATURAL SYSBPM UTILITY *****             2002-09-16
 BPNAME QA41GBP                - List Objects -                 Type Global Nat
 BPPROP OFF                                                       Loc DAEF QA41
 C  Library  Object    DBID  FNR Loc RLD Use Max  Reuse     TotalUC ObjSize Sto
    *_______ *_______ _____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ______ ___________ _______ ___
 __ SYSBPM   BPMCALL     10 1640 B         1   1                  5   8,516  12
 __ SYSBPM   BPMNSC      10  410 B             1                  4   3,380   4
 __ SYSDLINP PCNDL02    255  253 B   R         1                 19     292   4
 __ SYSLIBS  NAT00017    10  410 B             1                  1   5,000   8
 __ SYSLIB   ATEST       10 1640 B   R         1                340  16,148  16
 __ SYSLIB   CATALL10    10  410 B             1                  1   4,256   8
 __ SYSBPM   BPM141-M    10 1640 B             1                  1   5,944   8
 __ SYSDLINS U246005    255  253 B   R         1                 14      52   4
 __ SYSBPM   MENU        10 1640 B             1                  5  10,392  12
 __ SYSLIBS  NAT00040    10  410 B             1                  1   2,816   4
 __ SYSLIBS  NAT00034    10  410 B             1                  1   2,672   4
 __ SYSDLIND DNDL01     255  253 B   R         3                 42     552   4
 __ SYSLIB   ACATALL     10  410 B             1                  3  55,728  56
 __ SYSDLINS U246004    255  253 B   R         2                 28     172   4

Top of List
Command ===>
      Help        Exit  Last  Cache --    -     +     ++          >     Canc

See also the function Display Sorted Extract for a sorted display of objects.

The List Objects screen lists all individual objects

  1. currently loaded in the buffer pool (first part of the display) and

  2. currently loaded in the BP cache (second part of the display).

The statistics displayed are snapshots of the contents of the buffer pool which are refreshed every time you press ENTER.

Note for GDA and LDA Objects Loaded in the Buffer Pool:

On the List Objects screen, two entries may be displayed for a GDA (global data area) or LDA (local data area): one entry contains the GDA/LDA data itself and the other entry contains the internal Natural symbol table for this GDA/LDA. This can happen if a program has been cataloged that references this GDA/LDA.

List Object Screen for Natural Objects: Columns and Selection Options

This section describes the columns of the List Objects screen for Natural objects, including the associated input fields and selection criteria to shorten the list of objects displayed.

The following topics are covered:

This section covers the following topics:

Specifying Selection Criteria for the Objects to be Displayed

Beginn der Anweisungsliste To specify selection criteria for the objects to be displayed

  • In the input fields underneath the column titles, enter a valid value or range as described for the relevant fields.

    The default value is a blank character or asterisk (*) which selects all objects.

Selection Fields for Natural Objects

Column Explanation
C In this column, you can enter a line command to perform a function for the object. See also Line Commands.
Library The library from which the object was loaded.

To specify selection criteria, see Name and Range Specification.

Object The name of the object.

To specify selection criteria, see Name and Range Specification.

DBID The database ID of the Natural system file from which the object was loaded.

To select objects of a specific database, enter a valid numeric value.

FNR The file number of the Natural system file from which the object was loaded.

To select objects of a specific file, enter a valid numeric value.

Location of the object:
B Buffer pool.
B/C Buffer pool and BP cache.
C BP cache.
C/B BP cache and buffer pool.
If B is listed in the first position, the statistical data derive from the buffer pool. If C is listed first, the data derive from the BP cache. Additionally, depending on this positioning, different line commands apply to the fields on the statistics screen (see also Line Commands).
To specify the object location(s), enter one of the values below:
B Selects all objects loaded in the buffer pool only.
B/C Selects all objects loaded in the buffer pool as well as in the BP cache.
B* Selects all objects loaded in the buffer pool or in both the buffer pool and BP cache (B* = B + B/C).
C Selects all objects loaded in the BP cache only.
C/B Selects all objects loaded in the BP cache as well as in the buffer pool.
C* Selects all objects loaded in the BP cache or in both the BP cache and buffer pool (C* = C + C/B).
Current status of the object in the buffer pool or the BP cache. A BP cache status only refers to object locking and is therefore only indicated underneath the L (Locked) of the RLD column.
Buffer pool:
R Marked as resident. Resident means that the object is not deleted from the buffer pool, not even if the relevant value in the Use column changes to 0 (zero) denoting that the object is no longer used.
L Locked while load function is ongoing.
D A Delete call for the object is pending. The object will be deleted from the buffer pool as soon as the value in the Use column changes to 0 (zero).
BP cache:
L Locked while load function is ongoing.
D Locked for delete.
To select all objects of a specific status, as described above, enter the code R, L or D.
Buffer pool only.
The number of Natural applications that are currently executing the object.
To select objects, you can specify one of the following:
value A numeric value.
Selects all objects with this number.
Example: 10
Selected: 10
>value A numeric start value (>).
Selects all objects with a number greater than value.
Example: >10
Selected: 11, 21
Not selected: 10
<value A numeric end value (<).
Selects all objects with a number less than value.
Example: <10
Selected: 9, 8
Not selected: 10
Max Buffer pool only.

