This section covers the following topics:
The online documentation files are prefixed with E3* and T3*. The online
documentation contains example programs that can be displayed and executed
online. Depending on your installation of the Natural Web Interface, call the
subprogram NAT-DOCU
from the library SYSWEB
display the main page of online documentation at your web-browser.
Example of the URL to call the online documentation:
To display the online documentation, the HTTP Server Extensions of
the Natural Web Interface, must be installed, and a correct Natural RPC/DCOM
Server has to be started. To access the program USR1057N, of library SYSEXT,
add a steplib to SYSEXT or copy the programs to your system library.
Definition of Parameters | |
Input Variable |
Output Variable |
Optional Variable |
Mandatory Variable (has to be specified) |
Mandatory Variable. If empty, specific parts will not be generated. |
Variable will be translated to HTML |
Variable will be translated to XML |
Variable will be translated to URL |
The basic module names of the Natural Web Interface, start with the
prefix W3
They provide the communication between Natural Subprograms and the HTTP Server Extension. All other programs of the Natural Web Interface use these programs.
It is possible to make some administrative changes to define the amount and format of the transferred data, to change conversion tables and to change the error page.
All new programs available are displayed in
italics font in the tables below. Program names in
brackets will be discontinued in the near future. Please use the program name
mentioned in the description.
Program | Description |
Clear the output page. |
Sets the content type of a document. |
Returns the maximum number of bytes and the number of currently written or free bytes in the output area. |
Generates a default error page. | |
Writes an HTML string to the output page and converts special characters to an HTML-valid representation. |
Writes HTTP settings to the output page. | |
Returns internal settings. |
Initializes SYSWEB and prepares the document for returning to the HTTP server. |
Lists all variables. | |
Sets the location of a page that is to be called instead this page. |
Reads a variable sent by the HTTP server. |
Reads a variable set by a text area and splits the variable into separate lines. |
Reads all environment variables with the same name. |
Writes a text string to the output page. |
Writes a linebreak to the output page. |
replace with -> W3TEXTDYNAMIC " "
Returns special character independent of characterset. |
Converts ASCII to the specific encoding of HTML. | |
Converts ASCII to the specific encoding of XML. | |
Converts ASCII to the specific encoding of URL. |
Program | Description |
Search the output page for a specific string and replace with a new one. |
Read the already written output page. |
The prefix H3
is used for all program names of the HTML
extension. This external subroutines, delivered with source code, generate HTML
and use the basic modules of the Natural Web Interface.
The programs do not cover the complete syntax of HTML. They also do not support special enhancements of specific web browser. If you need enhancements, feel free to extend the programs delivered in source code, or create your own ones.
Program | Description | HTML Tag |
Creates an anchor tag. |
Creates reset/submit buttons. |
Generates a checkbox group. |
Creates a comment line. |
Generates a header tag. |
Generates an image tag. |
Generates a text, password or hidden input field. |
Sets a line break with or without additional text. |
Starts a form tag for input fields. |
Starts and ends an HTML Document. |
Generates an ordered, unordered, menu or directory list. |
Generates a paragraph with additional text. |
Generates a radio button group. |
Sets a horizontal rule. |
Generates a scrolling list. |
Generates a table. |
Generates a universal tag. |
Generates a 'text area'. |
Converts the content of a Natural string to 'HTML'. |
Converts the content of a Natural string to 'URL
decoded'. |
Generates a 'time/date' string. |
generated: Mon, 17 Jan 2005 15:35:18 GMT |
Program | Description |
Generates the skeleton for a subprogram to be called by the NATURAL Web Interface. |
Runs Natural Web Interface subprograms online. |
Program | Description |
Lists all Natural libraries. |
Lists the contents of a specific Natural library. |
Lists all parameters passed to a called Natural subprogram. |
Displays a Natural source containing HTML. |
Displays the current Natural Web Interface settings. |
Displays a Natural source object. |
Displays the online documentation. |
The demonstration application delivered shows simple file maintenance with select functions. The demonstration is based on the Adabas file EMPLOYEES. To run the application, Adabas has to be active.
Two implementations of the demonstration applications are delivered:
one using JavaScript, name prefix D4*
Depending on your installation of the HTTP Server Extensions,
call the subprogram D4ENTER from the library SYSWEB.
Example of the URL to call the
demonstration application:
one using standard HTML 3.2, name prefix D3*
Depending on your installation of the HTTP Server Extensions,
call the subprogram D3MENU from the library SYSWEB.
Example of the URL to call the
demonstration application:
All pictures used are delivered with the Natural Web Interface. Save
them in the directory pictures
on your HTTP-server in the remote
directory PICTURES
. If you want to use another remote directory
name, set the environment variable PICTURES
at the initialization
file of your HTTP Server Extension with the specific remote directory name.
A JavaScript file for the D4* example is delivered with the Natural Web
Interface. Save it in the directory javascript
on your HTTP-server
in the remote directory /javascript
. If you want to use another
remote directory name, set the environment variable JAVASCRIPT
the initialization file of your HTTP Server Extension with the specific remote
directory name.