Natural System Error Messages 7950-7999

NAT7997: PRNTWORK buffer overflow.

PRNTWORK buffer overflow.
Natural tried to allocate storage in the PRNTWORK buffer
for a new work file area which was requested by a DEFINE PRINTER
statement, but there was not enough storage available.
Contact Natural support.

NAT7998: Initialization of access method :1: failed.

Initialization of access method :1: failed.
The initialization of a print/work file access method has failed.
This access method cannot be used during the current session. Any
print or work files defined for this access method cannot be used.
Check for the access method error message previously displayed. It
should give more detailed information. Correct the problem and restart
the session.

NAT7999: GETMAIN failed for print / work file buffer.

GETMAIN failed for print / work file buffer.
Natural tried to allocate storage for print/work files which were
requested either via JCL or via entries in the parameter module.
However, there was not enough space available for these files
in the Natural partition/region/thread.
Enlarge size of partition/region/thread, or delete requests for print/
work files. If the problem remains, contact your Natural administrator
for review of printer/work file parameters.