Building a Natural Parameter Module

You build (generate) a Natural parameter module during the installation of Natural by running the appropriate installation jobs provided by System Maintenance Aid (SMA). These jobs are described in the relevant installation steps in the Installation for z/OS documentation.

A Natural parameter module is built from the NTPRM parameter macro and additional parameter macros if required. You can change the default parameter settings provided by SMA and adapt the installation jobs according to your needs.

Beginn der AnweisungslisteTo build a Natural parameter module using SMA jobs

  1. Adapt the profile parameters in the default NTPRM parameter macro according to your needs by using the NTPRM macro syntax (see the Parameter Reference documentation).

  2. If required, add additional parameter macros. They must follow NTPRM in any order.

  3. Assemble the Natural parameter module and link it to the environment-dependent nucleus (see the Installation documentation for z/OS).

  4. Link the Natural parameter module to the environment-independent nucleus (see the Installation documentation for z/OS) if either of the following is true:

    • Your NTPRM macro contains CSTATIC entries.

    • Your Natural parameter module contains an NTCSTAT macro.

    The CSTATIC profile parameter and the NTCSAT parameter macro are described in the Parameter Reference documentation.

This Dokument covers the following topics:

NTPRM Parameter Macro

The NTPRM parameter macro is mandatory; it must be specified in the Natural parameter module. NTPRM contains the main profile parameter settings required to configure Natural. All profile parameters for which no parameter macro is indicated in the individual parameter description in the Parameter Reference documentation are defined in the NTPRM macro.

See also NTPRM Macro Syntax (Parameter Reference documentation) and Example of Macros in the Natural Parameter Module.

Additional Macros in the Natural Parameter Module

In addition to the NTPRM macro, in the Natural parameter module you can specify the parameter macros listed in the following table. You can specify the macros in any order.

The use of one or more additional parameter macros depends on your individual system requirement and the products installed in your Natural environment.

The name of an additional parameter macro and its syntax are contained in the individual description of the corresponding profile parameter in the Parameter Reference documentation.

See also Example of Macros in the Natural Parameter Module.

Naming Conventions and Overview of Macros

Each additional parameter macro usually has a corresponding dynamic profile parameter.

The name of an additional parameter macro starts with NT followed by the name of its corresponding profile parameter. For example: the NTBPI parameter macro corresponds to the profile parameter BPI. Any exceptions to this rule are indicated in the following table.

The following is an overview of available macros:

Macro Purpose
NTALIAS Defines external alias names for the modules linked to the Natural nucleus.

Corresponding dynamic profile parameter: RCALIAS.

NTBPI Assigns buffer pools to Natural sessions.
NTCCTAB Defines printer-control sequences.
NTCFICU Enables Unicode and code page support.
NTCMPO Specifies compilation options.
NTCOMP Specifies configuration settings for the Natural Com-plete/SMARTS Interface (Natural under Com-plete/SMARTS).
NTCSTAT Defines the modules to be linked to the Natural nucleus.

Corresponding dynamic profile parameter: CSTATIC.

NTDB Defines database types and options for databases.
NTDB2 Specifies configuration settings for Natural for Db2.
NTDBGAT Allows debugging of external Natural applications.
NTDS Defines the sizes of storage buffers.
NTDYNP Controls the use of dynamic profile parameters.

Corresponding dynamic profile parameter: DYNPARM.

NTEDBP Controls buffer pool operations of the Software AG Editor.
NTIMSP Specifies configuration settings for the Natural IMS TM Interface (Natural under IMS TM).

No dynamic parameter specification possible.

NTIMSPE Defines environment-specific parameter sets for the Natural IMS TM Interface (Natural under IMS TM).

No dynamic parameter specification possible.

NTIMSPT Defines Natural transaction codes for the Natural IMS TM Interface (Natural under IMS TM).

No dynamic parameter specification possible.

NTLFILE Associates physical database files with logical system files.
NTOPRB Controls the use of database open/close commands for Adabas or VSAM.
NTOPT Controls the use and the option settings of the Natural Optimizer Compiler.
NTOSP Specifies configuration settings for the z/OS batch interface.
NTPGP Defines properties for external programs.
NTPRINT Specifies print file assignments.
NTRDC Configures the Natural Data Collector and its trace recording function used by the SYSRDC and the Profiler utilities.
NTRPC Controls the handling of Natural RPC (Remote Procedure Call).
NTSCTAB Overwrites the scanner character definitions in the NATCONFG module.
NTSORT Controls the sort program used for the SORT statement.
NTSYS Defines sets of dynamic profile parameters.
NTTAB Overwrites the output character translation definitions in the NATCONFG module.
NTTAB1 Defines alternative output character translation tables.
NTTAB2 Defines alternative input character translation tables.
NTTABA1 Overwrites the EBCDIC-to-ASCII conversion definitions in the NATCONFG module.
NTTABA2 Overwrites the ASCII-EBCDIC conversion definitions in the NATCONFG module.
NTTABL Overwrites the "SYS" library output translation definitions in the NATCONFG module.
NTTF Converts database IDs and file numbers during program execution.
NTTRACE Defines the Natural components to be traced.
NTTSOP Specifies configuration settings for the Natural TSO Interface (Natural under TSO).
NTUSER Restricts the use of dynamic parameter strings and alternative Natural parameter modules.
NTUTAB1 Overwrites the lower-case/upper-case conversion definitions in the NATCONFG module.
NTUTAB2 Overwrites the upper-case/lower-case conversion definitions in the NATCONFG module.
NTVEXIT Specifies user exits for VSAM files.

