Component Browser

The Component Browser can be used to view ActiveX components which are available for developing NaturalX applications. It presents the information in a way that is especially useful to Natural application developers.

The Component Browser comprises the following features:

  • Available ActiveX components and their dispatch and dual interfaces are listed.

  • Data types are mapped to Natural data formats.

  • The external components' help files are directly accessible.

  • Natural programming examples are automatically generated.

  • Many programming errors can be prevented.

The Component Browser uses a split window. The left pane contains a tree view that represents the available external components, and the right pane contains the data view that provides information on a selected node item.

The Component Browser documentation describes the elements of the Component Browser window:

Tree View

At startup the Component Browser's tree view consists of four nodes that group the available external components:

  • All ActiveX Components

    This group lists ActiveX controls and Automation Objects.

  • ActiveX Controls

    This group lists only the ActiveX controls.

  • Automation Objects

    This group lists the Automation Objects.

  • Interfaces

    This group lists all dual and dispatch interfaces that can be addressed in a Natural application. In this context, their relation to an ActiveX component is not taken into account.

In general, a node in the tree view represents either an ActiveX component or an interface. It provides textual information on the node and has a specific icon assigned that represents additional information.

The following table lists all available nodes with their icons and gives a short description:

Type Icon Description

Group node.
ActiveX component ActiveX component.
Interface Interface of the current ActiveX component.
Default interface Default interface of the current ActiveX component.

By default, the ActiveX component nodes are inserted in alphabetical order of their external names. Interface nodes are always inserted in alphabetical order.

Start of instruction setTo sort ActiveX component nodes according to their ProgID

  • From the View menu, choose Show by ProgID.

Data View

The data view uses a property sheet to display the specific information for a selected node. This sheet consists of four tabbed pages:

  • General

    Components and interface specific information such as name, globally unique identifier (GUID) and help file name. It is always the active page if a new node is selected.

  • Properties

    Specific information on the properties offered by an interface. These are, for example, the property's name and type.

  • Events

    Specific information on a component's event interface. These are, for example, the event's name and parameters.

  • Methods

    Specific information on the methods and complex properties (that is, properties with parameters) offered by an interface. Displayed are, for example, the method's name, return type and parameters.

    These pages are discussed in more detail in the context of interaction between tree and data view.

Interaction Tree View and Data View

The contents of the data view depend on the node selected in the tree view.

If any of the group nodes All ActiveX Components, ActiveX Controls, Automation Objects or Interfaces is selected, the data view remains empty.

This section describes the tabbed pages that may be displayed in the data view.

ActiveX Component

If a component node is selected, all four tabbed pages are available. The page General provides the following information:

Name Component name
Description Short textual description.
Unique ID GUID.
ProgID ProgID.
Example Example Natural source code. See also Application Development Support.
Help Help file name. This file can be opened by choosing

If a component is selected and the page Properties, Events or Methods is activated, the information displayed on this page refers to the default interface.


If an interface node is selected, the number of available tabbed pages depends on the type of the interface.

  • If an interface is browsed in the context of a component and if it is an event interface, then only the pages General and Events are set.

  • Otherwise, the pages General, Properties and Methods are set.

Each page is described in the following section.


The page General provides the following information:

Name Interface name
Description Short textual description.
Unique ID GUID.
Help Help file name. This file can be opened by choosing


The page Properties provides the list of properties that belong to the selected interface. For a specific property, the following information is displayed:

Description Short textual description for the selected property.
Type Definition List of valid Natural data formats for the property's type. Additional type info on the selected Natural data format, e.g. valid values for enumeration types.
Example Example Natural source code. See also Application Development Support.
Help Help file name. This file can be opened by choosing


The page Methods provides the list of methods that belong to the selected interface. This list includes properties with parameters. For a specific method or complex property, the following information is displayed:

Description Short textual description for the selected method.
Return Type Definition

List of valid Natural data formats for the method's type.
Additional type information on a selected Natural data format, e.g. Name and GUID of the interface if a handle of object corresponds to a dispatch interface. This interface can then be found in group Interfaces.

Parameter Definition

List of parameters that are required by the method.
List of Natural data formats for each parameter together with additional info on the call mode (by ref). Additional type info on a selected Natural data format, e.g. Name and GUID of the interface if a handle of object corresponds to a dispatch interface. This interface can then be found in group Interfaces.

Example Example Natural source code. See also Application Development Support.
Help Help file name. This file can be opened by choosing


The page Events provides the list of events that belong to the selected event interface. For a specific event, the following information is displayed:

Description Short textual description for the selected event.
Parameter Definition

List of parameters that are required by the event.

