THPINIT - Name of Pre-initialized Storage Thread Model

This parameter only applies if Natural for zIIP is installed with an additional module for pre-initialized thread support.

This Natural profile parameter can be used to define the name of a pre-initialized storage thread model to improve processing performance for Natural session initialization.

Possible settings 1 - 8 characters The name of a pre-initialized storage thread model to be used for session initialization.
Default setting ' ' A pre-initialized storage thread model is not used for session initialization.
Dynamic specification yes  
Specification within session no  

Static Natural session initialization mainly comprises dynamic profile parameter evaluation and buffer allocation/initialization, which are CPU-intensive and often repeated in exactly the same way for many sessions. The THPINIT profile parameter is used to save the contents of the Natural storage thread after static session initialization and to reuse the contents as a storage thread model for other sessions. All subsequent sessions with the same THPINIT definition then skip static initialization and run with the defined pre-initialized storage thread model.

THPINIT applies to thread environments only. However, if the THSIZE profile parameter is used to define a thread for batch or TSO, THPINIT can also be used for these environments.

If the Natural Roll Server is used (z/OS only), a pre-initialized storage thread model is only available for the environment (for example, CICS, IMS TM, batch or TSO) under which the model was generated. If the Natural Roll Server is not used, a pre-initialized storage thread model is stored and available in the current region only.

Important Usage Considerations:

  • If a pre-initialized storage thread model is used, only the profile parameters THPINIT and NUCNAME are evaluated. This applies to both static (Natural parameter module) and dynamic (at session start) parameter definitions. As a consequence, warnings or error messages are not returned for any other invalid or erroneous parameters.

  • Profile parameter logging (PLOG=ON) is not performed for a session that runs with a pre-initialized storage thread model, even when PLOG was specified and saved for the original session.

  • A generic value specified with the profile parameter PROFILE parameter (set to AUTO, PROGRAM or TERMINAL) is assigned to the value of the session for which the pre-initialized storage thread model was saved, but not to the value of the current session.

  • For a session that uses a pre-initialized storage thread model, static and dynamic parameter definitions set for the original session (in which the model was saved) can be displayed by using the Natural user exits USR4004N and USR8203N.

  • A saved pre-initialized storage thread model cannot be updated or replaced. The SYSTP R utility function can be used to display and delete saved pre-initialized thread storage session records from the Natural Roll Server, if available. The user ID prefix of the Natural Roll Server is $THP.

  • THPINIT definitions in parameter profiles (PROFILE or SYS profile parameter) and alternative Natural parameter modules (PARM profile parameter) are ignored. THPINIT is only evaluated at an early stage of session initialization, before parameter profiles and alternative parameter modules are evaluated.

  • The physical terminal screen size must be equal to the screen size of the pre-initialized storage thread model.

  • The current storage thread size must be greater than or equal to the thread size of the pre-initialized storage thread model.
