Natural Monitor (NM
) provides response time reports. This
section discusses the types and components of these reports and how they are
created, modified, and used.
This section covers the following topics:
The Response Time Subsystem enables you to retrieve information about the response times experienced by end users of Natural under the Customer Information Control System (CICS).
Response time is the amount of time, in seconds, required to process a user's transaction. A transaction is registered each time the ENTER key or a PF key is pressed.
Response time information is collected by the Natural Monitor processor according to instructions in a response time report definition which consists of the following:
A set of parameters specifying the data to be captured.
A set of report and historical data parameter options for specifying conditions of report processing.
A set of processing rules identifying the conditions under which that data is to be captured.
Database Elapsed Time is the time, in seconds, Natural requires to process a database call.
Database Command Time is the time, in seconds, Adabas requires to process a database call. This information is returned by the database and indicated in the Cmd Time command time field of the Adabas control block (ACB). The Cmd Time field returns the elapsed time the Adabas nucleus spent to process the command. The elapsed time does not include the time the thread spent waiting for Adabas I/O operations or other resource actions. The time (called Adabas thread time) is expressed in a binary format with 16-microsecond units.
The Edit Report (ER
) function provides
a fill-in-the-blank screen to help you create or modify a response time report
definition. Once you have entered all parameter values and processing rules on
the Edit Report Definition screen, you can issue the
command to write the report definition to the
Natural Review repository file.
Data accumulation for a particular report begins when you start the report. Report results are automatically saved until the report is refreshed (restarted) or purged.
A report may be viewed online. Report results are displayed as tables and graphs.
Two response time report definitions are supplied with Natural Monitor. These reports may be used without change, or they may be customized to meet the requirements of your particular site. You may also create your own reports.
Report processing rules allow you to restrict the data that a report collects. Four fields are used to specify processing rules:
TP User ID
Transaction program name
Natural application
Natural program
Each field may contain one of the following processing rules:
A blank (collect all data)
A single value
A wild card
For example, the user ID SAGAA
is a single value, and
is a wild card created by placing an asterisk after at least
one other character. This wild card will result in all user IDs beginning with
the characters SB
being selected for processing.
Alphanumeric or numeric characters may be entered, but a hexadecimal value is not permitted.
If data is entered in more than one field, Natural Monitor uses AND logic for data collection.
The following displays are available for each report:
Detailed Records providing information sorted by user
Transaction Summary providing information sorted by transaction
Vertical Graph
Horizontal Graph
The Detailed Records display provides detailed response time statistics for transactions related to specific user IDs. The Detail Record parameters in the report definition determine when, how many, and what kind of detail records are to be generated. Detailed records can be viewed online using the Detailed Records display.
The Transaction Summary display provides both detailed and summary response time statistics. The detailed statistics are specified for a particular transaction name and Natural application (library); the summary statistics are specified for a particular transaction name, regardless of the Natural application.
Transaction Summary reports are produced when the Transaction Summary parameter is set in the report definition; the report results are available online using the Transaction Summary display.
Reports may be viewed as tables or graphs. Both vertical and horizontal graphic displays are available. The interval, in seconds, for which graphs are generated is set using the Graph parameter in the report definition.
Natural Monitor supplies two reports which can be used without modification or can be customized to meet the requirements defined for your site:
report lists the transactions that
have the highest response times, up to the maximum number of records allowed
for the report (default = 50). This report allows the user to identify the
transactions with the slowest response time of all monitored transactions.
report lists the most recent
transactions that exceed the response time threshold set for this report
(default = 3.5 seconds).
The supplied reports can be viewed online in table or graphic form.
Three types of lists are used to manage reports:
Report definition lists of report definitions and started reports.
Started report lists of all reports that have been started and may be accumulating data.
History report lists of all reports containing historical data.
A report name may be up to 32 alphanumeric characters in length. It may contain blanks and any special characters except the following:
(') |
Apostrophe or single quote |
(¢) |
Cent sign |
(:) |
Colon |
(,) |
Comma |
($) |
Dollar sign |
(=) |
Equal sign |
(%) |
Percent sign |
(.) |
Period |
(/) |
Slash |
You can access the Natural Monitor Response Time subsystem in two ways.
To access the Response Time subsystem
From any screen outside the Natural Monitor System, type the
code NM RT
on the command line and press ENTER; or
From any screen within the Natural Monitor System, type
on the command line and press ENTER.
The Response Time Subsystem menu appears as shown below:
10:13:23 ***** REVIEW NM UTILITY ***** 2006-03-02 - Response Time Subsystem - Code Description ER Edit Report Definition LH List History Reports LR List Report Definitions LS List Started Reports Command ===> Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Exit Canc |
The functions available from this menu are described in the following table:
Code | Function | Description |
ER |
Edit Report Definitions | Allows you to specify the parameters used to collect information for a response time report. |
LH |
List History Reports | Lists the historical snapshots which contain previously accumulated data. |
LR |
List Report Definitions | Lists the report definitions and started reports currently
available. A report definition is created or modified with the ER
LS |
List Started Reports | Lists the reports that are currently accumulating data. |
To display a list of available commands
From a list screen, enter a question mark (?) in the selection column preceding a particular report name and press ENTER.
A window appears containing a list of available commands.
To invoke a command from the list
Enter the desired function code in the data entry field and pressing ENTER.
See Function Codes and Commands for a description of all function codes, PF keys, and commands available within Natural Monitor.
There are three ways to access the Edit Report Definition screen.
To access the Edit Report Definition screen
Type ER
on the command line and press ENTER;
Type the following string on the command line and press ENTER:
ER reportname
where reportname is either the name of an
existing report definition or the name for a new report definition; or
Type ER
in the Sel
column preceding the
name of a report on the list of report definitions and press
See How are Reports Named for information about naming reports.