List of valid data Natural data formats for each parameter together with additional info on the call mode (by ref). Additional type info on selected Natural data format, e.g. Name and GUID of the interface if a handle of object corresponds to a dispatch interface. This interface can then be found in group Interfaces.

Example Example Natural source code. See also Application Development Support.
Help Help file name. This file can be opened by choosing

Menu Bar

The following menus are available in the Component Browser window:

Menu Item Description
File EXIT Leaves the Component Browser.
Edit Copy

This item is enabled if the data view has the focus.
Copies the selected text to the clipboard.

Copy CLSID to Clipboard

This item is enabled if either the tree view or the data view has the focus.
Copies a component's CLSID to the clipboard.

Copy ProgID to Clipboard

This item is enabled if either the tree view or the data view has the focus.
Copies a component's ProgID to the clipboard.

Find Unique ID

This item is enabled if the tree view has the focus.
Searches for a Unique ID in the selected group of components.

View Show by ProgID

This item is enabled if the tree view has the focus.
By default, the tree view is sorted according to the component's external names. If this option is checked, it is sorted according to the component's ProgIDs. The currently displayed information is updated.

Show Current Version

This item is enabled if the tree view has the focus.
By default, the tree view shows all versions of a component.
If this option is checked, only the current version of a component is shown. The currently displayed information is updated.

Status Bar Shows or hides the status bar.

This item is enabled if the tree view has the focus.
Refreshes the tree view, that is, the information currently displayed is updated.

Help About Component Browser

This item is enabled if either the tree view or the data view has the focus.
Displays general information on the Component Browser such as Copyright and Version.

Application Development Support

The Example boxes in the pages of the data view provide detailed examples of Natural source code. These examples show how to use a selected object in a Natural application. Which statements are generated depends on the object's type.

The example source code or just parts of it can be selected, copied to the clipboard and used directly in an application. Only variable names might have to be adapted to meet the application's requirements.

Start of instruction setTo copy frequently used identifiers to the clipboard

  • From the Edit menu, choose Copy CLSID to Clipboard.

    From the Edit menu, choose Copy ProgID to Clipboard.

This section covers the following topics:

ActiveX Controls

For ActiveX controls, the appropriate PROCESS GUI statement is generated that shows how to use these components in Natural applications.

This section describes example source code shown on the pages provided for items contained in the ActiveX Controls node.


The example on the page General shows how an object of this type is instantiated. Here #OCX-1 denotes a variable that can be adapted to the current application.


The example on the page Properties shows how to assign a property to a variable and how to assign a variable to a property. Here #OCX-1 is the defined object handle and #aVariable refers to an application-specific variable. Both names can be adapted if required.


The example on the page Events shows how to query event parameters by name or by position. Here #OCX-1 is the defined object handle and #aVariable refers to an application-specific variable. Both names can be adapted if required.


The example on the page Methods shows how to use methods and properties with parameters. Here #OCX-1 is the defined object handle and #aVariable refers to an application-specific variable. Both names can be adapted if required. The actual parameter names are already inserted into the statement if they are available. Otherwise, default parameter names such as P0 and P1 are used as placeholders. These names can be replaced by application-specific variables.

Automation Objects

This section describes example source code shown on the pages provided for items contained in the Automation Objects node.


The example on the page General shows how an object of this type is instantiated. Here #aObject denotes a variable that can be adapted to the current application.


The example on the page Properties shows how to assign a property to a variable and how to assign a variable to a property. Here #aObject is the defined object handle and #aVariable refers to an application-specific variable. Both names can be adapted if required.


The example on the page Methods shows how to use methods. Here #aObject is the defined object handle and #aVariable refers to an application-specific variable. Both names can be adapted if required.

The actual parameter names are already inserted into the statement if they are available. Otherwise, default parameter names such as P0 and P1 are used as placeholders. These names can be replaced by application-specific variables.


For interfaces that belong to group Interfaces and that are not considered in the context of a class, the examples are generated as for Automation Objects. Only the CREATE OBJECT statement is left aside.

This section describes example source code shown on the pages provided for items contained in the Interfaces node.


The example on the page Properties shows how to assign a property to a variable and how to assign a variable to a property. Here #aObject is the defined object handle and #aVariable refers to an application-specific variable. Both names can be adapted if required.


The example on the page Methods shows how to use methods. Here #aObject is the defined object handle and #aVariable refers to an application-specific variable. Both names can be adapted if required.

The actual parameter names are already inserted into the statement if they are available. Otherwise, default parameter names such as P0 and P1 are used as placeholders. These names can be replaced by application-specific variables.