Natural SQL Gateway Server

This section covers the following topics:

Natural SQL Gateway Server Concept

This section describes the concept and the structure of the server for the Natural SQL Gateway.

This server is necessary if the Natural SQL Gateway runs within a TP environment. For additional information, see Product Structure in the section Introduction to Natural SQL Gateway.

A Natural SQL Gateway server is a multi-user, multi-tasking application. The server is responsible for maintaining the persistent connection to the JDBC server for each client, because a client running in a TP environment cannot cope with persistent JDBC connections. The client opens a so-called SQL session at the Natural SQL Gateway server. This is done implicitly with the SQL CONNECT statement. This session represents the client from the JDBC server point of view and keeps the persistent connection. The client is loosely coupled to this session just by maintaining a session identifier. The session remains until the client disconnects with the SQL DISCONNECT statement.

The Natural SQL Gateway server can host SQL sessions for multiple users and execute their requests concurrently.

To enable the administrator to monitor the status of the Natural SQL Gateway server, a monitor task is provided which is initialized automatically at server startup. Using the monitor commands, the administrator is able to control the server activities, cancel particular user sessions, terminate the entire server, etc. For further information, see Monitoring the Natural SQL Gateway Server in the section Operating the SQL Gateway Server.

Configuring the Natural SQL Gateway Server

This document describes how to configure a Natural SQL Gateway server.

The following topics are covered:

Configuration Requirements

A Natural SQL Gateway server requires the following IBM Language Environment (LE) parameter configuration for z/OS:

Parameter Definition
POSIX(ON) Enables a Natural SQL Gateway server to access the POSIX functionality of z/OS. If you start a Natural SQL Gateway server with POSIX(OFF), it terminates immediately with a user abend U4093 and the system message EDC5167.

IBM supplies the default value OFF.

TERMTHDACT(UADUMP) Defines the level of information that is produced in case of an abend. The option UADUMP generates an LE CEEDUMP and system dump of the user address space. The CEEDUMP does not contain the Natural relevant storage areas.

IBM supplies the default value TRACE.

ENVAR(TZ=…) The ENVAR option enables you to set UNIX environment variables. The only environment variable applicable for the Natural SQL Gateway server is TZ (time zone). This variable allows you to adjust the timestamp within the Natural SQL Gateway server's trace file to your local time.



- 1 hour daylight saving time

To set the z/OS LE parameters, you have the following options:

  • Use the PARM parameter specified in the EXEC card of the Natural SQL Gateway server startup job. The length of the options is limited by the maximum length of the PARM parameter.

  • Assemble an LE/370 runtime option module CEEUOPT and link it to the Natural SQL Gateway server load module.

  • As of z/OS Version 1.8, you can define the DD card for CEEOPTS to specify your LE options in a data set.

Natural SQL Gateway Server Configuration File

A configuration file is allocated to the name <serverid>C (for example, NSBS1C) or STGCONFG alternatively.

The configuration file contains the server configuration parameters in the form of a keyword=value syntax. In addition, it may contain comments whose beginning is marked with a hash symbol (#).

See also the Natural SQL Gateway Server Configuration File Example shown below.

Natural SQL Gateway Server Configuration Parameters

The following Natural SQL Gateway server configuration parameters are available:


This configuration parameter specifies the name of the CXX server front-end to be used to communicate with the JDBC server. The front-end resides on the CXX load library.

Value Explanation
frontend-name Name of the CXX front-end to be used. Maximum length: 8 characters.

The default value is CXXNSERV.




It is recommended that you leave this parameter on its default value in order to limit the impact of an abend to a single user. If you set the value of this parameter to NO, any abend in the server processing terminates the complete server processing. That is, it affects all users running on that server.

Value Explanation
YES Trap abends in the server processing, write a snap dump and abort the affected user.

This is the default value.

NO Suspend the server abend handling.






This optional configuration parameter is necessary only if the server host supports multiple TCP/IP stacks.

Value Explanation
host-name If HOST_NAME is specified, the server listens on the particular stack specified by HOST_NAME, otherwise the server listens on all stacks.

No default value is provided.






This configuration parameter defines the password required for some monitor activities (for example, Terminate Server) performed by the HTML Monitor Client.

Value Explanation
character-string The password (any character string) to be entered at the HTML Monitor Client for some monitor activities.