In all three cases, the Edit Report Definition screen appears as shown below:
10:14:22 ***** REVIEW NM UTILITY ***** 2006-03-02 - Edit Report Definition - Report Name .. SAMPLE REPORT___________________ Graph Parameter Report Options Response Time Interval ... 0.5_ Auto Start (Y/N) .......... N History Interval (min) .... 5__ History Refresh (Y/N) ..... Y Detail Record Parameters Response Time Threshold .. 3.5_ Number of Records ........ 20__ Wrapping Options ......... NONE (None/Std/High) Processing Rules Field Value TP Userid ............ ________ Transaction Summary Parameter Transaction Id ....... ________ Summary Option ........... NONE NATURAL Application .. ________ (None/Sum/Det) NATURAL Program ...... ________ REV00125 - Report definition has been saved Command ===> Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Exit Save Start Canc |
If the report name is blank, or if the report name you have entered is new to Natural Monitor, the following message is displayed on the Edit Report Definition screen:
If this message does not appear, Natural Monitor has recognized the report name you entered as an existing report. Any changes you make on the Edit Report Definition screen will modify the existing report.
You may change the report name from the Edit Report
Definition screen by overtyping the name in the Report
field with a new name and pressing ENTER.
The following PF keys are provided to help process report definitions:
PF Key | Command | Description |
PF5 | Save |
Save the current report definition. |
PF6 | ST |
Save the report defined on the screen and start it. |
When you access the Edit Report Definition screen, parameter values are already entered for the report:
If you accessed an existing report definition, the parameter values reflect the current definition for that report.
If you are creating a new report definition, the values
represent the default values set in P-NMCONF
by your Natural
Monitor system administrator.
You may change the parameter values on the Edit Report Definition screen, and you may add, modify, or delete processing rules for the report definition.
The parameters shown on the Edit Report Definition screen are described in the following sections.
The following field contains one of the parameters used to graph reports:
Parameter | Description |
Response Time Interval |
Specifies the reporting interval, in seconds, used to graph a
report horizontally and vertically. Valid values are 0.1 to
99.9 .
The following fields contain values which specify when and if detailed records are to be generated for a report:
Parameter | Description | ||||||||
Response Time Threshold |
Specifies the transaction response time value, in seconds,
above which Natural Monitor creates detailed records for the Detailed Records
table. This value is also used to control the color and noncolor attributes of
the vertical and horizontal graphs. Response times that exceed the response
time threshold are the highest response times experienced. Valid values are
0 to 99.9 .
Number of Records |
Indicates the maximum number of detailed response
time records to be retained. Valid values are 0 to
9999 .
Wrapping Options |
The following field is used to set the summary option:
Parameter | Description | ||||||||
Summary Option |
The following fields control whether a report is to be autostarted, the interval at which historical data is to be written to the Natural Review repository file, and whether the report data collection is to be refreshed after this data has been written:
Parameter | Description |
Autostart |
Indicates whether this report is to be started automatically
when Natural Monitor initializes. Valid values are Y (yes) or
N (no).
History Interval |
Specifies the interval, in minutes, at which the Natural
Monitor history task writes historical data to the Natural Review repository
Valid values are 0 , no history report data will be
History Refresh |
Indicates whether the response time report should be refreshed
(restarted) when the history interval has expired if it is a history response
time report. Valid values are Y (yes) or N
The Report Options
are processed by the Natural
Monitor History subsystem. This subsystem must be installed for these options
to take effect.
The Response Time Interval
Response Time Threshold
parameters are used to control
the color and monochrome attributes of response time graphs that display
totals. Response times which exceed the Response Time
are shown on color graphs in red and on monochrome graphs
as asterisks (*).
Also shown on the Edit Report Definition screen are several fields which control processing rules within Natural Monitor.
Processing rules are used to restrict the accumulation of response time data to specific TP users, programs, Natural applications, or Natural programs, or to a specific set of these values.
When entering data, alphanumeric and numeric values are permitted; hexadecimal values are not permitted.
Each field may contain one of the following processing rules:
Field Input | Processing Rule |
Blank | If a field remains blank, all data pertaining to that field is generated. |
Single value | If a single value is entered in a field, data accumulation is restricted to the value entered. |
Wild card | If a wild card is entered in a field, data accumulation is
restricted by the value entered in that field.
Example: |
When you have made all necessary changes on the Edit Report Definition screen, you can save the report definition two ways.
To save the report definition
Press PF5 (Save
); or
Enter SAVE
on the command line and press
A new report definition does not become active until you start it. If you change parameters for an existing report, the new parameter settings do not become active until the report is refreshed.
A report does not begin accumulating data until it is started. Once a report is started, tables and graphs of response time data are generated based on the parameters in the report definition.
New reports are started; started reports that have been modified and saved are refreshed. A report can be refreshed as often as necessary.
The following commands may be used to start or refresh a report:
ST reportname
to START a new report;
reportname |
to REFRESH a modified, started
If you attempt to start a report that has already been started, the following message appears:
The report listed below is already started. Do you want to REFRESH it?
Type Y
at the cursor and press ENTER to
the report; type N
and press
ENTER to retain the started report without any of its current
A report is started by issuing a start (ST
command. The ST
command is issued for an existing
report definition that you select. How you start a report depends on your
To start a report
From any screen within Natural Monitor, type the following string on the command line and press ENTER:
RT ST reportname
From any screen within the Response Time subsystem, type the following string on the command line and press ENTER:
ST reportname
From the list of report definitions, type
on the selection line preceding the name of the
report to be started and press ENTER.
On the list of report definitions, a started report is identified
by a greater than symbol (>) preceding the report name.
After you have saved a report definition, you may start a report directly from the Edit Report Definition screen.