The maximum number of applications that have executed the object since it was loaded into the buffer pool.

To select objects, see the valid input values in Use above.

Reuse BP cache only.

Indicates how many time the object has been loaded (reused) from the BP cache into the buffer pool.

To select objects, see the valid input values in Use above.

Total Use Count: The total number of Locate calls of the object since it was loaded into the buffer pool.
If a BP cache is used, this value is not lost if the object is removed from the buffer pool and saved to the BP cache. Therefore, this value indicates the number of times the object has been used since it was loaded from the system file.
For buffer pool objects, this value is updated regularly. For BP cache objects, this value is only updated after the object was removed from the buffer pool and saved in the BP cache.
To select objects, you can specify one of the following:

value or

A numeric value or a numeric start value (>).
Selects all objects with a number greater than or equal to value.
Example: >10
Selected: 10, 11, 21
Not selected: 9
<value A numeric end value(<).
Selects all objects with a number less than value or equal to value.
Example: <10
Selected: 10, 9, 8
Not selected: 11
ObjSize The size of the object.

To select objects, see the valid input values in TotalUC above.

Sto Storage that has to be allocated for the object in the buffer pool or BP cache. The text record size of the buffer pool is defined at buffer pool initialization.

To select objects, see the valid input values in Use above.

BP Load Time* The date and time when the object was first loaded into the buffer pool.

This date and time will be kept until the object has been removed from both the buffer pool and BP cache (deletion from the BP cache only will not remove the display of date and time).

To select objects, see Date Specification and Time Specification.

BP Last Action* Buffer pool only.

The date and time when the object was last used by an application.

To select objects, see Date Specification and Time Specification.

BPC Load Time* BP cache (BPC) only.

The date and time when the object was first loaded into the BP cache.

This date and time will be kept until the object has been removed from the BP cache.

To select objects, see Date Specification and Time Specification.

BPC Last Get* BP cache (BPC) only.

The date and time when the object was last swapped from the buffer pool into the BP cache. This time stamp is also updated if the object was already available in the BP cache and had therefore not been written to the BP cache again.

To select objects, see Date Specification and Time Specification.

BPC Last Put* BP cache (BPC) only.

The date and time when the object was last loaded from the BP cache into the buffer pool.

To select objects, see Date Specification and Time Specification.

1.BPperiod* BP cache (BPC) only.

The time frame the object has been available in the buffer pool starting with the time the object was first loaded and ending with the time the object was first swapped from the buffer pool into the BP cache. After 24 hours, the display of the time frame is canceled and replaced by this sign: **:**:**.*

NatVers* The Natural version number an object is cataloged with.

* press PF11 to display these columns as described in PF Keys and Direct Commands

Specifying Names, Date and Time

This section covers rules on how to specify selection criteria in terms of ranges for the columns Library and Object:

Name and Range Specification

You can shorten the list of objects displayed on the List Objects screen by entering a name or a range of names in the input fields for Library and/or Object.

In the list of options below, value is any combination of one or more characters:

Input Value Selected Libraries/Objects
* All libraries/objects.

This is the default.

value All libraries/objects with a name equal to value.
value* All libraries/objects with a name that starts with value.

Example: AB*
Selected: AB, AB1, ABC, ABEZ
Not selected: AA1, ACB

value? All libraries/objects with a name that starts with value and ends with any single character for each question mark (?) entered.

Example: ABC?
Selected: ABCA, ABCZ
Not selected: AXC, ABCAA

value?value? All items that match value combined with asterisk (*) and question mark (?) in any order.

Example: A?C*Z

value> All libraries/objects with a name greater than or equal to value.

Example: AB>
Selected: AB, AB1, BBB, ZZZZZZZ
Not selected: AA1, AAB

value< All libraries/objects with a name less than or equal to value.

Example: AX<
Selected: AB, AWW, AX
Not selected: AXA, AY

Date Specification

You can shorten the list of objects displayed on the List Objects screen by entering a date, a range of dates, a special date or a range of special dates in the input fields for dates.

A date must be specified in the format YYYYMMDD (YYYY = year, MM = month, DD = day).