No default value is provided.




A Natural SQL Gateway server can be configured to host an HTTP monitor task which serves the HTML Monitor Client running in a web browser. It is not required to run this monitor task on each server. A single task allows you to monitor all servers running at one node.

This configuration parameter defines the TCP/IP port number under which the server monitor task can be connected from a web browser.

Value Explanation
1 - 65535 The password to be entered at the HTML Monitor Client for some monitor activities.

No default value is provided.




This configuration parameter defines the TCP/IP port number under which the server can be connected.

Value Explanation
1 - 65535 TCP/IP port number.

No default value is provided.




Cancel inactive sessions when the SESSION_TIMEOUT parameter is met. Check for sessions inactive longer then n minutes once a day at HH:MM (24 hours) or every n minutes.

The server will not start if an invalid SESSION_TIMEOUT parameter is given.

Value Explanation

hh:mm,n <numeric value greater than 0> or

m <numeric value greater than 0>,n <numeric value>0>

If format is hh:mm, check once a day at hh:mm for sessions more than n minutes inactive.


If format is a numeric value, check every m minutes for sessions more than n minutes inactive.



Every day at 19:30 cancel sessions more than 480 minutes inactive.


Every 360 minutes cancel sessions more than 480 minutes inactive.


This optional configuration parameter enables you to restrict the trace by a logical filter in order to reduce the volume of the server trace output, for example:


Each request of the user ID XYZ and each request of the user IDs starting with a P are traced.

See Trace Filter in the section Operating the Natural Gateway Server.


Value Explanation
trace-level See Trace Level in the section Operating the Natural Gateway Server.
0 This is the default value.



or alternatively


The setting in the example switches on the TSW bits 31 and 27; see Trace Level in the section Operating the Natural Gateway Server.

Natural SQL Gateway Server Configuration File Example

For z/OS:

# This is a comment
FRONTEND_NAME=CXXNSERV       # and another comment

Natural SQL Gateway Server Data Sets

The Natural SQL Gateway server requires the following data sets:

Data Set Name Purpose
STGCONFG Defines the server configuration file.
STGTRACE The server trace output.
STGSTDO The stdo data set.
STGSTDE The stde error output.

Alternatively, you can qualify each data set name by the server ID.

Data Set Name Purpose
NSBS1C Defines the server configuration file for the server NSBS1.
NSBS1T The server trace output for the server NSBS1.
NSBS1O The stdo data set for the server NSBS1.
NSBS1E The stde error output for the server NSBS1.

Operating the Natural SQL Gateway Server

The following topics are covered below:

Starting the Natural SQL Gateway Server

Under z/OS:

The Natural SQL Gateway server can be started as a "started task":

//NSBSRV  PROC                                      
// PARM=('POSIX(ON)/NSBSRV1')                        
//CMPRINT  DD SYSOUT=X                             
//STGTRACE DD SYSOUT=X                             
//STGSTDO  DD SYSOUT=X                             

- where NSB is the product code and vrs is the version number of the Natural SQL Gateway server.

PARM=('POSIX(ON)/NSBSRV1') - POSIX(ON) is required for a proper LE370 initialization, and NSBSRV1 is the name of the server for the communication with the monitor client.

The name of the started task must be defined under RACF and the z/OS UNIX System Services.

Monitoring the Natural SQL Gateway Server

To enable the administrator to monitor the status of the Natural SQL Gateway server, a monitor task is provided which is initialized automatically at server startup. Using the monitor commands described below, the administrator is able to perform functions such as control the server activities, cancel particular user sessions, terminate the entire server, etc.

The following topics are covered below:

Monitor Communication

Beginn der AnweisungslisteTo communicate with the monitor

  • Use the monitor client NATMOPI.

    See Monitor Client NATMOPI.

    Use the HTML Monitor Client that supports a standard web browser.

    See HTML Monitor Client.

    Under z/OS, you can alternatively use the operator command MODIFY to execute the monitor commands described below in the section Monitor Commands.

    The output of the executed monitor command will be written to the system log.


    F jobname,APPL=ping

    sends the command ping to the Natural SQL Gateway server running under the job jobname.

