Installing Natural for VSAM on Adabas System Files on z/OS

This document describes the steps for installing Natural for VSAM on an Adabas database on z/OS.

Installation Medium

The installation medium contains the following data sets required for product installation:

Data Set Name Contents
NVSvrs.LOAD Load modules
NVSvrs.SRCE Source modules and macros
NVSvrs.JOBS Sample installation jobs
NVSvrs.EMPL EMPLOYEES example data
NVSvrs.EXPL Natural example objects

Copy the data sets into your environment as described in Copying Data Sets to a z/OS Disk in the section Installing Natural.

Installation Procedure

Be sure to read Installation Process and Major Natural Features before you start the installation procedure.

Step 1: Define the CICS RDO Definitions

(Job I005)

  • Define the CICS RDO definitions for the sample VSAM files.

Step 2: Load the Employees Example Data

(Job I008, Steps 1403 - 1407)

  1. Define the VSAM cluster and files to contain the Employees example file.

  2. Load the NVSvrs.EMPL data set into the first of these files (suffix .EMPL).

  3. Build a secondary index of this into the second file (suffix .EMPLX) and define the path for this.

Step 3: Build the Natural for VSAM I/O Module

  • Assemble and link the Natural for VSAM I/O module:

    • Under Com-plete:

      (Job I055, Steps 1410, 1411, 1415, 1416)

      Assemble the I/O module NVSMISC by using the parameter SMARTS=YES (Steps 1415 and 1416). For detailed information, see NVSMISC Module and SMARTS described in the Database Management System Interfaces documentation.

    • Under CICS:

      (Job I070, Step 1400)

      Use the I/O module NVSCICS. See NVSCICS Module described in the Database Management System Interfaces documentation.

      If you are not using the most recent CICS version, the precompile step may result in a non-zero return code (4 - 16, depending on your CICS version) because of CICS commands being used that are unknown to your CICS translator. This return code can be ignored as long as the subsequent assembly step ends with a return code of 0.

    • In any other environment:

      Use the I/O module NVSMISC. See NVSMISC Module described in the Database Management System Interfaces documentation.

Step 4: Build the Natural Parameter Module for VSAM

(Jobs I060, I080)

Build the Natural parameter module:

  1. Modify the appropriate jobs according to the batch modules or TP monitor you are relinking: Job I060 for batch, Job I080 for Com-plete and Job I080 for CICS. This applies also to Step 5: Link the Nucleus.

    Add the following parameter and macro calls to your Natural parameter module:

    VSIZE=72 NTDB VSAM, vsam-dbid NTVSAM

    The values for VSIZE depend on the values specified in NTVSAM (see also the VSIZE Parameter in the Database Management System Interfaces documentation).

  2. Assemble and link the Natural parameter module.

Step 5: Link the Nucleus

(Jobs I060, I080)

  • Modify the JCL used to link your environment-independent nucleus by adding the following INCLUDE statement:

  • Modify the JCL used to link your environment-dependent nucleus for the Natural CICS Interface by adding the following INCLUDE statement:

  • Modify the JCL used to link your environment-dependent nucleus for Natural TP monitor interfaces other than the Natural CICS Interface by adding the following INCLUDE statement:

  • Modify the JCL used to link your environment-dependent nucleus for Natural TP monitor interfaces other than the Natural CICS Interface if RLS=CHECK is specified in the NTVSAM macro of the VSAM-specific Natural parameter module by adding the following INCLUDE statement:


    The routine IGWARLS is a callable service to support RLS processing. It resides in the system library SYS1.CSSLIB. Add the corresponding DD statements to the link step for Natural.

For information on the components and structure of Natural for VSAM, see also Components of Natural for VSAM and Structure of the Natural Interface to VSAM in the Database Management System Interfaces documentation.

Step 6: Load the Natural Example Objects

(Job I061, Step 1400)

  • Load the Natural example objects specific to Natural for VSAM from the NVSvrs.EXPL data set into the Natural system file by using the Natural INPL utility.

Step 7: Customize your TP Monitor

  • Customize your TP monitor environment:

    TP Monitor Instruction
    Com-plete Catalog all VSAM files to Com-plete using the CA function of the Com-plete UFILE utility (described in the Com-plete documentation).

    If you have specified PATH=CHECK in NTVSAM:

    1. Catalog your front program to Com-plete using the CA function of the Com-plete ULIB utility with a region size of 40 KB if you have not changed the first default value of the WPSIZE parameter in the Natural parameter module.

    2. Load the IBM routine IGG0CLA0 either in the LPA or as a resident program using the Com-plete UCTRL utility.

    CICS Add the entries for the VSAM-specific example files EMPLVS and EMPLVX to your RDO definition as described in Step 1: Define the CICS RDO Definitions; you can find the CICS tables on the NVSvrs.JOBS data set as NVSI005.
    TSO Add the following statements to the CLIST used to start Natural:

Installation Verification

You can verify the successful installation of Natural for VSAM by performing the following:

  • Log on to the Natural system library SYSEXNVS and run the following programs:

    • NVSINST1

    • NVSINST2

    • NVSINST3

    • NVSINST4

    • NVSINST5

    • NVSINST6

    If all these programs can be executed successfully, the installation of Natural for VSAM is completed and verified.

Note for Batch Mode:

For verification in batch mode, you can run Job I200 which executes the above programs.