To start a report directly
Press PF6 (Start
); or
Type ST
on the command line and press
Once a report is started, the following message appears:
Natural Monitor then begins to accumulate data based on the parameters in the report definition that you chose.
Other than the ST
command, the
command starts the Natural Monitor history
To restart a report
Enter the REFRESH
) command.
command is issued for the
started report you select. When you refresh a report, all tables and graphs for
the report are deleted, and new data is generated based on the current
parameters in the report definition. There are three ways to perform a
To refresh a report
From any screen within Natural Monitor, type the following string on the command line and press ENTER:
RT RF reportname
From any screen within the Response Time subsystem, type the following string on the command line and press ENTER:
RF reportname
From the list of started reports or the list of report definitions,
type RF
on the selection line preceding the name of
the report to be refreshed and press ENTER.
On the list of report definitions, a started report is identified by a
greater than symbol (>) preceding the report name. If you issue the
command for a report that is not
started, Natural Monitor automatically starts the report.
Once a report is refreshed, Natural Monitor begins to accumulate new data based on the parameters in the report definition that you chose.
Three different lists of report names are available from the Response Time Subsystem menu:
Report definitions
Started reports
History reports
In addition, a list of historical snapshots is available for any report listed on the History Reports screen.
The following screen-positioning PF keys and commands are available from the report lists:
PF Key | Command | Description |
PF7 | - |
Scroll backward one screen (on list of report definitions only). |
PF8 | + |
Scroll forward one screen. |
Go to the top of the display. |
There is no PF key available for the TOP
The List Report Definitions function
) lists the names of the response time report
definitions. There are two ways to access the screen.
To access the List Report Definitions screen
From any screen within Natural Review, type RT
on the command line and press ENTER.
From any screen within the Response Time
subsystem, type LR
on the command line and press
The List Report Definitions screen appears as shown in the example below:
10:15:57 ***** REVIEW NM UTILITY ***** 2006-03-02 - List Report Definitions - Sel Report Name Auto Int HInt Rf Thresh Recs Wrap Tran __ > HIGHEST RESPONSE Y 0.5 60 Y 3.5 50 HIGH NONE __ > SAMPLE REPORT N 0.5 5 Y 3.5 20 NONE NONE __ SPECIAL REPORT N 0.5 2 Y 3.5 20 NONE NONE __ > SYSTEM RESPONSE TIME Y 0.5 60 Y 3.5 50 STD SUM Command ===> Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Exit - + Menu |
Started reports are indicated by a greater than symbol (>) preceding
the name of the report. The Sel
column provides a command input
field for each report name.
Reports are listed in alphabetical order by name. The remaining columns on the screen indicate the values of the report definition parameters for this report. The fields shown on this screen correspond to the parameters on the Edit Report Definition screen as follows:
Field | Description | ||||||||
Auto |
Int. |
Response time interval. Valid values are 0.1 to
99.9 seconds.
HInt |
History interval (in minutes) where 0 indicates
that the report is not a history report.
Rf |
Thresh |
Response time threshold (in seconds). | ||||||||
Recs |
Number of detailed records (maximum) to be retained. | ||||||||
Wrap |
Tran |
See Modifying Report Parameters for a description of these parameters.
For any report listed on the List Report
Definitions screen, type in one of the following commands in the
column and press ENTER to perform the associated
Command | Task |
CL |
Close started report. |
ER |
Edit the report definition. |
EX |
Display a list of historical snapshots for the report. |
PH |
Purge history reports. |
PR |
Purge the report definition. |
PS |
Purge the started report. |
RF |
Refresh (restart) the started report. |
ST |
Start a report. |
VD |
Display detailed records for the report. |
VH |
Display a horizontal graph for the report. |
VT |
Display a transaction summary for the report. |
VW |
Display a vertical graph for the report. |
To view details of a historical report
Type EX
on the selection line preceding
the report listed.
An expanded list of historical snapshots (that is, pictures of data stored at previous times for the report) is displayed.
The List Started Reports function lists the name of response time reports that have been started and are currently accumulating data. There are two ways to access the screen:
To access the List Started Reports screen
From any screen within Natural Monitor, type RT
on the command line and press ENTER.
From any screen within the Response Time
subsystem, type LS
on the command line and press
The List Started Reports screen appears as shown in the example below:
10:15:57 ***** REVIEW NM UTILITY ***** 2006-03-02 - List Started Reports - Sel Report Name Auto Int. HInt Rf Thresh Recs Wrap Tran __ HIGHEST RESPONSE Y 0.5 60 Y 3.5 0 HIGH NONE __ SAMPLE REPORT N 0.5 5 Y 3.5 0 NONE NONE __ SYSTEM RESPONSE TIME Y 0.5 60 Y 3.5 0 STD SUM Command ===> Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Exit + Menu |
The Sel
column provides a command input field for each
report name.
Reports are listed in alphabetical order by name. The remaining columns on the screen indicate the values of the report definition parameters for this report. The fields displayed on this screen correspond to the parameters on the Edit Report Definition screen as follows:
Field | Description | ||||||||
Auto |
Int. |
Response time interval. Valid values are 0.1 to
99.9 seconds.
HInt |
History interval (in minutes) where 0 indicates
that the report is not a history report.
Rf |
Thresh |
Response time threshold (in seconds). | ||||||||
Recs |
Number of detailed records currently retained. | ||||||||
Wrap |
Tran |
See Modifying Report Parameters for a description of these parameters.
For any report listed on the List Started Reports
screen, type in one of the following commands in the Sel
and press ENTER to perform the associated task:
Command | Task |
CL |
Close started report. |
ER |
Edit the report definition. |
EX |
Display a list of historical snapshots for the report. |
PH |
Purge history reports. |
PR |
Purge the report definition. |
PS |
Purge the started report. |
RF |
Refresh (restart) the started report. |
ST |
Start a report. |
VD |
Display detailed records for the report. |
VH |
Display a horizontal graph for the report. |
VT |
Display a transaction summary for the report. |
VW |
Display a vertical graph for the report. |
If you issue the ST
command from the
List Started Reports screen, Natural Monitor asks whether
you want to refresh (restart) the report.