Monitor Commands

The Natural SQL Gateway server supports the following monitor commands:

Command Name Action
ping Verifies whether the server is active. The server responds and sends the string
I'm still up
terminate Terminates the server.
abort Terminates the server immediately without releasing any resources.
set configvariable value With the set command, you can modify server configuration settings. For example, to modify TRACE_LEVEL:
set TRACE_LEVEL 0x00000012
list sessions Returns a list of active Natural sessions within the server. For each session, the server returns information about the user who owns the session, the session initialization time, the last activity time and an internal session identifier (session-id).
cancel session session-id Cancels a specific Natural session within the Natural SQL Gateway server. To obtain the session ID, use the monitor command list sessions.
help Returns help information about the monitor commands supported.

Runtime Trace Facility

For debugging purposes, the server code has a built-in trace facility which can be switched on, if desired.

The following topics are covered below:

Trace Medium

Under z/OS, the Natural SQL Gateway server writes its runtime trace to the logical system file STGTRACE.

Trace Configuration

The trace is configured by a trace level which defines the details of the trace. Once a trace is switched on, it can be restricted to particular clients or client requests by specifying a trace filter; see also Natural SQL Gateway server configuration parameter TRACE_FILTER.

Every session is provided with a 32-bit trace status word (TSW) which defines the trace level for this session. The value of the TSW is set in the Natural SQL Gateway server configuration parameter TRACE_LEVEL. A value of zero (0) means that the trace is switched off.

Trace Level

Each bit of the TSW is responsible for certain trace information. Starting with the rightmost bit:

Trace Bit Trace Information
31 Trace main events (server initialization/termination, client request/result).
30 Detailed functions (session allocation, rollin/rollout calls, detailed request processing).
29 Dump internal storage areas.
28 Session directory access.
27 Dump send/reply buffer.
26 Dump send/reply buffer short. Only the first 64 bytes are dumped.
25 - 16 Free.
15 Trace error situations only.
14 Apply trace filter definitions.
13 - 08 Free.
07 - 01 Free.
00 Reserved for trace-level extension.

Trace Filter

It is possible to restrict the trace by a logical filter in order to reduce the volume of the server trace output.

  • The filter can be set with the configuration parameter TRACE_FILTER.

  • The filter may consist of multiple keyword=filtervalue assignments separated by spaces.

  • To activate the filter definition, the trace bit 14 in the trace status word (see Trace Level) must be set.

The filter keyword is:

Client Filters the trace output by specific clients.

The following rules apply:

  • If a keyword is defined multiple times, the values are cumulated.

  • The value must be enclosed in braces and can be a list of filter values separated by spaces.

  • The values are not case sensitive.

  • Asterisk notation is possible.



Each request of the user ID XYZ and each request of the user IDs starting with a P are traced.

Monitor Client NATMOPI

This Abschnitt covers the following topics:


The Monitor Client NATMOPI is a character-based command interface for monitoring the various types of servers that are provided in a mainframe Natural environment. Each of these servers has its own set of monitor commands which is described in the corresponding server documentation. In addition, a set of directory commands is available which can be used independent of the server type. One NATMOPI can be used to monitor different server types.

Command Interface Syntax

Basically the syntax of the command interface consists of a list of options where each option can/must have a value. For example:

-s <server-id> -c help

where -s and -c are options and <server-id> and help are the option values.

It is possible to specify multiple options, but each option can have only one value assigned.

The command options available are listed below.

Command Options Available

Words enclosed in <> are user supplied values.

Command Option Action
-s <server-id> Specify a server ID for sending a monitor command. If the server ID is not unique in the server directory, NATMOPI prompts the user to select a server.
-c <monitor command> Specify a monitor command to be sent to the server ID defined with the -s option
-d <directory command> Specify a directory command to be executed.
-a Suppress prompting for ambiguous server ID. Process all servers which apply to the specified server ID.
-h Print NATMOPI help.

Monitor Commands

These are commands that are sent to a server for execution. The monitor commands available depend on the type of server, however, each server is able to support at least the commands ping, terminate, and help.

For further commands, refer to Operating the Natural SQL Gateway Server where the corresponding server commands are described.

Directory Commands

Directory commands are not executed by a server, but directly by the monitor client NATMOPI.

You can use the directory commands to browse through the existing server entries and to remove stuck entries.

The following directory commands are available. Words enclosed in <> are user supplied values and words enclosed in straight brackets [] are optional.