In the list of options below, value is any combination of one or more digits:

Input Value Selected Objects
YYYYMMDD All objects with a date equal to YYYYMMDD.

Example: 20070630

value* All objects with a date that starts with value.

Example: 2007*
Selected: 20070101 to 20071231
Not selected: 20061231, 20080101

value> All objects with a date greater than or equal to value.

Example: 2007>
Selected: 20070101 to 20070101
Not selected: 20061231

value< All objects with a date less than value.

Example: 2007<
Selected: 20060101 to 20061231
Not selected: 20070101, 20071231

Special Dates


All objects with the date of the current day or a day before or after the current day:
TODAY All objects with the date of the current day.
TO+/-n All objects with the date of the current day plus or minus n days.

Example: The current date is June 30th of 2007.
TO-5 selects 20070625.

YESTERDAY All objects with the date of the day before the current day.

Example: The current date is June 30th of 2007.
YESTERDAY selects 20070629.

MONTH All objects with the date range of the current month.

Example: The current month is June of 2007.
MONTH selects 20070601 to 20070630.

YEAR All objects with the date range of the current year.

Example: The current year is 2007.
YEAR selects 20070101 to 20071231.

Time Specification

You can shorten the list of objects displayed on the List Objects screen by entering a time or a range of times in the input fields for times.

The time must be specified in the format HH:II:SS (HH = hours, II = minutes, SS = seconds).

In the list of options below, value can be any combination of one or more digits:

Input Value Selected Objects
HH:II:SS All objects with a time equal to HH:II:SS.

Example: 14:15:16

value* All objects with a time that starts with value.

Example: 13*
Selected: 13:00:00, 13:10:53, 13:59:59
Not selected: 12:59:59, 14:00:00

value> All objects with a time greater than or equal to value.

Example: 12:30>
Selected: 12:30:00, 12:30:01, 16:34:01
Not selected: 12:29:59

value< All objects with a time less than value.

Example: 12:30<
Selected: 12:29:59
Not selected: 12:30:00

PF Keys and Direct Commands

On the List Objects screen, you can use the PF keys or SYSBPM direct commands listed in the table below. An underlined portion of a command represents its minimum abbreviation. For further commands, see SYSBPM Direct Commands.

PF Key Command Function

Provides SYSBPM help information.
If chosen with the cursor on column C:
lists all commands and functions available.

If chosen with the cursor on the input fields underneath the column titles: lists all possible input values for object selection.

PF3 EXIT Leaves the current function/screen and displays the previous screen.
PF4 LAST Displays the SYSBPM direct command entered most recently.
PF5 CACHE Only applicable if BP cache data exists.

Scrolls to the top of the list with statistical data on BP cache objects.

PF6 - Scrolls to the top of the list with statistical data on buffer pool objects.
PF7 - Scrolls one page up in a list.
PF8 + Scrolls one page down in a list.
PF9 ++ Scrolls to the end of the list.
PF10 < Scrolls left in the list.

Press PF11 to scroll to the right.

PF11 > Scrolls right in the list and displays the additional screen columns: BP Load Time, BP Last Action, BPC Load Time, BPC Last Get, BPC Last Put and 1.BPperiod.

Press PF10 to scroll to the left.

PF15 MENU Return to the SYSBPM Main Menu.

Line Commands

On the List Objects screen, in column C, for each object displayed, you can enter one of the line commands listed below:

Command Function
CL Buffer pool only.

Releases an object marked as resident.

DE Marks an object to be deleted from the buffer pool or BP cache.

The object is deleted as soon as the relevant Use count changes to 0 (object no longer used). If issued for a buffer pool object, the object will be deleted from both the buffer pool and the BP cache. If issued for a BP cache object, the object will be deleted from the BP cache only.

HD Buffer pool only.

Displays in hexadecimal format the directory information of an object.

HE Buffer pool only.

Corresponds to the function Hexadecimal Display as described in the relevant section.

FO Buffer pool only.

Deletes an object immediately from the buffer pool, regardless of the relevant Use count.

LD Corresponds to the function Directory Information as described in the relevant section.
RE Buffer pool only.

Marks an object as resident.


Zooms in the fields Object, Use, Max, Reuse, TotalUC, ObjSize and Sto and displays them in full length.
To zoom out, press ENTER.

For each command entered, a confirmation message appears for the relevant line overwriting text of rows displayed on the screen. Possible messages are:

  • Failed (in response to any function that has not been executed successfully),

  • Deleted (in response to the command DE or FO),

  • Released (in response to the command CL) and

  • Resident (in response to the command RE).