To view details of a historical report
Type EX
on the selection line preceding
the report listed.
An expanded list of historical snapshots (that is, pictures of data stored at previous times for the report) is displayed.
The List History Reports function provides a summary list of historical response time reports. There are two ways to access the screen.
To access the List History Reports screen
From any screen within Natural Monitor, type RT
on the command line and press ENTER.
From any screen within the Response Time
subsystem, type LH
on the command line and press
The List History Reports screen appears as shown below:
10:16:30 ***** REVIEW NM UTILITY ***** 2006-03-02 - List History Reports - Sel Report Name Number Records Date Range __ HIGHEST RESPONSE 1 3 1998/11/05 - 1998/11/05 __ SPECIAL REPORT 117 302 1998/11/05 - 1998/11/05 __ SYSTEM RESPONSE TIME 30 255 1998/11/05 - 1998/11/03 Command ===> Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Exit + Menu |
The Sel
column provides a command input field for each
report name. Reports are listed in alphabetical order by name.
The remaining fields shown on this report are as follows:
Field | Description |
Number |
Total number of historical snapshots available for each report. |
Records |
Total number of records saved for all historical snapshots. |
Date Range |
Range of dates for which historical snapshots are available.
Format of date is YYYY/MM/DD .
To view details pertaining to any of these reports
Type EX
on the selection line preceding
the report listed.
An expanded list of historical snapshots (i.e., pictures of data stored at previous times for the report) is displayed.
When entered on the command line, the EX
command accesses the List History Reports screen as shown
To purge all historical reports of a report destination
Type PH
on the selection line preceding
the history report listed.
There are three ways to access the Expanded List of historical snapshots for a response time report listed on the List History Reports screen.
To access the Expanded List of historical snapshots
From any screen within Natural Monitor, type the following string on the command line and press ENTER:
RT EX reportname
From any non-list display within the Response
Time subsystem, type EX
on the command line and
press ENTER.
From the List History Reports screen, type
in the Sel
column next to a report
name and press ENTER.
An Expanded List for the history report selected appears as shown in the example below:
10:17:10 ***** REVIEW NM UTILITY ***** 2000/08/08 - Expanded List for SPECIAL REPORT - Date/Time Recs Date/Time Recs Date/Time Recs Date/Time Recs 2000/08/08 __ 10:47:00 2 __ 14:28:00 11 __ 14:07:00 8 __ -Current- 2000/08/08 __ 14:27:00 14 __ 14:03:00 13 __ 10:16:00 15 __ 14:43:00 3 __ 14:26:00 25 __ 14:02:00 18 2000/08/01 __ 14:41:00 12 __ 14:25:00 16 __ 14:01:00 16 __ 15:00:00 9 __ 14:40:00 16 __ 14:24:00 6 __ 14:00:00 15 __ 14:59:00 5 __ 14:39:00 11 __ 14:23:00 15 __ 13:59:00 4 __ 14:58:00 18 __ 14:38:00 13 __ 14:22:00 13 __ 13:58:00 12 __ 11:03:00 6 __ 14:37:00 15 __ 14:21:00 2 __ 13:57:00 17 __ 10:57:00 5 __ 14:36:00 12 __ 14:20:00 12 __ 13:55:00 5 __ 10:55:00 8 __ 14:35:00 13 __ 14:19:00 8 __ 13:54:00 6 __ 10:54:00 2 __ 14:34:00 9 __ 14:18:00 5 __ 13:53:00 16 __ 10:53:00 14 __ 14:33:00 14 __ 14:17:00 10 __ 13:52:00 7 __ 10:51:00 9 __ 14:32:00 7 __ 14:16:00 2 __ 13:51:00 8 __ 10:50:00 13 __ 14:31:00 3 __ 14:11:00 2 __ 13:50:00 4 __ 10:49:00 7 __ 14:30:00 21 __ 14:10:00 10 __ 13:48:00 9 __ 10:48:00 9 __ 14:29:00 16 __ 14:08:00 20 __ 13:47:00 11 REV00055 - Select a historical snapshot Command ===> Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Exit -- + Menu |
The Sel
column provides a command input field for each
historical snapshot listed. Each historical snapshot is identified on this
expanded list by date and time. Current data is marked as
on the list.
The Recs
column indicates the number of records written.
Possible values are:
0 |
No transaction, no detail records. |
Transactions, no detail records. |
Transactions and detail records. |
When there are no transactions, detail records do not exist. When
Logging of empty records
is set to NO
, reports
without transaction will not be written by the history session.
The following message appears on the screen:
For any snapshot listed on the Expanded List
screen, type in one of the following commands in the Sel
and press ENTER to perform the associated task:
Command | Task |
PH |
Purge this historical snapshot. |
PX |
Purge marked range - start. |
PY |
Purge marked range - end. |
VD |
Display a detailed records table for the snapshot. |
VH |
Display a horizontal graph for the snapshot. |
VW |
Display a vertical graph for the snapshot. |
The VT
command is not available
when viewing historical snapshots.
Once you have accessed either the Expanded List or the actual historical display, you may toggle back and forth between the displays by pressing PF2.
Using the PREV
command, you may access earlier or later
historical snapshots.
To access earlier historical snapshots
Type the command PREV
on the command
line of any historical snapshot screen and press ENTER.
To view later historical snapshots
Type the command NEXT
on the command
line and press ENTER.
