This document covers the following topics:

Natural Object Name



Requests the server identified by DDE-VIEW.CONV-ID to advise the client as soon as new data are available. If so, the client will only be advised of the new data. This will be specified in DDE-VIEW.ITEM. If the application wants the data, it will have to request the data.


Name/Data Type Explanation
1 DDE-VIEW Input/Output PDA for DDE subprograms.
2 SERVICE (A20) Service name.
2 TOPIC (A20) Topic name.
2 CONV-ID (I4) Conversation ID.
2 MESSAGE (A20) Message information.
2 ITEM (A20) Item of current conversation.
2 FORMAT (A20) Format of data to be sent.
2 TIMEOUT (I4) Time interval before the conversation is interrupted because there is no server message.
2 DATALEN (I2) Length of data.
2 DATA-ARRAY (A1/1:V)  
1 Max-Index (I2) Input Highest index of DATA-ARRAY; can be set to any I2 value.
1 Response (I4) Output Natural error (if applicable).