List Messages

This Abschnitt covers the following topics:

Invoking List Objects for Natural System and User Messages

Beginn der Anweisungsliste To invoke the List Objects screen for system and user messages

  • In the SYSBPM Main Menu, enter function code L in the Code.. field and selection criterion M in the Object Pool selection field and specify the messages, see valid field input values described in the section Invoking and Operating SYSBPM.

    Go directly to the list of objects in the buffer pool by entering the following SYSBPM direct command:

    DISPLAY MLIST start-number end-number library-name language dbid fnr codepage

A List Objects screen similar to the example below appears:

 17:13:17             ***** NATURAL SYSBPM UTILITY *****             2002-09-16
 BPNAME QA41GBP                - List Objects -                 Type Global Nat
 BPPROP OFF                                                       Loc DAEF QA41
  C  Library  Nmbr  DBID  FNR Code Page LC Message Text
     *_______ ____ _____ ____ *_______  __
  __ XXXLIB     25   177    8 CPAGE02    2 U0025 TEST TEST TEST
  __ <NATSYS>   80    10 2430 IBM01141   1 Command / program name must start wi
  __ <NATSYS>   82    10 2430 IBM01141   1 Invalid command, or :1: :2: does not
  __ XXXLIB    102   177    8 CPAGE02    2 U0102 TEST TEST TEST
  __ GGSLIB    296   177    7 CPAGE22   34 U0296 TEST TEST TEST
  __ <NATSYS>  631    10 2430 IBM01141   1 Invalid index specified in arithmeti
  __ <NATSYS>  660    10 2430 IBM01141   1 Time-stamp inconsistency for segment
  __ XXXLIB    759   177    8 CPAGE02    2 U0759 TEST TEST TEST
  __ XXXLIB    789   177    8 CPAGE02    2 U0789 TEST TEST TEST
  __ XXXLIB    806   177    8 CPAGE02    2 U0806 TEST TEST TEST
  __ XXXLIB    853   177    8 CPAGE02    2 U0853 TEST TEST TEST
  __ <NATSYS>  932    10 2430 IBM01141   1 Program version error.
  __ <NATSYS>  933    10 2430 IBM01141   1 GDA time-stamp conflict.
  __ <NATSYS>  933    10 2430 IBM01140   1 GDA time-stamp conflict.
Top of List
Command ===>
      Help        Exit              --    -     +     ++                Canc   

The List Objects screen lists all individual messages currently loaded in the message pool. It will be refreshed every time you press ENTER.

List Object Screen for Messages: Columns and Selection Options

This section describes the columns of the List Objects screen for messages, including the associated input fields and selection criteria to shorten the list of objects displayed.

Specifying Selection Criteria for the Objects to be Displayed

Beginn der Anweisungsliste To specify selection criteria for the objects to be displayed

  • In the input fields underneath the column titles, enter a valid value or range as described for the relevant fields.

    The default value is a blank character or asterisk (*) which selects all objects.

Selection Fields for Messages

This Abschnitt gives a tabular overview on Fields of the List Object menue.

Column Explanation
C In this column, you can enter a line command to perform a function for the corresponding message. See also Line Commands.
Library The library from which the message was loaded.

To specify selection criteria, see Name and Range Specification.

Nmbr The number of the message.

To select messages of a specific number, enter a valid numeric value.

DBID The database ID of the Natural system file from which the message was loaded.

To select a message of a specific database, enter a valid numeric value.

FNR The file number of the Natural system file from which the message was loaded.

To select messages of a specific file, enter a valid numeric value.

Code Page The code page under which the message has been saved.
LC The language code under which the message has been saved.
Message Text The beginning of a message short text.

* press PF11 to display these columns as described in PF Keys and Direct Commands

Name and Range Specification

See the Name and Range Specification section in the List Natural Objects chapter.

PF Keys and Direct Commands

On the List Objects screen, you can use the PF keys or SYSBPM direct commands listed in the table below. An underlined portion of a command represents its minimum abbreviation. For further commands, see SYSBPM Direct Commands.

PF Key Command Function

Provides SYSBPM help information.
If chosen with the cursor on column C:
lists all commands and functions available.

If chosen with the cursor on the input fields underneath the column titles: lists all possible input values for object selection.

PF3 EXIT Leaves the current function/screen and displays the previous screen.
PF6 - Navigates to the top of the list of messages in the message pool.
PF7 - Scrolls one page up in a list.
PF8 + Scrolls one page down in the list.
PF9 ++ Navigates to the end of the list.
PF15 MENU Returns to the SYSBPM Main Menu.

Line Commands

On the List Objects screen, in column C, for each object displayed, you can enter one of the line commands listed below:

Command Function
DE Deletes a message from the message pool. The entry is replaced by the confirmation "deleted".