The following tables may be generated for any response time report in Natural Monitor:
Command | Description |
VD |
Detailed Records table. |
VT |
Transaction Summary table. |
Each table consists of one or more screens of data. The data generated from each of these tables is derived from the parameters entered in the report definition (Edit Report Definition screen).
The Detailed Records table provides response time statistics for individual transactions for individual users. A Detailed Records display is generated for a report only if the Detail Record parameters were entered on the Edit Report Definition screen for a report definition.
The Transaction Summary table provides response
time statistics for transactions executed in Natural. A Transaction Summary
display is generated for a report only if the Transaction
parameter of SUM
or DET
entered on the Edit Report Definition screen for that
report definition.
Both current and historical data are available for the
Detailed Records table. Historical data is not
available for the Transaction Summary
There are five ways to access the Detailed Records screen.
To access the Detailed Records Table
From any screen within Natural Monitor, type the following string on the command line and press ENTER:
RT VD reportname
From within the Response Time subsystem, type the following string on the command line and press ENTER:
VD reportname
From any non-list display within the Response
Time subsystem, type VD
on the command
line and press ENTER. The last accessed report will be
From the list of Report Definitions or the list
of Started Reports, type VD
the Sel
column next to a started report and press
From the Expanded List for a history report,
type VD
in the Sel
column next to a
historical snapshot and press ENTER.
The Detailed Records screen for a particular report appears as shown in the example below:
10:21:03 ***** REVIEW NM UTILITY ***** 2006-03-02 - Detailed Records for SPECIAL REPORT - - from 1998/03/16 16:23:41 - TP Response Natural Trans Natural Natural ______Total Database_____ Userid Time Userid Name Appl Program Calls ElpTime CmdTime GGS 0.731 GGS NC22 SYSREVNM P-NMRTLH 394 0.388 0.08494 GGS 0.125 GGS NC22 SYSREVNM P-NMRTEX 61 0.044 0.00819 GGS 0.111 GGS NC22 SYSREVNM P-NMRTEX 62 0.040 0.01051 Command ===> Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Hist Exit - + Pick ===> Menu |
This display is sorted in descending numeric order by Trans End
(transaction completion time) if the WRAP
option parameter value entered for the related report definition is
or STD
. If the WRAP
option parameter value is HIGH
, the display is sorted in
descending numeric order by response time.
A row of statistics three screens wide is presented in this display for each user ID in the list. Use one of the following commands or PF keys to access these additional screens or to display information for one particular user ID:
PF Key | Command | Description |
Toggle between the historical display and the current display. |
PF7 | - |
Scroll backward one screen (on list of report definitions only). |
PF8 | + |
Scroll forward one screen. |
PF9 | Select (pick) a particular detail record. | |
PF10 | LEFT |
Scroll the display left one screen. |
PF11 | RIGHT |
Scroll the display right one screen. |
Go to the top of the display. |
There is no PF key available for the
command. The PICK
command cannot be used from the command line for these
From each Detailed Records screen, two screens are accessible which show the remaining columns of the Detail Records table.
To display the remaining columns of the Detail Records table
Press PF11
to access the first screen.
10:21:43 ***** REVIEW NM UTILITY ***** 2006-03-02 - Detailed Records for SPECIAL REPORT - - from 1998/03/16 16:25:00 - TP Response _Avg Database__ __________________High/Last__________________ Userid Time ElpTime CmdTime Cmd DBID FNR Stmt Lvl Calls ElpTime CmdTime GGS 0.731 0.000 0.00020 L9 10 73 2130 1 394 0.010 0.00968 GGS 0.125 0.000 0.00012 L9 10 73 7090 1 61 0.002 0.00040 GGS 0.111 0.000 0.00016 L9 10 73 7090 1 61 0.003 0.00200 Command ===> Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Hist Exit - + Pick <=== ===> Menu |
Press PF11 to access the second screen:
10:21:53 ***** REVIEW NM UTILITY ***** 2006-03-02 - Detailed Records for SPECIAL REPORT - - from 1998/03/16 16:25:00 - TP Response Trans NAT Trans Terminal Userid Time Number Thd End Time Name GGS 0.731 1771 2 16:23:51 0824 GGS 0.125 1773 2 16:23:58 0824 GGS 0.111 1772 2 16:23:57 0824 Command ===> Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Hist Exit - + Pick <=== Menu |
Press PF10 to return to the first screen.
The fields available on the four Detailed Records screens are described in the following table:
Field | Description |
TP Userid |
The CICS user ID for the transaction. Corresponds to system
variable *INIT-USER .
Response Time |
The transaction response time, measured between terminal input and output. |
Natural Userid |
The Natural user ID for the transaction. Corresponds to system
variable *USER .
Trans Name |
The CICS transaction ID. |
Natural Appl |
The Natural application for the transaction. Corresponds to
system variable *LIBRARY-ID .
Natural Program |
The Natural program within the transaction, that had the highest database command time or in case of no database calls, the last program executed for the transaction. |
Total Database Calls |
The number of database calls executed during the transaction. |
Total Database ElpTime |
The total amount of time required for database communications. This time includes database duration, cross address space time and CICS system queue time. |
Total Database CmdTime |
The amount of time which expired between the time the command was received by the database system and the time the result was passed back the database system. |
Avg Database ElpTime |
The average elapsed time for all database calls during the transaction. |
Avg Database CmdTime |
The average database command time for all database calls during the transaction. |
High/Last Cmd |
The database command issued for the Natural program that had the highest command time or the last database command issued during the transaction. |
High/Last DBID |
The database ID accessed by the database call issued by the Natural program that had the highest command time or the last database ID accessed during the transaction. |
High/Last FNR |
The database file number accessed by the database call issued by the Natural program that had the highest command time or the last database file number accessed during the transaction. |
High/Last Stmt |
The Natural program statement that issued the database call that had the highest command time within the transaction. |
High/Last Lvl |
The Natural call level of the program that issued the database call that had the highest command time or the call level of the last program executed by the transaction. |
High/Last Calls |
The total number of database calls issued by the Natural program that had the highest database command time. |
High/Last ElpTime |
The elapsed time required to process the database call issued by the Natural program transaction that had the highest database command time. |
High/Last CmdTime |
The command time required by the database to process the call that had the highest database command time. |
Trans Number |
The CICS transaction number. |
NAT Thd |
The Natural storage thread number for the transaction.