Corresponds to the keyword subparameter EXIT of the dynamic profile parameter VSAM.

NTVLSR Defines local shared resources subpools for VSAM files.

Corresponds to the LSR keyword subparameter of the dynamic profile parameter VSAM.

NTVSAM Specifies configuration settings for Natural for VSAM.
NTVTVSD Activates DFSMS Transactional VSAM Services.

Corresponds to the TVSD keyword subparameter of the dynamic profile parameter: VSAM.

NTWEBIO Enables or disables features of the Natural Web I/O Interface display.
NTWORK Specifies the work files to be used during a session.
NTXML Activates or deactivates the PARSE XML and REQUEST DOCUMENT statements.
NTZIIP Configures zIIP (System z Integrated Information Processor) processing for z/OS.

See also Example of Macros in the Natural Parameter Module.

Example of Macros in the Natural Parameter Module

In the following example of macro definitions in the Natural parameter module, vrs and vr denote a Natural product version.

         NTPRM FNR=8,                            System File for NTPRM *
               DBID=001,                         Database ID for NTPRM *
               FNAT=(001,8),                     Natural System File   *
               FUSER=(001,9),                    Natural User File     *
               FDIC=(001,11),                    Predict System File   *
               FSEC=(001,10),                    Natural Security File *
               FREG=(001,52),                    Registry System File  *
               ESIZE=128,                        User Extension Area   *
               SLOCK=SPOD,                       Source Locking        *
               THSIZE=0,                         Thread Size           *
               UCONMAX=0,                        Max. Session Number   *
               CSTATIC=(CMMSG,                   Static. Modules Links *
               NSPPFUNC),                        Dummy Static. Module  *
               LE=OFF,                           Record Limit Error    *
               RECAT=OFF,                        Allow Stow of Macros  *
               PROFILE=,                         Profile Batch         *
               ADANAME=ADABAS,                   Adabas Link Routine   *
               ADASBV=OFF,                       Form. Buffer not Pass.*
               DFOUT=S,                          Output Format of Date *
               DFSTACK=S,                        Date Format for Stack *
               NUCNAME=NATvrsSH,                 Natural Nucleus Name  *
               AUTO=OFF,                         Automatic Logon       *
               PC=ON,                            PC Connection         *
               LS=250,                           Default Line Size     *
               PS=80,                            Default Page Size     *
               STACK=OFF,                        Initial Natural Cmds. *
               ET=OFF                            END/BACKOUT TRANSACT.
         NTDB2 BTIGN=ON,                         Ignore Trans. Error   *
               CONVERS=ON,                       Convers. Mode CICS    *
               CONVRS2=OFF,                      Convers. Mode2 CICS   *
               DB2PLAN=PQANDBvr,                 Plan Name             *
               DB2SSID=DB2A,                     Subsystem ID          *
               DB2XID=ON,                        Global Transaction ID *
               DDFSERV=CMFSERV,                  DD Name File Server   *
               DELIMID=OFF,                      Delimited Identifiers *
               MAXLOOP=10,                       Nested Program Loops  *
               MAXSTMT=10,                       Dynamic SQL Statements*
               NNPSF=OFF,                        Set Positive Sign     *
               NSBHOST=IBM2.HQ.SAG,              NSB Server Host Name  *
               NSBPORT=7311,                     NSB Server TCP/IP Port*
               PSCIGN=OFF,                       Positive SQLCODEs     *
               REFRESH=OFF,                      Refresh Setting       *
               RETRYPO=10,                       Positioning Retries   *
               RWRDONL=ON,                       Delimited Identifiers *
               STATDYN=NEVER                     Static Dynamic Switch
         NTOSP ABEXIT=ESTAE,                     Abend Processing      *
               LBPNAME=' ',                      Local Shared Buffer   *
               LEHDLR=ON,                        LE Error Handler      *
               SUBPOOL=0,                        Subpool for GETMAIN   *
               TIOBSZ=(8,64),                    Primary I/O Buffer    *
               USERID=OFF                        Init-User Job Name   
         NTVSAM BTSUPP=ON,                       BACKOUT TRANSACTION   *
               CLSUPP=ON,                        Close Call at Session *
               DDMCHK=OFF,                       Support of DDM        *
               DDSWITE=0,                        Maximum Entries DLBLY *
               DFBE=10,                          Decoded Format Buffer *
               DFBN=100,                         Format Buffer Entries *
               ENADIS=OFF,                       Enable Disabled Files *
               ENAUNE=OFF,                       Enable Unenabled Files*
               ETSUPP=ON,                        END TRANSACTION       *
               FORMAT=ON,                        Record Formatting     *
               KEYLGH=126,                       Length of VSAM Keys   *
               OPSUPP=OFF,                       Dynamic Open Calls    *
               PATH=CHECK,                       Path Processing       *
               PSIGNF=OFF,                       Compiler Option PSIGNF*
               RETRY=(OFF,OFF),                  Retry ON ERROR Clause *
               RLS=OFF,                          Record-Level Sharing  *
               ROLLSIZ=550,                      Session Status Info.  *
               SFILE=ON,                         Support of VSAM Files *
               TAFE=10,                          Maximum No. DDMs      *
               TAFN=50,                          Maximum No. DDM Fields*
               TIMEOUT=0,                        Timeout RLS Request   *
               TSAE=20,                          READ/FIND Statement   *
               TVS=OFF,                          Support of DFSMSTVS   *
               UPDL=32768                        Size of Update Table