Directory Command Action
ls [<server-id>] List all servers from the server directory that apply to the specified server ID. The server list is in short form.
ll [<server-id>] Same as ls, but the server list contains extended server information.
rs [<server-id>] Remove server entries from server directory.

If you remove the entry of an active server, you will lose the ability to monitor this server process.

cl [<server-id>] Clean up server directory. This command pings the specified server. If the server does not respond, its entry will be removed from the directory.
ds Dump the content of the server directory.
lm List pending IPC messages.

Command Examples

Example: Ping a Server in Different Environments

Server in z/OS (started task or batch mode):

  • Execute NATMOPI in batch job:

    NATMOPI,PARM=('-sServerName -cPING')

    Sample job:

    //SAGMOPI  JOB  SAG,CLASS=K,MSGCLASS=X                       
    //NATEX EXEC PGM=NATMOPI,REGION=3000K,                       
    // PARM=('-Sname -CPING')                                  
    //* PARM=('-H')                                              
    //         DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CEE.SCEERUN                       
    //SYSPRINT DD   SYSOUT=X                                     

    Where XXX is the Natural SQL Gateway product code (NSB) and vr is the two-digit version number.

  • Execute NATMOPI in TSO (Command):

    NATMOPI -sServerName -cPING

    The NSB load library must be included in the steplib of TSO.

Further Command Examples:

natmopi -dls
List all servers registered in the directory in short format.
natmopi -dcl TST -ls TST
Clean up all servers with ID TST* (ping server and remove it, if it does not respond), and list all servers with ID TST* after cleanup.
natmopi -sSRV1 -cping -sSRV2 -sSRV3 -cterminate
Send command ping to SRV1. Send command terminate to SRV2 and SRV3.
natmopi -cterminate -sSRV1 -cping -sSRV2 -sSRV3
Is equivalent to the previous example. That is, NATMOPI sends the command following the -s option to the server. If no -c option follows the -s option, the first -c option from the command line will be used.
natmopi -sSRV1 -cterminate -a
Send command terminate to SRV1. If SRV1 is ambiguous in the server directory, send the command to all SRV1 servers without prompting for selection.

HTML Monitor Client

This Abschnitt covers the following topics:


The HTML Monitor Client is a monitor interface that supports any web browser as a user interface for monitoring the various types of servers that are provided in a mainframe Natural environment. Each of these servers has its own set of monitor details which are described in the corresponding server documentation. The HTML Monitor Client enables you to list all existing servers and to select a server for monitoring.

Prerequisites for HTML Monitor Client

To run the HTML Monitor Client, any server must host an HTTP Monitor Server. The HTTP Monitor Server is a subtask that can run in any Natural SQL Gateway server address space and is configured with the configuration parameter HTPMON_PORT and HTPMON_ADMIN_PSW. An HTTP Monitor Server is accessible through a TCP/IP port number and can monitor all servers running on the current node (for SMARTS: running within the current SMARTS). Although it is not necessary, you can run multiple HTTP Monitor Servers on one node. But each one needs an exclusive port number.

Server List

Open your web browser and connect the HTTP Monitor Server using the following url: http://nodename:port, where nodename is the name of the host on which the Natural SQL Gateway server hosting the monitor is running. And port is the port number the administrator has assigned as the monitor port in the configuration file.


NDV Server List

The server list consists of green and red entries. The red ones represent potentially dead server entries which can be deleted from the server directory by choosing the attached Remove button. The Remove button appears only for the red entries. "Potentially dead" means, that the HTTP Monitor Server "pinged" the server while assembling the server list, but the server did not answer within a 10 seconds timeout. Thus, even if you find a server entry marked red, it still might be active but could not respond to the ping. Choosing the Remove button does not terminate such a server but removes its reference in the monitor directory. Hence, it cannot be reached by the monitor anymore.

Choosing the Select button opens a window for monitoring the selected server.

Server Monitor


Monitor server NDVDEVxxx

With the buttons, you can perform the labeled monitor commands.

The selection box allows you to modify the server configuration parameters. If you select a parameter for modification, it has a predefined value. This predefined value does not reflect the setting of the server. It is just a sample value.

If you choose the ListSess button, a list of all Natural sessions appears in the window, for example:

Monitor server NDVDEVxxx

You can cancel sessions by selecting the session ID in the SessionId column and choosing the CancelSession button.