0 indicates that a getmained storage thread or no thread was
Trans End Time |
The time, in HH:MM:SS format, that the
transaction was ended.
Terminal Name |
The CICS terminal name. Corresponds to the Natural system
variable *INIT-ID .
You can access a single screen summary of all fields in the Detailed Records display for a particular transaction number for a particular user from any of the Detailed Records screens.
To access a single screen summary of all fields in the Detailed
Records display
Position the cursor on the row that provides information for that
transaction and user ID and press PF9
command cannot be
used from the command line in this instance.
The Summary of Fields window appears as shown in the example below:
10:21:53 ***** REVIEW NM UTILITY ***** 2006-03-02 - Detailed Records for SPECIAL REPORT - - Detail Record - TP System Information Database Information Userid ................ GGS Total Calls ......... 62 Response Time ......... 0.130 Elapsed Time ........ 0.056 Transaction Name ...... NC22 Avg Elapsed Time .... 0.000 Transaction Number .... 1811 Command Time ........ 0.01121 Terminal Name ......... 0824 Avg Command Time .... 0.00017 Transaction End Time .. 16:30:09 Natural Information High/Last Database Info Userid ................ GGS Calls ............... 61 Application ........... SYSREVNM Elapsed Time ........ 0.006 Program ............... P-NMRTEX Command Time ........ 0.00059 Statement ............. 7090 Command ............. L9 Call Level ............ 1 Database Id ......... 10 Thread Number ......... 2 File Number ......... 73 Command ===> Enter-PF1---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12---- Help Exit Menu |
The fields displayed on this screen are the same as those shown on the Detailed Records screen described above.
There are two ways to display the Expanded List of historical snapshots available for the Detailed Records display.
To display the Expanded List of historical snapshots
Type EX
on the command line of the
current detail records display and press ENTER, or
Type EX
in the Sel
in one of the three list report screens and press ENTER.
To display a particular historical snapshot from the Expanded
Type VD
in the Sel
preceding the snapshot you want to display and press ENTER.
Once you have accessed a historical display, you may toggle back and forth between this historical display and the current display by pressing PF2.
There are four ways to access the screen.
To access the Transaction Summary screen
From any screen within Natural Monitor, type the following string on the command line and press ENTER:
RT VT reportname
From within the Response Time subsystem, type the following string on the command line and press ENTER:
VT reportname
From any non-list display within the Response
Time subsystem, type VT
on the command
line and press ENTER. The last accessed report will be
From the list of Report Definitions or the list
of Started Reports, type VT
the Sel
column next to a started report and press
The Transaction Summary screen for a particular report appears as shown in the example below:
10:25:03 ***** REVIEW NM UTILITY ***** 2006-03-02 - Transaction Summary for SPECIAL REPORT - Trans Natural Avg Total ____Total Database_____ __Average Database___ Name Appl Resp Trans Calls ElpTime CmdTime Calls ElpTime CmdTime NC22 **SUM** 0.060 11 78 0.249 0.031 7.09 0.003 0.0004 Command ===> Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Exit Det Sum + Menu |
The sample screen above is a summary version indicating that the
Transaction Summary
parameter in the related report
definition is set to the value SUM
Each summary table is marked with **SUM**
in the
Natural Appl
If it is set to the value DET
, the default report would be
the detailed version of the Transaction Summary table.
The detailed version includes the Natural application
(Natural Appl
) for each root transaction program
(Trans Name
The Transaction Summary table is sorted in alphabetic order based on the transaction name. If a detailed version of the table is accessed, a secondary sort is performed by Natural application.
The following are the additional PF keys and commands available on this screen:
PF Key | Command | Description |
PF5 | DET |
Access the detailed version of the Transaction Summary table.
The first line shown is a summary of all detailed transactions listed.
Anmerkung: |
PF6 | SUM |
Access the summary version of the Transaction Summary table.
Anmerkung: |
PF8 | + |
Scroll forward one screen. |
Go to the top of the display. |
There is no PF key available for the TOP
You may use PF5 (Det
) and
PF6 (Sum
) to toggle back and forth
between the detailed and summary versions of the Transaction
Summary table.
The fields available on the Transaction Summary screen are:
Field | Description |
Trans Name |
The CICS transaction ID. |
Natural Appl |
The Natural application name (detail only).
**SUM** indicates a summary line for the transaction name
including all applications.
Avg Resp |
The average response time in seconds for the transaction/application name. |
Total Trans |
The total number of transactions for the transaction/application name. |
Total Database Calls |
The total number of database calls issued by the transaction/application name. |
Total Database ElpTime |
The total amount of time in seconds for all database calls issued by the transaction/application name. |
Total Database CmdTime |
The total amount of time (seconds) required by the database to process all database calls issued by the transaction/application name. |
Average Database Calls |
The average number of database calls issued for the transaction/application name. |
Average Database ElpTime |
The average amount of time (seconds) required to process all database calls issued by the transaction/application name. |
Average Database CmdTime |
The average amount of time (seconds) required by the database to process all database calls issued by the transaction/application name. |
Response time reports are available as vertical and horizontal graphs which may be accessed from the following lists:
Report definitions
Started reports
Expanded list of historical snapshots
To access a graph
Enter either of the following commands in the Sel column for a particular report (or historical snapshot) and pressing ENTER:
Command | Description |
VH |
Display a horizontal graph of response time intervals. |
VW |
Display a vertical graph of response time intervals. |
Once a default vertical or horizontal graph has been accessed, you may access similar graphs of three sets of statistics.
To display additional graphs
Use the commands listed below.
Command | Report Description |
Response times for transactions (default graph). |
The total number of database calls issued for transactions. |
The average number of database calls issued for transactions. |
The Response Time Interval
in the report
definition (Edit Report Definition screen) determines the
whole or fractional number of seconds used to graph the response time intervals
on each graph. On the vertical graph, intervals are designated as
Response Time Intervals in Seconds
. On a horizontal graph,
intervals are designated as Response Time Range
A graph may be displayed in color or noncolor; the availability of color
depends on whether you are using an extended data stream (EDS) terminal. The
command displays a color graph; the
command returns to a noncolor
A vertical or horizontal graph of total transactions or total calls is
interpreted in terms of two parameters set in a report definition
(Edit Report Definition screen): the Response
Time Interval
and the Response Time
. The following gives the physical manifestation of that
interpretation as well as describing it:
Interpretation | Color | Symbol | Description |
Good Response Time | Green | - |
Intervals or ranges that fall below the value set for the Response Time Interval parameter. |
Warning | Yellow | = |
Intervals or ranges that fall between
the value set for the Response Time Interval parameter
and the value set for the Response Time Threshold
Poor Response Time | Red | * |
Intervals or ranges that exceed the
value set for the Response Time Threshold
The symbol shown in the table is used when the display is
not in color.
The following are several examples of how to interpret the values on these graphs:
For a good response time:
If the Response Time Interval = 0.5
, all transactions
with a response time under 0.5 seconds are displayed in green or with the minus
sign character (-
For a warning:
If the Response Time Interval = 0.5
and the
Response Time Threshold = 3.5
, all transactions with a response
time between 0.5 and 3.5 seconds are displayed in yellow or with the equal sign
character (=
) when not in color.
For a poor response time:
If the Response Time Threshold = 3.5
, all transactions
with a response time that exceeds 3.5 seconds are displayed in red or with the
asterisk character (*
A vertical or horizontal graph of average calls is interpreted in terms of average number thresholds as follows:
Interpretation | Color | Symbol | Description |
Good Response Time | Green | - |
Average number of calls is less than or (Threshold 25) equal to 25. |
Warning | Yellow | = |
Average number of calls is greater than (Threshold 50) 25 and is less than or equal to 50. |
Poor Response Time | Red | * |
Average number of calls is greater than (Beyond Threshold 50) 50. |
The symbol shown in the table is used when the display is
not in color.
The following are several examples of how to interpret the values on these graphs:
For a good response time (when the threshold is 25):
If an average of 20 database calls is listed within the interval of
1.0 to 1.5 seconds, it is displayed in green or with the minus sign character
For a warning (when the threshold is 50):
If an average of 40 database calls is listed within the interval of
1.5 to 2.0 seconds, it is displayed in yellow or with the equal sign character
For a poor response time (when the threshold is greater than 50):
If an average of 70 database calls is listed within the interval of
2.5 to 3.0 seconds, it is displayed in red or with the asterisk character
In addition to the commands and PF keys that are generally available within the system, the following special commands and PF keys control the various types of vertical and horizontal graphs available:
See Function Codes and Commands for a description of all function codes, PF keys, and commands available within Natural Monitor.
PF Key | Command | Description |
Toggles between current and historical data. |
Accesses the default graph, the total number of transactions. |
Displays the total number of database calls issued for the
total number of transactions.
Each database call increases the transaction response time. |
Displays the average number of database calls issued for the total number of transactions. |
PF10 | HORI |
Toggles to a horizontal graph from a vertical graph. |
PF10 | VERT |
Toggles to a vertical graph from a horizontal graph. |
Displays a noncolor graph. | |
Displays a color graph. |
The command VW
enables you to view graphs
vertically. There are two ways to use it.
To access a vertical graph
From any screen within Natural Monitor, type the following string on the command line and press ENTER:
RT VW reportname
From the list of report definitions, started reports, or the
expanded list of historical snapshots, type VW
the Sel
column next to the selected report (or historical
snapshot) and press ENTER.
A default vertical graph appears similar to the one shown below:
10:26:12 ***** REVIEW NM UTILITY ***** 2006-03-02 - Response time per transaction: SYSTEM RESPONSE TIME - - from 1998/03/16 11:00:01 to 12:00:00 - ! 100+ ! 286 ! --84% 75+ ----- % of ! ----- Total ! ----- Trans 50+ ----- ! ----- ! ----- 25+ ----- ! ----- 24 5 7 3 1 2 2 2 7 ! ----- ===7% ===1% ===2% ==<1% ==<1% ==<1% **<1% **<1% 0 ***2% +------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+- 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 Over Response Time Interval in Seconds Command ===> Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Curr Exit Trans Calls ACall Hori Menu |
The default vertical graph illustrated above shows various response times for transactions. The following table describes the different graphs available in the vertical format:
Graph | Command/PF Key | Description |
% of Total Trans |
The percentage of total transactions that a specific response time interval represents (default). |
% of Total Calls |
The percentage of total calls that a specific response time interval represents. |
Avg Call/Trans |
The average number of database calls issued for each transaction within a specific response time interval. |
The following table describes the fields found on a vertical graph:
Field | Graph(s) | Description |
Avg DB Calls/Tran |
Avg Call/Trans |
The average number of database calls issued for each transaction within a specific response time interval. |
Response Time Interval in Seconds |
Avg DB Calls/Tran % of Total Trans % of Total DB Calls |
The average number of database calls issued for each transaction within a specific response time interval. |
% of Total | % of Total Trans % of Total DB Calls |
The percentage of the total that a specific range represents. |
The following are three examples of how to interpret the values on these graphs:
On the graph displaying the % of total transactions (see the above screen):
84% of all transactions experienced a response time between 0 and 0.5 of one second.
For a graph displaying the % of total DB calls:
20% of total calls for transactions may have occurred between 0 and 0.5 of one second.
For a graph displaying average DB calls per transaction:
an average of 175 DB calls per transaction may have occurred between 1.5 and 2.0 seconds.
The command VH
enables you to view graphs
horizontally. There are two ways to use it.
To access a horizontal graph
From any screen within Natural Monitor, type the following string on the command line and press ENTER:
RT VH reportname
From the list of report definitions, started reports, or the
expanded list of historical snapshots, type VH
the Sel
column next to the selected report (or historical
snapshot) and press ENTER.
A default horizontal graph appears similar to the one shown below:
10:26:12 ***** REVIEW NM UTILITY ***** 2006-03-02 - Response time per transaction: SYSTEM RESPONSE TIME - - from 1998/03/16 11:00:01 to 12:00:00 - Response Num of % of Time Range Trans Total ------------ -------- ----- ---10---20---30---40---50---60---70---80---90--100 0.0 0.5 286 84.3 ------------------------------------------> 0.5 1.0 24 7.0 ===> 1.0 1.5 5 1.4 > 1.5 2.0 7 2.0 => 2.0 2.5 3 0.8 > 2.5 3.0 1 0.2 > 3.0 3.5 2 0.5 > 3.5 4.0 2 0.5 > 4.0 4.5 2 0.5 > 4.5 5.0 0 0.0 5.0 Over 7 2.0 *> ------------ -------- ----- ---10---20---30---40---50---60---70---80---90--100 Total: 339 Command ===> Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Curr Exit Trans Calls ACall Vert Menu |
The default horizontal graph illustrated above shows various response times for transactions. The following table describes the different graphs available in the horizontal format:
Graph | Command/PF Key | Description |
% of Total Trans |
The percentage of total transactions that a specific response time interval represents (default). |
% of Total Calls |
The percentage of total calls that a specific response time interval represents. |
Avg Call/Trans |
The average number of database calls issued for each transaction within a specific response time interval. |
The following table describes the fields found on a horizontal graph:
Field | Graph(s) | Description |
Avg Calls |
Avg Call/Trans |
The average number of database calls issued for each transaction within a specific response time interval. |
Num of DB Calls |
% of Total Trans % of Total Call |
The total number of database calls issued for the total number of transactions within a specific response time interval. |
Num of Trans |
% of Total Trans |
The actual number of transactions that received a response within a specific response time interval. |
Response Time Range |
% of Total Trans % of Total Calls Avg Call/Trans |
The whole or fractional number of seconds used to graph
response times. This number is derived from the Response Time
Interval field in the report definition.
% of Total |
% of Total Trans % of Total Calls |
The percentage of the total that a specific range represents. |
The following are three examples of how to interpret the values on these graphs:
On the graph displaying the % of total transactions (see the above screen):
84.3% of the total of 339 transactions, or 286 transactions, experienced a response time between 0 and 0.49 of one second.
For a graph displaying the % of total calls:
5.5% of the total of 21,930 calls, or 1,228 calls, may have experienced a response time between 1.5 and 1.99 seconds.
For a graph displaying average calls per transaction:
an average of 225 calls per transaction (total: 675) may have occurred between 2.0 and 2.49 seconds.
The following commands enable you to purge your report definitions and started reports. These commands are available from the list of report definitions and the list of started reports by entering
To purge a report definition
Enter the command PR
in the
column preceding the selected report and press
To purge a started report
Enter the command PS
in the
column preceding the selected started report and press
In both cases, the following message appears:
Please confirm PURGE request for: reportname (Y or N).
Verify that the correct report has been selected.
Type Y
at the cursor position and press ENTER
to purge the report; or
type N
and press ENTER to retain the
When you delete a started report, you delete only the current data accumulated by the report. The related report definition is not affected and can be modified for use as another report. Historical snapshots for the report are also retained.
Before you purge a started report, remember that a started report can be refreshed (restarted) using a modified report definition. A restarted report retains historical snapshots generated using the previous report definition.
It is possible to purge a report definition without purging the related started report. However, that started report cannot thereafter be modified (that is, refreshed or restarted).
Before you purge a report definition, remember that a report definition can be modified for use with another report. You might decide to delete a report definition that has never been started and will never be started.
You may decide to purge one or more of the historical snapshots available for a particular started report. For instance, you might decide to purge the oldest historical snapshot(s). Purging a historical snapshot has no effect on the started report or its associated report definition.
To purge a historical snapshot
Enter the command PH
in the
column preceding the selected report and press
The PH
command is available from the
list of historical reports, the list of report definitions, the list of started
reports and the expanded list of historical snapshots. In addition, this
command is available in the command line of the expanded list of historical
snapshots screen.
To purge a marked range - start
In the expanded list of historical snapshots, enter the command
in the Sel
column preceding the
historical snapshots and press ENTER.
To purge a marked range - end
In the expanded list of historical snapshots, enter the command
in the Sel
column preceding the
historical snapshots and press ENTER.
If the range of historical snapshots to be purged is not complete, the following window appears:
Purge report(s) Date/Time From __________ _____ Date/Time To __________ _____ |
The following date formats are accepted:
The following time formats are accepted:
If the range of historical snapshots to be purged is complete, the following window appears:
Please verify PURGE request for the date and time listed below: From: 1998/03/17 00:00:00 To: 1998/03/17 23:59:00 ( Y/N ) Y |
Verify that the correct report range has been selected; then type
at the cursor position and press ENTER to purge the
report(s); type N
and press ENTER to retain the